changeset 23:6396966cca25

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Thu, 16 Sep 2021 23:42:27 +0200 (2021-09-16)
parents 21f23164e7d5
children 49001fa5195c
files cv.sty cv.tex publications.bib
diffstat 3 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-) [+]
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-\lhead{\fontsize{9}{12}\sf Curriculum Vitae: \@name}
+\lhead{\fontsize{9}{12}\selectfont Curriculum Vitae: \@name}
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 % date format
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   {\color{thered}\Large\textbf{Curriculum Vitae}\\[0.5em]}%
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-  \begin{tabular}{rl}
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-  \vspace*{1em}
+  \end{tabular}}
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 \newcommand{\utn}{Universit\`{a} degli Studi di Trento}
 \name{Daniele Nicolodi}
-  National Institute of Standards and Technology \\
-  325 Broadway \\
-  Boulder, CO 80305, USA}
+  Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt\\
+  Bundesallee 100\\
+  Braunschweig, D-38116, Germany}
-  Phone:   & +1 303 497 6801 \\
-           & +1 720 416 7395 \\
-  Email:   & \mailto{}}
+  Phone:   & +49 531 5924315 \\
+           & +49 1520 7178926 \\
+  Email:   & \mailto{}\\
+  \raisebox{-0.3em}{\includegraphics[width=1.3em]{orcid.pdf}} & \orcid{0000-0003-1467-1756}}
@@ -27,22 +29,26 @@
 \item[2011 \enspace Ph.D. in Physics] \utn, Trento, Italy. Degree
-  obtained with grade Excellent -- highest honours. Dissertation:
-  <<Femto Newton level testing of free-fall on ground>>. Supervisor:
-  William Joseph Weber.
+  obtained with grade Excellent, highest honours. Dissertation:
+  \textit{``Femto Newton level testing of free-fall on
+    ground''}. Supervisor: William Joseph Weber.
 \item[2007 \enspace Master Degree in Physics] Laurea Magistrale, \utn,
-  Trento, Italy. Degree obtained with grade 110/110 cum laude -- highest
-  honours. Thesis: <<Toward a third generation torsion pendulum for
-  the femto-Newton level testing of free fall in the laboratory>>.
-\item[2004 \enspace Bachelor Degree in Applied Physics] Laurea, \utn, Trento,
-  Italy. Degree obtained with grade 110/110. Thesis:
-  <<Calibration system for the scintillators employed in the CRESST-II
-  dark matter research experiment>>.
+  Trento, Italy. Degree obtained with grade 110/110 cum laude, highest
+  honours. Thesis: \textit{``Toward a third generation torsion
+    pendulum for the femto-Newton level testing of free fall in the
+    laboratory''}. Supervisor: Stefano Vitale.
+\item[2004 \enspace Bachelor Degree in Applied Physics] Laurea, \utn,
+  Trento, Italy. Degree obtained with grade 110/110. Thesis:
+  \textit{``Calibration system for the scintillators employed in the
+    CRESST-II dark matter research experiment''}.
 \section{Relevant work experiences}
-\item[February 2016 - present] Post-doc fellow. Optical Frequency
+\item[September 2020 - present] Junior Group Leader.  Quantum Optics
+  and Unit of Length Department, Optics Division,
+  Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany.
+\item[February 2016 - August 2020] Research associate. Optical Frequency
   Measurements Group, Time and Frequency Division, National Institute of
   Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
 \item[May 2012 - December 2015] Post-doc fellow. Optical Frequency Metrology
@@ -50,33 +56,36 @@
 \item[November 2007 - April 2012] Research Assistant. Experimental
   Gravitation Laboratory, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
 \item[February 2010 - October 2011] Assistant Lecturer for the course
-  <<Fisica 1>> -- Newtonian physics for 1st year students -- at the
-  Faculty of Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
+  \textit{``Fisica 1''} -- Newtonian physics for 1st year students --
+  at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
 \item[February 2009 - October 2009] Assistant Lecturer for the course
-  <<Laboratorio di Fisica 1>> -- introductory physics laboratory for
-  1st year Physics students -- at the Faculty of Science, University
-  of Trento, Trento, Italy.
-\item[1999 - 2007] Freelance in the Information Technology field with
-  particular, but not limited to, experience in the design,
-  development and integration of custom GNU-Linux solutions, design
-  and development of desktop and web-based applications, network
-  protocol analysis and implementation.
+  \textit{``Laboratorio di Fisica 1''} -- introductory physics
+  laboratory for 1st year Physics students -- at the Faculty of
+  Science, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
+% \item[1999 - 2007] Freelance in the Information Technology field with
+%   particular, but not limited to, experience in the design,
+%   development and integration of custom GNU-Linux solutions, design
+%   and development of desktop and web-based applications, network
+%   protocol analysis and implementation.
-\section{Current research activity and interests}
+\section{Research activity and interests}
   frequency metrology \and ultra-stable lasers \and optical lattice
   clocks \and optical frequency combs \and low phase-noise photonic
   microwave generation \and laser frequency stabilization \and phase
-  noise characterization \and optical frequency transfer
+  noise characterization \and spectral purity transfer \and fiber and
+  free-space optical frequency transfer
-At NIST, I contribute to the Yb optical lattice clock experiments. I
-am working to improve the clocks frequency stability by developing a
-cryogenic sapphire high-finesse optical cavity for frequency
-stabilization of the clocks interrogation laser beyond the thermal
-noise limit of state-of-the-art room-temperature optical cavities.
+At NIST, I contribute to the Yb optical lattice clock experiments,
+currently the most accurate optical lattice clocks ever implemented. I
+lead the effort aimed at improving the clocks frequency stability by
+developing a cryogenic sapphire high-finesse optical cavity for
+frequency stabilization of the clocks interrogation laser beyond the
+thermal noise limit of state-of-the-art room-temperature optical
+cavities. I contribute to clocks systematic uncertainty evaluation.
 At SYRTE, I realized fiber-based optical frequency combs systems for
 optical frequency stability transfer with unprecedented frequency
@@ -86,7 +95,7 @@
 cross-spectrum analysis. I was responsible for the operation of the
 optical frequency combs involved in local optical and microwave clock
 comparisons, as well as in the long distance clock comparisons through
-optical fiber network.  I collaborated in the setup of the frequency
+optical fiber network. I collaborated in the setup of the frequency
 metrology chain involved in those experiments.
 \section{Previous research activity}
@@ -112,6 +121,14 @@
 interferometer with nanoradian sensitivity. I collaborated to the
 development of the LTPDA Matlab Toolbox.
+  \item[2019 \enspace PML Distinguished Associate Award, NIST] For
+    creating and networking the world's best optical atomic clocks for
+    a 100-fold improvement in precision timekeeping over state of the
+    art.
 \section{Skills and competences}
 I developed experiments that realized unprecedented performances. I
@@ -128,34 +145,36 @@
 ultra-stable lasers, high-finesse optical cavities, free-space and
 fiber optical systems, very low noise audio-frequency,
 radio-frequency, and microwave electronics, software-defined radios,
-ultra-high vacuum systems, precision mechanics, data acquisition
-hardware and software, computer controlled experiments.
+ultra-high vacuum systems, cryogenics and close-cycle cryostats,
+precision mechanics, data acquisition hardware and software, computer
+controlled experiments.
 I developed data analysis methods and numerical simulations. I am
-proficient programming in C, C\texttt{++}, Python, Perl, Matlab, and
-LabView, with specific experience in scientific computing and data
-analysis.  I have designed and realized real-time data acquisition and
-processing, and I have knowledge of real-time programming techniques.
-I master and routinely take advantage of modern software development
-techniques and version control systems.  I'm passionate about Free
-Software and I contribute to several Free Software projects.  I have
-experience in system administration of GNU-Linux systems and I'm
-comfortable working in Unix, Mac~OS~X, and Microsoft Windows computing
-environments. I have good knowledge of the LaTeX typesetting system.
+proficient programming in C, C\texttt{++}, Python, Perl, Matlab,
+LabVIEW, and Lisp, with specific experience in scientific computing
+and data analysis.  I have designed and realized real-time data
+acquisition and processing, and I have knowledge of real-time
+programming techniques.  I master and routinely take advantage of
+modern software development techniques and version control systems.
+I'm passionate about Free Software and I contribute to several Free
+Software projects.  I have experience in system administration of
+GNU-Linux systems and I'm comfortable working in Unix, macOS, and
+Microsoft Windows computing environments. I have good knowledge of the
+LaTeX typesetting system.
-\section{Other relevant experiences}
-\item[February - August 2018:]
-  Mentor for the Google Summer of Code program for the Debian organization.
-\item[October 4th-8th 2010:]
-  Advanced Scientific Programming in Python Autumn School, Trento, Italy.
-\item[May 5th-9th 2008:]
-  3rd VESF School on Gravitational Waves Summer School, Virgo, Cascina, Italy.
-\item[August 2005 - July 2006:]
-  Erasmus student at the Lunds Universitet, Lund, Sweden.
-\item[April - June 2005:]
-  Visiting student at the T\"{u}binghen Universit\"{a}t, T\"{u}binghen, Germany.
+% \section{Other relevant experiences}
+% \begin{description}[style=sameline]
+% \item[February - August 2018:]
+%   Mentor for the Google Summer of Code program for the Debian organization.
+% \item[October 4th-8th 2010:]
+%   Advanced Scientific Programming in Python Autumn School, Trento, Italy.
+% \item[May 5th-9th 2008:]
+%   3rd VESF School on Gravitational Waves Summer School, Virgo, Cascina, Italy.
+% \item[August 2005 - July 2006:]
+%   Erasmus student at the Lunds Universitet, Lund, Sweden.
+% \item[April - June 2005:]
+%   Visiting student at the T\"{u}binghen Universit\"{a}t, T\"{u}binghen, Germany.
+% \end{description}
@@ -169,11 +188,10 @@
 % publications
-I published 29 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, such
-as Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters,
-Classical and Quantum Gravity.  I collected 741 citations, and my H
-index is 18 (Web of Science, August 2018).  I gave 1 invited and 7
-more talks at international conferences.
+35 articles in peer-reviewed international journals: Nature, Science,
+Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters, Classical and Quantum
+Gravity. Cited 1280 times. H index 21.  Two invited and 8 more talks at
+international conferences.
@@ -181,6 +199,14 @@
 \newcommand{\litem}[1]{\item{\it #1.}}
+\litem{Optical clock frequency ratios at the 18th decimal place}
+  Talk. EFTF: European Time and Frequency Forum, Noordwijk, The
+  Netherlands. April 21-23, \textbf{2020}.
+\litem{Toward optical lattice clocks at the $\mathit{10^{-19}}$ level}
+  Invited talk. IFCS-EFTF Conference, Oralndo, Florida, USA. April
+  14-18, \textbf{2019}.
 \litem{Cryogenic high-finesse optical cavity to improve the stability
   of Yb optical lattice clocks} Talk. 2018 IEEE International
   Frequency Control Symposium, Olympic Valley, California, USA. May
@@ -195,13 +221,13 @@
   and characterization} Talk. IEEE International Frequency Control
   Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. May 9-12, \textbf{2016}.
-\litem{Phase noise measurements} Lecture. 2015 ITN-FACT Workshop,
-  LNE-SYRTE -- Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France. September 8-10,
-  \textbf{2015}.
+% \litem{Phase noise measurements} Lecture. 2015 ITN-FACT Workshop,
+%   LNE-SYRTE -- Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France. September 8-10,
+%   \textbf{2015}.
-\litem{Software in physics experiments} Lecture. 2015 ITN-FACT
-  Workshop, LNE-SYRTE -- Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France. September
-  8-10, \textbf{2015}.
+% \litem{Software in physics experiments} Lecture. 2015 ITN-FACT
+%   Workshop, LNE-SYRTE -- Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France. September
+%   8-10, \textbf{2015}.
 \litem{Automatic control of amplitude-to-phase conversion in
   photo-detection of femto-second pulses for low phase-noise microwave
@@ -259,7 +285,6 @@
   on Gravitational Waves, Sydney, Australia. July 8-14, \textbf{2007}.
-\centering\fontsize{9}{12}\sf Updated \today.
+\vfill{\fontsize{9}{12}\selectfont Last updated \today}
--- a/publications.bib	Fri Jul 26 16:42:55 2019 -0600
+++ b/publications.bib	Thu Sep 16 23:42:27 2021 +0200
@@ -1,16 +1,36 @@
+  title = {Towards the optical second: verifying optical clocks at the SI limit},
+  journal = {Optica},
+  year = {2019},
+  volume = {6},
+  number = {4},
+  pages = {448},
+  doi = {10.1364/optica.6.000448},
+  title = {Atomic clock performance enabling geodesy below the centimetre level},
+  journal = {Nature},
+  year = {2018},
+  volume = {564},
+  number = {7734},
+  pages = {87-90},
+  doi = {10.1038/s41586-018-0738-2},
-  TITLE = {Faraday-Shielded dc Stark-Shift-Free Optical Lattice Clock},
+  TITLE = {Faraday-shielded dc Stark-shift-free optical lattice clock},
   JOURNAL = {Physical Review Letters},
   VOLUME = 120,
   ISSUE = 18,
   PAGES = 183201,
   NUMPAGES = 5,
   YEAR = 2018,
-  DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.253001},
+  DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.183201},
-  TITLE = {Hyperpolarizability and Operational Magic Wavelength in an Optical Lattice Clock},
+  TITLE = {Hyperpolarizability and operational magic wavelength in an optical lattice clock},
   JOURNAL = {Physical Review Letters},
   VOLUME = 119,
   ISSUE = 25,
@@ -138,25 +158,26 @@
   keywords = {mine},
-  TITLE = {The Gravitational Universe},
-  YEAR = {\bf 2013},
-  URL = {},
+  title = {The Gravitational Universe},
+  pubstate = {Proposal submitted for ESA's Cosmic Vision program L2 and L3 missions selection. Accepted as ESA's L3 mission},
+  date = {2013},
+  url = {},
   keywords = {other},
-  TITLE = {Ultra-stable long distance optical frequency distribution
-    using the Internet fiber network and application to high-precision
-    molecular spectroscopy},
-  JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
-  VOLUME = {467},
-  ISSUE = {1},
-  PAGES = {012002},
-  YEAR = {2013},
-  MONTH = {12},
-  DOI = {10.1088/1742-6596/467/1/012002},
+% @article{jpcs-467-2013,
+% TITLE = {Ultra-stable long distance optical frequency distribution
+%    using the Internet fiber network and application to high-precision
+%    molecular spectroscopy},
+%  JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
+%  VOLUME = {467},
+%  ISSUE = {1},
+%  PAGES = {012002},
+%  YEAR = {2013},
+%  MONTH = {12},
+%  DOI = {10.1088/1742-6596/467/1/012002},
+% }
   TITLE = {Mid-infrared laser phase-locking to a remote near-infrared
@@ -256,15 +277,15 @@
   keywords = {mine},
-  TITLE = {Ground testing, with a four mass torsion pendulum
-    facility, of an optical-read-out for the LISA gravitational reference sensor},
-  JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
-  YEAR = {2009},
-  VOLUME = {154},
-  PAGES = {012012},
-  DOI = {10.1088/1742-6596/154/1/012012},
+% @article{jpc-154-012012-2009,
+%  TITLE = {Ground testing, with a four mass torsion pendulum
+%    facility, of an optical-read-out for the LISA gravitational reference sensor},
+%  JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
+%  YEAR = {2009},
+%  VOLUME = {154},
+%  PAGES = {012012},
+%  DOI = {10.1088/1742-6596/154/1/012012},
+% }
   TITLE = {LISA pathfinder: the experiment and the route to LISA},
@@ -317,3 +338,63 @@
   DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/26/9/094017},
   keywords = {mine},
+  title = {Progress on optical-clock-based time scale at NIST: Simulations and preliminary real-data analysis},
+  journal = {Navigation},
+  year = {2018},
+  volume = {65},
+  number = {4},
+  pages = {601-608},
+  doi = {10.1002/navi.248},
+  title = {New bounds on dark matter coupling from a global network of optical atomic clocks},
+  journal = {Science Advances},
+  year = {2018},
+  volume = {4},
+  number = {12},
+  pages = {eaau4869},
+  doi = {10.1126/sciadv.aau4869},
+  title = {Modeling motional energy spectra and lattice light shifts in optical lattice clocks},
+  journal = {Physical Review A},
+  year = {2020},
+  volume = {101},
+  number = {5},
+  pages = {053416},
+  doi = {10.1103/physreva.101.053416},
+  title = {Coherent optical clock down-conversion for microwave frequencies with $\mathit{10^{-18}}$ instability},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2020},
+  volume = {368},
+  number = {6493},
+  pages = {889-892},
+  doi = {10.1126/science.abb2473},
+  title = {Optical-clock-based time scale},
+  journal = {Physical Review Applied},
+  year = {2019},
+  volume = {12},
+  number = {4},
+  pages = {044069},
+  doi = {10.1103/physrevapplied.12.044069},
+  title = {Measurements of $^{27}$Al$^+$ and $^{25}$Mg$^+$ magnetic constants for improved ion-clock accuracy},
+  journal = {Physical Review A},
+  year = {2019},
+  volume = {100},
+  number = {1},
+  pages = {013409},
+  doi = {10.1103/physreva.100.013409},