changeset 0:7102bd9bd8b9

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Tue, 13 Sep 2011 12:01:49 +0200 (2011-09-13)
children a44fcb927d9d a712a3c5b33e
files .hgignore cv.sty cv.tex makefile publications.bib
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+\newcommand{\utn}{Universit\`{a} degli Studi di Trento}
+\name{Daniele Nicolodi}
+  Department of Physics - University of Trento \\
+  Via Sommarive 14 Povo \\
+  38123 Trento Italy}
+  Phone:   & 00 39 0461 283816 \\ 
+           & 00 39 347 9586081 \\
+  Email:   & \mailto{}}
+\item[2011 \enspace Ph.D. in Physics] \utn, Trento, Italy. Degree
+  obtained with grade Excellent -- highest honours. Dissertation:
+  <<Femto Newton level testing of free fall on ground>>. Supervisor:
+  William Joseph Weber.
+\item[2007 \enspace Master Degree in Physics] Laurea Magistrale, \utn,
+  Trento, Italy. Degree obtained with grade 110/110 cum laude -- highest
+  honours. Thesis: <<Toward a third generation torsion pendulum for
+  the femto-Newton level testing of free fall in the laboratory>>.
+\item[2004 \enspace Bachelor Degree in Applied Physics] Laurea, \utn, Trento,
+  Italy. Degree obtained with grade 110/110. Thesis:
+  <<Calibration system for the scintillators employed in the CRESST-II
+  dark matter research experiment>>.
+\section{Relevant work experiences}
+\item[November 2007 - present] Research Assistant. Experimental
+  Gravitation Laboratory, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
+\item[February 2010 - October 2011] Assistant Lecturer for the course
+  <<Fisica 1>> -- Newtonian physics for 1st year students -- at the
+  Faculty of Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
+\item[February 2009 - October 2009] Assistant Lecturer for the course
+  <<Laboratorio di Fisica 1>> -- introductory physics laboratory for
+  1st year Physics students -- at the Faculty of Science, University
+  of Trento, Trento, Italy.
+\item[1999 - 2007] Freelance in the Information Technology field with
+  particular, but not limited to, experience in the design,
+  development and integration of custom GNU-Linux solutions, design
+  and development of desktop and web-based applications, network
+  protocol analysis and implementation.
+\section{Current research activity and interests}
+  High precision metrology \and High sensitivity torsion pendulums
+  \and Sources of force noise on geodesic reference macroscopic test
+  masses \and Dissipation mechanisms in mechanical experiments \and
+  Optical interferometry
+My research focuses on the limits for achieving near perfect free-fall
+of macroscopic test masses for the observation of gravitational
+waves. In particular my work concerns exploiting the femto-Newton
+level sensitivity of a torsion pendulum for the on-ground measurement
+of small force disturbances on the test masses of the Laser
+Interferometer Space Antenna -- LISA -- space low-frequency
+gravitational wave detector, including the development of data
+analysis routines for the extraction of stochastic and coherent small
+force signals.  Concurrently my work also aims at improving the
+sensitivity of the torsion pendulum apparatus itself, pushing the
+current limits for small force metrology. Currently my efforts are
+directed mainly toward the realization of a low noise torsion pendulum
+angular position read-out based on an heterodyne wavefront-sensing
+interferometer with nanoradian sensitivity. I collaborate to the
+development of the LTPDA Matlab Toolbox for the LISA Pathfinder data
+analysis, with particular attention to the relational database data
+storage component.
+\section{Skills and competences}
+I have experience in designing and analyzing experiments and
+measurement techniques, with the particular attention to detail and
+sources of uncertainty required in high precision measurements. I have
+experience with the design, setup and operation of precise mechanical
+apparatuses, low noise electronics, high precision optical systems,
+data acquisition hardware and software, computer controlled
+experiments, and high vacuum systems, as well as with the development
+of data analysis methods and numerical simulations.
+I'm fluent programming in C, C\texttt{++}, Python, Perl, Matlab, and
+LabView, with specific experience in scientific computing and data
+analysis.  I have experience in real-time data acquisition and
+processing, and I have knowledge of the basic techniques for real-time
+programming.  I master and routinely take advantage of version control
+systems.  I'm passionate about Free Software and I contribute to
+several Free Software projects.  I have experience in system
+administration of GNU-Linux systems and I'm comfortable working in
+Unix and Microsoft Windows computing environments. I have good
+knowledge of the LaTeX typesetting system.
+\section{Other relevant experiences}
+\item[October 4th - 8th 2010]
+  Advanced Scientific Programming in Python Autumn School, Trento, Italy.
+\item[May 5th - 9th 2008]
+  3rd VESF School on Gravitational Waves Summer School, Virgo, Cascina, Italy.
+\item[August 2005 - July 2006]
+  Erasmus student at the Lunds Universitet, Lund, Sweden.
+\item[April 2005 - June 2005]
+  Visiting student at the Physics department of the
+  T\"{u}binghen Universit\"{a}t, T\"{u}binghen, Germany.
+%  mother tongue.
+%  good spoken and written.
+% publications
+\section{Conference contributions}
+\newcommand{\litem}[1]{\item{\it #1.}} 
+\litem{Brownian force noise from residual gas damping and the
+  sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave observatories} Talk.
+  9th Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Cardiff, Wales, UK,
+  July 10-15, \textbf{2011}.
+\litem{Femto-Newton level testing of free-fall on-ground} Solicited
+  talk. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany, July 18-25,
+  \textbf{2010}.
+\litem{Experimental investigation of GRS force disturbance sources}
+  Talk.  8th LISA Symposium, Stanford University, California USA, June
+  28 - July 2, \textbf{2010}.
+\litem{Improving torsion pendulum force sensitivity with LISA
+  Pathfinder like interferometric angular read-out} Poster. 8th LISA
+  Symposium, Stanford University, California USA, June 28 - July 02,
+  \textbf{2010}.
+\litem{Increased Brownian force noise from molecular impacts in a
+  constrained volume} Talk.  From Quantum to Cosmos 4 - Q2C4, Bremen,
+  Germany, September 21-24, \textbf{2009}.
+\litem{Gas damping in the LISA noise budget} Poster. 8th Edoardo
+  Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, New York, USA, June 21-26,
+  \textbf{2009}.
+\litem{An improved torsion pendulum for on-ground verification of the
+  LISA gravitational reference sensor} Poster. 7th LISA Symposium,
+  Barcelona, June 16-20, \textbf{2008}.
+\litem{Characterization of the LISA gravitational reference sensor with
+  an upgraded torsion pendulum} Poster. 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conference
+  on Gravitational Waves, Sydney, Australia, July 8-14, \textbf{2007}.
+\centering\footnotesize Last updated: \today.
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+  physrevd-84-063007-2011,
+  TITLE = {Brownian force noise from molecular collisions and the sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave observatories},
+  YEAR = {2011},
+  PAGES = {063007},
+  JOURNAL = {Physical Review D},
+  VOLUME = {84},
+  DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevD.84.063007},
+  ISSUE = {6}
+  cqg-28-094001-2011,
+  TITLE = {LISA Pathfinder: mission and status},
+  JOURNAL = {Classical and Quantum Gravity},
+  YEAR = {2011},
+  VOLUME = {28},
+  PAGES = {094001},
+  NUMBER = {9},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/28/9/094001},
+  cqg-28-094002-2011,
+  TITLE = {From laboratory experiments to LISA Pathfinder: achieving LISA geodesic motion},
+  JOURNAL = {Classical and Quantum Gravity},
+  YEAR = {2011},
+  VOLUME = {28},
+  PAGES = {094002},
+  NUMBER = {9},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/28/9/094002},
+  cqg-28-094003-2011,
+  TITLE = {The LISA Pathfinder interferometry-hardware and system testing},
+  JOURNAL = {Classical and Quantum Gravity},
+  YEAR = {2011},
+  VOLUME = {28},
+  PAGES = {094003},
+  NUMBER = {9},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/28/9/094003},
+  cqg-28-094006-2011,
+  TITLE = {LISA Pathfinder data analysis},
+  JOURNAL = {Classical and Quantum Gravity},
+  YEAR = {2011},
+  VOLUME = {28},
+  PAGES = {094006},
+  NUMBER = {9},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/28/9/094006},
+  phis-lett-a-2010,
+  TITLE = "{Gas damping force noise on a macroscopic test body in an infinite gas reservoir}",
+  JOURNAL = "{Physics Letters A}",
+  YEAR = {2010},
+  VOLUME = {374},
+  NUMBDER = {34},
+  PAGES = {3365--3369},
+  DOI = {10.1016/j.physleta.2010.06.041},
+  prl-2009,
+  TITLE = "{Increased Brownian force noise from molecular impacts in a constrained volume}",
+  JOURNAL = "{Physical Review Letters}",
+  YEAR = {2009}, 
+  VOLUME = {103},
+  NUMBER = {14}, 
+  PAGES = {140601},
+  DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.140601},
+  jpc-154-012012-2009,
+  TITLE = "{Ground testing, with a four mass torsion pendulum facility, of an optical-read-out for the LISA gravitational reference sensor}",
+  JOURNAL = "{Journal of Physics: Conference Series}",
+  YEAR = {2009},
+  VOLUME = {154},
+  PAGES = {012012},
+  DOI = {doi:10.1088/1742-6596/154/1/012012},
+  cqg-26-094001-2009,
+  TITLE = "{LISA pathfinder: the experiment and the route to LISA}",
+  JOURNAL = "{Classical and Quantum Gravity}",
+  YEAR = {2009}, 
+  VOLUME = {26},
+  NUMBER = {9}, 
+  PAGES = {094001},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/26/9/094001},
+  cqg-26-094003-2009,
+  TITLE = "{Data analysis for the LISA technology package}",
+  JOURNAL = "{Classical and Quantum Gravity}",
+  YEAR = {2009},
+  VOLUME = {26},
+  NUMBER = {9}, 
+  PAGES = {094003},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/26/9/094003},
+  cqg-26-0940004-2009,
+  TITLE = "{The first mock data challenge for LISA Pathfinder}",
+  JOURNAL = "{Classical and Quantum Gravity}",
+  YEAR = {2009},
+  VOLUME = {26},
+  NUMBER = {9}, 
+  PAGES = {094004},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/26/9/094004},
+  cqg-26-094012-2009,
+  TITLE = "{Direct force measurements for testing the LISA Pathfinder gravitational reference sensor}",
+  JOURNAL = "{Classical and Quantum Gravity}",
+  YEAR = {2009},
+  VOLUME = {26},
+  NUMBER = {9}, 
+  PAGES = {094012},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/26/9/094012},
+  cqg-26-094017-2009,
+  TITLE = "{A new torsion pendulum for testing the limits of free-fall for LISA test masses}",
+  JOURNAL = "{Classical and Quantum Gravity}",
+  YEAR = {2009},
+  VOLUME = {26},
+  NUMBER = {9},
+  PAGES = {094017},
+  DOI = {10.1088/0264-9381/26/9/094017},