changeset 7:f916ec9d8dcb

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Mon, 06 Jul 2015 12:24:19 +0200 (2015-07-06)
parents cbd926c3093e
children 589675cb62c8
files cv.tex
diffstat 1 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/cv.tex	Mon Jul 06 12:24:06 2015 +0200
+++ b/cv.tex	Mon Jul 06 12:24:19 2015 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+% \usepackage{parskip}
 \newcommand{\utn}{Universit\`{a} degli Studi di Trento}
@@ -10,8 +12,8 @@
   61 Avenue de l'Observatoire \\
   75014, Paris, France}
-  Phone:   & 00 33 140 512074 \\ 
-           & 00 33 674 792943 \\
+  Phone:   & +33 140 512074 \\ 
+           & +33 674 792943 \\
   Email:   & \mailto{}}
@@ -37,8 +39,8 @@
 \section{Relevant work experiences}
-\item[May 2012 - present] Post-doc fellow. Optical Frequency
-  Group, SYRTE - Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France.
+\item[May 2012 - present] Post-doc fellow. Optical Frequency Metrology
+  Group, SYRTE -- Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France.
 \item[November 2007 - April 2012] Research Assistant. Experimental
   Gravitation Laboratory, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
 \item[February 2010 - October 2011] Assistant Lecturer for the course
@@ -57,27 +59,37 @@
 \section{Current research activity and interests}
-  High precision frequency metrology \and Ultra-stable lasers \and
-  Optical frequency combs \and Low-noise photonic microwave generation
-  \and Optical clocks
+  High precision frequency metrology \and Optical frequency combs \and
+  Low phase-noise photonic microwave generation \and Ultra-stable
+  lasers \and Laser frequency stabilization techniques \and Optical
+  clocks
-My current research activity focuses on the exploitation fiber-based
-optical frequency combs systems for the transfer of frequency
-stability from ultra-stable lasers to different wavelengths in the
-optical domain or to the microwave domain.  In the optical domain, my
-work aims at improving the state-of-the-art optical frequency
-stability transfer solutions to make them suitable for transferring
-frequency stability exceeding the thermal noise limit of high-finesse
-optical cavities.  In the microwave domain, my work aims at developing
-solutions for microwaves generation with short-term frequency
-stability beyond the one of state-of-the-art cryogenic
-oscillators. Those research topic have direct application to the
-operation and development of atomic and optical frequency clocks at
+My research activity focuses on the exploitation fiber-based optical
+frequency combs systems for the transfer of the frequency stability of
+ultra-stable lasers to other wavelengths in the optical domain and to
+the microwave domain.  Amnong other applications, the aim is to
+generate high stability optical and microwave signals to probe the
+atomic fountan clocks and the optical lattice clocks at SYRTE.
-\section{Previous relevant research activity}
+In the optical domain we recently realized and an optical frequency
+stability transfer scheme based on an optical frequency comb capable
+of transferring frequency stability exceeding the thermal noise limit
+of state-of-the-art high-finesse optical cavities.  In the microwave
+domain the solution implemented in my laboraotry is already capable to
+compete with the stability of state-of-the-art cryogenic sapphire
+oscillators.  My research aims at further improving the phase noise of
+the generated microwave signal by exploring new optical frequency comb
+and photo-detection technologies.
+I am also responsible for the operation of the femtosecond combs for
+the characterization the ultra-stable laser developed at SYRTE and for
+the comparison of the different optical and microwave clocks operated
+at SYRTE with stability and accuracy not limited by the stability of
+the optical frequency comb setup.
+\section{Previous research activity}
   High precision force metrology \and High sensitivity torsion
   pendulums \and Sources of force noise on geodesic reference
@@ -91,24 +103,26 @@
 observation of gravitational waves. In particular, I contributed to
 the on-ground measurement of small force disturbances on the test
 masses of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna space low-frequency
-gravitational wave detector -- LISA -- and its precoursor mission LISA
+gravitational wave detector -- LISA -- and its precursor mission LISA
 Pathfinder, exploiting the femto-Newton level sensitivity of a torsion
-pendulum. My work work included the experimental activity, the
-development of data analysis routines for the extraction of stochastic
-and coherent small force signals, and, concurrently it also aimed at
-improving the sensitivity of the torsion pendulum apparatus itself,
-pushing the current limits for small force metrology.  I lead the
-initial effort for the realization of a low-noise torsion pendulum
-angular position read-out based on an heterodyne wavefront-sensing
-interferometer with nanoradian sensitivity, applying some of the LISA
-Pathfinder interferometer techniques. I collaborated to the
-development of the LTPDA Matlab Toolbox for the LISA Pathfinder data
-analysis, with particular attention to the relational database data
-storage component.
+My work work included the experimental activity, the development of
+data analysis routines for the extraction of stochastic and coherent
+small force signals, and, concurrently it also aimed at improving the
+sensitivity of the torsion pendulum apparatus itself, pushing the
+current limits for small force metrology.  I lead the initial effort
+for the realisation of a low-noise torsion pendulum angular position
+read-out based on an heterodyne wavefront-sensing interferometer with
+nanoradian sensitivity, applying some of the LISA Pathfinder
+interferometer techniques. I collaborated to the development of the
+LTPDA Matlab Toolbox for the LISA Pathfinder data analysis, with
+particular attention to the relational database data storage
 \section{Skills and competences}
-I have experience in designing and analyzing experiments and
+I have experience in designing and analysing experiments and
 measurement techniques, with the particular attention to detail and
 sources of uncertainty required in high precision measurements. I have
 experience with the design, setup and operation of precise mechanical
@@ -118,19 +132,19 @@
 of data analysis methods and numerical simulations. More recently I
 acquired competences in the operation of fiber-based optical frequency
 combs, ultra-stable laser stabilised on high-finesse optical cavities,
-frequency and phase noise characterisation, and radio-frequency
+frequency and phase noise characterization, radio-frequency and
+microwave electronics, and software-defined radio.
-I'm fluent programming in C, C\texttt{++}, Python, Perl, Matlab, and
-LabView, with specific experience in scientific computing and data
+I am proficient programming in C, C\texttt{++}, Python, Perl, Matlab,
+and LabView, with specific experience in scientific computing and data
 analysis.  I have experience in real-time data acquisition and
-processing, and I have knowledge of the basic techniques for real-time
-programming.  I master and routinely take advantage of version control
-systems.  I'm passionate about Free Software and I contribute to
-several Free Software projects.  I have experience in system
-administration of GNU-Linux systems and I'm comfortable working in
-Unix and Microsoft Windows computing environments. I have good
-knowledge of the LaTeX typesetting system.
+processing, and I have knowledge of real-time programming techniques.
+I master and routinely take advantage of modern software development
+techniques and version control systems.  I'm passionate about Free
+Software and I contribute to several Free Software projects.  I have
+experience in system administration of GNU-Linux systems and I'm
+comfortable working in Unix, Mac~OS~X, and Microsoft Windows computing
+environments. I have good knowledge of the LaTeX typesetting system.
 \section{Other relevant experiences}
@@ -160,6 +174,27 @@
 \newcommand{\litem}[1]{\item{\it #1.}} 
+\litem{Automatic control of amplitude-to-phase conversion in
+  photo-detection of femto-second pulses for low phase-noise microwave
+  generation} Poster. IFCS-EFTF Conference, Denver, Colorado, April
+  12-16, \textbf{2015}.
+\litem{Optical and microwave frequency synthesis with optical frequency
+  combs} Invited seminar. Sao Paulo University, Sao Carlos, Brazil,
+  September 2, \textbf{2014}.
+\litem{Spectral purity transfer between optical wavelengths at the
+  $\mathit{10^{-18}}$ level} Talk. CPEM 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
+  August 24-29, \textbf{2014}.
+\litem{Spectral purity transfer between optical wavelengths at the
+  $\mathit{10^{-18}}$ level} Talk. French-Russian-German Laser
+  Symposium 2013, Besançon, France, November 4-7, \textbf{2013}.
+\litem{Spectral purity transfer between optical wavelengths at the
+    $\mathit{10^{-18}}$ level} Talk. Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium,
+  Prague, Czech Republic, July 21-25, \textbf{2013}.
 \litem{Brownian force noise from residual gas damping and the
   sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave observatories} Talk.
   9th Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Cardiff, Wales, UK,
@@ -196,6 +231,6 @@
-\centering\footnotesize Last updated: \today.
+\centering\footnotesize Updated \today.