Mercurial > hg > fxanalyse
view FXAnalyse.c @ 14:783407954cdf
Minor code cleanup
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Mon, 16 Jul 2012 13:15:30 +0200 |
parents | 239f2fe67cc0 |
children | 9cadd12e7722 |
line wrap: on
line source
#include <utility.h> #include <ansi_c.h> #include <cvirte.h> #include <userint.h> #include <formatio.h> #include <string.h> #include "YLCStuff.h" #include "FXAnalyse.h" #include "Plot.h" #include "Allan.h" #include "DDSBes.h" #include "DDS4xAD9912.h" #include "DDS_Fox.h" #include "muParserDLL.h" #define FXLINELENGTH 123 #define DDSBESCLOCK (200.e6) // 200MHz de clock pour la DDS de Besancon... #define LOGFILEPATH "C:\\Femto\\Software\\FXQE80" #define FREP_NORMAL_FORMULA "(0-15M+DDS-Ch1/200)/12+2M/3" #define NUOL_NORMAL_FORMULA "(N*250M-194400G)+N*Math1-8*DDS1" #define NUHG_NORMAL_FORMULA "(N*250M-282143G)+N*Math1-(DDS1-Ch2)" #define NUSR_NORMAL_FORMULA "(N*250M-429228G)+N*Math1+(DDS2-Ch3)" #define NU813_NORMAL_FORMULA "(N*766M-368554G)+N*Math1+000.000M" #define NU1064_NORMAL_FORMULA "(N*766M-281630G)+(DDS_1064-Ch4)" #define FACTORDDSBES 36*(8/770000) //============================================================================== // Static global variables /* multi threading stuff */ // to be used when I will replace timer by thread for counder readout //static int ghPool; //static volatile int vgExiting = 0; /* panel handling stuff */ static PanelHandle MainPanel ; static PanelHandle CalcN1Panel ; static PanelHandle CalcN2Panel ; static PanelHandle CalcN3Panel ; //============================================================================== // Static functions //static int CVICALLBACK ReadCounterThread(void *functionData); // to be used when I will replace timer by thread for counder readout //============================================================================== // Global variables char * LogFileName ; char ExtraMathFileName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN] ; double utc = 0 ; double mjd =0 ; double Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4 ; // le type long double est identique au double (8 octets) sous CVI !!! double Math1, Math2, Math3, Math4, Math5; // N est en fait un entier en pratique... double N1, N2, N3,N4 ; Plot_Data PlotCh1, PlotCh2, PlotCh3, PlotCh4, PlotMath1, PlotMath2, PlotMath3, PlotMath4, PlotMath5 ; Allan_Data AllanCh1, AllanCh2, AllanCh3, AllanCh4, AllanMath1, AllanMath2, AllanMath3, AllanMath4, AllanMath5 ; DDSBes_Data DDSBes ; DDS4xAD9912_Data DDS4xAD9912 ; muParserHandle_t MathParser1, MathParser2, MathParser3, MathParser4, MathParser5 ; volatile bool Acquiring = FALSE ; long OldLogFilePtr = 0 ; double NuOpt=0.0; double Ndiv=8.0; /////////////////// //Pour les calculs des N volatile bool Measuring_1 = FALSE,Step1_1 = FALSE,Step2_1 = FALSE,Step3_1 = FALSE, Measuring_2 = FALSE,Step1_2 = FALSE,Step2_2 = FALSE,Step3_2 = FALSE; volatile bool Measuring_3 = FALSE,Step1_3 = FALSE,Step2_3 = FALSE,Step3_3 = FALSE; volatile bool TimetoBegin=FALSE; double FrequDDS1=110000000.0,FrequDDS2=15300000.0,FrequDDS3=150400000.000000; double Slope_1=0.0,Slope_2=0.0,Slope_3=0.0,Beatslope_2=0.0; double SlopeTime1=60.0,SlopeTime2=60.0; double N_1=0.0,N_2=0.0,N_3=0.0; double DeltaT_1=8.0,DeltakHz_1=1800.0,t1_1=0.0,t2_1=0.0,t3_1=0.0, Frepplus_1=0.0, Frepminus_1=0.0; double DeltaT_2=8.0,DeltakHz_2=1500.0,t1_2=0.0,t2_2=0.0,t3_2=0.0, Frepplus_2=0.0, Frepminus_2=0.0; double DeltaT_3=20.0,DeltakHz_3=100.0,t1_3=0.0,t2_3=0.0,t3_3=0.0, Frepplus_3=0.0, Frepminus_3=0.0; int DeltaTMoy_1=3,n_1=0,DeltaTMoy_2=3,n_2=0,DeltaTMoy_3=3,n_3=0; double Tmoy_1_1=0.0,Tmoy_2_1=0.0,Tmoy_1_2=0.0,Tmoy_2_2=0.0,Tmoy_1_3=0.0,Tmoy_2_3=0.0; double Frequ_slope_1=0.0,Moy_slope_1=0.0,Slope_slope_1=0.0,Frequ_slope_2=0.0,Moy_slope_2=0.0,Slope_slope_2=0.0,Frequ_slope_3=0.0,Moy_slope_3=0.0,Slope_slope_3=0.0; int N_slope_1=0,N_slope_2=0,N_slope_3=0; double Beat_slope_2=0.0 ,Moy_Beatslope_2=0.0,Slope_Beatslope_2=0.0; double Ch4_slope=0.0,Moy_Ch4slope_1=0.0,Slope_Ch4slope_1=0.0,Ch4Slope=0.0; double FrequencyDDSBes=0.0,FrequencyDDSBesInit=0.0; double FrequencyDDS3=0.0,FrequencyDDS3Init=0.0; double DeltaFrep275=0.0,DeltaFrep10=0.0; ; double DDSBesChanged1=FALSE,DDSBesChanged2=FALSE; double DeltaDDS3=0.0,Delta10K_Plus=0.0,Delta10K_Minus=0.0; double Nu1=0.0, Nu2= 200000-147000+282143746.557455e6; double Step1=800000.0,Step2=800000.0; double Ch4Plus=0.0,Ch4Minus=0.0; int NDEJAPASSE=0, nDDSChange=0, nstabilization=0 ; ////// //Pour les signes de fb double Frequencystep1=10000.0,tbegin1=0.0,Frepbefore1=0.0,Frequency1=0.0,Frequencystep2=10.0,tbegin2=0.0,Frepbefore2=0.0,Ch2before=0.0,Frequency2=0.0,Frequencystep3=100000.0,tbegin3=0.0,Frepbefore3=0.0,Frequency3=0.0; volatile bool Getsign1=FALSE,Getsign2=FALSE,Getsign3=FALSE; double Signe1=1.0,Signe2=1.0,Signe3=0.0; ///////////////////////// // Slope Cancelling Variables volatile bool SlopeMeasuring=FALSE; volatile bool AutoStopSlopeCancellingIfDelock=TRUE; volatile bool OnSlopeCancelling =FALSE; double SlopeMath2=0.0; double TimetoSlope=60.0; double SlopeMeasuringTimeBegin=0.0; char * OnOffMessage="OFF" ; char DDSFoxName[255] = "DDS Fox Control" ; double DDSFoxClock=200000000; int DDSFoxSweepSign=0; double DDSFoxFrequency=70000000.0; char DDSFoxip[255]=""; int DDSFoxPort=6665 ; unsigned int DDSFoxProfil=7; double DDSFoxSweeprate=0.0;// numéro de profil de la DDS : single freq=0, sweep=7 ; double DDSFoxDeltaT=0.01; double Slope_Math2slope=0.0,Math2_slope=0.0,Moy_Math2slope=0.0; int N_Math2slope=0.0,nstabilisationSlopeMeasuring=0; double LimitToDelock=5.0; double SlopeCorrection=0.0; int ratio=10; //Recentre la frequence tous les ratios volatile bool FrequCorrec=FALSE,KeepFrequ=TRUE, KeepSlope=TRUE ; int Nratio=-1; double MoyMath2 = 0.0, CenterFrequencyCh2 = 0.0; volatile bool CenterFrequencyCh2ToDetermine=FALSE; double limitotakoff=70.0; enum { SLOPE_REFERENCE_MICROWAVE = 0, SLOPE_REFERENCE_HG_CAVITY = 1, }; int slopeReference = SLOPE_REFERENCE_MICROWAVE; ////////////////////////////////// // Keep Centered Variables volatile bool KeepCentering=FALSE; double Timetorecenter275K=3600.0*10; double Timetorecenter10K=3600.0*3; double CenteringTimeBegin275K=0.0; double CenteringTimeBegin10K=0.0; //============================================================================== // Functions int LaunchDDSFOX (char *Name,char *ip,int Port,unsigned int Profil,double Clock,double DeltaT,double Frequency,double Sweeprate,int mode) ; double ReadDDSFOX (char *Name,char *ip,int Port,unsigned int Profil,double Clock,double DeltaT,double Frequency,double Sweeprate) ; void initMathParser(muParserHandle_t * pMathParser) { (* pMathParser) = mupCreate() ; // Math parser number 1, normally used for frep mupDefineOprtChars( * pMathParser, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzµ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "+-*^/?<>=#!$%&|~'_"); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "UTC", &utc); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "MJD", &mjd); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Ch1", &Ch1); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Ch2", &Ch2); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Ch3", &Ch3); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Ch4", &Ch4); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "DDS_Frep", &(DDSBes.Frequency)); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "DDS1", &(DDS4xAD9912.Frequency1)); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "DDS2", &(DDS4xAD9912.Frequency2)); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "DDS3", &(DDS4xAD9912.Frequency3)); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "DDS4", &(DDS4xAD9912.Frequency4)); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "N1", &N1); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "N2", &N2); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "N3", &N3); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Nu1", &Nu1); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Nu2", &Nu2); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "DeltaDDS3", &DeltaDDS3); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Signe1", &Signe1); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Signe2", &Signe2); mupDefineVar( * pMathParser, "Ndiv", &Ndiv); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "P", &Peta , 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "T", &Tera , 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "G", &Giga , 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "M", &Mega , 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "k", &kilo , 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "m", &milli, 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "u", µ, 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "µ", µ, 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "n_1", &nano, 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "p", &pico, 1); mupDefinePostfixOprt( * pMathParser, "f", &femto, 1); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { //int ThreadId ; // to be used when I will replace timer by thread for counder readout char FileNamePrototype[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN] ; double initfreqDDS ; char * MathString1 = " " ; char * MathString2 = " " ; char * MathString3 = " " ; char * MathString4 = " " ; char * MathString5 = " " ; if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0) return -1; /* out of memory */ if ((MainPanel = LoadPanel (0, "FXAnalyse.uir", PANEL)) < 0) return -1; if ((CalcN1Panel = LoadPanel (0, "FXAnalyse.uir", CALCN1)) < 0) return -1; if ((CalcN2Panel = LoadPanel (0, "FXAnalyse.uir", CALCN2)) < 0) return -1; if ((CalcN3Panel = LoadPanel (0, "FXAnalyse.uir", CALCN3)) < 0) return -1; DisplayPanel (MainPanel); // Initialize LogFileName pointer LogFileName = FileNamePrototype ; // Initialyze the DDS Besancon Output DDSBes_Initialize(&DDSBes) ; DDSBes_SetClockFrequency(&DDSBes, DDSBESCLOCK) ; // Peut etre passer tout ca dans DDSBes-Initialize ? DDSBes_SetAmplitude(&DDSBes, 4095) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT,&initfreqDDS) ; DDSBes_SetFrequency(&DDSBes, initfreqDDS) ; // Initialize the quadruple AD9959 DDS (Fox board interface) DDS4xAD9912_Reset(&DDS4xAD9912) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, &initfreqDDS) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, initfreqDDS) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, &initfreqDDS) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 2, initfreqDDS) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, &initfreqDDS) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, initfreqDDS) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4, &initfreqDDS) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 4, initfreqDDS) ; // Initialyze the DDSFOX Output LaunchDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,DDSFoxFrequency,DDSFoxSweeprate,1); // Initialize the 5 (separate) math parsers for frep, Nu_Hg, Nu_Sr, N3 and ExtraMath Ch1=0.0 ; Ch2=0.0 ; Ch3=0.0 ; Ch4=0.0 ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N1CHOICE, &N1) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N2CHOICE, &N2) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N3CHOICE, &N3) ; initMathParser(&MathParser1) ; mupDefineVar(MathParser1, "DDS", &(DDSBes.Frequency)); GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING1, MathString1) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser1, MathString1); initMathParser(&MathParser2) ; mupDefineVar( MathParser2, "Math1", &Math1); mupDefineVar( MathParser2, "DDS", &(DDS4xAD9912.Frequency1)); GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING2, MathString2) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser2, MathString2); initMathParser(&MathParser3) ; mupDefineVar( MathParser3, "Math1", &Math1); mupDefineVar( MathParser3, "Math2", &Math2); mupDefineVar( MathParser3, "DDS", &(DDS4xAD9912.Frequency2)); GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING3, MathString3) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser3, MathString3); initMathParser(&MathParser4) ; mupDefineVar( MathParser4, "Math1", &Math1); mupDefineVar( MathParser4, "Math2", &Math2); mupDefineVar( MathParser4, "Math3", &Math3); GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING4, MathString4) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser4, MathString4); initMathParser(&MathParser5) ; mupDefineVar( MathParser5, "Math1", &Math1); mupDefineVar( MathParser5, "Math2", &Math2); mupDefineVar( MathParser5, "Math3", &Math3); mupDefineVar( MathParser5, "Math4", &Math4); GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING5, MathString5) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser5, MathString5); RunUserInterface (); // Stops everything at the end DiscardPanel (MainPanel); return 0; } void OnCloseViewPanel(int panel){ if (panel==PlotCh1.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ1PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==PlotCh2.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ2PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==PlotCh3.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ3PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==PlotCh4.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ4PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==PlotMath1.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH1PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==PlotMath2.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==PlotMath3.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==PlotMath4.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH4PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==PlotMath5.PlotPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH5PLOT, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanCh1.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ1ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanCh2.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ2ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanCh3.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ3ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanCh4.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ4ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanMath1.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH1ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanMath2.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanMath3.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanMath4.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH4ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; if (panel==AllanMath5.AllanPanel) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH5ALLAN, FALSE) ; } ; return ; } int CVICALLBACK QuitCallback (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: QuitUserInterface (0); DDSBes_Close(&DDSBes); mupRelease(MathParser1); mupRelease(MathParser2); mupRelease(MathParser3); mupRelease(MathParser4); mupRelease(MathParser5); break; case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnEventMain(int panel, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int VirtualKeyCode ; int ActiveControl ; int StepIndex ; double Step ; switch (event) { case EVENT_CLOSE: QuitUserInterface (0); DDSBes_Close(&DDSBes); mupRelease(MathParser1); mupRelease(MathParser2); mupRelease(MathParser3); break; case EVENT_KEYPRESS: switch (eventData1) // ie the code of the key which has been stroke { case VAL_RIGHT_ARROW_VKEY : ActiveControl = GetActiveCtrl(panel); if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDSFREPOUT || ActiveControl==PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex<14){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP, ++StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS1 || ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS1STEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1STEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex<14){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1STEP, ++StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1STEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS2 || ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS2STEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2STEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex<14){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2STEP, ++StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2STEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS3|| ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS3STEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3STEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex<14){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3STEP, ++StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3STEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS4|| ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS4STEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4STEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex<14){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4STEP, ++StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4STEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; break; case VAL_LEFT_ARROW_VKEY : ActiveControl = GetActiveCtrl(panel); if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDSFREPOUT || ActiveControl==PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex>0){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP, --StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS1 || ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS1STEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1STEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex>0){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1STEP, --StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1STEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS2 || ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS2STEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2STEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex>0){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2STEP, --StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2STEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS3 || ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS3STEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3STEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex>0){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3STEP, --StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3STEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; if (ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS4 || ActiveControl==PANEL_DDS4STEP) { GetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4STEP, &StepIndex); if (StepIndex>0){ SetCtrlIndex(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4STEP, --StepIndex) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4STEP, &Step); SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ; }; }; break; case VAL_F1_VKEY : SetActiveCtrl(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT); break; case VAL_F2_VKEY : SetActiveCtrl(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1); break; case VAL_F3_VKEY : SetActiveCtrl(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2); break; case VAL_F4_VKEY : SetActiveCtrl(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3); break; case VAL_F5_VKEY : SetActiveCtrl(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4); break; }; break; } return 0; } void FindCurrentFileName(void) { char * date, day[3], month[3], year[3]; // DD ; MM ; 20YY plus one space for NULL termination character date = DateStr(); Scan(date, "%s>%s[w2]-%s[w2]-20%s[w2]", month, day, year); Fmt(LogFileName, "%s<%s\\%s%s%s_Frequ.txt", LOGFILEPATH, year, month, day); return ; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnStart (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int LogFile ; char CharacterBuffer[]="\r" ; char LineBuffer[FXLINELENGTH+10] = "\r\n_1 "; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (Acquiring) { PlotCh1.IndexPoint = 0 ; PlotCh2.IndexPoint = 0 ; PlotCh3.IndexPoint = 0 ; PlotCh4.IndexPoint = 0 ; PlotMath1.IndexPoint = 0 ; PlotMath2.IndexPoint = 0 ; PlotMath3.IndexPoint = 0 ; PlotMath4.IndexPoint = 0 ; PlotMath5.IndexPoint = 0 ; Allan_Reset(&AllanCh1) ; Allan_Reset(&AllanCh2) ; Allan_Reset(&AllanCh3) ; Allan_Reset(&AllanCh4) ; Allan_Reset(&AllanMath1) ; Allan_Reset(&AllanMath2) ; Allan_Reset(&AllanMath3) ; Allan_Reset(&AllanMath4) ; Allan_Reset(&AllanMath5) ; } ; Acquiring = TRUE ; SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_STARTBUTTON, ATTR_LABEL_TEXT, "__RESET"); FindCurrentFileName() ; // LogFileName is the one corresponding to the date of today... GetFileInfo(LogFileName, &OldLogFilePtr) ; OldLogFilePtr -= OldLogFilePtr%FXLINELENGTH + FXLINELENGTH - 2; break; case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnStop (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: Acquiring = FALSE ; SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_STARTBUTTON, ATTR_LABEL_TEXT, "__START"); break; case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnTimer (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int LogFile, FileOpt, FileHg, FileSr, FileExtraMath ; long LogFileSize ; char CharacterBuffer[]="\r" ; char LineBuffer[FXLINELENGTH+10] = "\r\n_1 "; char * dateNow, * timeNow, day[4], month[4], year[4] ; char TimeTag[] = "100103 000000.000" ; // K+K time tag meaning here 2010 january the 3rd at 00:00:00.000 char Date[] = "03/01/2010" ; char Time[] = "00:00:00.000" ; char Year[] = "2010"; char ShortYear[] = "10"; // the last 2 digits of calendar year only char Month[] = "01"; char Day[] = "03"; char Hour[] = "00"; char Min[] = "00" ; char Sec[] = "00.000"; struct tm LocalTime ; time_t utcTime ; char * ReportString = "\t00:00:00\t3481610838.000\t0000000000000.00000000" ; int NotCare = 0 ; bool BoxChecked = FALSE; double Target, NCalc ; double FoxFrequ=0.0; int Div = 1 ; double FrequencyToChange=0.0; double DeltaCh2=0.0; double DeltaCh4=0.0; double ActualFrequ=0.0; double ActualSlope=0.0; double DDS3Bize ; double DDS2Bize ; int N2Bize ; int Signe2Bize; double Math3Bize; double Math1Bize; switch (event) { case EVENT_TIMER_TICK: switch(Acquiring) { case TRUE: GetFileInfo(LogFileName, &LogFileSize) ; if (LogFileSize > OldLogFilePtr+2*FXLINELENGTH-2) { // if a complete newline has been written SuspendTimerCallbacks() ; // Open Log file and get to the beginning of newly completed line LogFile = OpenFile(LogFileName, VAL_READ_ONLY, VAL_OPEN_AS_IS, VAL_ASCII) ; OldLogFilePtr += FXLINELENGTH; SetFilePtr(LogFile, OldLogFilePtr, 0) ; // return the last complete string from the log file and scan it for date and time information // first, the time tag, and store it in various formats ReadFile(LogFile, TimeTag, 17); CopyBytes(Date,0,TimeTag,4,2); CopyBytes(Date,3,TimeTag,2,2); CopyBytes(Date,8,TimeTag,0,2); CopyBytes(Time,0,TimeTag,7,2); CopyBytes(Time,3,TimeTag,9,2); CopyBytes(Time,6,TimeTag,11,6); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DATE, Date) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_TIME, Time) ; CopyBytes(Year,2,TimeTag,0,2); // first 2 bytes of year string remains "20" CopyBytes(ShortYear,0,TimeTag,0,2); CopyBytes(Month,0,TimeTag,2,2); CopyBytes(Day,0,TimeTag,4,2); CopyBytes(Hour,0,TimeTag,7,2); CopyBytes(Min,0,TimeTag,9,2); CopyBytes(Sec,0,TimeTag,11,6); Fmt(&LocalTime.tm_year, "%d<%s", Year); Fmt(&LocalTime.tm_mon, "%d<%s", Month); Fmt(&LocalTime.tm_mday, "%d<%s", Day); Fmt(&LocalTime.tm_hour, "%d<%s", Hour); Fmt(&LocalTime.tm_min, "%d<%s", Min); Fmt(&LocalTime.tm_sec, "%d<%s", "00"); // special case to handle non integer number of UTC seconds LocalTime.tm_hour += 0; LocalTime.tm_min -= 0; LocalTime.tm_sec -= 0; LocalTime.tm_mon -= 1 ; // january is month 0 for tm struct LocalTime.tm_year -= 1900 ; // year is number of years since 1900 for tm struct LocalTime.tm_isdst = -1; // daylight saving flag MUST be set to -1 (unallocated is bugging and +1 is making 1 hour error in summer) utcTime = mktime (&LocalTime); utc = (double) utcTime + strtod(Sec,NULL) ; mjd=utc/86400.; //nb de jours depuis l'origine d'UTC (01/01/1900 à 00h00 GMT) mjd+=15020; //date MJD de la date origine d'UTC SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_UTC, utc); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MJD, mjd); // scan the line for counters's channels information ReadLine(LogFile, LineBuffer, FXLINELENGTH+9) ; CloseFile(LogFile); Scan(LineBuffer, "%f%f%f%f", &Ch1, &Ch2, &Ch3, &Ch4) ; Ch1 = 1000*Ch1; Ch2 = 1000*Ch2; Ch3 = 1000*Ch3; Ch4 = 1000*Ch4; NuOpt=N1*(250000000+Math1)-Signe1*8*FrequDDS1 ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_FREQ1, Ch1) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_FREQ2, Ch2) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_FREQ3, Ch3) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_FREQ4, Ch4) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_SIGN1, Signe1); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_SIGN2, Signe2); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_SIGN3, Signe3); SetCtrlVal(CalcN1Panel, CALCN1_N_1, N_1) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcN1Panel, CALCN1_SLOPE, Slope_1) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcN2Panel, CALCN2_N_2, N_2) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcN2Panel, CALCN2_SLOPE, Beatslope_2) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcN3Panel, CALCN3_N_3, N_3) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcN3Panel, CALCN3_SLOPE, Slope_3) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_SLOPETOCANCEL, SlopeMath2); /*SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_SLOPECANCELONOFF, OnOffMessage); */ SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CENTERFREQUENCY, CenterFrequencyCh2); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_LED1, SlopeMeasuring); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_LED2, OnSlopeCancelling); // Treat data Math1 = mupEval(MathParser1) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_MATH1, Math1) ; Math2 = mupEval(MathParser2) ; //Math2=NuOpt; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_MATH2, Math2) ; Math3 = mupEval(MathParser3) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_MATH3, Math3) ; Math4 = mupEval(MathParser4) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_MATH4, Math4) ; Math5 = mupEval(MathParser5) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel,PANEL_MATH5, Math5) ; // Plot Data and calculus if required GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ1PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotCh1, Ch1) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ1ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanCh1, Ch1) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ2PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotCh2, Ch2) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ2ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanCh2, Ch2) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ3PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotCh3, Ch3) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ3ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanCh3, Ch3) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ4PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotCh4, Ch4) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ4ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanCh4, Ch4) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH1PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotMath1, Math1) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH1ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanMath1, Math1) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotMath2, Math2) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanMath2, Math2) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotMath3, Math3) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanMath3, Math3) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH4PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotMath4, Math4) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH4ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanMath4, Math4) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH5PLOT, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Plot_AddFrequency(&PlotMath5, Math5) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH5ALLAN, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { Allan_AddFrequency(&AllanMath5, Math5) ; } // Calcul de N if (Measuring_1==TRUE) { if (Step1_1==FALSE) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, FrequDDS1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, FrequDDS1); GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, &FrequencyDDSBesInit) ; t1_1=utc; Frequ_slope_1=Math1; Moy_slope_1= Frequ_slope_1; Ch4_slope=Ch4; Moy_Ch4slope_1= Ch4_slope; N_slope_1=1; Step1_1=TRUE ; } else { if(Step2_1==FALSE){ N_slope_1=N_slope_1+1; Frequ_slope_1=Math1; Ch4_slope=Ch4; Moy_slope_1=((N_slope_1-1)*Moy_slope_1 + Frequ_slope_1)/N_slope_1; Moy_Ch4slope_1=((N_slope_1-1)*Moy_Ch4slope_1 + Ch4_slope)/N_slope_1; Slope_slope_1 = (Slope_slope_1*(N_slope_1-2) + 6*(Frequ_slope_1-Moy_slope_1)/N_slope_1)/(N_slope_1+1) ; Slope_Ch4slope_1 = (Slope_Ch4slope_1*(N_slope_1-2) + 6*(Ch4_slope-Moy_Ch4slope_1)/N_slope_1)/(N_slope_1+1) ; if (utc-t1_1>SlopeTime1) { Slope_1 = Slope_slope_1; Ch4Slope = Slope_Ch4slope_1; Step2_1=TRUE ; N_slope_1=0; Frequ_slope_1=0.0; Moy_slope_1=0.0; Slope_slope_1 =0.0; Ch4_slope=0.0; Moy_Ch4slope_1=0.0; Slope_Ch4slope_1=0.0; DDS4xAD9912_FrequencyRampe (&DDS4xAD9912,1, FrequDDS1,(FrequDDS1+DeltakHz_1*1000), Step1/Ndiv ) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, (FrequDDS1+DeltakHz_1*1000)) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, (FrequDDS1+DeltakHz_1*1000)); } } else { if (DDSBesChanged1==FALSE){ if (nDDSChange<3) { nDDSChange=nDDSChange+1;} else { nDDSChange=0; DeltaFrep275=275000-Ch4; FrequencyDDSBes=FrequencyDDSBesInit+(DeltaFrep275); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyDDSBes) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,2,FrequencyDDSBes); DDSBesChanged1=TRUE; t2_1=utc; } } else{ if(Step3_1==FALSE){ if (nstabilization<3) {nstabilization= nstabilization+1; TimetoBegin=TRUE;} else { if (utc-t2_1<DeltaT_1) { if (TimetoBegin==TRUE) { t2_1=utc; TimetoBegin=FALSE; } Frepplus_1=Frepplus_1 +Math1-Slope_1*(utc-t2_1); Ch4Plus=Ch4Plus + Ch4 -Ch4Slope*(utc-t2_1); n_1=n_1+1; } else{ Frepplus_1=Frepplus_1/n_1; Ch4Plus=Ch4Plus/n_1; n_1=0; Step3_1=TRUE ; nstabilization=0; DDS4xAD9912_FrequencyRampe ( &DDS4xAD9912,1, (FrequDDS1+DeltakHz_1*1000),(FrequDDS1-DeltakHz_1*1000), Step1/Ndiv ) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, (FrequDDS1-DeltakHz_1*1000)) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, (FrequDDS1-DeltakHz_1*1000)); } } } else { if (DDSBesChanged2==FALSE){ if (nDDSChange<3) { nDDSChange=nDDSChange+1;} else { nDDSChange=0; DeltaFrep275=275000-Ch4; FrequencyDDSBes=FrequencyDDSBes+(DeltaFrep275) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyDDSBes) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,2,FrequencyDDSBes); DDSBesChanged2=TRUE; t3_1=utc; } } else{ if (nstabilization<3) { nstabilization=nstabilization+1; TimetoBegin=TRUE;} else { if (utc-t3_1<DeltaT_1) { if (TimetoBegin==TRUE) { t3_1=utc; TimetoBegin=FALSE; } Frepminus_1=Frepminus_1 +Math1-Slope_1*(utc-t3_1); Ch4Minus=Ch4Minus+Ch4-Ch4Slope*(utc-t3_1); n_1=n_1+1; } else{ Frepminus_1=Frepminus_1/(n_1); Ch4Minus=Ch4Minus/(n_1); N_1 = Signe1*(2*Ndiv*DeltakHz_1*1000 /*-(Ch4Plus-Ch4Minus)-Ch4Slope*(t3_1-t2_1)*/)/(Frepminus_1-Frepplus_1-Slope_1*(t3_1-t2_1)); n_1=0; Frepminus_1=0.0; Frepplus_1=0.0; DDS4xAD9912_FrequencyRampe (&DDS4xAD9912, 1, FrequDDS1-DeltakHz_1*1000,FrequDDS1, Step1/Ndiv ) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, FrequDDS1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,1,FrequDDS1); DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,2,FrequencyDDSBesInit); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyDDSBesInit) ; Measuring_1=FALSE ; Step1_1=FALSE ; Step2_1=FALSE ; Step3_1=FALSE ; t1_1=0.0; t2_1=0.0; t3_1=0.0; DDSBesChanged1=FALSE; DDSBesChanged2=FALSE; FrequencyDDSBes=0.0; nstabilization=0; } } } } } } } } if (Measuring_2==TRUE) { if (Step1_2==FALSE) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, FrequDDS1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, FrequDDS1); GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, &FrequencyDDSBesInit) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, &FrequencyDDS3Init) ; t1_2=utc; Frequ_slope_2=Math1; Beat_slope_2=Ch2; Moy_slope_2= Frequ_slope_2; Moy_Beatslope_2= Beat_slope_2; N_slope_2=1; Step1_2=TRUE ; Nu1=(250000000+Math1)*N1; } else { if(Step2_2==FALSE){ N_slope_2=N_slope_2+1; Frequ_slope_2=Math1; Beat_slope_2=Ch2; Moy_slope_2=((N_slope_2-1)*Moy_slope_2 + Frequ_slope_2)/N_slope_2; Moy_Beatslope_2=((N_slope_2-1)*Moy_Beatslope_2 + Beat_slope_2)/N_slope_2; Slope_slope_2 = (Slope_slope_2*(N_slope_2-2) + 6*(Frequ_slope_2-Moy_slope_2)/N_slope_2)/(N_slope_2+1) ; Slope_Beatslope_2 = (Slope_Beatslope_2*(N_slope_2-2) + 6*(Beat_slope_2-Moy_Beatslope_2)/N_slope_2)/(N_slope_2+1) ; if (utc-t1_2>SlopeTime2) { Slope_2 = Slope_slope_2; Beatslope_2 = Slope_Beatslope_2; Step2_2=TRUE ; N_slope_2=0; Frequ_slope_2=0.0; Moy_slope_2=0.0; Slope_slope_2 =0.0; Moy_Beatslope_2=0.0; Slope_Beatslope_2 =0.0; Beat_slope_2=0.0; DDS4xAD9912_FrequencyRampe (&DDS4xAD9912,1, FrequDDS1,(FrequDDS1+DeltakHz_2*1000), Step2/Ndiv ) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, (FrequDDS1+DeltakHz_2*1000)) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, (FrequDDS1+DeltakHz_2*1000)); Delay(0.1); DeltaDDS3 = -DeltakHz_2*1000*(-Signe1/Signe2)*Ndiv*(Nu2)/(Nu1) - Beatslope_2*(utc-t1_2); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, (FrequencyDDS3Init+DeltaDDS3)) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency (&DDS4xAD9912,3,(FrequencyDDS3Init+DeltaDDS3)) ; } } else { if (DDSBesChanged1==FALSE){ if (nDDSChange<3) { nDDSChange=nDDSChange+1;} else { nDDSChange=0; DeltaFrep275=275000-Ch4; DeltaFrep10=10000-Ch2; DeltaDDS3= DeltaDDS3 +(DeltaFrep10); FrequencyDDSBes=FrequencyDDSBesInit+(DeltaFrep275); FrequencyDDS3=FrequencyDDS3Init+DeltaDDS3; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyDDSBes) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,2,FrequencyDDSBes); Delay(0.1); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, FrequencyDDS3) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,3,FrequencyDDS3); DDSBesChanged1=TRUE; t2_2=utc; } } else{ if(Step3_2==FALSE){ if (nstabilization<3) {nstabilization= nstabilization+1;} else { if (utc-t2_2<DeltaT_2) { Frepplus_2=Frepplus_2 +Math1+250000000-Slope_2*(utc-t2_2); Delta10K_Plus= Delta10K_Plus + 10000 - (Ch2 -Beatslope_2*(utc-t2_2)); n_2=n_2+1; } else{ Frepplus_2=Frepplus_2/n_2; Delta10K_Plus=Delta10K_Plus/n_2; n_2=0; Step3_2=TRUE ; nstabilization=0; DDS4xAD9912_FrequencyRampe ( &DDS4xAD9912,1, (FrequDDS1+DeltakHz_2*1000),(FrequDDS1-DeltakHz_2*1000), Step2/Ndiv ) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, (FrequDDS1-DeltakHz_2*1000)) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency (&DDS4xAD9912,1, (FrequDDS1-DeltakHz_2*1000) ) ; Delay(0.1); DeltaDDS3 = (FrequencyDDS3Init+DeltakHz_2*1000*(-Signe1/Signe2)*Ndiv*(Nu2)/(Nu1)) - FrequencyDDS3; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, FrequencyDDS3+DeltaDDS3) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency (&DDS4xAD9912,3, FrequencyDDS3+DeltaDDS3 ) ; } } } else { if (DDSBesChanged2==FALSE){ if (nDDSChange<3) { nDDSChange=nDDSChange+1;} else { nDDSChange=0; DeltaFrep275=275000-Ch4; DeltaFrep10=10000-Ch2; DeltaDDS3 = DeltaDDS3+(DeltaFrep10) ; FrequencyDDSBes=FrequencyDDSBes+(DeltaFrep275) ; FrequencyDDS3=FrequencyDDS3+DeltaDDS3 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,2,FrequencyDDSBes); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyDDSBes); Delay(0.1); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, FrequencyDDS3) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,3,FrequencyDDS3); DDSBesChanged2=TRUE; t3_2=utc; } } else{ if (nstabilization<3) { nstabilization=nstabilization+1;} else { if (utc-t3_2<DeltaT_2) { Frepminus_2=Frepminus_2 +Math1+250000000-Slope_2*(utc-t3_2); Delta10K_Minus= Delta10K_Minus +10000 - ( Ch2 -Beatslope_2*(utc-t3_2)); n_2=n_2+1; } else{ Frepminus_2=Frepminus_2/(n_2); Delta10K_Minus= Delta10K_Minus/n_2; N_2 = (Signe2)*(-DeltaDDS3+Delta10K_Plus-Delta10K_Minus-Beatslope_2*(t3_2-t2_2) )/(Frepminus_2-Frepplus_2-Slope_2*(t3_2-t2_2)); n_2=0; Frepminus_2=0.0; Frepplus_2=0.0; Delta10K_Minus=0.0; Delta10K_Plus=0.0; DDS4xAD9912_FrequencyRampe (&DDS4xAD9912, 1, FrequDDS1-DeltakHz_2*1000,FrequDDS1, Step2/Ndiv ) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, FrequDDS1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,1,FrequDDS1); Delay(0.1); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyDDSBesInit) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency (&DDS4xAD9912, 2, FrequencyDDSBesInit ) ; Delay(0.1); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, FrequencyDDS3Init-Beatslope_2*(utc-t1_2)) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency (&DDS4xAD9912, 3, FrequencyDDS3Init-Beatslope_2*(utc-t1_2) ) ; Measuring_2=FALSE ; Step1_2=FALSE ; Step2_2=FALSE ; Step3_2=FALSE ; t1_2=0.0; t2_2=0.0; t3_2=0.0; DDSBesChanged1=FALSE; DDSBesChanged2=FALSE; FrequencyDDSBes=0.0; nstabilization=0; } } } } } } } } /* if (Measuring_3==TRUE) { if (Step1_3==FALSE) { DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, FrequDDS3); t1_3=utc; Frequ_slope_3=Math1; Moy_slope_3= Frequ_slope_3; N_slope_3=1; Step1_3=TRUE ; } else { if(Step2_3==FALSE){ N_slope_3=N_slope_3+1; Frequ_slope_3=Math1; Moy_slope_3=((N_slope_3-1)*Moy_slope_3 + Frequ_slope_3)/N_slope_3; Slope_slope_3 = (Slope_slope_3*(N_slope_3-2) + 6*(Frequ_slope_3-Moy_slope_3)/N_slope_3)/(N_slope_3+1) ; if (utc-t1_3>DeltaT_3) { Slope_3 = Slope_slope_3; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT, &FrequencyDDSBes) ; DDSBes_SetFrequency(&DDSBes, FrequencyDDSBes+(FACTORDDSBES*DeltakHz_3*1000)); DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, FrequDDS3+DeltakHz_3*1000); t2_3=utc; Step2_3=TRUE ; N_slope_3=0; Frequ_slope_3=0.0; Moy_slope_3=0.0; Slope_slope_3 =0.0; } } else { if(Step2_3==FALSE){ if (utc-t2_3<DeltaT_3) { Frepplus_3=Frepplus_3 +Math1+250000000-Slope_3*(utc-t2_3); n_3=n_3+1; } else{ Frepplus_3=Frepplus_3/n_3; DDSBes_SetFrequency(&DDSBes, FrequencyDDSBes-(FACTORDDSBES*DeltakHz_3*1000)); DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, FrequDDS3-DeltakHz_3*1000); n_3=0; t3_3=utc; Step3_3=TRUE ; } } else { if (utc-t3_3<DeltaT_3) { Frepminus_3=Frepminus_3 +Math1+250000000-Slope_3*(utc-t3_3); n_3=n_3+1; } else{ Frepminus_3=Frepminus_3/(n_3); N_3 = (16*DeltakHz_3*1000 -Slope_3*(t3_3-t2_3))/(Frepplus_3-Frepminus_3); n_3=0; Frepminus_3=0.0; Frepplus_3=0.0; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, FrequDDS3); Measuring_2=FALSE ; Step1_3=FALSE ; Step2_3=FALSE ; Step3_3=FALSE ; t1_3=0.0; t2_3=0.0; t3_3=0.0; } } } } } */ // Calcul du signe de fb if (Getsign1 ==TRUE) { if (utc> tbegin1+2){ if (Math1> Frepbefore1) { Signe1=-1.0;} else {Signe1=1.0;} SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, Frequency1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, Frequency1); Getsign1=FALSE; } } if (Getsign2 ==TRUE) { if (utc> tbegin2+2){ if (Math1> Frepbefore2) { if (Ch2>Ch2before) {Signe2=+1.0;} else {Signe2=-1.0;} } else { if (Ch2>Ch2before) {Signe2=-1.0;} else {Signe2=+1.0;} } SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, Frequency2) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, Frequency2); Getsign2=FALSE; } } if (Getsign3 ==TRUE) { if (utc> tbegin3+2){ if (Ch1> Frepbefore3) { Signe3=-1.0;} else {Signe3=1.0;} SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, Frequency3) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, Frequency3); Getsign3=FALSE; } } /* * Slope Cancelling */ if (SlopeMeasuring == TRUE) { double currentFreq; /* select reference */ switch (slopeReference) { case SLOPE_REFERENCE_MICROWAVE: currentFreq = Math2; break; case SLOPE_REFERENCE_HG_CAVITY: currentFreq = Ch2 * 1062.5 / 1542.2; break; } if (utc-SlopeMeasuringTimeBegin > TimetoSlope) { Nratio = Nratio + 1; if (Nratio >= 1) { MoyMath2 = MoyMath2 + Moy_Math2slope; } SlopeMath2 = SlopeMath2 + Slope_Math2slope; N_Math2slope = 0.0; Math2_slope = 0.0; Moy_Math2slope = 0.0; Slope_Math2slope = 0.0; if (Nratio == 1 && CenterFrequencyCh2ToDetermine == TRUE) { CenterFrequencyCh2 = MoyMath2; CenterFrequencyCh2ToDetermine = FALSE; } OnOffMessage = "ON " ; OnSlopeCancelling = TRUE; FoxFrequ = ReadDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,DDSFoxFrequency,DDSFoxSweeprate); if (Nratio == ratio) { if (FrequCorrec == TRUE) { SlopeCorrection = (MoyMath2/ratio-CenterFrequencyCh2)/TimetoSlope; SlopeMath2 = SlopeMath2 + SlopeCorrection; } Nratio = 0; MoyMath2 = 0.0; } LaunchDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,FoxFrequ,SlopeMath2,0); nstabilisationSlopeMeasuring = 0; SlopeMeasuringTimeBegin = utc; } else { if (nstabilisationSlopeMeasuring < 5) { nstabilisationSlopeMeasuring = nstabilisationSlopeMeasuring + 1; Math2_slope = currentFreq; } else { if ((currentFreq-Math2_slope) < limitotakoff && (currentFreq-Math2_slope) > -limitotakoff) { N_Math2slope = N_Math2slope + 1; Math2_slope = currentFreq; Moy_Math2slope = ((N_Math2slope-1)*Moy_Math2slope + Math2_slope)/N_Math2slope; Slope_Math2slope = (Slope_Math2slope*(N_Math2slope-2) + 6*(Math2_slope-Moy_Math2slope)/N_Math2slope)/(N_Math2slope+1) ; } else { if (AutoStopSlopeCancellingIfDelock) { /* * stop slope cancelling if the comb is not locked */ if (KeepFrequ == TRUE) { ActualFrequ = ReadDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,DDSFoxFrequency,DDSFoxSweeprate); } else { ActualFrequ = DDSFoxFrequency; } if (KeepSlope == TRUE) { ActualSlope = SlopeMath2; } else { ActualSlope = DDSFoxSweeprate; OnSlopeCancelling = FALSE; } LaunchDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,ActualFrequ,ActualSlope,0); SlopeMeasuring = FALSE; OnOffMessage = "OFF " ; N_Math2slope = 0.0; Math2_slope = 0.0; MoyMath2 = 0.0; Moy_Math2slope = 0.0; Slope_Math2slope = 0.0; CenterFrequencyCh2 = 0.0; CenterFrequencyCh2ToDetermine = TRUE; Nratio = -1; nstabilisationSlopeMeasuring = 0; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_STARTCANCEL, 0); } } } } } //// For re-centering if (KeepCentering) { DeltaCh4=275000-Ch4; DeltaCh2=10000-Ch2; if (utc- CenteringTimeBegin275K > Timetorecenter275K && CenteringTimeBegin275K>10) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, &FrequencyToChange) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyToChange+DeltaCh4) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 2, FrequencyToChange+DeltaCh4); CenteringTimeBegin275K=utc; } if (utc- CenteringTimeBegin10K > Timetorecenter10K && CenteringTimeBegin10K>10) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, &FrequencyToChange) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, FrequencyToChange+DeltaCh2) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, FrequencyToChange+DeltaCh2); CenteringTimeBegin10K=utc; } } // Now, some special extra functions for some math value which have special 'default' meaning (like nu_Hg and nu_Sr) /*GetPanelAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, ATTR_VISIBLE, &BoxChecked) ; // correct name for answer would be more if (BoxChecked) { // something like "&PanelOpened" here N_1 = 0; // evaluate Math2 for N=0 gives 282143G-/+320M GetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, &Target) ; NCalc = (Target-mupEval(MathParser2))/(Math1+766e6) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_NHGCALC, (double) RoundRealToNearestInteger (NCalc) ) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_ERROR, NCalc-RoundRealToNearestInteger (NCalc) ) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N_HG, &N_1) ; // Set N_1 back to value user defined in main panel } GetPanelAttribute(CalcNSrPanel, ATTR_VISIBLE, &BoxChecked) ; // correct name for answer would be more if (BoxChecked) { // something like "&PanelOpened" here, but I reuse variable name for concision N2 = 0; // evaluate Math3 for N=0 gives 429228G-/+DDS2-/+Ch3 GetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCN2_TARGET, &Target) ; NCalc = (Target-mupEval(MathParser3))/(Math1+766e6) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCN2_NSRCALC, (double) RoundRealToNearestInteger (NCalc) ) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCNSR_ERROR, NCalc-RoundRealToNearestInteger (NCalc) ) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N_SR, &N2) ; // Set N_2 back to value user defined in main panel } GetPanelAttribute(CalcN813Panel, ATTR_VISIBLE, &BoxChecked) ; // correct name for answer would be more if (BoxChecked) { // something like "&PanelOpened" here, but I reuse variable name for concision N3 = 0; // evaluate Math4 for N=0 gives ??????G-/+DDS_813-/+Ch4 GetCtrlVal(CalcN813Panel, CALCN83_TARGET, &Target) ; NCalc = (Target-mupEval(MathParser4))/(Math1+766e6) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcN813Panel, CALCN813_N813CALC, (double) RoundRealToNearestInteger (NCalc) ) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcN813Panel, CALCN813_ERROR, NCalc-RoundRealToNearestInteger (NCalc) ) ; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N_813, &N3) ; // Set N3 back to value user defined in main panel }*/ GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2AUTOSAV, &BoxChecked) ; // AutoSave OL if (BoxChecked) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2SAVE, TRUE) ; // so that it will try to write it (at next block) if it seems reasonnable, even though it was off before } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2SAVE, &BoxChecked) ; // Save OL (Math2) if (BoxChecked) { /*GetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, &Target) ; if (abs(Math2-Target)>1e4) { // write it only if it's vaguely plausible (here outlier>10kHz ie approx 10000sigma but not dedrift applied !!!) SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2SAVE, FALSE) ; break ; } ;*/ FileOpt = OpenFile("z:\\MeasuresFifi1\\OptCavity.txt", VAL_WRITE_ONLY, VAL_APPEND, VAL_ASCII) ; Fmt(ReportString, "%s\t%s\t%f[p3]\t%f[p3]", Date, Time, utc, Math2); WriteLine(FileOpt, ReportString, -1) ; CloseFile(FileOpt) ; FileOpt = OpenFile("C:\\Femto\\Results\\OptCavity.txt", VAL_WRITE_ONLY, VAL_APPEND, VAL_ASCII) ; // a local backup for debugging Fmt(ReportString, "%s\t%s\t%f[p3]\t%f[p3]", Date, Time, utc, Math2); WriteLine(FileOpt, ReportString, -1) ; CloseFile(FileOpt) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3AUTOSAV, &BoxChecked) ; // AutoSave Hg (Math3) if (BoxChecked) { SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3SAVE, TRUE) ; // so that it will try to write it (at next block) if it seems reasonnable, even though it was off before } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3SAVE, &BoxChecked) ; // Save Hg if (BoxChecked) { /*GetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCN3_TARGET, &Target) ; if (abs(Math3-Target)>1.0e4) { // write it only if it's vaguely plausible (here outlier>10kHz ie approx 10000sigma but not dedrift applied !!!) SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3SAVE, FALSE) ; // otherwise uncheck the save box break ; } ;*/ FileHg = OpenFile("z:\\MeasuresFifi1\\HgCavity.txt", VAL_WRITE_ONLY, VAL_APPEND, VAL_ASCII) ; Fmt(ReportString, "%s\t%s\t%f[p3]\t%f[p3]", Date, Time, utc, Math3); WriteLine(FileHg, ReportString, -1) ; CloseFile(FileHg) ; FileHg = OpenFile("C:\\Femto\\Results\\HgCavity.txt", VAL_WRITE_ONLY, VAL_APPEND, VAL_ASCII) ; Fmt(ReportString, "%s\t%s\t%f[p3]\t%f[p3]", Date, Time, utc, Math3); WriteLine(FileHg, ReportString, -1) ; CloseFile(FileHg) ; } GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH5SAVE, &BoxChecked) ; // Save ExtraMath (Math5) if (BoxChecked) { FileExtraMath = OpenFile(ExtraMathFileName, VAL_WRITE_ONLY, VAL_APPEND, VAL_ASCII) ; Fmt(ReportString, "%s\t%s\t%f[p3]\t%f[p7]", Date, Time, utc, Math5); WriteLine(FileExtraMath, ReportString, -1) ; CloseFile(FileExtraMath) ; } // Special case to handle change of day at next second //if ( LocalTime.tm_hour==23 && LocalTime.tm_min==59 && strtod(Sec,NULL)>59 ) { if ( LocalTime.tm_hour==23 && LocalTime.tm_min==59 && strtod(Sec,NULL)>=58 ) { printf("Entering change of date substructure\r\n"); printf("old file : %s %s %s \r\n",Date, Time, LogFileName); Acquiring = FALSE ; do { Delay(5.1); FindCurrentFileName() ; } while (!GetFileInfo(LogFileName, &OldLogFilePtr)) ; printf("new file : %s \r\n\r\n",Date, Time, LogFileName); Acquiring = TRUE ; OldLogFilePtr = 2; } ResumeTimerCallbacks() ; } ; break; case FALSE: break; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnFreqPlot (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int BoxChecked ; Plot_Data * pPlot = NULL; char PlotTitle[] = "Ch? Frequency Plot" ; double PlotMin = 10e6 ; double PlotMax = 65e6 ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &BoxChecked); switch (control) { case PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ1PLOT : pPlot = &PlotCh1 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Ch1 Frequency Plot") ; PlotMin = 54.999e6 ; PlotMax = 55.001e6 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ2PLOT : pPlot = &PlotCh2 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Ch2 Frequency Plot") ; PlotMin = 8.0e3 ; PlotMax = 12.0e3 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ3PLOT : pPlot = &PlotCh3 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Ch3 Frequency Plot") ; PlotMin = 8.0e3 ; PlotMax = 12.0e3 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ4PLOT : pPlot = &PlotCh4 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Ch4 Frequency Plot") ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH1PLOT : pPlot = &PlotMath1 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Math1 Plot") ; PlotMin = 765.0e6 ; PlotMax = 775.0e6 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2PLOT : pPlot = &PlotMath2 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Math2 Plot") ; PlotMin = -1.0e9 ; PlotMax = 1.0e9 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3PLOT : pPlot = &PlotMath3 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Math3 Plot") ; PlotMin = -1.0e9 ; PlotMax = 1.0e9 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH4PLOT : pPlot = &PlotMath4 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Math4 Plot") ; PlotMin = -1.0e9 ; PlotMax = 1.0e9 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH5PLOT : pPlot = &PlotMath5 ; Fmt(PlotTitle, "Math5 Plot") ; PlotMin = -1.0e9 ; PlotMax = 1.0e9 ; break ; } if (BoxChecked) { Plot_InitPanel(pPlot, PlotTitle, PlotMin, PlotMax, &OnCloseViewPanel) ; } else { Plot_ClosePanel(pPlot) ; } ; break; case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnAllanPlot (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int BoxChecked ; Allan_Data * pAllan = NULL; char AllanTitle[] = "Ch? Allan Deviation " ; double Normalizer = 300e12 ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &BoxChecked); switch (control) { case PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ1ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanCh1 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Ch1 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 1.84e12 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ2ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanCh2 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Ch2 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 10.e3 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ3ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanCh3 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Ch3 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 429.228e12 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_FREQ4ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanCh4 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Ch4 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 275.0e3 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH1ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanMath1 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Math1 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 250.0e6 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanMath2 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Math2 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 194.395e12 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanMath3 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Math3 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 282.143e12 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH4ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanMath4 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Math4 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 429.228e12 ; break ; case PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH5ALLAN : pAllan = &AllanMath5 ; Fmt(AllanTitle, "Math5 Allan Deviation") ; Normalizer = 429.228e12 ; break ; } if (BoxChecked) { Allan_InitPanel(pAllan, AllanTitle, Normalizer, &OnCloseViewPanel) ; } else { Allan_ClosePanel(pAllan) ; } ; break; case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_ChangeDDSOut (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Frequency ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &Frequency) ; if (control==PANEL_DDSFREPOUT) { DDSBes_SetFrequency(&DDSBes, Frequency) ;} if (control==PANEL_DDS1) { DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, Frequency);} if (control==PANEL_DDS2) { DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 2, Frequency);} if (control==PANEL_DDS3) { DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, Frequency);} if (control==PANEL_DDS4) { DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 4, Frequency);} case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_ChangeDDSStep (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Step ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &Step) ; if (control==PANEL_DDSFREPSTEP) { SetCtrlAttribute(panel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ;} if (control==PANEL_DDS1STEP) { SetCtrlAttribute(panel, PANEL_DDS1, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ;} if (control==PANEL_DDS2STEP) { SetCtrlAttribute(panel, PANEL_DDS2, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ;} if (control==PANEL_DDS3STEP) { SetCtrlAttribute(panel, PANEL_DDS3, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ;} if (control==PANEL_DDS4STEP) { SetCtrlAttribute(panel, PANEL_DDS4, ATTR_INCR_VALUE, Step) ;} break; case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_ChangeDDSAmpli (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { unsigned short int Amplitude ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &Amplitude) ; if (control==PANEL_DDSFREPAMP) { DDSBes_SetAmplitude(&DDSBes, Amplitude) ;} case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_ChangeMath (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { char * MathString = " " ; // should be long enough for any reasonnable math expression... switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(panel, control, MathString) ; if (control==PANEL_MATHSTRING1) { mupSetExpr(MathParser1, MathString) ; } if (control==PANEL_MATHSTRING2) { mupSetExpr(MathParser2, MathString) ; } if (control==PANEL_MATHSTRING3) { mupSetExpr(MathParser3, MathString) ; } if (control==PANEL_MATHSTRING4) { mupSetExpr(MathParser4, MathString) ; } if (control==PANEL_MATHSTRING5) { mupSetExpr(MathParser5, MathString) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_ChangeN (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==PANEL_N1CHOICE) GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &N1) ; if (control==PANEL_N2CHOICE) GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &N2) ; if (control==PANEL_N3CHOICE) GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &N3) ; break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnPlus275k (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Frequency ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT, &Frequency) ; Frequency += 275000.0 ; DDSBes_SetFrequency(&DDSBes, Frequency) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT, Frequency) ; /*SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING1, FREP_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser1, FREP_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING2, NUHG_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser2, NUHG_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING4, NU813_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser4, NU813_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; */ break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnMinus275k (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Frequency ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT, &Frequency) ; Frequency -= 275000.0 ; DDSBes_SetFrequency(&DDSBes, Frequency) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDSFREPOUT, Frequency) ; /*SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING1, "0") ; mupSetExpr(MathParser1, "0") ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING2, "0") ; mupSetExpr(MathParser2, "0") ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING4, "0") ; mupSetExpr(MathParser4, "0") ; */ break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnPlus10k (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Frequency ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==PANEL_PLUS10KDDS1) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, &Frequency) ; Frequency += 10000.0 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, Frequency); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, Frequency) ; /*SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING3, NUHG_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser3, NUHG_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; */ } if (control==PANEL_PLUS10KDDS2) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, &Frequency) ; Frequency += 10000.0 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 2, Frequency); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, Frequency) ; /*SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING3, NUSR_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser3, NUSR_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; */ } if (control==PANEL_PLUS10KDDS3) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, &Frequency) ; Frequency += 10000.0 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, Frequency); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, Frequency) ; } if (control==PANEL_PLUS10KDDS4) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4, &Frequency) ; Frequency += 10000.0 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 4, Frequency); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4, Frequency) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnMinus10k (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Frequency ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==PANEL_MINUS10KDDS1) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, &Frequency) ; Frequency -= 10000.0 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, Frequency); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, Frequency) ; /*SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING3, NUHG_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser3, NUHG_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; */ } if (control==PANEL_MINUS10KDDS2) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, &Frequency) ; Frequency -= 10000.0 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 2, Frequency); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, Frequency) ; /*SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_MATHSTRING3, NUSR_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; mupSetExpr(MathParser3, NUSR_NORMAL_FORMULA) ; */ } if (control==PANEL_MINUS10KDDS3) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, &Frequency) ; Frequency -= 10000.0 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, Frequency); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, Frequency) ; } if (control==PANEL_MINUS10KDDS4) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4, &Frequency) ; Frequency -= 10000.0 ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 4, Frequency); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS4, Frequency) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnSaveOpt (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &BoxChecked); if (BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2AUTOSAV, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; } if (!BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2AUTOSAV, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnSaveHg (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &BoxChecked); if (BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3AUTOSAV, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; } if (!BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3AUTOSAV, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnAutoSaveHg (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &BoxChecked); if (BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2SAVE, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; } if (!BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH2SAVE, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnSaveSr (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &BoxChecked); if (BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3AUTOSAV, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; } if (!BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3AUTOSAV, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnAutoSaveSr (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, control, &BoxChecked); if (BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3SAVE, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; } if (!BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH3SAVE, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK OnAcceptN (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double N; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (panel == CalcN1Panel) { N = floor(N_1); if (N_1-N<0.5) { N1=N; } else { N1=N+1; } SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N1CHOICE, N1) ; } if (panel == CalcN2Panel) { N = floor(N_2); if (N_2-N<0.5) { N2=N; } else { N2=N+1; } SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N2CHOICE, N2) ; } if (panel == CalcN3Panel) { GetCtrlVal(CalcN3Panel, CALCN3_N_3, &N) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_N3CHOICE, N) ; N3=N; } break; } return 0; } /*int CVICALLBACK OnFSRStep (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Target, FSR ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (panel==CalcNHgPanel) { if (control==CALCNHG_MINUSFSR) { GetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_FSR, &FSR) ; GetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, &Target) ; Target -= FSR ; SetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, Target) ; } if (control==CALCNHG_PLUSFSR) { GetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_FSR, &FSR) ; GetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, &Target) ; Target += FSR ; SetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, Target) ; } } if (panel==CalcNSrPanel) { if (control==CALCNSR_MINUSFSR) { GetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCNSR_FSR, &FSR) ; GetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCNSR_TARGET, &Target) ; Target -= FSR ; SetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCNSR_TARGET, Target) ; } if (control==CALCNSR_PLUSFSR) { GetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCNSR_FSR, &FSR) ; GetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCNSR_TARGET, &Target) ; Target += FSR ; SetCtrlVal(CalcNSrPanel, CALCNSR_TARGET, Target) ; } } break; } return 0; } */ /*int CVICALLBACK OnExtrapolateTarget (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE ; double extrapolFreq = 745967614; time_t utcTime ; double utc ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_EXTRAPOLATE, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { SetCtrlAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; SetCtrlAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_OFFSETFREQ, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; SetCtrlAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_PLUSFSR, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; SetCtrlAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_MINUSFSR, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE) ; utc = time(&utcTime) ; //extrapolFreq = 746127081 + 0.032*(utc-3491304000) ; // linear data extrapolation with slope from 18/08/2010-12/08/2010 extrapolFreq = 746108328.707542 + 3.144737e-002 * (utc-3490779388.183) - 9.527612e-010 * (utc-3490779388.183) ; // quad extrapol from fit of data in HgCavity.txt 5/10/2010 SetCtrlVal(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, extrapolFreq) ; } else { SetCtrlAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_TARGET, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; SetCtrlAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_OFFSETFREQ, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; SetCtrlAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_PLUSFSR, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; SetCtrlAttribute(CalcNHgPanel, CALCNHG_MINUSFSR, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; } break; } return 0; } */ int CVICALLBACK OnChooseSaveFile (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: FileSelectPopup("D:\\Manip Femto", "*.txt", "*.txt", "Selection of the ExtraMath saving file", VAL_SAVE_BUTTON, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, ExtraMathFileName) ; SetCtrlAttribute(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_MATH5SAVE, ATTR_DIMMED, FALSE) ; break; } return 0; } // Changements pour Calcul de N int CVICALLBACK CB_OnNCalculus (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int PanelIsVisible, PanelTop, PanelLeft, PanelWidth ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==PANEL_N1CALCULUS){ GetPanelAttribute (CalcN1Panel, ATTR_VISIBLE , &PanelIsVisible); if (PanelIsVisible) { } else { GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_TOP, &PanelTop) ; GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_LEFT, &PanelLeft) ; GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_WIDTH, &PanelWidth) ; SetPanelAttribute (CalcN1Panel, ATTR_TOP, PanelTop+170 ) ; SetPanelAttribute (CalcN1Panel, ATTR_LEFT, PanelLeft+PanelWidth+4 ) ; DisplayPanel(CalcN1Panel) ; } } if (control==PANEL_N2CALCULUS){ GetPanelAttribute (CalcN2Panel, ATTR_VISIBLE , &PanelIsVisible); if (PanelIsVisible) { } else { GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_TOP, &PanelTop) ; GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_LEFT, &PanelLeft) ; GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_WIDTH, &PanelWidth) ; SetPanelAttribute (CalcN2Panel, ATTR_TOP, PanelTop+310 ) ; SetPanelAttribute (CalcN2Panel, ATTR_LEFT, PanelLeft+PanelWidth+4 ) ; DisplayPanel(CalcN2Panel) ; } } if (control==PANEL_N3CALCULUS){ GetPanelAttribute (CalcN3Panel, ATTR_VISIBLE , &PanelIsVisible); if (PanelIsVisible) { } else { GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_TOP, &PanelTop) ; GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_LEFT, &PanelLeft) ; GetPanelAttribute (MainPanel, ATTR_WIDTH, &PanelWidth) ; SetPanelAttribute (CalcN3Panel, ATTR_TOP, PanelTop+480 ) ; SetPanelAttribute (CalcN3Panel, ATTR_LEFT, PanelLeft+PanelWidth+4 ) ; DisplayPanel(CalcN3Panel) ; } } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnStartNCalculus (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==CALCN1_COMMANDBUTTON) { Measuring_1=TRUE; } if (control==CALCN2_COMMANDBUTTON) { Measuring_2=TRUE; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnStartN3Calculus (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: Measuring_3=TRUE; break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnNStop (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int PanelIsVisible; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: //switch (control) if (control==CALCN1_COMMANDBUTTON_2) { GetPanelAttribute (CalcN1Panel, ATTR_VISIBLE , &PanelIsVisible); if (PanelIsVisible) { HidePanel(CalcN1Panel) ; } Measuring_1=FALSE; Step1_1=FALSE ; Step2_1=FALSE ; Step3_1=FALSE ; Frepminus_1=0.0; Frepplus_1=0.0; t1_1=0.0; t2_1=0.0; t3_1=0.0; N_slope_1=0; Frequ_slope_1=0.0; Moy_slope_1=0.0; Slope_slope_1 =0.0; Ch4_slope=0.0; Moy_Ch4slope_1=0.0; Slope_Ch4slope_1=0.0; DDSBesChanged1=FALSE; DDSBesChanged2=FALSE; nDDSChange=0.0; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, FrequDDS1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, FrequDDS1); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyDDSBesInit) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 2, FrequencyDDSBesInit); nstabilization=0; } if (control==CALCN2_STOP2) { GetPanelAttribute (CalcN2Panel, ATTR_VISIBLE , &PanelIsVisible); if (PanelIsVisible) { HidePanel(CalcN2Panel) ; } Measuring_2=FALSE; Step1_2=FALSE ; Step2_2=FALSE ; Step3_2=FALSE ; Frepminus_2=0.0; Delta10K_Minus=0.0; Frepplus_2=0.0; Delta10K_Plus=0.0; DeltaDDS3=0.0; t1_2=0.0; t2_2=0.0; t3_2=0.0; N_slope_2=0; Frequ_slope_2=0.0; Moy_slope_2=0.0; Beat_slope_2=0.0; Moy_Beatslope_2=0.0; Slope_Beatslope_2 =0.0; Slope_slope_2 =0.0; DDSBesChanged1=FALSE; DDSBesChanged2=FALSE; nDDSChange=0.0; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, FrequDDS1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, FrequDDS1); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyDDSBesInit) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 2, FrequencyDDSBesInit); SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, FrequencyDDS3Init) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, FrequencyDDS3Init); nstabilization=0; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnN3Stop (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int PanelIsVisible; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetPanelAttribute (CalcN3Panel, ATTR_VISIBLE , &PanelIsVisible); if (PanelIsVisible) { HidePanel(CalcN3Panel) ; } Measuring_3=FALSE; Step1_3=FALSE ; Step2_3=FALSE ; Step3_3=FALSE ; Frepminus_3=0.0; Frepplus_3=0.0; t1_3=0.0; t2_3=0.0; t3_3=0.0; N_slope_3=0; Frequ_slope_3=0.0; Moy_slope_3=0.0; Slope_slope_3 =0.0; break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnIntegrationTime (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Time ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==CALCN1_INTEGRATIONTIME){ GetCtrlVal(CalcN1Panel, CALCN1_INTEGRATIONTIME, &Time) ; DeltaT_1=Time; } if (control==CALCN2_INTEGRATIONTIME){ GetCtrlVal(CalcN2Panel, CALCN2_INTEGRATIONTIME, &Time) ; DeltaT_2=Time; } if (control==CALCN3_INTEGRATIONTIME){ GetCtrlVal(CalcN3Panel, CALCN3_INTEGRATIONTIME, &Time) ; DeltaT_3=Time; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnDeltaFreq (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Frequ ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==CALCN1_DELTAFREQ){ GetCtrlVal(CalcN1Panel, CALCN1_DELTAFREQ, &Frequ) ; DeltakHz_1=Frequ; } if (control==CALCN2_DELTAFREQ){ GetCtrlVal(CalcN2Panel, CALCN2_DELTAFREQ, &Frequ) ; DeltakHz_2=Frequ; } if (control==CALCN3_DELTAFREQ){ GetCtrlVal(CalcN3Panel, CALCN3_DELTAFREQ, &Frequ) ; DeltakHz_3=Frequ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnFindSign (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==PANEL_FINDSIGN1){ tbegin1=utc; Frepbefore1=Math1; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, &Frequency1) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, Frequency1+Frequencystep1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, Frequency1+Frequencystep1); Getsign1=TRUE; } if (control==PANEL_FINDSIGN2){ tbegin2=utc; Frepbefore2=Math1; Ch2before=Ch2; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, &Frequency2) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, Frequency2+Frequencystep2) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 1, Frequency2+Frequencystep2); Getsign2=TRUE; } if (control==PANEL_FINDSIGN3){ tbegin3=utc; Frepbefore3=Ch1; GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, &Frequency3) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, Frequency3+Frequencystep3) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, Frequency3+Frequencystep3); Getsign3=TRUE; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnFind275K (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double FrequencyToChange,DeltaCh4,DeltaCh2; DeltaCh4=275000-Ch4; DeltaCh2=10000-Ch2; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==PANEL_FIND275K2){ GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, &FrequencyToChange) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS2, FrequencyToChange+DeltaCh4) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 2, FrequencyToChange+DeltaCh4); } if (control==PANEL_FIND10K3){ GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, &FrequencyToChange) ; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS3, FrequencyToChange+DeltaCh2) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912, 3, FrequencyToChange+DeltaCh2); } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnSlopeTime (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double Time ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==CALCN1_SLOPETIME){ GetCtrlVal(CalcN1Panel, CALCN1_SLOPETIME, &Time) ; SlopeTime1=Time; } if (control==CALCN2_SLOPETIME){ GetCtrlVal(CalcN2Panel, CALCN2_SLOPETIME, &Time) ; SlopeTime2=Time; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnChangeNdiv (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double NewN ; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==PANEL_CHANGENDIV){ GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHANGENDIV, &NewN) ; Ndiv=NewN; FrequDDS1=880000000.0/Ndiv; DeltakHz_1=1800.0*8/Ndiv; DeltakHz_2=1500.0*8/Ndiv; SetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_DDS1, FrequDDS1) ; DDS4xAD9912_SetFrequency(&DDS4xAD9912,1,FrequDDS1); SetCtrlVal(CalcN1Panel, CALCN1_DELTAFREQ, DeltakHz_1) ; SetCtrlVal(CalcN2Panel, CALCN2_DELTAFREQ, DeltakHz_2) ; } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnStartSlopeCancelling (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { double ActualFrequ=0.0; double ActualSlope=0.0; int buttonstatu=0; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control==PANEL_STARTCANCEL){ GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_STARTCANCEL, &buttonstatu) ; if (buttonstatu==1) { SlopeMeasuringTimeBegin=utc; SlopeMeasuring=TRUE; ActualFrequ=ReadDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,DDSFoxFrequency,DDSFoxSweeprate); ActualSlope= SlopeMath2; LaunchDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,ActualFrequ,ActualSlope,0); Nratio=-1; CenterFrequencyCh2ToDetermine=TRUE ; CenterFrequencyCh2=0.0; } else { if (KeepFrequ==TRUE) {ActualFrequ=ReadDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,DDSFoxFrequency,DDSFoxSweeprate);} else { ActualFrequ= DDSFoxFrequency;} if (KeepSlope==TRUE) {ActualSlope= SlopeMath2; OnSlopeCancelling =TRUE; } else { ActualSlope= DDSFoxSweeprate; OnSlopeCancelling =FALSE; } LaunchDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,ActualFrequ,ActualSlope,0); SlopeMeasuring=FALSE; OnOffMessage="OFF " ; N_Math2slope=0.0; Math2_slope=0.0; Moy_Math2slope=0.0; Slope_Math2slope=0.0; MoyMath2=0.0; Slope_Math2slope=0.0; CenterFrequencyCh2= 0.0; Nratio=-1; nstabilisationSlopeMeasuring=0; } } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnResetSlope (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: SlopeMath2 = 0.0; CenterFrequencyCh2 = 0.0; MoyMath2 = 0.0; Nratio = -1; CenterFrequencyCh2ToDetermine = TRUE ; OnSlopeCancelling = FALSE; LaunchDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,DDSFoxFrequency,DDSFoxSweeprate,0); break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_ChangeSlopeTime (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_SLOPETIME, &TimetoSlope); break; } return 0; } int LaunchDDSFOX (char *Name,char *ip,int Port,unsigned int Profil,double Clock,double DeltaT,double Frequency,double Sweeprate,int mode) { //mode =0 pour normal //mode =1 pour reset DDSParameter DDSState; strcpy(DDSState.Name, Name); DDSState.Profil = Profil; strcpy(DDSState.ip, ip); DDSState.Port = Port; DDSState.Clock = Clock; DDSState.Delta_T = DeltaT; DDSState.Frequency = Frequency; DDSState.SweepRate = Sweeprate; if (mode == 1) { DDS_Initialize (&DDSState); } else { DDS_ReInitialize (&DDSState); } return 0; } double ReadDDSFOX (char *Name,char *ip,int Port,unsigned int Profil,double Clock,double DeltaT,double Frequency,double Sweeprate) { DDSParameter DDSState; strcpy(DDSState.Name, Name); DDSState.Profil = Profil; strcpy(DDSState.ip, ip); DDSState.Port = Port; DDSState.Clock = Clock; DDSState.Delta_T = DeltaT; DDSState.Frequency = Frequency; DDSState.SweepRate = Sweeprate; return DDSFox_ReadFreq(&DDSState); } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnCROX (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE; double ActualFrequ=0.0; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control== PANEL_CHECKBOX_CORRFREQU) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_CORRFREQU, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { FrequCorrec=TRUE ; } else {FrequCorrec=FALSE ;} } if (control== PANEL_CHECKBOX_KEEP) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_KEEP, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { KeepFrequ=TRUE ; } else {KeepFrequ=FALSE ;} } if (control== PANEL_CHECKBOX_KEEPSLOPE) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_KEEPSLOPE, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { KeepSlope=TRUE ; if (SlopeMeasuring==FALSE && OnSlopeCancelling==FALSE) { ActualFrequ=ReadDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,DDSFoxFrequency,DDSFoxSweeprate); LaunchDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,ActualFrequ,SlopeMath2,0); OnSlopeCancelling=TRUE; } } else {KeepSlope=FALSE ; if (SlopeMeasuring==FALSE && OnSlopeCancelling==TRUE) { ActualFrequ=ReadDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,DDSFoxFrequency,DDSFoxSweeprate); LaunchDDSFOX (DDSFoxName,DDSFoxip,DDSFoxPort,DDSFoxProfil,DDSFoxClock,DDSFoxDeltaT,ActualFrequ,DDSFoxSweeprate,0); OnSlopeCancelling=FALSE; } } } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnReCentering (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control== PANEL_CHECKBOX_RECENTER) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_RECENTER, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { KeepCentering=TRUE ; CenteringTimeBegin275K=utc; CenteringTimeBegin10K=utc; } else {KeepCentering=FALSE ;} } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK CB_OnAutoStopSlopeCancellingIfDelock (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { bool BoxChecked = FALSE; double ActualFrequ=0.0; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: if (control== PANEL_CHECKBOX_STOPIFAUTODE) { GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_CHECKBOX_STOPIFAUTODE, &BoxChecked) ; if (BoxChecked) { AutoStopSlopeCancellingIfDelock=TRUE ; } else {AutoStopSlopeCancellingIfDelock=FALSE ;} } break; } return 0; } int CVICALLBACK SlopeReference_cb (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal(MainPanel, PANEL_SLOPE_REFERENCE, &slopeReference); break; } return 0; }