Mercurial > hg > fxanalyse
Implement correction proportional to frequency in dedrift code2014-10-27, by Daniele Nicolodi
Show Plot and Allan windows in the taskbar2014-10-27, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N estimate to properly round2014-10-27, by Daniele Nicolodi
Improvements to log file handling2014-10-27, by Daniele Nicolodi
Update Hg expected frequency with value of last measurement2014-10-09, by Daniele Nicolodi
Implement N estimate tacking into account measured beatnote frequency2014-09-19, by Daniele Nicolodi
Log when dedrift is automatically stop2014-09-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Do not track .cdb debug symbols file2014-09-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Do not track .cds2014-09-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Variable names clarification and cleanup2014-09-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Bitwise vs logical and fix2014-09-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N3 measurement2014-09-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Rework beatnote sign determination. Fix Sign3 measurement2014-09-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix allan deviation plot2014-05-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Change plot lines color to red2014-05-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Use DDS4 for shifting Sr beatnote frequency to 10 kHz2014-04-15, by Daniele Nicolodi
Set AD9956 frequency and sweep rate at startup2014-04-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add streq() and strneq() definitions to utils.h2014-04-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix Allan deviation plot2014-04-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix ad9956 sweep rate setting. Disable clock divider on init. Simplify2014-04-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove now unused configuration variables2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove old AD9956 client code2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Adapt to new AD9956 interface2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix includes2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Move common AD99xx code to dds.{ch}2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
New AD9956 interface2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix Sr beatnote sign detection2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix KK counter setup2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused DDS interface code2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix KK data provider setup2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix new AD9912 interface2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix device reset in old AD9912 interface2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Show error state in main user inteface panel2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix manual beatnote sign setting2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build. Do not install configuration file.2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
New AD9912 client code to communicate with improved server code2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
UI elements rename2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix KK data provider. Wait for command reply before sending the next one.2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor change to the KK FX80 interface2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fixes2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Allow to write log to file specified in configuration file2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2014-03-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cosmetic2014-02-24, by Daniele Nicolodi
Change data logging to 16 digits precision2014-02-24, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix data file creation permissions2014-02-24, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add scrambler option to KK data provider. Report KK counter version.2014-02-24, by Daniele Nicolodi
Do not reset dedrift DDS at program initialization2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Rewrite data writing to file2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Update default configuration file2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Armonize configuration file path construction in KK data provider2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove DDS frequency +10 kHz and -10 kHz buttons2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix real DDS frequency display2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N estimate interface2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Make number of KK counter channels read configurable2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Increase maximum number of data channels to 82014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Code cleanup2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Make DDS addres configurable in configuration file. Modernize AD9912 driver.2014-02-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix save of Extra math field2014-02-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2014-02-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add new parameters to default condiguration file2014-02-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
Make data folder configurable in configuration file2014-02-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
Get Sr data logger parameters from configuration file. Code reorganization.2014-02-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor cleanup2014-02-14, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix local header include2014-02-13, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor cleanup2014-02-13, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2014-02-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Read AD9956 configuration from configuration file2014-02-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix configuration file name2014-02-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup2014-02-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Coding style fixes2014-02-04, by Daniele Nicolodi
Simplification and code cleanup2014-02-04, by Daniele Nicolodi
Code cleanup2014-02-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Simplify DDS frequency juggling in N measurement2014-02-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove controls for removed functionality2014-02-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add beatnote frequency drift correction to N3 measurement2014-02-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Raw data logging enabled by default2014-01-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Update values to reflect recentering of the 1542 nm cavities2014-01-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix data logging2014-01-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
New folder for 2014 data files2014-01-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix log message2014-01-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor correction to N3 measurement2014-01-31, by Daniele Nicolodi
Update expression to compute Sr absolute frequency2014-01-30, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove relic header file2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Tweaks to FakeDataProvider2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Allan user interface tweaks2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Code cleanup2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused variables from math experessions initialization2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Rework data logging2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Plot user interface tweaks2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Adjust log messages2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix recenter2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Coding style2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix Allan deviation linear drift contribution removal2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Code cleanup2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Code cleanup2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Major code cleanup2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Major code cleanup. Implement beatnote recentering.2014-01-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Support graceful intrerruption of N3 measurement. Minor user interface fixes2013-12-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build version 7.4.12013-12-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor user interface tweaks2013-12-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add more N3 measurement debug information in the log2013-12-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix thousands separators number formatting function.2013-12-16, by Daniele Nicolodi
User iterface tweaks. Better thousands separators number formatting function.2013-12-13, by Daniele Nicolodi
Produce realistic data from fake data provider2013-12-13, by Daniele Nicolodi
Rename variables from SigneX to SignX2013-12-13, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add thousands separator to important numeric displays2013-12-13, by Daniele Nicolodi
Allow to set dedrift DDS central frequency. Add option to double applied slope.2013-12-12, by Daniele Nicolodi
Improve user interface2013-12-12, by Daniele Nicolodi
Update Sr data logger IP address2013-12-12, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add KK counter measurement interval synchronization to PPS trigger2013-09-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add Sr frequency logging to disk and to Sr data logger2013-09-12, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N3 measurement. Simply frequnecy ramping functions.2013-09-12, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix computaion of expected frep change2013-07-05, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N3 measurement2013-07-05, by Daniele Nicolodi
Use DDS1 to change frep in the measurement of N3. Improve some variable names2013-07-05, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove the writing of a second copy of Lo frequency data2013-07-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add option to save DDS frequencies to disk2013-07-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Avoid compilation warning2013-07-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N3 measurement2013-07-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2013-06-28, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N3 measurement2013-06-28, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minimal cleanup of AD9912 DDS driver2013-06-28, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor simplification2013-06-28, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2013-04-08, by Daniele Nicolodi
Disable the Start button when data acquisition thread is running2013-04-08, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add configuration file example2013-04-08, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused variables2013-04-08, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add timeout to FX_Recv() function. Improve error handling in KKDataProvider2013-04-08, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix buffer size in SendMessage macro2013-04-08, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2013-03-26, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add 'KK_FX80E.dll' to the distributed files2013-03-26, by Daniele Nicolodi
Allow up to 16 messages to pile up in the communication between threads2013-03-26, by Daniele Nicolodi
Write raw counters data to disk2013-03-26, by Daniele Nicolodi
Ignore packet with id '7015' in KK driver2013-03-26, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2013-03-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Change default KK port to COM4. Make port configurable via .ini file2013-03-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Do not track .cws2013-03-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build 7.3.0. Update project files2013-03-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix timestamping. Cleanup data providers2013-03-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup log file data provider2013-03-22, by Daniele Nicolodi
Implement data acquisition through direct communication with the KK counter2013-03-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Move data acquisition into separate thread2013-03-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused header2013-03-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Julian day is never used. Remove it2013-03-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor cleanup2013-03-21, by Daniele Nicolodi
Rework and cleanup N measurement panels handling. Move logs to dedicated panel.2013-03-20, by Daniele Nicolodi
Small UI cleanup2013-03-20, by Daniele Nicolodi
Implement logging2013-03-20, by Daniele Nicolodi
Implement gettimeofday()2013-03-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add dedrifting DDS reset functionality2013-03-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Update data logging folder to "z:\Measures-2013"2013-02-27, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix data logging to disc. Shorten file names2012-12-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused file2012-11-30, by Daniele Nicolodi
Refactor data writing to disk. Implement dayly chunking to separate files2012-11-30, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove not completely implemented autosave option2012-11-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build. Update project files2012-11-08, by Daniele Nicolodi
Refactor mean and slope measurement2012-11-08, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix byte order in AD9956 DDS driver2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build. Update project files2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix slope measurement again2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Use cleaned up AD9956 DDS driver functionalities2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup AD9956 DDS driver2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix slope measurement2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Clarify variables names in dedrifting code2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix automatic measurement stop on unlock and simplify dedrifting slope setting2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Style fix2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix varargs handling in DDS Fox driver error function2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Further simplification2012-10-29, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N2 measurement after cleanup. Further simplification2012-10-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Display measured slope2012-10-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix frequency scaling in frequency drift measurement2012-10-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build. Update project files2012-10-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
Do not suspend slope measurement for 5 cycles at each slope measurement interval2012-10-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
Simplyfy slope measurement code2012-10-17, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup. Remove unnecessary global variable2012-10-11, by Daniele Nicolodi
Do not update beatnote sign indicators at each time tick2012-10-11, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused variable2012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup. Remove some C abominations2012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove debug statement2012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused variables2012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build. Update project files2012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Simplify dedrifting interface2012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Uniform N3 measurement code to N1 and N22012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup. Convert N2 measurement logic to state machine like structure2012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix output frequency read back in DDS Fox driver2012-10-10, by Daniele Nicolodi
Simplify logic and reindent2012-10-09, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix frequency scaling in frequency drift measurement2012-10-09, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup2012-10-09, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix setting dedrifting slope via spinner2012-10-05, by Daniele Nicolodi
Handle application quit just once2012-10-05, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add setting to invert the sign of the measured slope on dedrifting2012-10-05, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build. Update project files2012-10-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup2012-10-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor fixes to UI2012-10-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Update displayed dedrifting slope when it is modified and not at each timer tick2012-10-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup code handling dedrifing options2012-10-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Indent2012-10-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix N1 measurement code after cleanup2012-10-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build. Update project files2012-10-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Allow manual setting of frequency dedrifting rate2012-10-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup AD9956 DDS parameters setting code2012-10-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove references to unused DDSBes2012-10-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove two global variables2012-10-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Cleanup N1 measurement code2012-10-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Correct DDS3 frequency adjustement on N3 measurement. Cleanup2012-10-02, by Daniele Nicolodi
Code cleanup and dead code removal2012-07-20, by Daniele Nicolodi
Correct DDS3 frequency adjustement on N3 measurement2012-07-20, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused widgets from N1 measurement panel. Harmonize widgets names2012-07-19, by Daniele Nicolodi
Unused variable2012-07-19, by Daniele Nicolodi
Get rid of unused variables. Some minor coding style improvements2012-07-19, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2012-07-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add new files to project and enable compiler warnings2012-07-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Implement N3 measurement. Large code cleanup.2012-07-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
Implementation of the C99 round() function2012-07-18, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2012-07-16, by Daniele Nicolodi
Minor code cleanup2012-07-16, by Daniele Nicolodi
Log file name and line number on error2012-07-16, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove "always on top" attribute to main application window2012-07-16, by Daniele Nicolodi
New build2012-07-04, by Daniele Nicolodi
Fix slope cancelling following Hg cavity2012-07-04, by Daniele Nicolodi
Adjust distribution definition files2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Correctly scale 1062 nm cavity frequency to compute slope for 1542 nm cavity2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Add build results to ignored files2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Consistent naming of project files and executable2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Make executable name and window title consistent2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove useless main panel attribute setting2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Remove unused include2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Implement reference selection (microwave or Hg cavity) for slope cancelling2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Indentation2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi
Import2012-07-03, by Daniele Nicolodi