Mercurial > hg > ltpda
comparison m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/math.m @ 0:f0afece42f48
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23) |
parents | |
children | bc767aaa99a8 |
-1:000000000000 | 0:f0afece42f48 |
1 % MATH helper class for math utility functions. | |
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3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | |
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5 % DESCRIPTION: MATH is a helper class for math utility functions. | |
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7 % To see the available static methods, call | |
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9 % >> methods utils.math | |
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11 % HISTORY: M Hewitson 26-05-08 | |
12 % Creation | |
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14 % VERSION: $Id: math.m,v 1.77 2011/10/07 08:19:06 miquel Exp $ | |
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17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | |
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19 classdef math | |
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22 %--------- Declaration of Static methods -------- | |
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24 methods (Static) | |
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28 % List other methods | |
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31 varargout = intfact(varargin); % Compute two integers P and Q | |
32 varargout = cpf(varargin) | |
33 varargout = lp2z(varargin) | |
34 p = phase(resp) | |
35 r = deg2rad(deg, min, sec) | |
36 [G,ri] = fq2ri(f0, Q) | |
37 ri = fq2ri2(f0, Q) | |
38 [f0, q] = ri2fq(c) | |
39 deg = unwrapdeg(phase) | |
40 val = rand(r1, r2) | |
41 [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl,rmse] = autocfit(y,f,params) | |
42 [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl,rmse] = autodfit(y,f,fs,params) | |
43 [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl] = ctfit(y,f,poles,weight,fitin) | |
44 [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl] = dtfit(y,f,poles,weight,fitin) | |
45 [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl,rmse] = vcfit(y,f,poles,weight,fitin) | |
46 [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl,rmse] = vdfit(y,f,poles,weight,fitin) | |
47 [h11,h12,h21,h22] = eigpsd(psd1,csd,psd2,varargin) | |
48 [h11,h12,h21,h22] = eigcsd(csd11,csd12,csd21,csd22,varargin) | |
49 varargout = pfallps(ir,ip,id,mresp,f,varargin) | |
50 [nr,np,nd,nmresp] = pfallpsymz(r,p,d,mresp,f,fs) | |
51 [nr,np,nd,nmresp] = pfallpsyms(r,p,d,f) | |
52 varargout = pfallpz(ir,ip,id,mresp,f,fs,varargin) | |
53 varargout = psd2tf(varargin) | |
54 varargout = psd2wf(varargin) | |
55 spoles = startpoles(order,f,params) | |
56 weight = wfun(y,weightparam) | |
57 [ext,msg] = stopfit(y,rdl,rmse,ctp,lrscond,rmsevar) | |
58 pfr = pfresp(pfparams) | |
59 Deriv = fpsder(a, params) | |
60 zi = iirinit(a,b) | |
61 sw = spflat(S) | |
62 out = randelement(arr, N) | |
63 covmat = jr2cov(J,resid) | |
64 J = getjacobian(coeff,model,X) | |
65 h = ndeigcsd(csd,varargin) | |
66 ostruct = csd2tf(csd,f,params) | |
67 [res,poles,fullpoles,mresp,rdl,mse] = psdzfit(y,f,poles,weight,fitin) | |
68 varargout = computepsd(Sxx,Svxx,w,range,nfft,Fs,esttype) | |
69 res = isequal(varargin) | |
70 [a,Ca,Corra,Vu,bu,Cbu,Fbu,mse,dof,ppm] = linfitsvd(varargin) | |
71 [a,Ca,Corra,Vu,bu,Cbu,Fbu,mse,dof,ppm] = linlsqsvd(varargin) | |
72 Zi = getinitstate(res,poles,S0,varargin) | |
73 varargout = pfallpz2(ip,mresp,f,fs) | |
74 ostruct = csd2tf2(csd,f,params) | |
75 varargout = pfallpsymz2(ip,mresp,f,fs) | |
76 varargout = pfallpsyms2(ip,mresp,f) | |
77 varargout = pfallps2(ip,mresp,f) | |
78 FisMat = fisher_2x2(i1,i2,n,mdl,params,numparams,freqs,N,pl,inNames,outNames) | |
79 FisMat = fisher_1x1(i1,n,mdl,params,numparams,freqs,N,pl,inNames,outNames) | |
80 best = diffStepFish(i1,i2,S11,S12,S21,S22,N,meval,params,ngrid,ranges,freqs,inNames,outNames) | |
81 best = diffStepFish_1x1(i1,S11,N,meval,params,values,ngrid,ranges,freqs,inNames,outNames) | |
82 loglk = loglikelihood(varargin) | |
83 loglk = loglikelihood_ssm(varargin) | |
84 [loglk snr] = loglikelihood_matrix(varargin) | |
85 snrexp = stnr(tmplt1,tmplt2,out1,out2,InvS11,InvS22,InvS12,InvS21) | |
86 loglk = loglikelihood_ssm_td(xp,in,out,parnames,model,inNames,outNames,Noise,varargin) | |
87 loglk = loglikelihood_td(res,noise,varargin) | |
88 params = fitPrior(prior,nparam,chain,bins) | |
89 Xt = blwhitenoise(npts,fs,fl,fh) | |
90 [smpl smplr] = mhsample(model,in,out,nse,cov,number,limit,param,Tc,xi,xo,search,jumps,parplot,dbg_info,inNames,outNames,fpars,anneal,SNR0,DeltaL,inModel,outModel) | |
91 [A,B,C,D] = pf2ss(res,poles,dterm) | |
92 [w_i,powers,w_mse,p_mse] = rootmusic(x,p,varargin) | |
93 [music_data,msg] = music(x,p,varargin) | |
94 k = getk(z,p,zfg) | |
95 dc = getdc(z,p,k) | |
96 [A,B,C,D] = pzmodel2SSMats(pzm) | |
97 varargout = filtfilt_filterbank(fbk,in) | |
98 cmat = xCovmat(x,y,varargin) | |
99 chi2 = chisquare_ssm_td(xp,in,out,parnames,model,inNames,outNames,varargin) | |
100 [CorrC,SigC] = cov2corr(Covar) | |
101 Covar = corr2cov(CorrC,SigC) | |
102 R = Rcovmat(x) | |
103 smpl = mhsample_td(model,in,out,cov,number,limit,parnames,Tc,xi,xo,search,jumps,parplot,dbg_info,inNames,outNames,inNoise,inNoiseNames,cutbefore,cutafter) | |
104 Bxy = rjsample(model,in,out,nse,cov,number,limit,param,Tc,xi,xo,search,jumps,parplot,dbg_info,inNames,outNames,inModel,outModel) | |
105 [Fout,x] = ecdf(y) | |
106 cVal = SKcriticalvalues(n1,n2,alph) | |
107 x = Finv(p,n1,n2) | |
108 p = Fcdf(x,n1,n2) | |
109 rsp = mtxiirresp(fil,freq,fs,bank) | |
110 rsp = mtxiirresp2(A,B,freq,fs) | |
111 rsp = mtxratresp2(A,B,freq) | |
112 f = getfftfreq(nfft,fs,type) | |
113 h = cdfplot(y1,y2,ops) | |
114 h = qqplot(y1,y2,ops) | |
115 h = ppplot(y1,y2,ops) | |
116 boxplot(varargin) | |
117 p = Normcdf(x,mu,sigma) | |
118 x = Norminv(p,mu,sigma) | |
119 p = Chi2cdf(x,v) | |
120 x = Chi2inv(p,v) | |
121 [H, KSstatistic, criticalValue, pValue] = kstest(y1, y2, alpha, varargin) | |
122 [test,critValue,pValue] = Ftest(F,dof1,dof2,alpha,twoTailed) | |
123 test = SFtest(X,Y,alpha,showPlots) | |
124 s = Skew(x) | |
125 k = Kurt(x) | |
126 [rw,s] = crank(w) | |
127 [rs,pValue,TestRes] = spcorr(y1,y2,alpha) | |
128 [chi2,g] = chi2(p,data,models,Dmodels,lb,ub) | |
129 pValue = KSpValue(KSstatistic,n1,n2) | |
130 R = freqCorr(w,eta,T) | |
131 varargout = overlapCorr(w,N,navs) | |
132 Gf = dft(gt,f,T) | |
133 Sf = computeDftPeriodogram(x,fs,f,order,win,psll) | |
134 Sf = welchdft(x,fs,f,Ns,olap,navs,order,win,psll) | |
135 y = unitStep(x); | |
136 y = heaviside(x); | |
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140 end % End static methods | |
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143 end | |
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145 % END |