comparison m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/rjsample.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
children bc767aaa99a8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f0afece42f48
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 %
3 % Reverse Jump MCMC for the computation of Bayes Factor
4 %
5 % N. Karnesis 27/09/2011
6 %
7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
10 function [Bxy LogL] = rjsample(model,in,out,nse,cov,number,limit,param,Tc,xi,xo,search,jumps,parplot,dbg_info,inNames,outNames,anneal,SNR0,DeltaL,inModel,outModel)
12 import utils.const.*
14 % initialize
15 summ = 0;
16 nacc = 1;
17 heat = xi;
18 rejected = 0;
19 nummodels = numel(model(1,:));
20 legen = [];
22 % assigning colors to curves (if not, all curves are blue)
23 for gg = 1:(nummodels)
24 coloor(gg,:) = rand(1,3);
25 for dd = gg+1:(nummodels)
26 colour{gg,dd} = rand(1,3);
27 end
28 end
30 % plist to pass in to the sampler for use in bode
31 spl = plist('outputs', outNames, ...
32 'inputs', inNames, ...
33 'reorganize', false,...
34 'numeric output',true);
36 nrej = 0;
38 for k = 1:nummodels
39 if ~search
40 for ii = 1:nummodels
41 smpl(ii) = 0;
42 mnacc(:,ii) = 0;
43 nacc = 1;
44 sumsamples = 1;
45 end
46 else
47 % compute loglikelihood for starting model and values
48 switch class(model)
49 case 'matrix'
50 smpl(k) = utils.math.loglikelihood_matrix(xo{k},in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k},inModel,outModel);
51 case 'smodel'
52 smpl(k) = utils.math.loglikelihood(xo{k},in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k});
53 case 'ssm'
54 Amats{k} = model(:,k).amats;
55 Bmats{k} = model(:,k).bmats;
56 Cmats{k} = model(:,k).cmats;
57 Dmats{k} = model(:,k).dmats;
58 smpl(k) = utils.math.loglikelihood_ssm(xo{k},in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k},inNames,outNames, spl, Amats{k}, Bmats{k}, Cmats{k}, Dmats{k});
59 otherwise
60 error('### Model must be either from the ''smodel'' or the ''ssm'' class. Please check the inputs')
61 end
62 mnacc(:,k) = 0;
63 nacc = 1;
64 sumsamples = 1;
65 end
66 end
68 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, 'Starting Reverse Jump MCMC ', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
70 T = Tc(1);
71 hjump = 0;
74 % initialize (choose starting model)
75 k = 1;
76 % compute loglikelihood for starting model and values
77 switch class(model)
78 case 'matrix'
79 loglk1mdl1 = utils.math.loglikelihood_matrix(xo{k},in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k},inModel,outModel);
80 case 'smodel'
81 loglk1mdl1 = utils.math.loglikelihood(xo{k},in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k});
82 case 'ssm'
83 loglk1mdl1 = utils.math.loglikelihood_ssm(xo{k},in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k},inNames,outNames, spl, Amats{k}, Bmats{k}, Cmats{k}, Dmats{k});
84 otherwise
85 error('### Model must be either from the ''smodel'' or the ''ssm'' class. Please check the inputs')
86 end
88 % main loop
89 while(nacc<number)
91 % propose new point in the parameter space for model k
92 [xn hjump] = propose(xo{k},cov{k},search,Tc,jumps,hjump,nacc,sumsamples);
94 % check if out of limits
95 if( any(xn < limit{k}(1,:)) || any(xn > limit{k}(2,:)))
97 loglk2mdl1 = inf;
99 else
100 % switch depending on model class (new likelihood)
101 switch class(model)
102 case 'ssm'
103 [loglk2mdl1 SNR] = utils.math.loglikelihood_ssm(xn,in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k},inNames,outNames, spl, Amats{k}, Bmats{k}, Cmats{k}, Dmats{k});
104 case 'smodel'
105 loglk2mdl1 = utils.math.loglikelihood(xn,in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k});
106 case 'matrix'
107 [loglk2mdl1 SNR] = utils.math.loglikelihood_matrix(xn,in,out,nse,model(:,k),param{k},inModel,outModel);
108 otherwise
109 error('### Model must be from the ''ssm'' class. Please check the inputs')
110 end
112 % compute annealing
113 if ~isempty(Tc)
114 if nacc <= Tc(1)
115 betta = 1/2 * 10^(-xi*(1-Tc(1)/Tc(2)));
116 elseif Tc(1) < nacc && nacc <= Tc(2)
117 betta = 1/2 * 10^(-xi*(1-nacc/Tc(2)));
118 else
119 % compute heat factor
120 switch anneal
121 case 'simul'
122 betta = 1/2;
123 case 'thermo'
124 if (0 <= SNR && SNR <= SNR0)
125 heat = 1;
126 elseif (SNR > SNR0)
127 heat = (SNR/SNR0)^2;
128 end
129 betta = 1/2 * 10^(-heat*(1-nacc/number));
130 case 'simple'
131 if (nacc > 10 && mod(nacc,10) == 0)
132 deltalogp = std(smpl(nacc-10:nacc,1));
133 if deltalogp <= DeltaL(1)
134 T = T + DeltaL(3);
135 elseif deltalogp >= DeltaL(2)
136 T = T - DeltaL(4);
137 end
138 heat = Tc(1)/T;
139 end
140 betta = 1/2 * 10^(-heat*(1-nacc/number));
141 end
142 end
143 else
144 betta = 1/2;
145 end
147 end
149 % metropolis
150 [xo x0 loglk1mdl1 rj] = mhsmpl(k,betta,xn,xo,loglk1mdl1,loglk2mdl1);
152 % update parameters (dimension matching)
153 if ~rj
154 for gg = 1:nummodels
155 xo{gg} = updateparams(param,xo,k,gg);
156 end
157 end
159 % draw random integer to jump into model
160 % (supposed equal probability to jump to any model including the present one)
161 k_new = randi(nummodels,1);
163 % propose new point in new model k'
164 xn_new = propose(xo{k_new},cov{k_new},search,Tc,jumps,hjump,nacc,sumsamples);
166 % check if out of limits for new model
167 if( any(xn_new < limit{k_new}(1,:)) || any(xn_new > limit{k_new}(2,:)))
169 loglk2mdl2 = inf;
171 else
172 % switch depending on model class (new likelihood for proposed model k')
173 switch class(model(k_new))
174 case 'ssm'
175 [loglk2mdl2 SNR] = utils.math.loglikelihood_ssm(xn_new,in,out,nse,model(:,k_new),param{k_new},inNames,outNames, spl, Amats{k_new}, Bmats{k_new}, Cmats{k_new}, Dmats{k_new});
176 case 'smodel'
177 loglk2mdl2 = utils.math.loglikelihood(xn_new,in,out,nse,model(:,k_new),param{k_new});
178 case 'matrix'
179 [loglk2mdl2 SNR] = utils.math.loglikelihood_matrix(xn_new,in,out,nse,model(:,k_new),param{k_new},inModel,outModel);
180 otherwise
181 error('### Model must be from the ''ssm'' class. Please check the inputs')
182 end
183 end
185 % calculate proposal densities
186 logq1 = logprpsl(xo{k},x0,cov{k});
187 logq2 = logprpsl(xn_new,xo{k_new},cov{k_new});
189 % ratio (independent proposals => Jacobian = 1)
190 logr = (logq2 + loglk2mdl2 - loglk2mdl1 - logq1) ;
191 % decide if sample in new model is accepted or not
192 if logr < 0
193 xo{k_new} = xn_new;
194 nacc = nacc+1;
195 sumsamples = nacc + rejected;
196 mnacc(nacc,:) = mnacc(nacc-1,:);
197 mnacc(nacc,k_new) = mnacc(nacc-1,k_new) + 1;
198 smpl(nacc,k_new) = loglk2mdl2;
199 if (k ~= k_new) smpl(nacc,k) = loglk2mdl1; end
200 k = k_new;
201 % update parameters again
202 for gg = 1:nummodels
203 xo{gg} = updateparams(param,xo,k,gg);
204 end
205 if dbg_info
206 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, sprintf('acc new k: %d loglik: %d SNR: %d betta: %d ratio: %d ',k_new,loglk2mdl2,SNR,betta,logr));
207 end
208 elseif rand(1) > (1 - exp(-logr))
209 xo{k_new} = xn_new;
210 nacc = nacc+1;
211 sumsamples = nacc + rejected;
212 mnacc(nacc,:) = mnacc(nacc-1,:);
213 mnacc(nacc,k_new) = mnacc(nacc-1,k_new) + 1;
214 smpl(nacc,k_new) = loglk2mdl2;
215 if (k ~= k_new) smpl(nacc,k) = loglk2mdl1; end
216 k = k_new;
217 % update parameters again
218 for gg = 1:nummodels
219 xo{gg} = updateparams(param,xo,k,gg);
220 end
221 if dbg_info
222 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, sprintf('acc new k: %d loglik: %d SNR: %d betta: %d ratio: %d ',k_new,loglk2mdl2,SNR,betta,logr));
223 end
224 elseif isnan(logr)
225 rejected = rejected + 1;
226 sumsamples = nacc + rejected;
227 if dbg_info
228 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, sprintf('rejected: %d out of bounds ',rejected));
229 end
230 else
231 nacc = nacc+1;
232 sumsamples = nacc + rejected;
233 mnacc(nacc,:) = mnacc(nacc-1,:);
234 mnacc(nacc,k) = mnacc(nacc-1,k) + 1;
235 if (k ~= k_new) smpl(nacc,k_new) = loglk2mdl2; end
236 % printing on screen the correct things
237 if rj
238 smpl(nacc,k) = loglk1mdl1;
239 if dbg_info
240 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, sprintf('acc old k: %d loglik: %d SNR: %d betta: %d ratio: %d ',k,loglk1mdl1,SNR,betta,logr));
241 end
242 else
243 smpl(nacc,k) = loglk2mdl1;
244 if (k ~= k_new) smpl(nacc,k_new) = loglk2mdl2; end
245 xo{k} = xn;
246 if dbg_info
247 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, sprintf('acc old k: %d loglik: %d SNR: %d betta: %d ratio: %d ',k,loglk2mdl1,SNR,betta,logr));
248 end
249 end
250 end
252 str = [];
253 % printing to screen the following: "acc(#_of_model): # of points in
254 % model #_of_model" for ii = 1:nummodels
255 if dbg_info
256 for ii = 1:nummodels
257 str = [str sprintf('acc%d: %d ',ii,mnacc(nacc,ii))];
258 end
259 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, str);
260 end
262 % the handshake problem
263 for gg = 1:(nummodels)
264 for dd = gg+1:(nummodels)
265 %calculate Bayes Factor
266 Bxy{gg,dd}(nacc,1) = mnacc(nacc,gg)/mnacc(nacc,dd);
267 end
268 end
270 % plot Bayes factor
271 if (parplot && (mod(summ,500) == 0) && (nacc ~= 0))
272 figure(1)
273 for gg = 1:(nummodels)
274 for dd = gg+1:(nummodels)
275 legen = [legen ; sprintf('B%d%d',gg,dd)]; % legend
276 plot(Bxy{gg,dd}(:,1),'color',colour{gg,dd})
277 legend(legen)
278 hold on
279 end
280 end
281 end
282 hold off
283 legen = [];
285 % plot LogLikelihood for each model
286 if (parplot && (mod(summ,100) == 0) && (nacc ~= 0))
287 figure (2)
288 for jj = 3:(nummodels+2)
289 %if (mnacc(nacc,jj-2) ~= 0)
290 plot(smpl(:,jj-2),'color',coloor(jj-2,:))
291 legen = [legen ; sprintf('model%d',jj-2)]; % legend
292 legend(legen)
293 hold on
294 %end
295 end
296 end
297 hold off
298 legen = [];
300 % sum of points (used for plotting mainly -> avoid repeated ploting).
301 summ = summ+1;
302 end
303 LogL = smpl;
304 end
306 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
307 % metropolis algorithm
308 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
309 function [xo x0 loglk1 rejected] = mhsmpl(k,betta,xn,xo,loglk1,loglk2)
311 x0 = xo{k};
312 logalpha = betta*(loglk2 - loglk1);
314 if logalpha < 0
315 xo{k} = xn;
316 loglk1 = loglk2;
317 rejected = 0;
318 elseif rand(1) > (1 - exp(-logalpha))
319 xo{k} = xn;
320 loglk1 = loglk2;
321 rejected = 0;
322 else
323 rejected = 1;
324 end
326 end
328 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
329 % compute LogLikelihood
330 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
331 % function logL = LogLamda(k,param,model,inNames,outNames,spl,Amats,Bmats,Dmats,Cmats)
332 %
333 % switch class(model(k_new))
334 % case 'ssm'
335 % logL = utils.math.loglikelihood_ssm(xn_new,in,out,nse,model(:,k_new),param{k_new},inNames,outNames, spl, Amats{k_new}, Bmats{k_new}, Cmats{k_new}, Dmats{k_new});
336 % case 'smodel'
337 % logL = utils.math.loglikelihood(xn_new,in,out,nse,model(:,k_new),param{k_new});
338 % case 'matrix'
339 % [logL SNR] = utils.math.loglikelihood_matrix(xn_new,in,out,nse,model(:,k_new),param{k_new},inModel,outModel);
340 % otherwise
341 % error('### Model must be from the ''ssm'' class. Please check the inputs')
342 % end
343 %
344 %
345 % end
347 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
348 % propose a new jump function
349 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
350 function [xn hjump]= propose(xo,cov,search,Tc,jumps,hjump,nacc,sumsamples)
352 if search
353 if nacc <= Tc(1)
355 if(mod(sumsamples,5) == 0 && mod(sumsamples,25) ~= 0 && mod(sumsamples,40) ~= 0 && hjump ~= 1)
356 hjump = 1;
357 xn = mvnrnd(xo,jumps(2)^2*cov);
358 elseif(mod(sumsamples,20) == 0 && mod(sumsamples,50) ~= 0 && hjump ~= 1)
359 hjump = 1;
360 xn = mvnrnd(xo,jumps(3)^2*cov);
361 elseif(mod(sumsamples,10) == 0 && hjump ~= 1)
362 hjump = 1;
363 xn = mvnrnd(xo,jumps(4)^2*cov);
364 else
365 hjump = 0;
366 xn = mvnrnd(xo,jumps(1)^2*cov);
367 end
368 else
369 xn = mvnrnd(xo,cov);
370 end
371 else
372 xn = mvnrnd(xo,cov);
373 end
376 end
378 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
379 % update parameters function (dimension matching)
380 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
381 function xn= updateparams(param,xo,k,kn)
383 % dimension difference of models
384 dimdif = abs(size(param{kn},2) - size(param{k},2));
385 % mark the different parameters
386 difparams = setxor(param{kn},param{k});
387 % total number of different parameters
388 totalnumdifpar = numel(difparams);
389 kk = 0;
391 % case: dimension difference equals the # of different parameters
392 % and dim(model(k')) > dim(model(k))
393 if (dimdif == totalnumdifpar && size(param{kn},2) > size(param{k},2))
395 xn = zeros(size(xo{kn}));
396 for ii = 1:min(size(difparams,2))
397 compvec{ii} = strcmp(difparams{ii},param{kn});
398 position(ii) = find(compvec{ii}); % mark the positions of the different parameters
399 xn(position(ii)) = xo{kn}(position(ii));
400 end
401 for jj = 1:size(param{kn},2)
402 if (jj ~= position)
403 kk = kk+1;
404 xn(jj) = xo{k}(kk);
405 end
406 end
408 % case: dimension difference equals the # of different parameters
409 % and dim(model(k')) < dim(model(k))
410 elseif (dimdif == totalnumdifpar && size(param{kn},2) < size(param{k},2))
412 xn = zeros(size(xo{kn}));
413 for ii = 1:min(size(difparams,2))
414 compvec{ii} = strcmp(difparams{ii},param{k});
415 position(ii) = find(compvec{ii});
416 end
417 for jj = 1:size(param{k},2)
418 if (jj ~= position)
419 kk = kk+1;
420 xn(kk) = xo{k}(jj);
421 end
422 end
424 % case: dimension difference is smaller than the # of different parameters
425 % and dim(model(k')) > dim(model(k))
426 elseif (dimdif < totalnumdifpar && size(param{kn},2) > size(param{k},2))
428 xn = zeros(size(xo{kn}));
429 for ii = 1:min(size(difparams,2))
430 compvec{ii} = strcmp(difparams{ii},param{kn});
431 if any(compvec{ii})
432 position(ii) = find(compvec{ii});
433 xn(position(ii)) = xo{kn}(position(ii));
434 end
435 end
436 for jj = 1:size(param{kn},2)
437 if (jj ~= position)
438 kk = kk+1;
439 xn(jj) = xo{k}(kk);
440 end
441 end
443 % case: dimension difference is smaller than the # of different parameters
444 % and dim(model(k')) < dim(model(k))
445 elseif (dimdif < totalnumdifpar && size(param{kn},2) < size(param{k},2))
447 xn = zeros(size(xo{kn}));
448 for ii = 1:size(param{kn},2)
449 compvec{ii} = strcmp(param{kn}{ii},param{k});
450 if any(compvec{ii})
451 position(ii) = find(compvec{ii});
452 %xn(position(ii)) = xo{k}(position(ii));
453 else
454 kk = kk+1;
455 compvec{ii} = strcmp(param{kn}{ii},param{kn});
456 position2(kk) = find(compvec{ii});
457 xn(position2(kk)) = xo{kn}(position2(kk));
458 position(ii) = 0;
459 end
460 end
461 kk = 0;
462 for jj = 1:size(param{kn},2)
463 if (position(jj) ~= 0)
464 xn(jj) = xo{k}(position(jj));
465 end
466 end
468 % case: dimension difference is smaller than the # of different parameters
469 % and dim(model(k')) = dim(model(k))
470 elseif (dimdif < totalnumdifpar && size(param{kn},2) == size(param{k},2))
472 xn = zeros(size(xo{kn}));
473 for ii = 1:min(size(difparams,2))
474 compvec{ii} = strcmp(difparams{ii},param{kn});
475 if any(compvec{ii})
476 position(ii) = find(compvec{ii});
477 xn(position(ii)) = xo{kn}(position(ii));
478 end
479 end
480 for jj = 1:size(param{kn},2)
481 if (jj ~= position)
482 kk = kk+1;
483 xn(jj) = xo{k}(kk);
484 end
485 end
487 % case: new model proposed is the same as the previous one (k' == k).
488 % That means we perform again the metropolis algorithm.
489 elseif (totalnumdifpar == 0 && size(param{kn},2) == size(param{k},2))
491 xn = xo{k};
493 end
495 % propose the new set of points in the new parameter space
496 %[xn hjump]= propose(xn,cov{kn},search,Tc,jumps,hjump,nacc,sumsamples);
498 end
500 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
501 % compute proposal density
502 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
503 function logq = logprpsl(X,mean,cov)
505 logq = log(mvnpdf(X,mean,cov));
506 if (logq == -Inf) logq = 0; end
508 end