comparison m-toolbox/classes/@matrix/linfitsvd.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f0afece42f48
1 % LINFITSVD Linear fit with singular value decomposition
2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3 %
4 % DESCRIPTION: Linear least square problem with singular value
5 % decomposition
6 %
7 % ALGORITHM: Perform linear identification of the parameters of a
8 % multichannel systems. The results of different experiments on the same
9 % system can be passed as input. The algorithm, thanks to the singular
10 % value decomposition, extract the maximum amount of information from each
11 % single channel and for each experiment. Total information is then
12 % combined to get the final result.
13 %
14 % CALL: pars = linfitsvd(os1,...,osn,pl);
15 %
16 % INPUT:
17 % - osi are vector of system output signals. They must be
18 % Nx1 matrix objects, where N is the output dimension of the
19 % system
20 %
21 % OUTPUT:
22 % - pars: a pest object containing parameter estimation
23 %
24 % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('matrix', 'linfitsvd')">Parameters Description</a>
25 %
26 % VERSION: $Id: linfitsvd.m,v 1.38 2011/04/08 08:56:32 hewitson Exp $
27 %
28 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
30 function varargout = linfitsvd(varargin)
32 %%% LTPDA stufs and get data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
34 % Check if this is a call for parameters
35 if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
36 varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
37 return
38 end
40 import utils.const.*
41 utils.helper.msg(msg.OMNAME, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
43 % Collect input variable names
44 in_names = cell(size(varargin));
45 for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
47 % Collect all ltpdauoh objects
48 [mtxs, mtxs_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'matrix', in_names);
49 [pl, invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist');
51 inhists = [mtxs(:).hist];
53 % combine plists
54 pl = parse(pl, getDefaultPlist());
56 %%% get input parameters
57 % if the model is a matrix of smodels
58 lmod = find(pl, 'dmodel');
59 % if the model is ssm
60 inNames = find(pl,'InNames');
61 outNames = find(pl,'OutNames');
62 % common parameters
63 mod = find(pl,'Model');
64 fitparams = find(pl,'FitParams');
65 inputdat = find(pl,'Input');
66 WF = find(pl,'WhiteningFilter');
67 nloops = find(pl,'Nloops');
68 ncut = find(pl,'Ncut');
69 npad = find(pl,'Npad');
70 kwnpars = find(pl,'KnownParams');
71 tol = find(pl,'tol');
72 fastopt = find(pl,'fast');
73 setalias = find(pl,'SetAlias');
74 sThreshold = find(pl,'sThreshold');
75 diffStep = find(pl,'diffStep');
77 boundedpars = find(pl,'BoundedParams');
78 boudary = find(pl,'BoundVals');
80 % check if there are bounded parameters
81 if ~isempty(boundedpars)
82 boundparams = true;
83 else
84 boundparams = false;
85 end
88 % check the class of the model
89 if isa(mod,'ssm')
90 ssmmod = true;
91 else
92 ssmmod = false;
93 end
95 %%% some sanity checks
96 if ~ssmmod
97 if numel(mtxs)~= numel(inputdat.objs)
98 error('Number of input data vectors must be the same of fit data vectors')
99 end
100 end
103 [fitparams,idx] = sort(fitparams);
104 fitparvals = fitparams;
105 if ssmmod
106 %%% get fit parameters
107 for ii=1:numel(fitparams)
108 fitparvals{ii} = mod.getParameters(plist('names',fitparams{ii}));
109 end
110 if isempty(diffStep)
111 sdiffStep = cell2mat(fitparvals).*0.01;
112 idz = sdiffStep == 0;
113 sdiffStep(idz) = 1e-7;
114 else
115 sdiffStep = diffStep(idx);
116 end
117 else
118 %%% get a single set of parameters
119 totparnames = {};
120 totparvals = {};
121 for ii=1:numel(mod.objs)
122 aa = mod.objs(ii).params;
123 cc = mod.objs(ii).values;
124 % get total parameter names
125 [bb,i1,i2]=union(totparnames,aa);
126 totparnames = [totparnames(i1),aa(i2)];
127 % get total parameter values
128 totparvals = [totparvals(i1),cc(i2)];
129 end
130 [totparnames,id] = sort(totparnames);
131 totparvals = totparvals(id);
133 %%% get fit parameters
134 [nn,i1,i2] = intersect(totparnames,fitparams);
135 fitparams = totparnames(i1);
136 fitparvals = totparvals(i1);
137 [fitparams,id] = sort(fitparams);
138 fitparvals = fitparvals(id);
139 end
141 if ~ssmmod
142 %%% linearize model with respect to fit parameters
143 if isempty(lmod)
144 lmod = linearize(mod,plist('Params',fitparams,'Sorting',false));
145 end
146 end
148 if isempty(WF)
149 wfdat = copy(mtxs,1);
150 elseif ~fastopt
151 %%% whitening fit data
152 wfdat = copy(mtxs,1);
153 for ii=1:numel(mtxs)
154 wfdat(ii) = filter(mtxs(ii),WF);
155 end
156 end
158 % decide to pad in any case, assuming the objects have the same length
159 if isempty(npad)
160 npad = length(mtxs(1).objs(1).data.y) - 1;
161 end
163 % set alias if there are
164 if setalias && (~ssmmod && ~isempty(mod.objs(1).aliasNames))
165 nsecs = mtxs(1).objs(1).data.nsecs;
166 fs = mtxs(1).objs(1).data.fs;
168 plalias = plist('nsecs',nsecs,'npad',npad,'fs',fs);
169 for ii=1:numel(mod.objs)
170 mod.objs(ii).assignalias(mod.objs(ii),plalias);
171 end
172 for jj=1:numel(lmod.objs)
173 for ii=1:numel(lmod.objs{jj}.objs)
174 lmod.objs{jj}.objs(ii).assignalias(lmod.objs{jj}.objs(ii),plalias);
175 end
176 end
177 end
179 % do a copy to add at the output pest
180 outmod = copy(mod,1);
182 % check if the fast option is active
183 if ~ssmmod && fastopt
184 % set length of fft (this should match the operation made in fftfilt_core)
185 nfft = length(mtxs(1).objs(1).data.y) + npad;
186 fs = mtxs(1).objs(1).data.fs;
187 % get fft freqs for current data. type option must match the one used
188 % in fftfilt_core for fft_core
189 fftfreq = utils.math.getfftfreq(nfft,fs,'one');
190 % calculate freq resp of diagonal elements of WF
191 rWF = getWFresp(WF,fftfreq,fs);
192 % combine symbolic models with rWF
193 mod = joinmodelandfilter(mod,rWF);
194 lmod = joinmodelandfilter(lmod,rWF);
195 WF = [];
196 %%% whitening fit data
197 wfdat = copy(mtxs,1);
198 for ii=1:numel(mtxs)
199 for jj=1:numel(mtxs(ii).objs)
200 wfdat(ii).objs(jj) = fftfilt_core(wfdat(ii).objs(jj),rWF.objs(jj),npad);
201 end
202 end
203 clear rWF
204 end
206 % init storage struct
207 loop_results = struct('a',cell(1),...
208 'Ca',cell(1),...
209 'Corra',cell(1),...
210 'Vu',cell(1),...
211 'bu',cell(1),...
212 'Cbu',cell(1),...
213 'Fbu',cell(1),...
214 'mse',cell(1),...
215 'params',cell(1),...
216 'ppm',cell(1));
218 % init user interaction variable
219 reply = 'N';
221 %%% run fit loop
223 % This causes problems on some machines so we remove it for now until we
224 % can investigate further.
225 % fftw('planner', 'exhaustive');
227 for kk=1:nloops
229 % init index variable
230 xxx = 1;
232 % init data struct
233 exps = struct();
235 %%% Set fit parameters into model
236 if ssmmod
237 fs = wfdat(1).objs(1).fs;
238 mod.doSetParameters(fitparams,cell2mat(fitparvals));
239 lmod = parameterDiff(mod,plist('names',fitparams,'values',sdiffStep));
240 lmod.modifyTimeStep(plist('newtimestep',1/fs));
241 else
242 % fitparvals are updated at each fit loop
243 if fastopt
244 for ii = 1:numel(mod.objs)
245 mod.objs(ii).objs{2}.setParams(fitparams,fitparvals);
246 end
247 else
248 for ii = 1:numel(mod.objs)
249 mod.objs(ii).setParams(fitparams,fitparvals);
250 end
251 end
252 end
254 %%% run over input data
256 for ii=1:numel(inputdat.objs)
257 if ssmmod
258 %%% extract input
259 if isa(inputdat.objs{ii},'ao')
260 in = inputdat.objs{ii};
261 elseif isa(inputdat.objs{ii},'matrix')
262 in = inputdat.objs{ii}.objs(:);
263 else
264 error('Unknown Input data type.')
265 end
267 %%% calculates zero order response
268 plsym = plist('AOS VARIABLE NAMES',inNames{ii},...
269 'RETURN OUTPUTS',outNames{ii},...
270 'AOS',in);
271 %eo = simulate(lmod,plsym);
272 %zor = matrix(eo,plist('shape',[numel(eo) 1]));
273 zor = simulate(lmod,plsym);
274 % check dimensions
275 if size(zor.objs,1)<size(zor.objs,2)
276 % do transpose
277 zor = transpose(zor);
278 end
280 %%% calculates first order response
281 for jj=1:numel(fitparams)
282 % get output ports names
283 [token, remain] = strtok(outNames{ii},'.');
284 loutNames = token;
285 for zz=1:numel(token)
286 loutNames{zz} = sprintf('%s_DIFF_%s%s',token{zz},fitparams{jj},remain{zz});
287 end
288 plsym = plist('AOS VARIABLE NAMES',inNames{ii},...
289 'RETURN OUTPUTS',loutNames,...
290 'AOS',in);
291 %eol = simulate(lmod,plsym);
292 %fstor(jj) = matrix(eol,plist('shape',[numel(eol) 1]));
293 fstor(jj) = simulate(lmod,plsym);
294 % check dimensions
295 if size(fstor(jj).objs,1)<size(fstor(jj).objs,2)
296 % do transpose
297 fstor(jj) = transpose(fstor(jj));
298 end
299 fstor(jj).setName(fitparams{jj});
300 end
301 else
302 %%% calculates zero order response
303 zor = fftfilt(inputdat.objs{ii},mod,plist('Npad',npad));
305 %%% calculates first order response
306 for jj=1:numel(lmod.objs)
307 fstor(jj) = fftfilt(inputdat.objs{ii},lmod.objs{jj},plist('Npad',npad));
308 fstor(jj).setName(lmod.objs{jj}.name);
309 end
310 end
312 if isempty(WF)
313 wzor = zor;
314 wfstor = fstor;
315 else
316 %%% whitening zor
317 wzor = filter(zor,WF);
319 %%% whitening fstor
320 for jj=1:numel(fstor)
321 wfstor(jj) = filter(fstor(jj),WF);
322 wfstor(jj).setName(fstor(jj).name);
323 end
324 end
326 %%% Collect object for the fit procedure
327 for jj=1:numel(wfdat(ii).objs)
328 % get difference between fit data and zero order response
329 tfdat = wfdat(ii).objs(jj) - wzor.objs(jj);
330 % remove whitening filter transient
331 tfdats = tfdat.split(plist('samples',[ncut+1 numel(tfdat.y)]));
332 % insert into exps struct
333 fitdata(xxx,1) = tfdats;
335 % build fit basis
336 for gg=1:numel(fitparams)
337 for hh=1:numel(wfstor)
338 if strcmp(fitparams(gg),wfstor(hh).name)
339 bsel = wfstor(hh).objs(jj);
340 % remove whitening filter transient
341 bsels = bsel.split(plist('samples',[ncut+1 numel(tfdat.y)]));
342 end
343 end
344 bs(gg) = bsels;
345 end
346 % insert basis
347 fitbasis(xxx,:) = bs;
349 % step up xxx
350 xxx = xxx + 1;
351 end %jj=1:numel(wfdat(ii).objs)
353 end %ii=1:numel(inputdat.objs)
355 %%% build input objects
356 [NN,MM] = size(fitbasis);
358 for zz=1:MM
359 H(1,zz) = matrix(fitbasis(:,zz));
360 end
362 Y = matrix(fitdata);
364 %%% Insert known parameters
365 if ~isempty(kwnpars)
366 kwnparmanes = kwnpars.names;
367 kwnparvals = kwnpars.y;
368 kwnparerrors = kwnpars.dy;
370 % init struct
371 groundexps = struct;
373 for ii=1:numel(kwnparmanes)
374 for jj=1:numel(fitparams)
375 if strcmp(kwnparmanes{ii},fitparams{jj})
376 groundexps(ii).pos = jj;
377 groundexps(ii).value = kwnparvals(ii);
378 groundexps(ii).err = kwnparerrors(ii);
379 end
380 end
381 end
382 end
385 %%% do fit
386 if ~isempty(kwnpars) && isfield(groundexps,'pos')
387 plfit = plist('KnownParams',groundexps,'sThreshold',sThreshold);
388 [out,a,Ca,Corra,Vu,bu,Cbu,Fbu,mse,dof,ppm] = linlsqsvd(H,Y,plfit);
389 else
390 plfit = plist('sThreshold',sThreshold);
391 [out,a,Ca,Corra,Vu,bu,Cbu,Fbu,mse,dof,ppm] = linlsqsvd(H,Y,plfit);
392 end
394 %%% update parameters values
395 for ii=1:numel(fitparams)
396 fitparvals{ii} = fitparvals{ii} + a(ii);
397 end
399 %%% check for bouded params
400 if boundparams
401 for pp=1:numel(fitparams)
402 for qq=1:numel(boundedpars)
403 if strcmp(fitparams{pp},boundedpars{qq});
404 % check boudaries
405 bd = boudary{qq};
406 if fitparvals{pp}<bd(1)
407 fitparvals{pp} = bd(1);
408 elseif fitparvals{pp}>bd(2)
409 fitparvals{pp} = bd(2);
410 end
411 end
412 end
413 end
414 end
416 %%% store intermediate results
417 loop_results(kk).a = a;
418 loop_results(kk).Ca = Ca;
419 loop_results(kk).Corra = Corra;
420 loop_results(kk).Vu = Vu;
421 loop_results(kk).bu = bu;
422 loop_results(kk).Cbu = Cbu;
423 loop_results(kk).Fbu = Fbu;
424 loop_results(kk).mse = mse;
425 loop_results(kk).params = fitparvals;
426 loop_results(kk).ppm = ppm;
428 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, 'loop %d, mse %d\n',kk,mse);
430 % check fit stability and accuracy
431 fitmsg = checkfit(Vu,a);
432 if ~isempty(fitmsg) && ~strcmpi(reply,'Y')
433 % display message
434 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, fitmsg);
435 % decide if stop for cycle
436 reply = input('Do you want to carry on with fit iteration? Y/N [Y]: ', 's');
437 if isempty(reply)
438 reply = 'Y';
439 end
440 if strcmpi(reply,'N')
441 break
442 end
443 end
445 % check convergence
446 condvec = (abs(a).^2)./diag(Ca); % parameters a are going to zero during the fit iterations
448 if all(condvec < tol)
449 condmsg = sprintf(['Fit parameters have reached convergence.\n'...
450 'Fit loop was terminated at iteration %s.\n'],num2str(kk));
451 utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, condmsg);
452 break
453 end
456 end %for kk=1:nloops
458 %%% output data
459 % get minimum mse
460 if ~isempty(fitmsg)
461 val = mse;
462 idx = kk;
463 else
464 mseprog = zeros(numel(loop_results),1);
465 for ii=1:numel(loop_results)
466 mseprog(ii) = loop_results(ii).mse;
467 end
468 [val,idx] = min(abs(mseprog-1)); % get the nearest to 1 value
469 utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'Output values at minimum mse, mse = %d\n',val);
470 end
472 % output pest object
473 pe = pest();
474 pe.setY(cell2mat(loop_results(idx).params));
475 pe.setDy(sqrt(diag(loop_results(idx).Ca)));
476 pe.setCov(loop_results(idx).Ca);
477 pe.setChi2(loop_results(idx).mse);
478 pe.setNames(fitparams);
479 pe.setDof(dof);
480 pe.setModels(outmod);
481 pe.setName(sprintf('linfitsvd(%s)',;
482 pe.setProcinfo(plist('loop_results',loop_results));
484 % set History
485 pe.addHistory(getInfo('None'), pl, [mtxs_invars(:)], [inhists(:)]);
486 varargout{1} = pe;
490 end
492 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
493 % check fit accuracy and stability
494 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 function msg = checkfit(V,aa)
497 if size(V,1)<numel(aa)
498 % The number of parameters combinations is less than the number of fit
499 % parameters. Information cannot be recostructed fit results will be
500 % compromised
501 VV = abs(V).^2;
502 num = numel(aa)-size(V,1);
503 mVV = max(VV);
504 % try to identify non measured params
505 unmparams = [];
506 for jj = 1:num
507 [vl,idx] = min(mVV);
508 unmparams = [unmparams idx];
509 mVV(idx) = [];
510 end
511 msg = sprintf(['!!! The number of parameters combinations is less than the number of fit parameters. \n' ...
512 'Information cannot be recostructed and fit results will be compromised. \n'...
513 'Try to remove parameters %s from the fit parameters list or add information with more experiments !!!\n'],num2str(unmparams));
515 else
517 unmparams = [];
518 trh1 = 1e-4;
520 % eigenvectors are normalized, therefore square of the rows of V are sum
521 % to one. Each column of V store the coefficients for a given parameter
522 % for the set of eigenvectors
523 for jj = 1:size(V,2)
524 cl = abs(V(:,jj)).^2;
525 if all(cl<trh1)
526 unmparams = [unmparams jj];
527 end
528 end
529 if ~isempty(unmparams)
530 msg = sprintf(['!!! Parameter/s %s is/are not well measured. \n'...
531 'Fit accuracy could be impaired. \n'...
532 'Try to remove such parameters from the fit parameters list !!!\n'],num2str(unmparams));
533 else
534 msg = '';
535 end
536 end
542 end
544 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
545 % calculate frequency response of diagonal elements of the whitening filter
546 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
547 function rsp = getWFresp(wf,f,fs)
548 % run over wf elements
549 obj = wf.objs;
550 [rw,cl] = size(obj);
551 if rw~=cl
552 error('??? Matrix of whitening filter must be square');
553 end
554 amdl = ao.initObjectWithSize(rw,1);
555 for jj=1:rw
556 % check filter type
557 switch lower(class(obj(jj,jj)))
558 case 'filterbank'
559 % get filter response on given frequencies
560 amdly = utils.math.mtxiirresp(obj(jj,jj).filters,f,fs,obj(jj,jj).type);
561 amdl(jj,1) = ao(fsdata(f, amdly, fs));
562 case 'miir'
563 % get filter response on given frequencies
564 amdly = utils.math.mtxiirresp(obj(jj,jj),f,fs,[]);
565 amdl(jj,1) = ao(fsdata(f, amdly, fs));
566 end
567 end
568 rsp = matrix(amdl,plist('shape',[rw 1]));
570 end
572 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
573 % Join Symbolic model and whitening filter for fast calculations
574 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
575 function jmod = joinmodelandfilter(smod,fil)
576 switch class(smod)
577 case 'matrix'
578 mobj = smod.objs;
579 [nn,mm] = size(mobj);
580 nmobj = collection.initObjectWithSize(nn,mm);
581 for ii=1:nn
582 for jj=1:mm
583 nmobj(ii,jj) = collection(fil.objs(ii,1),mobj(ii,jj));
584 nmobj(ii,jj).setName(mobj(ii,jj).name);
585 end
586 end
587 jmod = matrix(nmobj, plist('shape',[nn,mm]));
588 jmod.setName(;
589 case 'collection'
590 matobj = matrix.initObjectWithSize(1,numel(smod.objs));
591 for kk=1:numel(smod.objs)
592 mobj = smod.objs{kk}.objs;
593 [nn,mm] = size(mobj);
594 nmobj = collection.initObjectWithSize(nn,mm);
595 for ii=1:nn
596 for jj=1:mm
597 nmobj(ii,jj) = collection(fil.objs(ii,1),mobj(ii,jj));
598 nmobj(ii,jj).setName(mobj(ii,jj).name);
599 end
600 end
601 matobj(kk) = matrix(nmobj);
602 matobj(kk).setName(smod.objs{kk}.name);
603 %smod.objs{kk} = matobj;
604 end
605 jmod = collection(matobj);
606 end
608 end
610 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
611 % Get Info Object
612 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
613 function ii = getInfo(varargin)
614 if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
615 sets = {};
616 pl = [];
617 else
618 sets = {'Default'};
619 pl = getDefaultPlist;
620 end
621 % Build info object
622 ii = minfo(mfilename, 'matrix', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.sigproc, '$Id: linfitsvd.m,v 1.38 2011/04/08 08:56:32 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
623 ii.setArgsmin(1);
624 ii.setOutmin(1);
625 ii.setOutmax(1);
626 ii.setModifier(false);
627 end
629 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
630 % Get Default Plist
631 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
632 function plout = getDefaultPlist()
633 persistent pl;
634 if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl)
635 pl = buildplist();
636 end
637 plout = pl;
638 end
640 function pl = buildplist()
642 % General plist for moltichannel fits
643 pl = plist.MCH_FIT_PLIST;
646 % p = param({'FitParams','A cell array with the names of the fit parameters'}, {});
647 % pl.append(p);
649 p = param({'BoundedParams','A cell array with the names of the bounded fit parameters'}, {});
650 pl.append(p);
652 p = param({'BoundVals','A cell array with the boundaries values for the bounded fit parameters'}, {});
653 pl.append(p);
655 % p = param({'Model','System parametric model. A matrix of smodel objects or a ssm object'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
656 % pl.append(p);
658 p = param({'dModel','Partial derivatives of the system parametric model. A matrix of smodel objects'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
659 pl.append(p);
661 % p = param({'InNames','A cell array containing cell arrays of the input ports names for each experiment. Used only with ssm models.'}, {});
662 % pl.append(p);
663 %
664 % p = param({'OutNames','A cell array containing cell arrays of the output ports names for each experiment. Used only with ssm models.'}, {});
665 % pl.append(p);
667 % p = param({'Input','Collection of input signals'},paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
668 % pl.append(p);
670 p = param({'WhiteningFilter','The multichannel whitening filter. A matrix object of filters'},paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
671 pl.append(p);
673 p = param({'Nloops', 'Number of desired iteration loops.'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1));
674 pl.append(p);
676 p = param({'Ncut', 'Number of bins to be discharged in order to cut whitening filter transients'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(100));
677 pl.append(p);
679 % Number of points for zero padding
680 p = param({'Npad', 'Number of points for zero padding.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
681 pl.append(p);
683 p = param({'KnownParams', 'Known Parameters. A pest object containing parameters values, names and errors'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
684 pl.append(p);
686 p = param({'tol','Convergence threshold for fit parameters'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1));
687 pl.append(p);
689 p = param({'fast',['Using fast option causes the whitening filter to be applied in frequency domain.'...
690 'The filter matrix is considered diagonal. The method skip time domain filtering saving some process time'...
691 'It works only when the imput model is a matrix of smodels']}, paramValue.FALSE_TRUE);
692 pl.append(p);
694 p = param({'SetAlias','Set to true in order to aassign internally the values to the model alias'}, paramValue.FALSE_TRUE);
695 pl.append(p);
697 p = param({'sThreshold',['Fix upper treshold for singular values.'...
698 'Singular values larger than the value will be ignored.'...
699 'This correspon to consider only parameters combinations with error lower then the value']},...
700 paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1));
701 pl.append(p);
703 p = plist({'diffStep','Numerical differentiation step for ssm models'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
704 pl.append(p);
708 end