comparison m-toolbox/html_help/help/ug/additional_progs.html @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f0afece42f48
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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11 <title>Additional 3rd-party software (LTPDA Toolbox)</title>
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13 <meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.52.2">
14 <meta name="description" content=
15 "Presents an overview of the features, system requirements, and starting the toolbox.">
16 </head>
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19 <a name="top_of_page" id="top_of_page"></a>
21 <p style="font-size:1px;">&nbsp;</p>
23 <table class="nav" summary="Navigation aid" border="0" width=
24 "100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
25 <tr>
26 <td valign="baseline"><b>LTPDA Toolbox</b></td><td><a href="../helptoc.html">contents</a></td>
28 <td valign="baseline" align="right"><a href=
29 "setup.html"><img src="b_prev.gif" border="0" align=
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36 <h1 class="title"><a name="f3-12899" id="f3-12899"></a>Additional 3rd-party software</h1>
37 <hr>
39 <p>
40 <p>
41 Some features of the LTPDA Toolbox require additional 3rd-party software to be installed. These are listed below.
42 </p>
43 <p>
44 <hr>
45 <h2>Graphviz</h2>
47 <p>In order to use the commands listed below, the <a href="matlab:web('')">Graphviz</a> package must be installed.</p>
49 <p>
50 <table cellspacing="0" class="body" cellpadding="4" border="2">
51 <colgroup>
52 <col width="37%"/>
53 <col width="63%"/>
54 </colgroup>
55 <thead>
56 <tr valign="top">
57 <th bgcolor="#B2B2B2">Method</th>
58 <th bgcolor="#B2B2B2">Description</th>
59 </tr>
60 </thead>
61 <tbody>
63 <!-- history/dotview -->
64 <tr valign="top">
65 <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
66 <p><tt>history/dotview</tt></p>
67 </td>
68 <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
69 <p>Convert a history object to a tree-diagram using the DOT interpreter.</p>
70 </td>
71 </tr>
73 <!-- ssm/dotview -->
74 <tr valign="top">
75 <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
76 <p><tt>ssm/dotview</tt></p>
77 </td>
78 <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
79 <p>Convert the statespace model object to a block-diagram using the DOT interpreter.</p>
80 </td>
81 </tr>
83 <!-- report -->
84 <tr valign="top">
85 <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
86 <p><tt>report</tt></p>
87 </td>
88 <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
89 <p>Generates a HTML report about the input objects which includes a DOT block-diagram of the history.</p>
90 </td>
91 </tr>
93 </tbody>
94 </table>
95 </p>
97 <p>The following installation guidelines can be used for different platforms</p>
98 <ul>
99 <li><p><a href="#windows"/>Installation Guide for Windows</p></li>
100 <li><p><a href="#mac"/>Installation Guide for Mac OS X</p></li>
101 <li><p><a href="#linux"/>Installation Guide for Linux</p></li>
102 </ul>
104 <h3><a name="windows"/> Windows </h3>
106 <p>
107 <ol>
108 <li><p>Download the relevant package from Downloads section of <a href="matlab:web('')"></a>.</p></li>
109 <li><p>Install the package by following the relevant instructions.</p></li>
110 <li><p>Set the two relevant preferences with your LTPDA Preferences Panel</p></li>
111 <ol>
112 <li>For this start the LTPDApres<br />
113 <br />
114 <table cellspacing="0" class="note" summary="Note" cellpadding="5" border="1">
115 <tr width="90%">
116 <td>>> LTPDAprefs
117 </td>
118 </tr>
119 </table>
120 <br />
121 </li>
122 <li>or press the "LTPDA Preferences" button on the LTPDA Launch Bay<br />
123 <br></br>
124 <img src="images/LTPDAlauncher.png" alt="Interpolate" border="0"></img>
125 <br />
126 <br />
127 </li>
128 <li style="margin-top:1ex">Select on your LTPDA Preferences Panel the category "External Programs"<br />
129 <br />
130 <img src="images/LTPDAprefs_ExtProg.png" alt="Interpolate" border="0"></img> <br />
131 <br />
132 </li>
133 <li style="margin-top:1ex">Set the path to the 'dot.exe' binary in the editable text field "DOT binary". If you perform the default installation, this should be something like:
134 <br>'c:\Program Files\Graphviz2.20\bin\dot.exe';</br>
135 </li>
136 <li>Define in the editable text field "DOT format" the graphics format to output. See <a href="matlab:web('')">formats</a> for available formats. To view the final graphics file you must have a suitable viewer for that graphics format installed on the system. For example, to output as PDF
137 </li>
138 </ol>
139 </ol>
140 </p>
142 <h3><a name="mac"/> Mac OS X </h3>
143 <p>
144 <ol>
145 <li>Choose from:</li>
146 <ol>
147 <li> From graphviz:</li>
148 <ul>
149 <li>Download the relevant package from Downloads section of <a href="matlab:web('')"></a>.</li>
150 <li>Install the package by following the relevant instructions.</li>
151 </ul>
152 <li> From Fink:</li>
153 <ul>
154 <li> If you use the fink package manager, in a terminal: <tt>> fink install graphviz</tt></li>
155 </ul>
156 </ol>
157 <li>Set the two relevant preferences with your LTPDA Preferences Panel.</li>
158 <ol>
159 <li>Start the LTPDA Preferences Panel. For this follow the step 3.1 or 3.2 of the window installation.</li>
160 <li>Set the path to the 'dot' binary in the editable text field "DOT binary". If you perform the default installation from fink, this should be something like:
161 <br>'/sw/bin/dot'</br>
162 </li>
163 <li>Define in the editable text field "DOT format" the graphics format to output. See <a href="matlab:web('')">formats</a> for available formats. To view the final graphics file you must have a suitable viewer for that graphics format installed on the system. For example, to output as PDF
164 </li>
165 </ol>
166 </ol>
167 </p>
169 <h3><a name="linux"/> Linux </h3>
171 <p>
172 <ol>
173 <li>Choose from:</li>
174 <ol>
175 <li> From graphviz:</li>
176 <ul>
177 <li>Download the relevant package from Downloads section of <a href="matlab:web('')"></a>.</li>
178 <li>Install the package by following the relevant instructions.</li>
179 </ul>
180 <li> From terminal (Ubuntu):</li>
181 <ul>
182 <li>Please type in a terminal: <tt>>sudo apt-get install graphviz</tt></li>
183 </ul>
184 <li> From graphical package manager like <b>YaSt, Synaptic, Adept, ...</b></li>
185 <ul>
186 <li>Start your graphical package manager</li>
187 <li>Search for the <tt>>graphviz</tt> package</li>
188 <li>Select the package and all depending packes and install these packages.</li>
189 </ul>
190 </ol>
191 <li>Set the two relevant preferences with your LTPDA Preferences Panel.</li>
192 <ol>
193 <li>Start the LTPDA Preferences Panel. For this follow the step 3.1 or 3.2 of the window installation.</li>
194 <li>Set the path to the 'dot' binary in the editable text field "DOT binary". If you perform the default installation from the terminal, this should be something like:
195 <br>'/usr/bin/dot';</br>
196 <br>even 'dot' without the path should work</br>
197 </li>
198 <li>Define in the editable text field "DOT format" the graphics format to output. See <a href="matlab:web('')">formats</a> for available formats. To view the final graphics file you must have a suitable viewer for that graphics format installed on the system. For example, to output as PDF
199 </li>
200 </ol>
201 <li>Define a programm in MATLAB which opens the file.</li>
202 <ol>
203 <li>The default programm to open a pdf file is the Acrobat Reader</li>
204 <li>Define another program under File -> Preferences -> Help -> PDF Reader</li>
205 </ol>
206 </ol>
207 </p>
208 </p>
211 </p>
213 <br>
214 <br>
215 <table class="nav" summary="Navigation aid" border="0" width=
216 "100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
217 <tr valign="top">
218 <td align="left" width="20"><a href="setup.html"><img src=
219 "b_prev.gif" border="0" align="bottom" alt=
220 "Setting-up MATLAB"></a>&nbsp;</td>
222 <td align="left">Setting-up MATLAB</td>
224 <td>&nbsp;</td>
226 <td align="right">Trouble-shooting</td>
228 <td align="right" width="20"><a href=
229 "trouble_shooting.html"><img src="b_next.gif" border="0" align=
230 "bottom" alt="Trouble-shooting"></a></td>
231 </tr>
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234 <p class="copy">&copy;LTP Team</p>
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