comparison m-toolbox/html_help/help/ug/repo_submit.html @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f0afece42f48
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11 <title>Submitting LTPDA objects to a repository (LTPDA Toolbox)</title>
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36 <h1 class="title"><a name="f3-12899" id="f3-12899"></a>Submitting LTPDA objects to a repository</h1>
37 <hr>
39 <p>
40 <p>
41 Any of the <it>user</it> objects can be submitted to an LTPDA repository
42 </p>
44 <p>
45 There are three different methods which submit/update object(s) to the repository:
46 <ul>
47 <li><h3>submit</h3>
48 Submits the given collection of objects to an LTPDA Repository. If multiple objects
49 are submitted together, a corresponding collection entry will be made. The objects
50 are stored as a XML representation <b>and</b> if possible a binary representation
51 (see bsubmit).</li>
52 <li><h3>bsubmit</h3>
53 Submits the given collection of objects to an LTPDA Repository. If multiple objects
54 are submitted together, a corresponding collection entry will be made. The objects
55 are stored <b>only</b> as a binary representation.<br />
56 In order to retrieve this object by calling a constructor it is necessary to
57 set the key <tt>'BINARY'</tt> to 'yes' because the XML representation doesn't exist.
58 For example the AO constructor
59 <a href="matlab:web(ao.getInfo('ao', 'from repository').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">'From Repository'</a>
60 </li>
61 <li><h3>update</h3>
62 Updates the specified object with a new object.
63 </li>
64 </ul>
65 </p>
67 <h2>The submission process</h2>
69 <p>
70 When an object is submitted, the following steps are taken:<br />
71 <ol>
72 <li>The <tt>userid</tt> of the user connecting is retrieved from the <it>Users</it> table of the repository</li>
73 <li>For each object to be submitted:
74 <ol>
75 <li>The object to be submitted is checked to be one of the types listed above</li>
76 <li>The <tt>name</tt>, <tt>created</tt>, and <tt>version</tt> fields are read from the object</li>
77 <li>The object is converted to an XML text string</li>
78 <li>An MD5 hash sum is computed for the XML string</li>
79 <li>The XML string and the hash code are inserted in to the <tt>objs</tt> table</li>
80 <li>The automatically assigned ID of the object is retrieved from the <tt>objs</tt> table</li>
81 <li>An attempt is made to create a binary representation of the object (.MAT). If this is possible, the binary data is inserted in the <tt>bobjs</tt> table.</li>
82 <li>Various pieces of meta-data (object name, object type, created time, client IP address, <i>etc.</i>) are submitted to the <tt>objmeta</tt> table</li>
83 <li>Additional meta-data is entered into the table matching the object class (<tt>ao</tt>, <tt>tsdata</tt>, <i>etc.</i>)</li>
84 <li>An 'in' entry is made in the <tt>transaction</tt> table recording the user ID and the object ID</li>
85 </ol>
86 </li>
87 <li>A entry is then made in the <tt>collections</tt> table, even if this is a single object submission</li>
88 <li>The object IDs and the collection ID are returned to the user</li>
89 </ol>
90 </p>
92 <br />
93 <h2>Submitting objects</h2>
95 <p>
96 Objects can be submitted using the command <tt>submit</tt>. This command takes at least two inputs:
97 <table border="1" cellpadding="2" width="30%" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">
98 <tr valign="top">
99 <td><tt>object</tt></td><td>The object(s) to submit</td>
100 </tr>
101 <tr valign="top">
102 <td><tt>pl</tt></td><td>A plist containing various pieces of information (see below)</td>
103 </tr>
104 </table>
105 </p>
106 <p>
107 The <tt>plist</tt> details can be found at: <a href="matlab:web(ltpda_uo.getInfo('submit').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameter Sets</a>
108 </p>
109 <p>
110 The following example script connects to a repository and submits an AO:
111 <div class="fragment"><pre>
113 <span class="comment">% Connect to a repository</span>
114 conn = utils.jmysql.connect(<span class="string">'localhost'</span>, <span class="string">'ltpda_test'</span>);
116 <span class="comment">% Load the AO</span>
117 a = ao(<span class="string">'result.xml'</span>);
119 <span class="comment">% Build an information plist</span>
120 pl = plist;
121 pl.append(<span class="string">'conn'</span>, conn);
122 pl.append(<span class="string">'experiment title'</span>, <span class="string">'Interferometer noise'</span>);
123 pl.append(<span class="string">'experiment description'</span>, <span class="string">'Spectral estimation of interferometer output signal'</span>);
124 pl.append(<span class="string">'analysis description'</span>, <span class="string">'Spectrum of the recorded signal'</span>);
125 pl.append(<span class="string">'quantity'</span>, <span class="string">'photodiode output'</span>);
126 pl.append(<span class="string">'keywords'</span>, <span class="string">'interferometer, noise, spectrum'</span>);
127 pl.append(<span class="string">'reference ids'</span>, <span class="string">''</span>);
128 pl.append(<span class="string">'additional comments'</span>, <span class="string">'none'</span>);
129 pl.append(<span class="string">'additional authors'</span>, <span class="string">'no one'</span>);
131 <span class="comment">% Submit the AO</span>
132 [ids, cid] = submit(a, pl);
134 <span class="comment">% Close the connection</span>
135 conn.closeConnection
136 </pre></div>
137 The ID assigned to the submitted object is contained in the first output of the <tt>submit</tt> function:
138 <div class="fragment"><pre>
139 <span class="comment">% Inspect the object ID</span>
140 disp(ids)
141 212
142 </pre></div>
143 If the <tt>plist</tt> contains sufficient information, it is possible to overide the appearance of the
144 'submission' dialog by giving the key/value pair: 'no dialog', <tt>true</tt>.
145 </p>
147 <h2>Submitting collections</h2>
148 <p>
149 Collections of LTPDA objects can also be submitted. Here a collection is defined as a group of objects
150 submitted at the same time. In this way, a single information structure describing the collection is
151 assigned to all the objects. The collection is just a virtual object; it is defined by a list of object IDs in the database.
152 </p>
155 </p>
157 <br>
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162 <td align="left" width="20"><a href="repo_connect.html"><img src=
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164 "Connecting to an LTPDA Repository"></a>&nbsp;</td>
166 <td align="left">Connecting to an LTPDA Repository</td>
168 <td>&nbsp;</td>
170 <td align="right">Exploring an LTPDA Repository</td>
172 <td align="right" width="20"><a href=
173 "repo_explore.html"><img src="b_next.gif" border="0" align=
174 "bottom" alt="Exploring an LTPDA Repository"></a></td>
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178 <p class="copy">&copy;LTP Team</p>
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