comparison m-toolbox/m/gui/@jcontrol/set.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f0afece42f48
1 function varargout=set(varargin)
2 % SET method overloaded for JCONTROL class
3 %
4 % Examples:
5 % set(obj,PropertyName, PropertyValue)
6 % set(obj, PropertyName1, Value1, PropertyName2, Value2....)
7 %
8 % The propertyname/valuename sequence can have an embedded cell array if
9 % that contains property/value pairs e.g
10 % standardvalues={'Units', 'normalized'}
11 % set(myobj, 'javax.swing.JPane',...
12 % 'ToolTipText','MyTip',...
13 % standardvalues);
14 %s
15 % Also:
16 % set(obj, s)
17 % set(obj, pn, pm)
18 % where s in a structure with fieldnames corresponding to property names
19 % and values corresponding to property values
20 % pn and pm and name/value cell vectors (note pm may not be a matrix)
21 %
22 % If obj is a vector of JCONTROLs, SET will act on each element.
23 % In this case, the specified properties must be present in all the
24 % JCONTROLs or an error will result
25 %
26 %
27 % See also: jcontrol
28 %
29 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 % Author: Malcolm Lidierth 07/07
31 % Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2007
32 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 % Note: The usual assignin(...) call is not needed here because both the
35 % hgcontainer and the hgcontrol are passed by reference rather than by
36 % value. Changes here affect the original JCONTROL contents, and all copies
37 % of them in all MATLAB workspaces.
39 obj=varargin{1};
41 if nargin==1
42 % Return setable properties
43 s=set(obj.hgcontainer);
44 s.hgcontrol=set(obj.hgcontrol);
45 varargout{1}=s;
46 return
47 end
49 % Otherwise make sure we have enough inputs
50 if nargin==2 && isstruct(varargin{2})
51 % Property/value pairs in structure
52 % Get the names
53 propnames=fieldnames(varargin{2});
54 % get the values
55 propvalues=cell(length(propnames),1);
56 for i=1:length(propnames)
57 propvalues{i}=varargin{2}.(propnames{i});
58 end
59 % Recursive call to set
60 set(varargin{1}, propnames, propvalues);
61 return
62 elseif nargin==3 && iscell(varargin{2}) && iscell(varargin{3})
63 % set(obj, pn, pm) where pn and pm are property and value cell vectors
64 if numel(varargin{2})~=numel(varargin{3})
65 error('Multiple values for each property not supported'); %#ok<ERTAG>
66 end
67 proplist=cell(1,2*length(varargin{2}));
68 count=1;
69 for i=1:length(varargin{2})
70 proplist(count)=varargin{2}(i);
71 proplist(count+1)=varargin{3}(i);
72 count=count+2;
73 end
74 else
75 % Allow cell arrays in the property/values pairs list
76 % Expand these where present
77 pcount=1;
78 vcount=2;
79 proplist={};
80 for i=1:(length(varargin)-1)/2
81 if ischar(varargin{vcount})
82 % Property/Value pair
83 proplist{pcount}=varargin{vcount};
84 proplist{pcount+1}=varargin{vcount+1};
85 pcount=pcount+2;
86 vcount=vcount+2;
87 elseif iscell(varargin{vcount})
88 % Cell array
89 proplist=[proplist varargin{vcount}]; %#ok<AGROW>
90 pcount=length(proplist)+1;
91 vcount=vcount+1;
92 end
93 end
94 end
96 % For loop allows vector (or matrix) of JCONTROLs on input but all elements
97 % must have all the target properties or an error will be generated
98 for idx=1:numel(obj)
99 switch lower(proplist{1})
100 case {'hgcontainer', 'hgcontrol' 'hghandle' 'Parent' 'Children'}
101 error('The %s property of a jcontrol object can not be changed', lower(varargin{2}));
102 otherwise
103 for i=1:2:length(proplist)
104 property=proplist{i};
105 value=proplist{i+1};
106 if isprop(obj(idx).hgcontainer, property) &&...
107 isprop(obj(idx).hgcontrol, property)
108 if strcmpi(property,'Visible')
109 % Set Visible property in the container, MATLAB will
110 % update the hgcontrol
111 obj(idx).hgcontainer.Visible=VisibleProperty(value);
112 continue
113 else
114 error('Shared property name ''%s''\nYou must explicitly specify the target object',...
115 proplist{i});
116 end
117 end
118 if isprop(obj(idx).hgcontainer, property)
119 obj(idx).hgcontainer.(property)=value;
120 elseif isprop(obj(idx).hgcontrol, property)
121 obj(idx).hgcontrol.(property)=value;
122 else
123 error('No such property: ''%s'' in %s(%d)', property, inputname(1), idx);
124 end
125 end
126 end
127 end
128 return
129 end