comparison m-toolbox/m/gui/@jcontrol/subsref.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f0afece42f48
1 function ret=subsref(obj, index)
2 % SUBSREF method overloaded for jcontrol class
3 %
4 % subsref provides access to jcontrol properties via MATLAB's dot notation
5 % Examples:
6 % obj.hgcontainer
7 % obj.hgcontrol.Name
8 %
9 % subsref also provides access to the java component's methods
10 % Example:
11 % obj.setToolTipText('MyText');
12 % a=obj.getToolTipText();
13 %
14 % See also: jcontrol
15 %
16 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 % Author: Malcolm Lidierth 07/07
18 % Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2007
19 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 % Revisions:
22 % 21.08.07 Methods now called properly when index(1).subs=='hgcontrol'.
23 % Previously subsref(obj.hgcontrol,...) was called from here with
24 % index(1:end) instead of index(2:end).
25 % 21.08.07 Tests nargout before calling hgcontrol methods. No output is
26 % requested if nargout==0. This prevents "One or more output
27 % arguments not assigned..." errors being generated internally
28 % e.g calling setXXXX calls. These errors will still be generated
29 % (as they should)if an output is requested when none is
30 % available. See 09.09.07 below.
31 % 09.09.07 Improve above fix with try/catch blocks. Now getXXXX calls
32 % return in ans if nargout==0
33 % 20.09.07 Nest try/catch blocks to reduce isprop() and ismethod()
34 % calls. This is substantially faster.
36 switch index(1).type
37 case '.'
38 switch lower(index(1).subs)
39 case 'hgcontainer'
40 if length(index)==1
41 % obj.hgcontainer
42 ret=obj.hgcontainer;
43 elseif isprop(obj.hgcontainer, index(2).subs)
44 %
45 ret=subsref(obj.hgcontainer,index(2:end));
46 elseif isempty(obj.hgcontainer)
47 % Empty default object?
48 ret=[];
49 else
50 % Otherwise no property with this name
51 error('No appropriate property %s',index(2).subs);
52 end
53 case 'hgcontrol'
54 if length(index)==1
55 % obj.hgcontrol
56 ret=obj.hgcontrol;
57 else
58 try
59 ret=subsref(obj.hgcontrol, index(2:end));
60 catch
61 try
62 CheckErr();
63 subsref(obj.hgcontrol, index(2:end));
64 catch
65 if isempty(obj.hghandle)
66 % Maybe subsref failed because obj has
67 % empty properties
68 ret=[];
69 elseif ~isprop(obj.hghandle, index(2).subs) &&...
70 ~ismethod(obj.hghandle, index(2).subs)
71 error('jcontrol:subsref: No such property or method');
72 else
73 error('jcontrol:subsref: Unexpected error');
74 end
75 end
76 end
77 end
78 case 'hghandle'
79 ret=obj.hghandle;
80 otherwise
81 % where the property could be in hgcontainer
82 % or hgcontrol. Find out which and invoke subsref
83 % recursively
84 if isprop(obj.hgcontainer, index(1).subs) &&...
85 isprop(obj.hgcontrol, index(1).subs)
86 % Visible is an exception - take this from the container, MATLAB
87 % links this property for the container and object
88 if strcmpi(index(1).subs,'visible')
89 ret=obj.hgcontainer.Visible;
90 return
91 else
92 error('Shared property name ''%s''\nYou must explicitly specify the target object',...
93 index(1).subs);
94 end
95 end
97 if isprop(obj.hgcontainer, index(1).subs)
98 % hgcontainer property
99 ret=subsref(obj.hgcontainer, index);
100 else
101 % hgcontrol property or method?
102 try
103 ret=subsref(obj.hgcontrol, index);
104 catch
105 try
106 CheckErr();
107 subsref(obj.hgcontrol, index);
108 catch
109 if isempty(obj.hghandle)
110 % Maybe subsref failed because obj has
111 % empty properties
112 ret=[];
113 elseif ~isprop(obj.hghandle, index(1).subs) &&...
114 ~ismethod(obj.hghandle, index(1).subs)
115 error('jcontrol:subsref: No such property or method');
116 else
117 error('jcontrol:subsref: Unexpected error');
118 end
119 end
120 end
121 end
122 end
123 case '()'
124 % array of jcontrols
125 if length(index)==1
126 % One or more elements or a JCONTROL array/matrix wanted
127 ret=obj(index(1).subs{:});
128 else
129 obj=obj(index(1).subs{:});
130 if numel(obj)==1
131 ret=subsref(obj, index(2:end));
132 else
133 error('Single element of ''%s'' must be specified', inputname(1));
134 end
135 end
136 end
137 return
138 end
140 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 function CheckErr()
142 % CheckErr checks that the exception has been thrown for the expected
143 % reason - if not rethrow it.
144 err=lasterror();
145 if strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:unassignedOutputs');
146 return
147 else
148 rethrow(err);
149 end
150 return
151 end
152 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------