Mercurial > hg > ltpda
comparison m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/pan5output.m @ 0:f0afece42f48
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23) |
parents | |
children |
-1:000000000000 | 0:f0afece42f48 |
1 function pan5output(varargin) | |
2 | |
3 % ======================================================================== | |
4 % ====================== Panel for the outputs =========================== | |
5 % ======================================================================== | |
6 % This is the GUI m-file to show that the panel relative to the outputs | |
7 % | |
8 % $Id: pan5output.m,v 1.17 2008/12/16 19:30:26 nicola Exp $ | |
9 | |
10 global LTPDAoutvar | |
11 | |
12 InputObjList=''; OutputObjList=''; | |
13 UpdateListbox(); | |
14 set(gcf,'NextPlot','new'); | |
15 | |
16 currPanel = varargin{1}; | |
17 panelDimens = get(currPanel, 'Position'); | |
18 backColor = get(currPanel, 'BackgroundColor'); | |
19 | |
20 DataPanPos = [20 panelDimens(4)-320 panelDimens(3)-40 285]; | |
21 hDataPanel = uipanel(... | |
22 'Title','Data Control Panel',... | |
23 'BackgroundColor',[1,1,1],... | |
24 'FontSize',7,... | |
25 'Units','pixels',... | |
26 'Position',DataPanPos); | |
27 nbuttons = 5; | |
28 buttonWidth = (DataPanPos(3)-10*(nbuttons+1))/nbuttons; | |
29 buttonPos = [10 DataPanPos(4)-45 buttonWidth 25]; | |
30 % 'Export to workspace' button: | |
31 uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',buttonPos,'String','Export to workspace','FontSize',8,'Visible','on','Callback',@hExportButtonCallback,'Style','pushbutton','enable','on'); | |
32 buttonPos(1) = buttonPos(1)+buttonWidth+10; | |
33 % 'Remove' button: | |
34 uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',buttonPos,'String','Remove','FontSize',8,'Visible','on','Callback',@hRemoveButtonCallback,'Style','pushbutton','enable','on'); | |
35 buttonPos(1) = buttonPos(1)+buttonWidth+10; | |
36 % 'Send to repository' button: | |
37 uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',buttonPos,'String','Send to repository','FontSize',8,'Visible','on','Callback',@hClearButtonCallback,'Style','pushbutton','enable','off'); | |
38 buttonPos(1) = buttonPos(1)+buttonWidth+10; | |
39 % 'Explore' button: | |
40 uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',buttonPos,'String','Explore','FontSize',8,'Visible','on','UserData',InputObjList,'Callback',@hExploreButtonCallback,'Style','pushbutton','enable','on'); | |
41 % buttonPos(1) = buttonPos(1)+buttonWidth+10; | |
42 % hSaveOutButton = uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',buttonPos,'String','Save workspace','FontSize',8,'Visible','on','Enable','on','Callback',@SaveWorkspaceCallback,'Style','pushbutton'); | |
43 buttonPos(1) = buttonPos(1)+buttonWidth+10; | |
44 % 'Clear all output' button: | |
45 uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',buttonPos,'String','Clear output','FontSize',8,'Visible','on','Enable','on','Callback',{@AskConfirm,'clear'},'Style','pushbutton'); | |
46 clear nbuttons buttonWidth buttonPos | |
47 | |
48 | |
49 ntexts = 2; | |
50 textWidth = (DataPanPos(3)-10*(ntexts+1))/ntexts; | |
51 textPos = [10 DataPanPos(4)-80 textWidth 25]; | |
52 % hListAOText = uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'BackgroundColor',get(hDataPanel,'BackgroundColor'),'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',textPos,'String','Input:','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',8,'FontWeight','normal','Visible','on','Style','text'); | |
53 textPos(1) = textPos(1)+textWidth+10; | |
54 hResultAOText = uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'BackgroundColor',get(hDataPanel,'BackgroundColor'),'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',textPos,'String','Output:','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',8,'FontWeight','normal','Visible','on','Style','text'); | |
55 clear ntexts textWidth textPos | |
56 | |
57 | |
58 nlists = 2; | |
59 listWidth = (DataPanPos(3)-10*(nlists+1))/nlists; | |
60 listPos = [10 DataPanPos(4)-275 listWidth 200]; | |
61 % Info panel: | |
62 uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'BackgroundColor',[0.94,0.94,1],'Style','listbox','HorizontalAlignment', 'left','Fontsize', 8,'Units','pixels','Position',listPos,'Tag','infoPanel'); | |
63 listPos(1) = listPos(1)+listWidth+10; | |
64 OutputObjList = uicontrol('Parent',hDataPanel,'BackgroundColor',[0.95,0.95,0.95],'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',listPos,'String',listResults,'Value',[],'Max',10,'Min',1,'FontSize',8,'FontWeight','normal','Visible','on','Callback',@hResultListCallback,'Tag','OutputObjList','Style','listbox'); | |
65 hResultListCallback(OutputObjList,1) | |
66 clear DataPanPos nlists listWidth listPos | |
67 | |
68 | |
69 %% | |
70 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
71 function UpdateListbox(varargin) | |
72 % Updates the LTPDAoutvar listbox | |
73 | |
74 %================================== | |
75 % Update the list of results AOs | |
76 xx = size(LTPDAoutvar,1); | |
77 listResults = cell(xx,1); | |
78 if xx>0 | |
79 for j=1:xx | |
80 listResults{j,1} = num2str(j); | |
81 [rows,columns] = size(LTPDAoutvar{j,1}); | |
82 if (rows>1 && columns==1) || (rows==1 && columns>1), listResults{j,1} = [listResults{j,1}, ' .(Vector ',num2str(rows),'x',num2str(columns),') ']; | |
83 elseif rows>1 && columns>1, listResults{j,1} = [listResults{j,1}, ' .(Matrix ',num2str(rows),'x',num2str(columns),') ']; | |
84 end | |
85 switch class(LTPDAoutvar{j,1}) | |
86 case 'ao' | |
87 anobject = LTPDAoutvar{j,1}; | |
88 aoname =; | |
89 aocreated = char(anobject.created); | |
90 listResults{j,1} = [listResults{j,1}, ' . AO .' , aoname , '__' , aocreated]; | |
91 case 'plist' | |
92 paramNumb = nparams(LTPDAoutvar{j,1}); | |
93 objcreated = char(LTPDAoutvar{j,1}.created); | |
94 listResults{j,1}=[listResults{j,1}, ' . PLIST .',num2str(paramNumb),' params','__',objcreated]; | |
95 case {'pzmodel','miir','mfir'} | |
96 objcreated = char(LTPDAoutvar{j,1}.created); | |
97 listResults{j,1}=[listResults{j,1}, ' . ',upper(class(LTPDAoutvar{j,1})),' .__',objcreated]; | |
98 case 'double' | |
99 if numel(LTPDAoutvar{j,1})==1, objclass = ' . Scalar .__ '; | |
100 elseif size(LTPDAoutvar{j,1},1)==1 || size(LTPDAoutvar{j,1},2)==1, objclass = ' . Vector .__ '; | |
101 else objclass = ' . Matrix .__ '; | |
102 end | |
103 listResults{j,1}=[listResults{j,1}, objclass, mat2str(LTPDAoutvar{j,1})]; | |
104 otherwise | |
105 listResults{j,1}=[listResults{j,1}, ' . ',class(LTPDAoutvar{j,1})]; | |
106 end | |
107 end | |
108 for j=xx:-1:1, if isempty(listResults{j,1}), listResults(j,:)=[]; end; end | |
109 else | |
110 listResults{1,1}='The workspace is empty'; | |
111 end | |
112 | |
113 OutputObjList = findobj('Tag','OutputObjList'); | |
114 if ~isempty(OutputObjList) | |
115 set(OutputObjList,'Value',1) | |
116 set(OutputObjList,'String',listResults) | |
117 end | |
118 | |
119 %================================== | |
120 | |
121 end | |
122 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
123 | |
124 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
125 function hResultListCallback(hObject, varargin) | |
126 % This callback is called whenever the user double click upon one of | |
127 % the AOs in use. | |
128 if ~isempty(varargin{1}) && varargin{1}==1 && size(LTPDAoutvar,1)>0 | |
129 val = get(hObject, 'Value'); | |
130 if length(val) == 1 | |
131 objLines = get(hObject, 'String'); | |
132 if isempty(objLines) | |
133 objtxt = ''; | |
134 else | |
135 objnumb = str2double(deblank(strtok(objLines{val}))); | |
136 objtxt = display(LTPDAoutvar{objnumb}); | |
137 end | |
138 else | |
139 objtxt = ''; | |
140 end | |
141 set(findobj('Tag', 'infoPanel'), 'String', objtxt) | |
142 elseif size(LTPDAoutvar,1)>0 | |
143 if strcmp(get(gcf,'SelectionType'),'normal') | |
144 val = get(hObject, 'Value'); | |
145 if length(val) == 1 | |
146 objLines = get(hObject, 'String'); | |
147 objnumb = str2double(deblank(strtok(objLines{val}))); | |
148 objtxt = display(LTPDAoutvar{objnumb}); | |
149 else | |
150 objtxt = ''; | |
151 end | |
152 set(findobj('Tag', 'infoPanel'), 'String', objtxt) | |
153 end | |
154 if strcmp(get(gcf,'SelectionType'),'open') && ~isempty(get(hObject, 'String')) | |
155 try %#ok<ALIGN> | |
156 currIndex = get(hObject,'Value'); | |
157 figure | |
158 plot(LTPDAoutvar{currIndex,1}); | |
159 catch | |
160 close(gcf) | |
161 end | |
162 end | |
163 end | |
164 | |
165 end | |
166 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
167 | |
168 %% | |
169 % %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
170 % function SaveWorkspaceCallback(varargin) | |
171 % % Callback function: run when the user click the "Clear all data" | |
172 % % button | |
173 % | |
174 % try | |
175 % [FileName,PathName,FilterIndex] = uiputfile('*.mat','Save Workspace As'); | |
176 % if ~isa(FileName,'double'), save(strcat(PathName,FileName),'LTPDAoutvar'); disp('Workspace saved'); end | |
177 % disp('Output saved') | |
178 % catch | |
179 % end | |
180 % end | |
181 % %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
182 | |
183 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
184 function AskConfirm(varargin) | |
185 % Whenever the user click the Reset Parameters button | |
186 | |
187 if strcmp(varargin{3},'close'), set(gcf,'Visible','off'); end | |
188 | |
189 % Ask for confirmation: | |
190 screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize'); | |
191 backColor = [1 1 1]; | |
192 position = [(screenSize(3)-250)/2,(screenSize(4)-160)/2,250,160]; | |
193 confirmFig = figure('Position',position,'Name','Please confirm','Tag','ConfirmReset','Resize','off','NumberTitle','off','Toolbar','none','Menubar','none'); | |
194 % Text | |
195 uicontrol('Parent',confirmFig,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[0 position(4)-40 position(3) 20],'String','Are you sure?','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',13,'FontWeight','normal','Visible','on','Style','text'); | |
196 % Button Yes | |
197 dimension = position; | |
198 logosize = [77 95]; | |
199 dimension = [50 , dimension(4)-logosize(2)-50 , logosize]; | |
200 yesbut = axes('Parent',confirmFig,'Units','pixels','Position',dimension,'Tag','Yes'); | |
201 image(imread('buttonyes2.jpg'),'Parent',yesbut,'ButtonDownFcn','set(findobj(''Tag'',''ConfirmReset''),''UserData'',0); uiresume;','Tag','YesButton'); | |
202 axis(yesbut,'off'); | |
203 % Button No | |
204 dimension = position; | |
205 logosize = [77 95]; | |
206 dimension = [127 , dimension(4)-logosize(2)-50 , logosize]; | |
207 nobut = axes('Parent',confirmFig,'Units','pixels','Position',dimension,'Tag','No'); | |
208 image(imread('buttonno2.jpg'),'Parent',nobut,'ButtonDownFcn','set(findobj(''Tag'',''ConfirmReset''),''UserData'',1); uiresume;','Tag','NoButton'); | |
209 axis(nobut,'off'); | |
210 | |
211 uiwait; | |
212 | |
213 if get(confirmFig,'UserData'), delete(confirmFig); set(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'),'Visible','on'); return; end | |
214 | |
215 if strcmp(varargin{3},'close') | |
216 delete(confirmFig); | |
217 disp('Closing LTPDA GUI...'); | |
218 delete(timerfindall); | |
219 clear global LTPDAinvar LTPDAoutvar; | |
220 setappdata(0,'ltpda_repo_user',''); setappdata(0,'ltpda_repo_pass',''); | |
221 closereq | |
222 elseif strcmp(varargin{3},'clear') | |
223 delete(confirmFig); | |
224 LTPDAoutvar={}; | |
225 set(OutputObjList,'Value',1) | |
226 set(findobj('Tag', 'infoPanel'), 'String', '') | |
227 set_param(find_system(bdroot,'FindAll','on','Type','Annotation','Tag','ltpda model'),'UserData',''); | |
228 UpdateListbox(); | |
229 end | |
230 | |
231 end | |
232 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
233 | |
234 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
235 function hRemoveButtonCallback(varargin) | |
236 % Callback function: run when the user click the "Remove data" button | |
237 | |
238 index_selected = get(OutputObjList,'Value'); | |
239 listObjs = get(OutputObjList,'String'); | |
240 if ~strcmp(listObjs,'The memory is empty') | |
241 for i=1:numel(index_selected) | |
242 objSelect = str2double(strtok(listObjs{index_selected(i),1},'.')); | |
243 LTPDAoutvar(objSelect,:) = []; | |
244 end | |
245 UpdateListbox(); | |
246 end | |
247 set(findobj('Tag', 'infoPanel'), 'String', '') | |
248 | |
249 end | |
250 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
251 | |
252 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
253 function hExportButtonCallback(varargin) | |
254 % Callback function: run when the user click the "Remove data" button | |
255 | |
256 currSelObjs = get(OutputObjList,'Value'); | |
257 listObjs = get(OutputObjList,'String'); | |
258 if ~strcmp(listObjs,'The memory is empty') | |
259 selectedObjs = {}; | |
260 for i=1:numel(currSelObjs) | |
261 objSelect = str2double(strtok(listObjs{currSelObjs(i),1},'.')); | |
262 selectedObjs = [selectedObjs,LTPDAoutvar(objSelect,1)]; | |
263 end | |
264 if ~isempty(selectedObjs) | |
265 for i=1:numel(selectedObjs) | |
266 objName = [class(selectedObjs{i}),'_',selectedObjs{i}.name]; | |
267 objName = genvarname(objName,evalin('base','who')); | |
268 assignin('base', objName, selectedObjs{i}); | |
269 disp(['Saved to workspace with name ',objName]) | |
270 end | |
271 end | |
272 end | |
273 | |
274 end | |
275 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
276 | |
277 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
278 function hExploreButtonCallback(varargin) | |
279 % Callback function: run when the user click the "Update list" button | |
280 | |
281 currSelObjs = get(OutputObjList,'Value'); | |
282 listObjs = get(OutputObjList,'String'); | |
283 if ~strcmp(listObjs,'The memory is empty') | |
284 selectedObjs = {}; | |
285 for i=1:numel(currSelObjs) | |
286 objSelect = str2double(strtok(listObjs{currSelObjs(i),1},'.')); | |
287 selectedObjs = [selectedObjs,LTPDAoutvar(objSelect,1)]; | |
288 end | |
289 | |
290 if ~isempty(selectedObjs) | |
291 ltpda_explorer(selectedObjs); | |
292 else | |
293 ltpda_explorer(LTPDAoutvar); | |
294 end | |
295 | |
296 UpdateListbox(); | |
297 end | |
298 | |
299 end | |
300 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
301 | |
302 | |
303 %% | |
304 end |