diff m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@credentials/credentials.m @ 2:18e956c96a1b database-connection-manager

Add LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager implementation. Matlab code
author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Sun, 04 Dec 2011 21:23:09 +0100 (2011-12-04)
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@credentials/credentials.m	Sun Dec 04 21:23:09 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+classdef credentials
+  properties
+    hostname = [];
+    database = [];
+    username = [];
+    password = [];
+    expiry = 0;
+  end % properties
+  methods
+    function obj = credentials(hostname, database, username, password)
+    % CREDENTIALS Constructor for credentials objects.
+    %
+    % Those are simple container objects to hold credentials required for
+    % establishing a connection to a database server, in addition to an
+    % expiry time.
+    %
+    % CREDENTIALS(hostname, database, username, password) The constructor can
+    % be called with any number of arguments. The default value for the object
+    % properties is the empty vector.
+      switch nargin
+        case 1
+          obj.hostname = hostname;
+        case 2
+          obj.hostname = hostname;
+          obj.database = database;
+        case 3
+          obj.hostname = hostname;
+          obj.database = database;
+          obj.username = username;
+        case 4
+          obj.hostname = hostname;
+          obj.database = database;
+          obj.username = username;
+          obj.password = password;
+      end
+    end
+    function str = char(obj, mode)
+    % CHAR Convert a credentials object to string representation.
+    %
+    % It takes an optional second argument that defines the representation to
+    % use. The default is to replace the password, if present, with the YES
+    % string, other possible modes are SHORT where password is omitted, or FULL
+    % where the password is shown at it is.
+      if nargin < 2
+        mode = '';
+      end
+      switch mode
+        case 'short'
+          % do not show password
+          frm = 'mysql://%s/%s username=%s';
+          str = sprintf(frm, obj.hostname, obj.database, obj.username);
+        case 'full'
+          % show password
+          frm = 'mysql://%s/%s username=%s password=%s';
+          str = sprintf(frm, obj.hostname, obj.database, obj.username, obj.password);
+        otherwise
+          % by default only show if a password is known
+          passwd = [];
+          if ischar(obj.password)
+            passwd = 'YES';
+          end
+          frm = 'mysql://%s/%s username=%s password=%s';
+          str = sprintf(frm, obj.hostname, obj.database, obj.username, passwd);
+      end
+    end
+    function disp(objs)
+    % DISP Overloaded display method for credentials objects.
+    %
+    % Uses the default string representation of the char() method where the
+    % password, if present, is replaced with the string YES.
+      for obj = objs
+        disp(['    ' char(obj) char(10)]);
+      end
+    end
+    function len = length(obj)
+    % LENGTH Returns the number of not null fields in the object.
+      len = 0;
+      if ~isempty(obj.hostname)
+        len = len + 1;
+      end
+      if ~isempty(obj.database)
+        len = len + 1;
+      end
+      if ~isempty(obj.username)
+        len = len + 1;
+      end
+      if ~isempty(obj.password)
+        len = len + 1;
+      end
+    end
+    function rv = complete(obj)
+    % COMPLETE Checks if the credentials are complete.
+    %
+    % Credentials object are complete when they contains all the required
+    % information to connect to a database. Namely the HOSTNAME, DATABASE
+    % and USERNAME properties should not be empty, the PASSWORD property is
+    % allowed to be an empty string '' but not [].
+      info = {'hostname', 'database', 'username'};
+      for kk = 1:numel(info)
+        if isempty(obj.(info{kk}))
+          rv = false;
+          return;
+        end
+      end
+      if ~ischar(obj.password)
+        rv = false;
+        return;
+      end
+      rv = true;
+    end
+    function rv = expired(obj)
+    % EXPIRED Checks if the credentials are expired.
+    %
+    % Credential objects expire when their expiry time is smaller than the
+    % current time in seconds since the epoch, as obtained by the time()
+    % function. Credentials with zero or negative expiry time never expire.
+      rv = false;
+      if obj.expiry > 0 && double(time()) > obj.expiry
+        rv = true;
+      end
+    end
+    function rv = match(obj, hostname, database, username)
+    % MATCH Check if the credentials object matches the given information.
+    %
+    % MATCH(obj, hostname) Returns true when HOSTANAME parameter match
+    % the object properties.
+    %
+    % MATCH(obj, hostname, database) Returns true when HOSTANAME and
+    % DATABASE parameters match the object properties.
+    %
+    % MATCH(obj, hostname, database, username) Returns true when
+    % HOSTANAME, DATABASE, and USERNAME parameters match the object
+    % properties.
+      % default arguments
+      switch nargin
+        case 4
+        case 3
+          username = [];
+        case 2
+          username = [];
+          database = [];
+        otherwise
+          error('### wrong number of parameters');
+      end
+      % default return value
+      rv = true;
+      if ~strcmp(obj.hostname, hostname)
+        rv = false;
+        return;
+      end
+      if ischar(database) && ~strcmp(obj.database, database)
+        rv = false;
+        return;
+      end
+      if ischar(username) && ~strcmp(obj.username, username)
+        rv = false;
+        return;
+      end
+    end
+  end % methods
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