diff m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/autocfit.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/autocfit.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+% AUTOCFIT performs a fitting loop to identify model order and parameters.
+%     Perform a fitting loop to automatically identify model order and
+%     parameters in s-domain. Model identification is performed by 'vcfit'
+%     function. Output is a s-domain model expanded in partial fractions:
+%              r1              rN
+%     f(s) = ------- + ... + ------- + d
+%            s - p1          s - pN
+%     The function attempt to perform first the identification of a model
+%     with d = 0, then if the operation do not succeed, it try the
+%     identification with d different from zero.
+%     Identification loop stop when the stop condition is reached. Six
+%     stop criteria are available:
+%     Mean Squared Error
+%     Check if the normalized mean squared error is lower than the value
+%     specified in lrscond:
+%     mse < 10^(-1*lrsvarcond)
+%     Mean Squared Error and variation
+%     Check if the normalized mean squared error is lower than the value specified in
+%     lrscond and that the relative variation of the mean squared error is lower
+%     than the value provided.
+%     Checking algorithm is:
+%     mse < 10^(-1*lrsvarcond)
+%     Dmse < 10^(-1*msevar)
+%     Log Residuals difference
+%     Check if the minimum of the logarithmic difference between data and
+%     residuals is larger than a specified value. ie. if the conditioning
+%     value is 2, the function ensures that the difference between data and
+%     residuals is at lest 2 order of magnitude lower than data itsleves.
+%     Checking algorithm is:
+%     lsr = log10(abs(y))-log10(abs(rdl));
+%     min(lsr) > lrscond;
+%     Log Residuals difference and Root Mean Squared Error
+%     Check if the log difference between data and residuals is in
+%     larger than the value indicated in lsrcond and that the variation of
+%     the root mean squared error is lower than 10^(-1*msevar).
+%     Checking algorithm is:
+%     lsr = log10(abs(y))-log10(abs(rdl));
+%     (lsr > lrscond) && (mse < 10^(-1*lrsvarcond));
+%     Residuals Spectral Flatness
+%     In case of a fit on noisy data, the residuals from a good fit are
+%     expected to be as much as possible similar to a white noise. This
+%     property can be used to test the accuracy of a fit procedure. In
+%     particular it can be tested that the spectral flatness coefficient of
+%     the residuals is larger than a certain qiantity sf such that 0<sf<1.
+%     Residuals Spectral Flatness and root mean squared error
+%     Check that the spectral flatness coefficient of the residuals is
+%     larger than a certain qiantity sf such that 0<sf<1 and that the
+%     variation of the root mean squared error is lower than
+%     10^(-1*msevar).
+%     Once the loop iteration stops the parameters giving best Mean Square
+%     Error are output.
+% CALL:
+%     [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl,mse] = autocfit(y,f,params)
+%     - y are the data to be fitted. They represent the frequency response
+%     of a certain process.
+%     - f is the frequency vector in Hz
+%     - params is a struct containing identification parameters
+%       params.spolesopt = 0 --> use external starting poles
+%       params.spolesopt = 1 --> use real starting poles
+%       params.spolesopt = 2 --> use logspaced complex starting poles.
+%       Default option
+%       params.spolesopt = 3 --> use linspaced complex starting poles.
+%       params.extpoles = [] --> a vector with the starting poles.
+%       Providing a fixed set of starting poles fixes the function order so
+%       params.minorder and params.maxorder will be internally set to the
+%       poles vector length.
+%       params.fullauto = 0 --> Perform a fitting loop as far as the number
+%       of iteration reach Nmaxiter. The order of the fitting function will
+%       be that specified in params.minorder. If params.dterm is setted to
+%       1 the function will fit only with direct term.
+%       params.fullauto = 1 --> Parform a full automatic search for the
+%       transfer function order. The fitting procedure will stop when the
+%       stopping condition defined in params.ctp is satisfied. Default
+%       value.
+%       params.Nmaxiter = # --> Number of maximum iteration per model order
+%       parformed. Default is 50.
+%       params.minorder = # --> Minimum model trial order. Default is 2.
+%       params.maxorder = # --> Maximum model trial order. Default is 25.
+%       params.weightparam = 0 --> use external weights
+%       params.weightparam = 1 --> fit with equal weights (one) for each
+%       data point.
+%       params.weightparam = 2 --> weight fit with the inverse of absolute
+%       value of data. Default value.
+%       params.weightparam = 3 --> weight fit with the square root of the
+%       inverse of absolute value of data.
+%       params.weightparam = 4 --> weight fit with inverse of the square
+%       mean spread
+%       params.extweights = [] --> A vector of externally provided weights.
+%       It has to be of the same size of input data.
+%       params.plot = 0 --> no plot during fit iteration
+%       params.plot = 1 --> plot results at each fitting steps. default
+%       value.
+%       params.ctp = 'lrs' --> check if the log difference between data and
+%       residuals is point by point larger than the value indicated in
+%       lsrcond. This mean that residuals are lsrcond order of magnitudes
+%       lower than data.
+%       params.ctp = 'lrsmse' --> check if the log difference between data
+%       and residuals is larger than the value indicated in lsrcond and if
+%       the variation of root mean squared error is lower than
+%       10^(-1*msevar).
+%       params.ctp = 'rft' --> check that the residuals spectral flatness
+%       coefficient is lerger than the value provided in lsrcond. In this
+%       case lsrcond must be such that 0<lsrcond<1.
+%       params.ctp = 'rftmse' --> check that the residuals spectral flatness
+%       coefficient is lerger than the value provided in lsrcond and if
+%       the variation of root mean squared error is lower than
+%       10^(-1*msevar). In this case lsrcond must be such that
+%       0<lsrcond<1.
+%       params.lrscond = # --> set conditioning value for point to point
+%       log residuals difference (params.ctp = 'lsr' and params.ctp =
+%       'lrsmse') or set conditioning value for residuals spectral
+%       flateness (params.ctp = 'rft' and params.ctp = 'rftmse'). In the
+%       last case params.lrscond must be set to 0<lrscond<1.
+%       Default is 2. See help for stopfit.m for further remarks.
+%       params.msevar = # --> set conditioning value for root mean squared
+%       error variation. This allow to check that the variation of root
+%       mean squared error is lower than 10^(-1*msevar).Default is 7. See
+%       help for stopfit.m for further remarks.
+%       params.stabfit = 0 --> Fit without forcing poles stability. Default
+%       value.
+%       params.stabfit = 1 --> Fit forcing poles stability
+%       params.dterm = 0 --> Try to fit without direct term
+%       params.dterm = 1 --> Try to fit with and without direct term
+%       params.spy = 0 --> Do not display the iteration progression
+%       params.spy = 1 --> Display the iteration progression
+%     - res is the vector with model residues r
+%     - poles is the vector with model poles p
+%     - dterm is the model direct term d
+%     - mresp is the model frequency response calculated at the input
+%     frequencies
+%     - rdl are the residuals between data and model, at the input
+%     frequencies
+%     - mse magnitude squared error progression
+% VERSION: $Id: autocfit.m,v 1.22 2010/01/27 17:56:11 luigi Exp $
+% HISTORY:     08-10-2008 L Ferraioli
+%                 Creation
+function [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl,mse] = autocfit(y,f,params)
+  utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.MNAME, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+  % Default input struct
+  defaultparams = struct('spolesopt',1, 'Nmaxiter',30, 'minorder',2,...
+    'maxorder',25, 'weightparam',1, 'plot',1,...
+    'ctp','chival','lrscond',2,'msevar',2,...
+    'stabfit',0,'dterm',0,'spy',0,'fullauto',1,'extweights', [],...
+    'extpoles', []);
+  names = {'spolesopt','Nmaxiter','minorder',...
+    'maxorder','weightparam','plot',...
+    'ctp','lrscond','msevar',...
+    'stabfit','dterm','spy','fullauto','extweights','extpoles'};
+  % collecting input and default params
+  if ~isempty(params)
+    for jj=1:length(names)
+      if isfield(params, names(jj)) && ~isempty(params.(names{1,jj}))
+        defaultparams.(names{1,jj}) = params.(names{1,jj});
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  % collecting input params
+  spolesopt = defaultparams.spolesopt;
+  Nmaxiter = defaultparams.Nmaxiter;
+  minorder = defaultparams.minorder;
+  maxorder = defaultparams.maxorder;
+  weightparam = defaultparams.weightparam;
+  check = defaultparams.plot;
+  stabfit = defaultparams.stabfit;
+  ctp = defaultparams.ctp;
+  lrscond = defaultparams.lrscond;
+  msevar = defaultparams.msevar;
+  idt = defaultparams.dterm;
+  spy = defaultparams.spy;
+  autosearch = defaultparams.fullauto;
+  extweights = defaultparams.extweights;
+  extpoles = defaultparams.extpoles;
+  if check == 1
+    fitin.plot = 1;
+    fitin.ploth = figure; % opening new figure window
+  else
+    fitin.plot = 0;
+  end
+  if stabfit % fit with stable poles only
+    fitin.stable = 1;
+  else % fit without restrictions
+    fitin.stable = 0;
+  end
+  % Colum vector are preferred
+  [a,b] = size(y);
+  if a < b % shifting to column
+    y = y.';
+  end
+  [Nx,Ny] = size(y);
+  [a,b] = size(f);
+  if a < b % shifting to column
+    f = f.';
+  end
+  % in case of externally provided poles
+  if ~isempty(extpoles)
+    spolesopt = 0;
+  end
+  if spolesopt == 0 % in case of external poles
+    % Colum vector are preferred
+    [a,b] = size(extpoles);
+    if a < b % shifting to column
+      extpoles = extpoles.';
+    end
+    [Npls,b] = size(extpoles);
+    minorder = Npls;
+    maxorder = Npls;
+  end
+  if weightparam == 0 % in case of external weights
+    % Colum vector are preferred
+    [a,b] = size(extweights);
+    if a < b % shifting to column
+      extweights = extweights.';
+    end
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % Importing package
+  import utils.math.*
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % Fitting
+  % decide to fit with or without direct term according to the input
+  % options
+  if autosearch
+    if idt % full auto identification
+      dterm_off = 1;
+      dterm_on = 1;
+    else % auto ident without dterm
+      dterm_off = 1;
+      dterm_on = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    if idt % fit only with dterm
+      dterm_off = 0;
+      dterm_on = 1;
+    else % fit without dterm
+      dterm_off = 1;
+      dterm_on = 0;
+    end
+  end
+  ext = zeros(Ny,1);
+  % starting banana mse
+  bmse = inf;
+  cmse = inf;
+  if dterm_off
+    utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ' Try fitting without direct term ')
+    fitin.dterm = 0;
+    % Weighting coefficients
+    if weightparam == 0
+      % using external weigths
+      utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ' Using external weights... ')
+      weight = extweights;
+    else
+      weight = utils.math.wfun(y,weightparam);
+    end
+    % Do not perform the loop if autosearch is setted to false
+    if autosearch
+      order_vect = minorder:maxorder;
+    else
+      order_vect = minorder:minorder;
+    end
+    for N = order_vect
+      if spy
+        utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ['Actual_Order' num2str(N)])
+      end
+      % Starting poles
+      if spolesopt == 0 % in case of external poles
+        utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ' Using external poles... ')
+        spoles = extpoles;
+      else % internally calculated starting poles
+        pparams = struct('spolesopt',spolesopt, 'type','CONT', 'pamp', 0.01);
+        spoles = utils.math.startpoles(N,f,pparams);
+      end
+      % Fitting
+      M = 2*N;
+      if M > Nmaxiter
+        M = Nmaxiter;
+      elseif not(autosearch)
+        M = Nmaxiter;
+      end
+      clear mlr
+      for hh = 1:M
+        [res,spoles,dterm,mresp,rdl,mse] = utils.math.vcfit(y,f,spoles,weight,fitin); % Fitting
+        % decide to store the best result based on mse
+        %fprintf('iteration = %d, order = %d \n',hh,N)
+        if norm(mse)<cmse
+          %fprintf('nice job \n')
+          bres = res;
+          bpoles = spoles;
+          bdterm = dterm;
+          bmresp = mresp;
+          brdl = rdl;
+          bmse = mse;
+          cmse = norm(mse);
+        end
+        if spy
+          utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ['Iter' num2str(hh)])
+        end
+        %        ext = zeros(Ny,1);
+        if autosearch
+          for kk = 1:Ny
+            % Stop condition checking
+            mlr(hh,kk) = mse(:,kk);
+            % decide between stop conditioning
+            if strcmpi(ctp,'lrs')
+              yd = y(:,kk); % input data
+            elseif strcmpi(ctp,'lrsmse')
+              yd = y(:,kk); % input data
+            elseif strcmpi(ctp,'rft')
+              yd = mresp(:,kk); % model response
+            elseif strcmpi(ctp,'rftmse')
+              yd = mresp(:,kk); % model response
+            elseif strcmpi(ctp,'chival')
+              yd = y(:,kk); % model response
+            elseif strcmpi(ctp,'chivar')
+              yd = y(:,kk); % model response
+            else
+              error('!!! Unable to identify appropiate stop condition. See function help for admitted values');
+            end
+            [next,msg] = utils.math.stopfit(yd,rdl(:,kk),mlr(:,kk),ctp,lrscond,msevar);
+            ext(kk,1) = next;
+          end
+        else
+          for kk = 1:Ny
+            % storing mse progression
+            mlr(hh,kk) = mse(:,kk);
+          end
+        end
+        if all(ext)
+          utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, msg)
+          break
+        end
+      end
+      if all(ext)
+        break
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if dterm_on
+    if ~all(ext) % fit with direct term only if the fit without does not give acceptable results (in full auto mode)
+      utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ' Try fitting with direct term ')
+      fitin.dterm = 1;
+      if autosearch
+        order_vect = minorder:maxorder;
+      else
+        order_vect = minorder:minorder;
+      end
+      for N = order_vect
+        if spy
+          utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ['Actual_Order' num2str(N)])
+        end
+        % Starting poles
+        if spolesopt == 0 % in case of external poles
+          utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ' Using external poles... ')
+          spoles = extpoles;
+        else % internally calculated starting poles
+          pparams = struct('spolesopt',spolesopt, 'type','CONT', 'pamp', 0.01);
+          spoles = utils.math.startpoles(N,f,pparams);
+        end
+        % Fitting
+        M = 2*N;
+        if M > Nmaxiter
+          M = Nmaxiter;
+        elseif not(autosearch)
+          M = Nmaxiter;
+        end
+        clear mlr
+        for hh = 1:M
+          [res,spoles,dterm,mresp,rdl,mse] = utils.math.vcfit(y,f,spoles,weight,fitin); % Fitting
+          % decide to store the best result based on mse
+          if norm(mse)<cmse
+            bres = res;
+            bpoles = spoles;
+            bdterm = dterm;
+            bmresp = mresp;
+            brdl = rdl;
+            bmse = mse;
+            cmse = norm(mse);
+          end
+          if spy
+            utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ['Iter' num2str(hh)])
+          end
+          ext = zeros(Ny,1);
+          if autosearch
+            for kk = 1:Ny
+              % Stop condition checking
+              mlr(hh,kk) = mse(:,kk);
+              % decide between stop conditioning
+              if strcmpi(ctp,'lrs')
+                yd = y(:,kk); % input data
+              elseif strcmpi(ctp,'lrsmse')
+                yd = y(:,kk); % input data
+              elseif strcmpi(ctp,'rft')
+                yd = mresp(:,kk); % model response
+              elseif strcmpi(ctp,'rftmse')
+                yd = mresp(:,kk); % model response
+              elseif strcmpi(ctp,'chival')
+                yd = y(:,kk); % model response
+              elseif strcmpi(ctp,'chivar')
+                yd = y(:,kk); % model response
+              else
+                error('!!! Unable to identify appropiate stop condition. See function help for admitted values');
+              end
+              [next,msg] = utils.math.stopfit(yd,rdl(:,kk),mlr(:,kk),ctp,lrscond,msevar);
+              ext(kk,1) = next;
+            end
+          else
+            for kk = 1:Ny
+              % storing mse progression
+              mlr(hh,kk) = mse(:,kk);
+            end
+          end
+          if all(ext)
+            utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, msg)
+            break
+          end
+        end
+        if all(ext)
+          break
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  poles = bpoles;
+  clear mse
+  mse = mlr(:,:);
+  res = bres;
+  dterm = bdterm;
+  mresp = bmresp;
+  rdl = brdl;
+  mse = bmse;
+  if all(ext) == 0
+    utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ' Fitting iteration completed without reaching the prescribed accuracy. Try changing Nmaxiter or maxorder or accuracy requirements ')
+  else
+    utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, ' Fitting iteration completed successfully ')
+  end