diff m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/boxplot.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/boxplot.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+% BOXPLOT draw box plot on data
+% DESCRIPTION: Boxplot is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups
+% of numerical data. The bottom and top of the box are always the 25th and
+% 75th  percentile (the lower and upper quartiles, respectively), and the
+% band near the middle of the box is always the 50th percentile (the
+% median). The ends of the whiskers are the percentiles corresponding to
+% the confidence level defined by the user.
+% CALL:       boxplot(d1,...,dn, ops)
+% INPUT:      - d1,...dn, are column vectors. Different data must be input
+%               as different columns.
+%             - ops, a struct containing input parameters
+%               - PlotData. Decide to plot all data or only the data
+%               outside the confidence levels. Default true
+%               - ConfLevel. Confidence level for box whiskers. Default 95%
+%               - FontSize. Font size for x and y labels. Default 22
+%               - LineWidth. Box line width. Default 2
+%               - BoxWidth. the width of the box. Default 1
+%               - Marker. Data marker type. Default '.'
+%               - MarkerSize. Data marker size. Default 1
+%               - XTickLabel. A cell containing a cell aray of x tick
+%               labels. Default {{''}}
+% acknowledgements
+% A special thanks to Shane Lin who submitted the boxPlot function in
+% Matlab Central to which the present function is inspired
+% Luigi Ferraioli 13-02-2011
+% $Id: boxplot.m,v 1.4 2011/02/22 14:02:03 luigi Exp $
+function boxplot(varargin)
+  %%% check and set imput options
+  % Default input struct
+  defaultparams = struct(...
+    'PlotData',true,...
+    'ConfLevel',0.95,...
+    'FontSize',22,...
+    'LineWidth',2,...
+    'BoxWidth',1,...
+    'Marker','.',...
+    'MarkerSize',1,...
+    'XTickLabel',{{''}});
+  names = {'PlotData','ConfLevel','FontSize','LineWidth','BoxWidth',...
+    'Marker','MarkerSize','XTickLabel'};
+  N = numel(varargin);
+  if isstruct(varargin{N})
+    ops = varargin{N};
+    Nloop = N-1;
+  else
+    ops = {};
+    Nloop = N;
+  end
+  % collecting input and default params
+  if ~isempty(ops)
+    for jj=1:length(names)
+      if isfield(ops, names(jj))
+        defaultparams.(names{1,jj}) = ops.(names{1,jj});
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  conf = defaultparams.ConfLevel; % confidence level for confidence bounds calculation
+  if conf>1
+    conf = conf/100;
+  end
+  plotdata = defaultparams.PlotData;
+  fontsize = defaultparams.FontSize;
+  lwidth = defaultparams.LineWidth;
+  bwidth = defaultparams.BoxWidth;
+  mark = defaultparams.Marker;
+  mksize = defaultparams.MarkerSize;
+  xticklabel = defaultparams.XTickLabel;
+  %%% draw the plot
+  drawBox(varargin(1:Nloop),Nloop,conf,plotdata,lwidth,bwidth,mark,mksize)
+  % set ylabel
+  ylabel('Values','FontSize',fontsize)
+  % set xlabel
+  xlabel('Experiment','FontSize',fontsize)
+  % set XTickLabel
+  if ~isempty(xticklabel{1})
+    set(gca,'XTickLabel',xticklabel)
+  end
+function drawBox(data,Nloop,conf,plotdata,lwidth,bwidth,mark,mksize)
+  % define box width
+  unit = (1-1/(1+Nloop))/(1+9/(bwidth+3));
+  figure;
+  hold on;
+  v = zeros(5,1);
+  for ii = 1:Nloop
+    % sort data acsending
+    sdata = sort(data{ii});
+    % get data median
+    v(1) = median(sdata);
+    % get cdf
+    [F,x] = utils.math.ecdf(sdata);
+    % set box lower and upper limit, corresponding to a 25% and 75%
+    % probability
+    v(2) = interp1(F,x,0.25); % 25% limit
+    v(3) = interp1(F,x,0.75); % 75% limit
+    % set wisker limits
+    alpm = (1-conf)/2;
+    v(4) = interp1(F,x,alpm); % lower limit
+    v(5) = interp1(F,x,1-alpm); % upper limit
+    % draw data
+    if plotdata % plot all data
+      stddata = std(sdata);
+      % set x for data
+      uunit = unit.*exp(-1.*((sdata-v(1)).^2)./(stddata).^2).*9./10;
+      xdat = ii-uunit + 2*uunit.*rand(size(sdata));
+      plot(xdat,sdata,[mark 'b'], 'MarkerSize', mksize);
+    else % plot only data outside confidence levels
+      idx1 = find(sdata<v(4));
+      idx2 = find(sdata>v(5));
+      idx = [idx1;idx2];
+      xdat = ii.*ones(size(idx));
+      plot(xdat,sdata(idx),[mark 'b'], 'MarkerSize', mksize);
+    end
+    % draw the min line
+    plot([ii-unit, ii+unit], [v(4), v(4)], 'k', 'LineWidth', lwidth);
+    % draw the max line
+    plot([ii-unit, ii+unit], [v(5), v(5)], 'k', 'LineWidth', lwidth);
+    % draw middle line
+    plot([ii-unit, ii+unit], [v(1), v(1)], 'r', 'LineWidth', lwidth);
+    % draw vertical line
+    plot([ii, ii], [v(4), v(2)], '--k', 'LineWidth', lwidth);
+    plot([ii, ii], [v(3), v(5)], '--k', 'LineWidth', lwidth);
+    % draw box
+    plot([ii-unit, ii+unit, ii+unit, ii-unit, ii-unit], [v(3), v(3), v(2), v(2), v(3)], 'k', 'LineWidth', lwidth);
+  end
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