diff m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/diffStepFish_1x1.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/diffStepFish_1x1.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+%  Look for differentiation step for a given parameter and
+%  Parameters are:
+% $Id: diffStepFish_1x1.m,v 1.1 2011/10/07 08:17:52 miquel Exp $
+function best = diffStepFish_1x1(i1,S11,N,meval,params,numparams,ngrid,ranges,freqs,inNames,outNames)
+import utils.const.*
+% remove aux file if existing
+if exist('diffStepFish.txt') == 2
+    ! rm diffStepFish.txt
+step = ones(ngrid,numel(params));
+% initialize matrix of steps
+for ii = 1:numel(params)
+    step(:,ii) = ranges(1)*numparams(ii);
+% step(:,1) = logspace(ranges(1,1),ranges(2,1),ngrid);
+for kk = 1:length(params)
+    step(:,kk) = numparams(kk)*logspace(log10(ranges(1)),log10(ranges(2)),ngrid);
+    Rmat = [];
+    for jj = 1:ngrid
+        for ii = 1:length(params)
+            % differentiate numerically
+            dH = meval.parameterDiff(plist('names', params(ii),'values',step(jj,ii)));
+            % create plist with correct outNames (since parameterDiff change them)
+            out1 = strrep(outNames{1},'.', sprintf('_DIFF_%s.',params{ii})); % 2x2 case
+            spl = plist('set', 'for bode', ...
+                'outputs', {out1}, ...
+                'inputs', inNames, ...
+                'reorganize', true,...
+                'f', freqs);
+            % do bode
+            d  = bode(dH, spl);
+            % assign according matlab's matrix notation:
+            % H(1,1)->h(1)  H(2,1)->h(2)  H(1,2)->h(3)  H(2,2)->h(4)
+            d11(ii) = d.objs(1);
+        end
+        fs = S11.fs;
+        % scaling of PSD
+        % PSD = 2/(N*fs) * FFT *conj(FFT)
+        C11 = N*fs/2.*S11.y;
+        % compute elements of inverse cross-spectrum matrix
+        InvS11 = 1./C11;
+        % compute Fisher Matrix
+        for i =1:length(params)
+            for j =1:length(params)
+                v1v1 = conj(d11(i).y.*i1.y).*(d11(j).y.*i1.y);
+                FisMat(i,j) = sum(real(InvS11.*v1v1));
+            end
+        end
+        detFisMat = det(FisMat);
+        R = [step(jj,:) detFisMat];
+        % only file diffStepFish.txt stores all iterations. Rmat is
+        % initialized for each loop
+        save('diffStepFish.txt','R','-ascii','-append');
+        Rmat = [Rmat; R];
+    end
+    % look for the stable step: compute diff and
+    % look for the smallest one in absolute value
+    % The smallest slope marks the plateau
+    diffDetFisMat = abs(diff(Rmat(:,end)));
+    lowdet = diffDetFisMat(1);
+    ind = 2;
+    for k = 1:numel(diffDetFisMat)
+        if diffDetFisMat(k) < lowdet
+            lowdet = diffDetFisMat(k);
+            ind = k+1; % index give by diff = x(2) - x(1). We take the step corresponding to x(2)
+        end
+    end
+    % display message
+    utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, ...
+        sprintf('Best numerical diff. step with respect %s: %d',params{kk}, step(ind,kk)), mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+    % reassing all current column to the best step
+    step(:,kk) = step(ind,kk)*ones(ngrid,1);
+    figure
+    diffDetFisMat(diffDetFisMat == 0) = 1e-20; % to avoid zeros in loglog plot
+    loglog(Rmat(1:end-1,kk)/numparams(kk),diffDetFisMat,'--ks','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',10)
+    title(sprintf('Parameter: %s',params{kk}))
+    ylabel('\Delta FisMat / \Delta\theta')
+    xlabel('Normalised \Delta\theta')
+best = step(1,:);