diff m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/linfitsvd.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@math/linfitsvd.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+% Linear fit with singular value decomposition
+%   - exps: is a N dimensional struct whose fields are fitdata
+%   (experimental data), fitbasis (basis for the fit) and params (cell
+%   array with the names of the parameters used in the experiment).
+%   - groundexps: a M dim struct containing results from on ground experiments.
+%   Fuields are: pos (parameter position number), value (on ground measurement
+%   result) and err (experimental error on the on ground measurement).
+%   - sThreshold it's a threshold for singular values. It is a
+%     number, typically 1. It will remove singular values larger
+%     than sThreshold which corresponds to removing svd parameters estimated
+%     with an error larger than sThreshold.
+%   a:      params values
+%   Ca:     fit covariance matrix for A
+%   Corra:  fit correlation matrix for A
+%   Vu:     is the complete conversion matrix
+%   Cbu:    is the new variables covariance matrix
+%   Fbu:    is the information matrix for the new variable
+%   mse:    is the fit Mean Square Error
+%   dof:    degrees of freedom for the global estimation
+%   ppm:    number of svd parameters per measurements, provides also the
+%   number of independent combinations of parameters per each singular
+%   measurement. The coefficients of the combinations are then stored in Vu
+% 21-07-2009 L Ferraioli
+%       CREATION
+% $Id: linfitsvd.m,v 1.8 2010/10/29 12:40:47 ingo Exp $
+function [a,Ca,Corra,Vu,bu,Cbu,Fbu,mse,dof,ppm] = linfitsvd(varargin)
+  % get inputs
+  if nargin == 1 % no ground experiment
+    exps = varargin{1};
+    groundexps = [];
+    remerr = false;
+  elseif nargin == 2
+    exps = varargin{1};
+    if isnumeric(varargin{2})
+      sThreshold = varargin{2};
+      remerr = true;
+      groundexps = [];
+    else
+      groundexps = varargin{2};
+      remerr = false;
+    end
+  elseif nargin == 3
+    exps = varargin{1};
+    groundexps = varargin{2};
+    sThreshold = varargin{3}; % admitted threshold for singular values
+    remerr = true;
+    if ~isnumeric(sThreshold)
+      sThreshold = inf;
+    end
+  end
+  % init collect results struct
+  % init union matrices
+  Vu = [];
+  Fbu = [];
+  wFbu = [];
+  bu = [];
+%   eCbu = [];
+  Cbu = [];
+  ppm = []; % number of svd parameters per measurements
+  N = numel(exps);
+  % run over input experiments
+  for ii=1:N
+    % get data of the experiments out of the input struct
+    y = exps(ii).fitdata;
+    X = exps(ii).fitbasis;
+    % willing to work with columns
+    if size(y,1)<size(y,2)
+      y = y.';
+    end
+    if size(X,1)<size(X,2)
+      X = X.';
+    end
+    % get svd of X
+    [U,W,V] = svd(X,0);
+    % removing zero singular values
+    svals = diag(W);    
+    idx = svals==0;    
+    svals(idx) = [];
+    % removing columns of U and V corresponding to zero svalues
+    U(:,idx) = [];
+    V(:,idx) = [];
+    if remerr
+      % Find params combinations with error larger than 1
+      idx = svals<sThreshold;
+      svals(idx) = [];
+      % removing columns of U and V corresponding to params combinations with
+      % error larger than 1
+      U(:,idx) = [];
+      V(:,idx) = [];
+    end
+    % Sanity check
+    % if svals is empty you are going to gain no information from the
+    % current data series
+    if ~isempty(svals) % go with the fit
+      % rebuild W
+      W = diag(svals);
+      % update ppm with the number of parameters for the given experiment
+      ppm = [ppm; numel(svals)];
+      % get new basis for the fit
+      K = U*W;
+      % get expected covariance matrix for b, assuming white noise
+      Fb = W*W; % information matrix for parameters b
+      % get b params with errors, mse is the mean square error, Cb is the
+      % covariance matrix of fitted b. It should be equal to eCb.*mse
+      [b,stdxb,mseb,Cb] = lscov(K,y);
+      % information matrix weighted for fit results Cb = inv(wFb)
+      wFb = Fb./mseb;
+      % add params from present experiment
+      % get union matrices
+      Vu = [Vu;V.'];
+      Fbu = blkdiag(Fbu,Fb);
+      wFbu = blkdiag(wFbu,wFb);
+      Cbu = blkdiag(Cbu,Cb);
+      bu = [bu;b];
+    else % no information, no fit
+      % update ppm with the number of parameters for the given experiment
+      ppm = [ppm; 0];
+    end
+  end
+  % insert values from on-ground measured parameters if applicable
+  if nargin == 2
+    for jj = 1:numel(groundexps)
+      % get values
+      pos = groundexps(jj).pos;
+      val = groundexps(jj).value;
+      err = groundexps(jj).err;
+      tV = zeros(1,size(Vu,2));
+      tV(1,pos) = 1;
+      Vu = [Vu;tV];
+      bu = [bu;val];
+      Cbu = blkdiag(Cbu,err^2);
+      Fbu = blkdiag(Fbu,1/(err^2));
+      wFbu = blkdiag(wFbu,1/(err^2));
+      ppm = [ppm; 1];
+    end
+  end
+  % get results on physical parameters, solve the system with proper weights
+  a = lscov(Vu,bu,1./diag(Cbu));
+  % get params covariance
+  Ca = inv(Vu'*wFbu*Vu);
+  % get params correlation matrix
+  Corra = Ca;
+  for tt=1:size(Corra,1)
+    for hh=1:size(Corra,2)
+      Corra(tt,hh) = Ca(tt,hh)/(sqrt(Ca(tt,tt))*sqrt(Ca(hh,hh)));
+    end
+  end
+  % get chi square assuming unitary variance white noise
+  N = numel(exps);
+  mse = 0;
+  tL = 0;
+  % run over input experiments
+  for ii=1:N
+    % get data of the experiments out of the input struct
+    y = exps(ii).fitdata;
+    X = exps(ii).fitbasis;
+    mse = mse + sum((y - X*a).^2);
+    tL = tL + numel(y);
+  end
+  dof = tL-numel(a);
+  mse = mse./dof;