diff m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@prog/findchildren.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@prog/findchildren.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+function [childrenHandles] = findchildren(parentHandle,varargin)
+% This function retrieves the handles of all blocks children of a given
+% parent block, whose handle is received as input.
+%  $Id: findchildren.m,v 1.2 2008/08/17 04:32:33 nicola Exp $
+lineHandles   = get(parentHandle,'LineHandles');
+if isempty(lineHandles) % the parent block given has no output: it's an ending.
+   childrenHandles = [];
+   return;
+lineOut1      = lineHandles.Outport; % this is the handle of the line coming out from the parent block.
+childrenHandles = get(lineOut1,'DstBlockHandle'); % these are the handles of all children blocks.
+if(iscell(childrenHandles)), childrenHandles = cell2mat(childrenHandles); end
+% Check if the parent given can be effectively a child (used when the
+% findchildren function is called recursively, checking the output of a
+% subsystem):
+if nargin>1 && strcmp(varargin{1},'all'), childrenHandles = [parentHandle; childrenHandles]; end
+for i=numel(childrenHandles):-1:1
+   if strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'SubSystem') && numel(get(childrenHandles(i),'Blocks'))==3 && numel(utils.prog.find_in_models(childrenHandles(i),'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','M-S-Function','FunctionName','ltpdasim'))==1
+      % then this block is a susbsystem containing a ltpdasim function block. It's a real child. The handle must be substituted with the one of the inner function block.
+      childrenHandles(i) = utils.prog.find_in_models(childrenHandles(i),'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','M-S-Function','FunctionName','ltpdasim');
+   elseif strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'M-S-Function') && strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'FunctionName'),'ltpdasim')
+      % then this block is a ltpdasim function block. It's a real child. The research do not go deeper into this branch, since this child will create a new ltpda obj.
+   elseif strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'SubSystem') && numel(get(childrenHandles(i),'Blocks'))==3 && numel(utils.prog.find_in_models(childrenHandles(i),'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','M-S-Function'))==1
+      % this is a block containing a LTPDA function, but not using ltpdasim. The ltpda obj pass through, the research must look further.
+      followingChildren = utils.prog.findchildren(childrenHandles(i));
+      childrenHandles   = [childrenHandles;followingChildren];
+      childrenHandles(i)= [];
+   elseif strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'M-S-Function') && ~strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'FunctionName'),'ltpdasim')
+      % then this block is a function block (NOT ltpdasim). It can be ignored.
+      childrenHandles(i)= [];
+   elseif strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'Terminator')
+      % this is a false child: the terminator do not need the output of the
+      % parent block.
+      childrenHandles(i)= [];
+   elseif strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'Mux')
+      % this transfer the parent block output to other following blocks: the research must go deeper.
+      followingChildren = utils.prog.findchildren(childrenHandles(i));
+      childrenHandles   = [childrenHandles;followingChildren];
+      childrenHandles(i)= [];
+   elseif strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'Goto')
+      % this transfer the parent block output to other following blocks; the research must go deeper.
+      allFromBlocks = utils.prog.find_in_models(bdroot,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','From','GotoTag',get(childrenHandles(i),'GotoTag'));
+      for j=1:numel(allFromBlocks)
+         fromHandle = get_param(allFromBlocks{j},'Handle');
+         followingChildren = utils.prog.findchildren(fromHandle);
+         childrenHandles   = [childrenHandles;followingChildren];
+      end
+      childrenHandles(i)= [];
+   elseif strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'SubSystem')
+      % this is a common subsystem: the research must look for all children blocks contained:
+      subsystemHandle  = childrenHandles(i);
+      portConnectivity = get(subsystemHandle,'PortConnectivity');
+      portHandles      = get(subsystemHandle,'PortHandles');
+      for portIndex=1:numel(portHandles.Inport)
+         if portConnectivity(portIndex).SrcBlock == parentHandle, break; end
+      end % the port n° <portIndex> is the one connected to the parent block
+      portHandles = find_system(subsystemHandle,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Inport','Port',num2str(portIndex));
+      for j=1:numel(portHandles)
+         followingChildren = utils.prog.findchildren(portHandles(j));
+         childrenHandles   = [childrenHandles;followingChildren];
+      end
+      childrenHandles(i)= [];
+   elseif strcmp(get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType'),'Outport')
+      % the line exits a subsystem: the research must continue in the upper level:
+      portIndex        = get(childrenHandles(i),'Port');
+      subsystemHandle  = get_param(get(childrenHandles(i),'Parent'),'Handle');
+      portConnectivity = get(subsystemHandle,'PortConnectivity');
+      for j=1:size(portConnectivity,1)
+         if strcmp(portConnectivity(j).Type,portIndex) && isempty(portConnectivity(j).SrcBlock)
+            destinationBlock = portConnectivity(j).DstBlock;
+            break
+         end
+      end
+      followingChildren = utils.prog.findchildren(destinationBlock,'all');
+      childrenHandles   = [childrenHandles;followingChildren];
+      childrenHandles(i)= [];
+   else
+      disp('--- Unknown case, please update function ''utils.prog.findchildren''')
+      disp(['The unknown block is: ',getfullname(childrenHandles(i))])
+      disp(['The block has type:   ',get(childrenHandles(i),'BlockType')])
+   end