diff m-toolbox/classes/@ao/computeperiodogram.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@ao/computeperiodogram.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+% COMPUTEPERIODOGRAM   Periodogram spectral estimation.
+%   This function is used to calculate the Power Spectrum Sxx, and the
+%   Cross Power Spectrum Sxy.
+%   Sxx = COMPUTEPERIODOGRAM(X,WIN,NFFT) where x is a vector returns the
+%   Power Spectrum over the whole Nyquist interval, [0, 2pi).
+%   Sxy = COMPUTEPERIODOGRAM({X,Y},WIN,NFFT) returns the Cross Power
+%   Spectrum over the whole Nyquist interval, [0, 2pi).
+%   Inputs:
+%    X           - Signal vector or a cell array of two elements containing
+%                  two signal vectors.
+%    WIN         - Window
+%    NFFT        - Number of frequency points (FFT) or vector of
+%    frequencies at whicch periodogram is desired (Goertzel)
+%    WINCOMPFLAG - A string indicating the type of window compensation to
+%                  be done. The choices are:
+%                  'ms'  - compensate for Mean-square (Power) Spectrum;
+%                          maintain the correct power peak heights.
+%                  'psd' - compensate for Power Spectral Denstiy (PSD);
+%                          maintain correct area under the PSD curve.
+%   Output:
+%    Sxx         - Power spectrum [Power] over the whole Nyquist interval.
+%      or
+%    Sxy         - Cross power spectrum [Power] over the whole Nyquist
+%                  interval.
+% A direct copy of MATLAB's function for LTPDA
+% M Hewitson 08-05-08
+% $Id: computeperiodogram.m,v 1.2 2008/08/01 13:19:42 ingo Exp $
+%   Author(s): P. Pacheco
+%   Copyright 1988-2006 The MathWorks, Inc.
+%   $Revision: 1.2 $  $Date: 2008/08/01 13:19:42 $
+function [P,f] = computeperiodogram(x,win,nfft,esttype,varargin)
+  error(nargchk(3,5,nargin,'struct'));
+  if nargin < 4,
+    esttype = 'psd'; % Default, compenstate for window's power.
+  end
+  if nargin < 5 || isempty(varargin{1}),
+    Fs = 2*pi;
+  else
+    Fs = varargin{1};
+  end
+  % Validate inputs and convert row vectors to column vectors.
+  [x,Lx,y,is2sig,win,errid,errmsg] = validateinputs(x,win,nfft);
+  if ~isempty(errmsg), error(errid, errmsg); end
+  % Determine if FFT or Goertzel
+  freqVectorSpecified = false;
+  if (length(nfft)> 1), freqVectorSpecified = true; end
+  % Window the data
+  xw = x.*win;
+  if is2sig, yw = y.*win; end
+  % Evaluate the window normalization constant.  A 1/N factor has been
+  % omitted since it will cancel below.
+  if strcmpi(esttype,'ms'),
+    % The window is convolved with every power spectrum peak, therefore
+    % compensate for the DC value squared to obtain correct peak heights.
+    U = sum(win)^2;
+  else
+    U = win'*win;  % compensates for the power of the window.
+  end
+  % Compute the periodogram power spectrum [Power] estimate
+  % A 1/N factor has been omitted since it cancels
+  [Xx,f] = ao.computeDFT(xw,nfft,Fs);
+  if is2sig, [Yy,f] = ao.computeDFT(yw,nfft,Fs); end
+  P = Xx.*conj(Xx)/U;      % Auto spectrum.
+  if is2sig,
+    P = Xx.*conj(Yy)/U;  % Cross spectrum.
+  end
+function [x,Lx,y,is2sig,win,errid,errmsg] = validateinputs(x,win,nfft)
+  % Validate the inputs to computexperiodogram and convert the input signal
+  % vectors into column vectors.
+  errid = '';
+  errmsg = ''; % in case of early return.
+  % Set defaults and convert to row vectors to columns.
+  y     = [];
+  Ly    = 0;
+  is2sig= false;
+  win   = win(:);
+  Lw    = length(win);
+  % Determine if one or two signal vectors was specified.
+  Lx = length(x);
+  if iscell(x),
+    if length(x) > 1,
+      y = x{2};
+      y = y(:);
+      is2sig = true;
+    end
+    x = x{1};
+    Lx = length(x);
+  end
+  x = x(:);
+  if is2sig,
+    Ly  = length(y);
+    if Lx ~= Ly,
+      errid = generatemsgid('invalidInputSignalLength');
+      errmsg = 'The length of the two input vectors must be equal to calculate the cross spectral density.';
+      return;
+    end
+  end
+  if Lx ~= Lw,
+    errid = generatemsgid('invalidWindow');
+    errmsg = 'The WINDOW must be a vector of the same length as the signal.';
+    return;
+  end