diff m-toolbox/classes/@ao/csvGenerateData.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@ao/csvGenerateData.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+% CSVGENERATEDATA Default method to convert a ltpda_uoh-object into csv data.
+% FUNCTION:    csvGenerateData
+% CALL:        [data, pl] = csvGenerateData(ltpda_uoh)
+% INPUTS:      ltpda_uoh: Input objects
+% OUTPUTS:     data: Cell array with the data which should should be
+%                    written to the file.
+%              pl:   Parameter list which contains the description of the
+%                    data. The parameter list must contain the following
+%                    keys:
+%                'DESCRIPTION':   Description for the file
+%                'COLUMNS':       Meaning of each column seperated by a
+%                                 comma. For additional information add
+%                                 this name as a key and a description as
+%                                 the value. For example:
+%                                 |  key  |    value
+%                                 -----------------------
+%                                 |COLUMNS| 'X1, X2'
+%                                 |   X1  | 'x-axis data'
+%                                 |   X2  | 'y-axis data'
+%                'NROWS':         Bumber of rows
+%                'NCOLS':         Number of columns
+%                'OBJECT IDS':    UUID of the objects seperated by a comma
+%                'OBJECT NEAMES': Object names seperated by a comma
+%                'CREATOR':       Creator of the objects
+% VERSION:     $Id: csvGenerateData.m,v 1.2 2010/12/17 15:33:57 hewitson Exp $
+function [data, pl] = csvGenerateData(objs)
+  description = '';
+  columns     = '';
+  uuids       = '';
+  names       = '';
+  creators    = {};
+  creatorStr  = '';
+  data = {};
+  pl = getDefaultPlist();
+  for nn = 1:numel(objs)
+    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   Define header information   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    if isempty(description)
+      description = objs(nn).description;
+    else
+      description = sprintf('%s | %s', description, strrep(objs(nn).description, '|', ''));
+    end
+    if isempty(uuids)
+      uuids = objs(nn).UUID;
+    else
+      uuids = sprintf('%s, %s', uuids, objs(nn).UUID);
+    end
+    if isempty(names)
+      names = objs(nn).name;
+    else
+      names = sprintf('%s, %s', names, strrep(objs(nn).name, ',', ''));
+    end
+    creator = objs(nn).creator('all');
+    creators = [creators, creator];
+    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   Generate data information   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    x = objs(nn).x;
+    y = objs(nn).y;
+    dx = objs(nn).dx;
+    dy = objs(nn).dy;
+    if isreal(x) && isreal(y)
+      %%%%%%%%%%   real Data   %%%%%%%%%%
+      if ~isa(objs(nn).data, 'cdata')
+        [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('X%d',nn), 'x-data');
+      end
+      [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('Y%d',nn), 'y-data');
+      data = [data x y];
+      %%% Add error if it exists
+      if ~isempty(dx) || ~isempty(dy)
+        if ~isa(objs(nn).data, 'cdata')
+          [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('DX%d',nn), 'error of the x-data');
+        end
+        [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('DY%d',nn), 'error of the y-data');
+        data = [data dx dy];
+      end
+    else
+      %%%%%%%%%%   complex Data   %%%%%%%%%%
+      if ~isa(objs(nn).data, 'cdata')
+        [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('real(X%d)',nn), 'real part of the x-data');
+      end
+      if ~isa(objs(nn).data, 'cdata')
+        [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('imag(X%d)',nn), 'imaginary part of the x-data');
+      end
+      [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('real(Y%d)',nn), 'real part of the y-data');
+      [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('imag(Y%d)',nn), 'imaginary part of the y-data');
+      data = [data real(x) imag(x) real(y) imag(y)];
+      %%% Add error if it exists
+      if ~isempty(dx) || ~isempty(dy)
+        if ~isa(objs(nn).data, 'cdata')
+          [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('real(DX%d)',nn), 'real part of the error of x');
+        end
+        if ~isa(objs(nn).data, 'cdata')
+          [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('imag(DX%d)',nn), 'imaginary part of the error of x');
+        end
+        [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('real(DY%d)',nn), 'real part of the error of y');
+        [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, sprintf('imag(DY%d)',nn), 'imaginary part of the error of y');
+        data = [data real(dx) imag(dx) real(y) imag(y)];
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  nrows    = max(cellfun(@length, data));
+  ncols    = numel(data);
+  if ~isempty(columns)
+    columns = columns(3:end);
+  end
+  creators = unique(creators);
+  for ii = 1:numel(creators)
+    if isempty(creatorStr)
+      creatorStr = creators{ii};
+    else
+      creatorStr = sprintf('%s, %s', creatorStr, creators{ii});
+    end
+  end
+  pl.pset('DESCRIPTION', description);
+  pl.pset('COLUMNS', columns);
+  pl.pset('NROWS', nrows);
+  pl.pset('NCOLS', ncols);
+  pl.pset('OBJECT IDS', uuids);
+  pl.pset('OBJECT NAMES', names);
+  pl.pset('CREATOR', creatorStr);
+  %   error('### If it is necessary to export a %-object then add a change request to MANTIS. https://ed.fbk.eu/ltpda/mantis/login_page.php', class(objs));
+% FUNCTION:    getDefaultPlist
+% DESCRIPTION: Get Default Plist
+function plout = getDefaultPlist()
+  persistent pl;  
+  if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl)
+    pl = buildplist();
+  end
+  plout = pl;  
+function plo = buildplist()
+  plo = plist(...
+    'DESCRIPTION', '', ...
+    'COLUMNS', '', ...
+    'NROWS', -1, ...
+    'NCOLS', -1, ...
+    'OBJECT IDS', '', ...
+    'OBJECT NEAMES', '', ...
+    'CREATOR', '');
+function [columns, pl] = prepareDataDesc(columns, pl, colName, colDesc)
+  columns = sprintf('%s, %s', columns, colName);
+  pl.append(colName, colDesc);