diff m-toolbox/classes/@ao/fromPolyval.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@ao/fromPolyval.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+% FROMPOLYVAL Construct an ao from polynomial coefficients
+% FUNCTION:    fromPolyval
+% DESCRIPTION: Construct an ao from polynomial coefficients
+% CALL:        a = fromPolyval(a, vals)
+% PARAMETER:   pl: plist containing 'polyval', 'Nsecs', 'fs', or 't'
+function a = fromPolyval(a, pli)
+  VERSION = '$Id: fromPolyval.m,v 1.27 2011/08/15 05:57:20 hewitson Exp $';
+  import utils.const.*
+  % get AO info
+  ii = ao.getInfo('ao', 'From Polynomial');
+  % Set the method version string in the minfo object
+  ii.setMversion([VERSION '-->' ii.mversion]);
+  % Add default values
+  pl = applyDefaults(ii.plists, pli);
+  coeffs = find(pl, 'polyval');
+  Nsecs  = find(pl, 'Nsecs');
+  fs     = find(pl, 'fs');
+  t      = find(pl, 't');
+  x      = find(pl, 'x');
+  f      = find(pl, 'f');
+  dtype  = find(pl, 'type');
+  % Collect the coefficients
+  coeff_class = class(coeffs);
+  switch coeff_class
+    case 'ao'
+      if numel(coeffs) == 1
+        % Single AO with an array of coefficients
+        coeffs = coeffs.y;
+      else
+        % Vector of AOs with single coefficients
+        error(['### Incorrect container for coefficients. \n' ...
+          'Supporting only aos, aos inside Nx1 or 1xN matrix object, single pest objects, double arrays']);
+      end
+    case 'matrix'
+      % A matrix of AOs with single coefficients
+      coeff_array = [ao];
+      ncol =  ncols(coeffs);
+      nrow = nrows(coeffs);
+      if ncol > 1
+        if nrow == 1
+          nc = ncol;
+          for jj = 1:nc
+            coeff_array(jj) = coeffs.getObjectAtIndex(1, jj);
+          end
+          coeffs = coeff_array.y;
+        else
+          error(['### Incorrect container for coefficients. \n' ...
+            'Supporting only aos, aos inside Nx1 or 1xN matrix object, single pest objects, double arrays']);
+        end
+      else
+        nc = nrow;
+        for jj = 1:nc
+          coeff_array(jj) = coeffs.getObjectAtIndex(jj, 1);
+        end
+        coeffs = coeff_array.y;
+      end
+    case 'pest'
+      nc = numel(coeffs.y);
+      if numel(coeffs) == 1
+        % Single pest with an array of coefficients
+        if ~isempty(coeffs.models)
+          yunits = coeffs.models.yunits;
+        else
+          yunits = [];
+        end
+        coeff_yunits = coeffs.yunits;
+        coeffs = coeffs.y;
+      else
+        % Vector of pests with single coefficients
+        error(sprintf(['### Incorrect container for coefficients. \n' ...
+          'Supporting only aos, aos inside Nx1 or 1xN matrix object, single pest objects, double arrays']));
+      end
+    case 'double'
+      % Do nothing in this case
+    otherwise
+      error(sprintf(['### Incorrect container for coefficients. \n' ...
+        'Supporting only aos, aos inside Nx1 or 1xN matrix object, single pest objects, double arrays']));
+  end
+  % Try to decide what to do if the user doesn't specify data type
+  if isempty(dtype)
+    if  ~isempty(Nsecs) || ~isempty(t) || ~isempty(fs)
+      dtype = 'tsdata';
+    elseif ~isempty(x)
+      dtype = 'xydata';
+    elseif ~isempty(f)
+      dtype = 'fsdata';
+    else
+      error('### Please specify data type and parameters');
+    end
+  end
+  switch dtype
+    case 'tsdata'
+      if isa(t, 'ao')
+        t_xunits = t.xunits;
+        % Override the xunits by using those from the t vector
+        utils.helper.msg(msg.OFF, ...
+          'warning: overriding the user-input xunits %s with the t ao %s', ...
+          char(find(pl, 'xunits')), char(t_xunits));
+        t = t.x;
+      else
+        t_xunits = [];
+      end
+      % Check t vector
+      if isempty(t)
+        if isempty(Nsecs) || isempty(fs)
+          error('Please provide either ''Nsecs'' and ''fs'', or ''t'' for polyval constructor with data type ''tsdata''.');
+        end
+        t = 0 : 1/fs : Nsecs-1/fs; %t = linspace(0, Nsecs - 1/fs, Nsecs*fs);
+      end
+      y = polyval(coeffs,t);
+      % Make a tsdata object
+      p = tsdata(t, y);
+      % Make sure the actual sampling frequency fs is captured in the plist
+      pl.pset('fs', p.fs);
+      % set T0
+      p.setT0(pl.find('t0'));
+      % set Toffset
+      if ~isempty(pl.find('toffset'))
+        toffset = p.toffset + 1000*pl.find('toffset');
+        p.setToffset(toffset);
+      end
+      % Checks the units
+      % xunits
+      if isempty(t_xunits)
+        new_xunits = find(pl, 'xunits');
+        if isempty(new_xunits)
+          new_xunits = 's';
+        end
+      else
+        new_xunits = t_xunits;
+      end
+      pl.pset('xunits', new_xunits);
+    case 'xydata'
+      if isa(x, 'ao')
+        x_xunits = x.xunits;
+        % Override the xunits by using those from the x vector
+        utils.helper.msg(msg.OFF, ...
+          'warning: overriding the user-input xunits %s with the x ao %s', ...
+          char(find(pl, 'xunits')), char(x_xunits));
+        pl.pset('xunits', x_xunits);
+        x = x.x;
+      else
+        x_xunits = [];
+      end
+      % Check x vector
+      if isempty(x)
+        error('### Please provide the x values');
+      end
+      y = polyval(coeffs,x);
+      % Make a xydata object
+      p = xydata(x, y);
+      % Checks the units
+      % xunits
+      if isempty(x_xunits)
+        new_xunits = find(pl, 'xunits');
+      else
+        new_xunits = x_xunits;
+      end
+      pl.pset('xunits', new_xunits);
+    case 'fsdata'
+      if isa(f, 'ao')
+        f_xunits = f.xunits;
+        % Override the xunits by using those from the x vector
+        utils.helper.msg(msg.OFF, ...
+          'warning: overriding the user-input xunits %s with the x ao %s', ...
+          char(find(pl, 'xunits')), char(f_xunits));
+        pl.pset('xunits', f_xunits);
+        f = f.x;
+      else
+        f_xunits = [];
+      end
+      % Check f vector
+      if isempty(f)
+        error('### Please provide the frequency values');
+      end
+      y = polyval(coeffs,f);
+      % Make a fsdata object
+      p = fsdata(f, y);
+      % Checks the units
+      % xunits
+      if isempty(f_xunits)
+        new_xunits = find(pl, 'xunits');
+        if isempty(new_xunits)
+          new_xunits = 'Hz';
+        end
+      else
+        new_xunits = f_xunits;
+      end
+      pl.pset('xunits', new_xunits);
+    otherwise
+      error('### Unsupported data type %s', dtype);
+  end
+  % yunits
+  switch lower(coeff_class)
+    case 'matrix'
+      % Matrix of AOs with coefficients was provided. So the units must be
+      % consistent (with requested, if any, and between each other)
+      new_yunits = find(pl, 'yunits');
+      if isempty(new_yunits)
+        new_yunits = simplify(coeff_array(1).yunits .* (new_xunits.^(nc-1)));
+      else
+        new_yunits = unit(new_yunits);
+      end
+      for jj = 1:nc
+        if coeff_array(jj).yunits * (new_xunits.^(nc-jj)) ~= new_yunits
+          error('### Inconsistent units either between coefficients or with requested')
+        end
+      end
+      pl.pset('yunits', new_yunits);
+    case 'pest'
+      % A pest object with coefficients was provided
+      % Did the user provide yunits? Let's use them
+      new_yunits = find(pl, 'yunits');
+      % Otherwise, let's use the yunits of the smodel inside the pest
+      if isempty(new_yunits)
+        new_yunits = yunits;
+      end
+      % Otherwise, let's calculate them
+      if isempty(new_yunits)
+        new_yunits = simplify(coeff_yunits(1) .* (new_xunits.^(nc-1)));
+        for jj = 1:nc
+          if simplify(coeff_yunits(jj) * (new_xunits.^(nc-jj))) ~= new_yunits
+            error('### Inconsistent units either between coefficients')
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      pl.pset('yunits', new_yunits);
+    otherwise
+  end
+  % Make an analysis object
+  a.data  = p;
+  % Set xunits
+  a.setXunits(pl.find('xunits'));
+  % Set yunits
+  a.setYunits(pl.find('yunits'));
+  % Simplify units
+  a.simplifyYunits(plist('Prefixes', false));
+  % Add history
+  a.addHistory(ii, pl, [], []);
+  % Set object properties from the plist
+  a.setObjectProperties(pl);