diff m-toolbox/classes/@ao/gnuplot.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@ao/gnuplot.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+% GNUPLOT a gnuplot interface for AOs.
+% DESCRIPTION: IPLOT provides an intelligent plotting tool for LTPDA.
+% CALL:               filenames = gnuplot(a,pl)
+% INPUTS:      pl   - a parameter list
+%              a    - input analysis objects
+% OUTPUTS:     filenames - if gnuplot is configured to output files, then
+%                          the filenames are returned here.
+% NOTE: this method requires gnuplot to be installed on the system. The
+% path to the gnuplot binary can be set in the input plist with the key
+% gnuplot: http://www.gnuplot.info/
+% AO Plot Info
+% ------------
+% If an input AO has a filled plotinfo plist, then the options contained in
+% therein will overide any other options. The recognised keys are:
+%   'linestyle', 'linewidth', 'color', 'marker', 'legend_on'
+% The possible values are all those accepted by plot.
+% 1) Plot two time-series AOs on the same plot and output to a PDF file
+%      gnuplot(a1, a2, plist('terminal', 'pdf enhanced', ...
+%             'output', outfile, ...
+%             'preamble', {'set title "my nice plot"', 'set key outside top right'}, ...
+%             'markerscale', 3))
+% 2) Plot two time-series AOs in subplots. If the AOs have markers set in
+%    the plotinfo, they will be scaled in size x3 from default.
+%    gnuplot(a1, a2, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'terminal', 'pdf enhanced', ...
+%            'output', outfile, ...
+%            'preamble', {'set title "my nice plot"', 'set key outside top right'}, ...
+%            'markerscale', 3))
+% 3) Plot two time-series AOs, each to its own output pdf file.
+%   gnuplot(a1, a2, plist('arrangement', 'single', 'terminal', 'pdf enhanced', ...
+%          'output', outfile, 'outdir', '.', ...
+%          'preamble', {'set title "my nice plot"', 'set key outside top right'}, ...
+%          'markerscale', 3))
+% <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ao', 'gnuplot')">Parameters Description</a>
+% VERSION:     $Id: gnuplot.m,v 1.12 2011/04/13 04:51:36 mauro Exp $
+function varargout = gnuplot(varargin)
+  % Check if this is a call for parameters
+  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+    return
+  end
+  import utils.const.*
+  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+  % Collect input variable names
+  in_names = cell(size(varargin));
+  for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
+  % Collect all AOs
+  [as, ao_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ao', in_names);
+  % Apply defaults to plist
+  usepl = applyDefaults(getDefaultPlist, varargin{:});
+  % Loop over input AOs and collect the different types
+  [timeAOs, freqAOs, yAOs, xyAOs] = collectAOs(as);
+  fnames = {};
+  % Do time-series
+  if ~isempty(timeAOs)
+    fnames = [fnames plot_ao_set(timeAOs, usepl)];
+  end
+  % Do freq-series
+  if ~isempty(freqAOs)
+    fnames = [fnames plot_ao_set(freqAOs, usepl)];
+  end
+  if ~isempty(xyAOs)
+    error('Plotting xy-data objects is not yet supported.');
+  end
+  if ~isempty(yAOs)
+    error('Plotting c-data objects is not yet supported.');
+  end
+  if nargout == 1
+    varargout{1} = fnames;
+  end
+function fnames = plot_ao_set(as,pl)
+  fnames = {};
+  Na = numel(as);
+  % Parameters
+  odir     = pl.find('OutputDir');
+  output   = pl.find('output');
+  terminal = pl.find('terminal');
+  terminalOpts = pl.find('terminal options');
+  gnuplotBin = pl.find('gnuplot');
+  if isempty(terminal)
+    runcmd(gnuplotBin, ' -e "help terminal"');
+    return;
+  end
+  if isempty(output)
+    output = tempname;
+  else
+    output = fullfile(odir, output);
+  end
+  %----------------
+  % Make filenames
+  %----------------
+  aTmpFile = tempname;
+  % One data file per AO
+  tmpData = {};
+  for kk = 1:Na
+    tmpData  = [tmpData {sprintf('%s_%d.dat', aTmpFile, kk)}];
+  end
+  % One gnu file
+  tmpGnu   = [aTmpFile '.gnu'];
+  % Output file
+  [path,name,ext] = fileparts(output);
+  if isempty(ext)
+    output = [output '.' terminal];
+  end
+  utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, 'Output file: %s', output);
+  utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, 'Plotting %d time-series AOs...', numel(as));
+  switch class(as(1).data)
+    case 'tsdata'
+      fnames = [fnames ts_plot(output, terminal, terminalOpts, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl)];
+    case 'fsdata'
+      fnames = [fnames fs_plot(output, terminal, terminalOpts, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl)];
+    case 'xydata'
+    case 'ydata'
+    otherwise
+  end
+  % Clean up tmp files
+  for kk = 1:numel(tmpData)
+    delete(tmpData{kk});
+  end
+  delete(tmpGnu);
+% Make freq-series plot
+function fnames = fs_plot(output, terminal, terminalOpts, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl)
+  switch pl.find('arrangement')
+    case 'single'
+      fnames = write_single_freqseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl);
+    case 'stacked'
+      fnames = write_stacked_freqseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl);
+    case 'subplots'
+      error('subplots arrangement for frequency-series is not currently supported');
+    otherwise
+      fnames = {};
+  end  
+% Plots all the freq-series AOs on individual plots.
+function fnames = write_single_freqseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl);
+  fnames = {};
+  gnuplotBin = pl.find('gnuplot');
+  Na = numel(as);
+  % Export data
+  for kk=1:Na
+    export(as(kk), tmpData{kk}, plist('complex format', 'absdeg'));
+  end
+  % Process each AO  
+  for kk=1:Na    
+    % Are we processing complex data?
+    complexData = false;
+    if ~isreal(as(kk).y) 
+      complexData = true;
+    end
+    [path,name,ext] = fileparts(output);
+    ofile = fullfile(path,sprintf('%s_%02d%s',name,kk,ext));
+    fnames = [fnames {ofile}];
+    % Open and write gnu file
+    fd = fopen(tmpGnu, 'w+');    
+    writeHeader(fd, terminal, terminalOpts, ofile);    
+    % Need two plots for complex data
+    if complexData
+      fprintf(fd, 'set multiplot layout 2,1\n');
+    end    
+    % Line style
+    [color, lwidth, style, pointType, pointScale] = lineStyle(kk, as(kk), pl);
+    % Axis labels
+    fprintf(fd, 'set xlabel "Frequency %s"\n', as(kk).xunits.char);
+    fprintf(fd, 'set ylabel "Amplitude %s"\n', fixUnits(as(kk).yunits.char));
+    % Axis scales
+    fprintf(fd, 'set lmargin at screen 0.15\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'unset logscale xy\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'set logscale x\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'set logscale y\n');
+    % Preamble
+    preamble = pl.find('preamble');
+    writePreamble(fd, preamble);
+    % Write the plot line
+    fprintf(fd, 'plot "%s"  using 1:2 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"\n', ...
+      tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name);
+    if complexData      
+      fprintf(fd, 'set ylabel "Phase [deg]"\n');
+      fprintf(fd, 'unset logscale xy\n');
+      fprintf(fd, 'set logscale x\n');
+      fprintf(fd, 'plot "%s"  using 1:3 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"\n', ...
+        tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name);
+    end
+    fclose(fd);
+    % Run gnuplot
+    runcmd(gnuplotBin, tmpGnu);  
+  end  
+% Plots all the freq-series AOs on individual plots.
+function fnames = write_stacked_freqseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl);
+  fnames = {output};
+  gnuplotBin = pl.find('gnuplot');
+  Na = numel(as);
+  % Check the yunits
+  xlbl = as(1).xunits.char;
+  ylbl = as(1).yunits.char;
+  ylbl = fixUnits(ylbl);
+  for kk=2:Na
+    if ~strcmp(ylbl,fixUnits(as(kk).yunits.char))
+      ylbl = '[mixed]';
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+  % Export data
+  allReal = true;
+  for kk=1:Na
+    export(as(kk), tmpData{kk}, plist('complex format', 'absdeg'));
+    if ~isreal(as(kk).y)
+      allReal = false;
+    end
+  end
+  % Open and write gnu file
+  fd = fopen(tmpGnu, 'w+');
+  writeHeader(fd, terminal, terminalOpts, output);
+  fprintf(fd, 'set lmargin at screen 0.15\n');
+  % Axis labels
+  fprintf(fd, 'set xlabel "Frequency %s"\n', xlbl);
+  fprintf(fd, 'set ylabel "Amplitude %s"\n', ylbl);
+  % Need two plots for complex data
+  if ~allReal
+    fprintf(fd, 'set multiplot\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'set size 0.9,0.45\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'set origin 0.05,0.5\n');
+  end
+  fprintf(fd, 'unset logscale xy\n');
+  fprintf(fd, 'set logscale x\n');
+  fprintf(fd, 'set logscale y\n');
+  % Preamble
+  preamble = pl.find('preamble');
+  writePreamble(fd, preamble);
+  % Process real part of each AO
+  fprintf(fd, 'plot\\\n');
+  for kk=1:Na        
+    hasErrors = ~isempty(as(kk).dy);
+    % Line style
+    [color, lwidth, style, pointType, pointScale] = lineStyle(kk, as(kk), pl);
+    % Write the plot line
+    if hasErrors
+      fprintf(fd, ' "%s"  using 1:2:4 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"', ...
+        tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name); 
+    else
+      fprintf(fd, ' "%s"  using 1:2 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"', ...
+        tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name);
+    end
+    if kk<Na
+      fprintf(fd, ',\\\n');
+    end
+  end  
+  fprintf(fd, '\n\n');
+  % Need two plots for complex data
+  if ~allReal
+    hasErrors = ~isempty(as(kk).dy);
+    fprintf(fd, 'set ylabel "Phase [deg]"\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'set size 0.9,0.45\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'set origin 0.05,0.1\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'unset logscale xy\n');
+    fprintf(fd, 'set logscale x\n');
+    % Preamble
+    preamble = pl.find('preamble');
+    writePreamble(fd, preamble);
+    % Process real part of each AO
+    fprintf(fd, 'plot\\\n');
+    for kk=1:Na
+      if ~isreal(as(kk).y)
+        % Line style
+        [color, lwidth, style, pointType, pointScale] = lineStyle(kk, as(kk), pl);
+        % Write the plot line
+        if hasErrors
+          fprintf(fd, ' "%s"  using 1:3:4 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"', ...
+            tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name);
+        else
+          fprintf(fd, ' "%s"  using 1:3 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"', ...
+            tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name);          
+        end
+        if kk<Na
+          fprintf(fd, ',\\\n');
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  fclose(fd);
+  % Run gnuplot
+  runcmd(gnuplotBin, tmpGnu);  
+% Make time-series plot
+function fnames = ts_plot(output, terminal, terminalOpts, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl)
+  switch pl.find('arrangement')
+    case 'single'
+      fnames = write_single_timeseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl);
+    case 'stacked'
+      fnames = write_stacked_timeseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl);
+    case 'subplots'
+      fnames = write_subplot_timeseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl);
+    otherwise
+      fnames = {};
+  end  
+% Plots all time-series AOs on a single x-y plot. If the AOs have different
+% yunits, then the label is set to [mixed].
+function fnames = write_stacked_timeseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl)
+  fnames = {output};
+  gnuplotBin = pl.find('gnuplot');
+  Na = numel(as);
+  % Check the yunits
+  xlbl = as(1).xunits.char;
+  ylbl = as(1).yunits.char;
+  ylbl = fixUnits(ylbl);
+  for kk=2:Na
+    if ~strcmp(ylbl,fixUnits(as(kk).yunits.char))
+      ylbl = '[mixed]';
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+  % Export data
+  for kk=1:Na
+    export(as(kk), tmpData{kk}, plist('complex format', 'absdeg'));
+  end
+  % Open and write gnu file
+  fd = fopen(tmpGnu, 'w+');
+  writeHeader(fd, terminal, terminalOpts, output);
+  % Axis labels
+  fprintf(fd, 'set xlabel "Time %s"\n', xlbl);
+  fprintf(fd, 'set ylabel "Amplitude %s"\n', ylbl);
+  % Preamble
+  preamble = pl.find('preamble');
+  writePreamble(fd, preamble);
+  % Process each AO
+  fprintf(fd, 'plot\\\n');
+  for kk=1:Na    
+    % Line style
+    [color, lwidth, style, pointType, pointScale] = lineStyle(kk, as(kk), pl);
+    % Write the plot line
+    fprintf(fd, ' "%s"  using 1:2 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"', ...
+      tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name);
+    if kk<Na
+      fprintf(fd, ',\\\n');
+    end
+  end  
+  fclose(fd);
+  % Run gnuplot
+  runcmd(gnuplotBin, tmpGnu);  
+% Plots all time-series AOs on a single x-y plot. If the AOs have different
+% yunits, then the label is set to [mixed].
+function fnames = write_subplot_timeseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl)
+  fnames = {output};
+  gnuplotBin = pl.find('gnuplot');
+  Na = numel(as);
+  % Export data
+  for kk=1:Na
+    export(as(kk), tmpData{kk}, plist('complex format', 'absdeg'));
+  end
+  % Open and write gnu file
+  fd = fopen(tmpGnu, 'w+');
+  writeHeader(fd, terminal, terminalOpts, output);
+  fprintf(fd, 'set multiplot layout %d,1\n', Na);
+  % Process each AO
+  for kk=1:Na    
+    % Line style
+    [color, lwidth, style, pointType, pointScale] = lineStyle(kk, as(kk), pl);
+    % Axis labels
+    fprintf(fd, 'set xlabel "Time %s"\n', as(kk).xunits.char);
+    fprintf(fd, 'set ylabel "Amplitude %s"\n', fixUnits(as(kk).yunits.char));
+    % Preamble
+    preamble = pl.find('preamble');
+    writePreamble(fd, preamble);
+    % Write the plot line
+    fprintf(fd, 'plot "%s"  using 1:2 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"\n', ...
+      tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name);
+  end  
+  fclose(fd);
+  % Run gnuplot
+  runcmd(gnuplotBin, tmpGnu);  
+% Plots all time-series AOs on a single x-y plot. If the AOs have different
+% yunits, then the label is set to [mixed].
+function fnames = write_single_timeseries_plot(terminal, terminalOpts, output, tmpGnu, tmpData, as, pl)
+  fnames = {};
+  gnuplotBin = pl.find('gnuplot');
+  Na = numel(as);
+  % Export data
+  for kk=1:Na
+    export(as(kk), tmpData{kk}, plist('complex format', 'absdeg'));
+  end
+  % Process each AO  
+  for kk=1:Na    
+    [path,name,ext] = fileparts(output);
+    ofile = fullfile(path,sprintf('%s_%02d%s',name,kk,ext));
+    fnames = [fnames {ofile}];
+    % Open and write gnu file
+    fd = fopen(tmpGnu, 'w+');    
+    writeHeader(fd, terminal, terminalOpts, ofile);    
+    % Line style
+    [color, lwidth, style, pointType, pointScale] = lineStyle(kk, as(kk), pl);
+    % Axis labels
+    fprintf(fd, 'set xlabel "Time %s"\n', as(kk).xunits.char);
+    fprintf(fd, 'set ylabel "Amplitude %s"\n', fixUnits(as(kk).yunits.char));
+    % Preamble
+    preamble = pl.find('preamble');
+    writePreamble(fd, preamble);
+    % Write the plot line
+    fprintf(fd, 'plot "%s"  using 1:2 with %s lt %s lw %d %s %s title "%s"\n', ...
+      tmpData{kk}, style, color, lwidth, pointType, pointScale, as(kk).name);
+    fclose(fd);
+    % Run gnuplot
+    runcmd(gnuplotBin, tmpGnu);  
+  end  
+% Functions for writing the GNUPLOT file.
+function writeHeader(fd, terminal, terminalOpts, output)
+  fprintf(fd, 'set terminal %s %s \n', terminal, terminalOpts);
+  if ~isempty(output)
+    fprintf(fd, 'set output "%s"\n', output);
+  end
+  fprintf(fd, 'set key outside\n');
+  fprintf(fd, 'set grid xtics ytics\n');
+  fprintf(fd, 'set key invert box\n');  
+function writePreamble(fd, preamble)
+  if ischar(preamble)
+    preamble = {preamble};
+  end
+  for kk=1:numel(preamble)
+    fprintf(fd, '%s\n', preamble{kk});
+  end
+function [color, lwidth, style, pointType, pointScale] = lineStyle(kk, as, pl)
+  info = as.plotinfo;
+  if ~isempty(info)
+    color   = info.find('color');
+    lwidth  = info.find('linewidth');
+    marker = info.find('marker');
+  else
+    color  = [];
+    lwidth = [];
+    marker = [];
+  end
+  % Color for this ao
+  color = mcol2gcol(kk, color);
+  % line width
+  if isempty(lwidth)
+    lwidth = 2;
+  end
+  % Marker
+  [style, pointType] = getMarker(marker, isempty(as.dy));
+  pointScale = getPointScale(pl.find('markerscale'), pointType);
+function [style, pointType] = getMarker(marker, noErrors)  
+  if noErrors
+    if isempty(marker)
+      style = 'l';
+      pointType = '';
+    else
+      style = 'lp';
+      pointType = sprintf('pt %d', mmarkerTogmarker(marker));
+    end
+  else
+    if isempty(marker)
+      style = 'errorlines';
+      pointType = '';
+    else
+      style = 'errorlines';
+      pointType = sprintf('pt %d', mmarkerTogmarker(marker));
+    end
+  end
+function pointScale = getPointScale(size, pointType)
+  pointScale = '';
+  if pointType > 0  
+    if ~isempty(size)
+      pointScale = sprintf('ps %d', size);
+    end
+  end
+% Return a gnuplot point type based on the matlab marker.
+% This is terminal dependent and so only works in some cases.
+function pt = mmarkerTogmarker(mm)
+  switch mm
+    case '+'
+      pt = 1;
+    case 'x'
+      pt = 2;
+    case 's'
+      pt = 4;
+    case 'd'
+      pt = 5;
+    case '^'
+      pt = 6;
+    otherwise
+      pt = 0;
+  end  
+% Prepare units for gnuplot
+function str = fixUnits(str)
+  str = strrep(strrep(str, '(', '{'), ')', '}');
+% Returns an RGB color from a MATLAB string color
+function col = mcol2gcol(kk, mcol)
+  if isempty(mcol)
+    col = num2str(kk);
+    return
+  end
+  if ischar(mcol)
+    str = mcol;
+    switch str
+      case 'r'
+        col = 'red';
+      case 'g'
+        col = 'blue';
+      case 'b'
+        col = 'blue';
+      case 'c'
+        col = 'cyan';
+      case 'm'
+        col = 'magenta';
+      case 'y'
+        col = 'yellow';
+      case 'k'
+        col = 'black';
+      case 'w'
+        col = 'white';
+      otherwise
+        col = str;
+    end
+  else
+    % If we have a matlab rgb vector, we need to conver to a hex for
+    % gnuplot
+    r = dec2hex(round(255*mcol(1)));
+    g = dec2hex(round(255*mcol(2)));
+    b = dec2hex(round(255*mcol(3)));
+    col = ['#' r g b];
+  end
+  col   = sprintf('rgb "%s"', col);
+% This will run a shell command from within MATLAB using the given
+% arguments.
+% usage: runcmd(varargin)
+% varargin - a series of strings to be concatenated together.
+% e.g. >> runcmd('ls', '-l', dir);
+% M Hewitson 16-07-04
+% $Id: gnuplot.m,v 1.12 2011/04/13 04:51:36 mauro Exp $
+function runcmd(varargin)
+  fid = fopen('tmpcmd', 'w+');  
+  fprintf(fid, '#!/bin/bash\n');
+  fprintf(fid, 'export PATH=$PATH:${HOME}/bin\n');
+  for jj = 1:nargin
+    fprintf(fid, '%s ', varargin{jj});
+  end
+  fprintf(fid, '\n');  
+  fclose(fid);
+  !chmod +x tmpcmd
+  !./tmpcmd
+  !rm tmpcmd
+% Collect the AOs together by data class
+function  [timeAOs, freqAOs, yAOs, xyAOs] = collectAOs(as)
+  timeAOs = [];
+  freqAOs = [];
+  yAOs    = [];
+  xyAOs   = [];
+  for jj = 1:numel(as)
+    switch class(as(jj).data)
+      case 'tsdata'
+        timeAOs = [timeAOs as(jj)];
+      case 'fsdata'
+        freqAOs = [freqAOs as(jj)];
+      case 'xydata'
+        yAOs = [yAOs as(jj)];
+      case 'cdata'
+        xyAOs = [xyAOs as(jj)];
+      otherwise
+        utils.helper.warn('Unsupported AO data type [%s]; skipping', class(as(jj).data));
+    end % End switch on data type    
+  end % End loop over AOs
+% Get Info Object
+function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+    sets = {};
+    pl   = [];
+  else
+    sets = {'Default'};
+    pl   = getDefaultPlist();
+  end
+  % Build info object
+  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'ao', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.output, '$Id: gnuplot.m,v 1.12 2011/04/13 04:51:36 mauro Exp $', sets, pl);
+% Get Default Plist
+function plout = getDefaultPlist()
+  persistent pl;  
+  if ~exist('pl', 'var') || isempty(pl)
+    pl = buildplist();
+  end
+  plout = pl;  
+function pl = buildplist()
+  % General plist for Welch-based, linearly spaced spectral estimators
+  pl = plist();
+  % Binary
+  p = param({'gnuplot', ['The path to the gnuplot binary.']},...
+    paramValue.STRING_VALUE('/opt/local/bin/gnuplot'));
+  pl.append(p);
+  % Output dir
+  p = param({'OutputDir', ['The output directory to be used in the case of writing output files.']},...
+    paramValue.STRING_VALUE(''));
+  pl.append(p);
+  % Output file
+  p = param({'Output', ['The output filename for the given terminal type.\n'...
+    'An empty output will result in the output being sent to the terminal.']},...
+    paramValue.STRING_VALUE(''));
+  pl.append(p);
+  % Terminal type
+  p = param({'Terminal', 'Choose one of the gnuplot supported terminal types.'},...
+    paramValue.STRING_VALUE('pdf'));
+  pl.append(p);
+  % Terminal Options
+  p = param({'Terminal Options', 'Additional terminal options.'},...
+    paramValue.STRING_VALUE('color enhanced fsize 14 size 24cm,16cm'));
+  pl.append(p);
+  % Preamble
+  p = param({'Preamble', 'A cell-array of gnuplot commands which are inserted before the plotting but after the basic commands.'},...
+    paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+  pl.append(p);
+  % Arrangement
+  p = param({'Arrangement', ['Chose how to plot multiple AOs:\n'...
+    '<ul><li> on one plot (stacked)</li><li>on separate plots (single)</li>'...
+    '<li>on subplots (subplots) </li></ul><br>In the case of ''single'', if you use an<br>'...
+    'output file, then each file will be appended with a number, e.g., foo_1.pdf, foo_2.pdf.']},...
+    {1, {'stacked', 'single', 'subplots'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+  pl.append(p);
+  % Marker scale
+  p = param({'MarkerScale', ['Scale the size of the markers by an integer amount.']},...
+    paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1));
+  pl.append(p);