diff m-toolbox/classes/@history/attachToDom.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@history/attachToDom.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+function collectedHist = attachToDom(histObjs, dom, parent, collectedHist)
+  % Attach the history always to the historyRoot node
+  historyRoot = dom.getElementsByTagName('historyRoot');
+  historyRoot = historyRoot.item(0);
+  % Do not call the super class
+  % attachToDom@ltpda_nuo(obj, dom, node);
+  addgraph(histObjs);
+  function histId = addgraph(histObjs)
+    histId = '';
+    for oo = 1:numel(histObjs)
+      histObj = histObjs(oo);
+      if ~objectInArray(collectedHist, histObj)
+        % Create object node
+        histNode = dom.createElement(class(histObj));
+        histNode.setAttribute('shape', sprintf('%dx%d', size(histObj)));
+        % Add methodInfo
+        if isa(histObj.methodInfo, 'minfo')
+          if numel(histObj.methodInfo) == 1 && isempty(histObj.methodInfo.children)
+            % Special case if the minfo-object doesn't have children.
+            % Store in this case the minfo-object as an attribute.
+            histNode.setAttribute('methodInfo', histObj.methodInfo.getEncodedString());
+          else
+            % Create an own minfo node if the minfo-object have children or
+            % there are more than one minfo-objects
+%             mInfoNode = dom.createElement('methodInfo');
+            collectedHist = histObj.methodInfo.attachToDom(dom, histNode, collectedHist);
+%             histNode.appendChild(mInfoNode);
+          end
+        end
+        % Add plistUsed
+        if isa(histObj.plistUsed, 'plist')
+          pUsedNode = dom.createElement('plistUsed');
+          collectedHist = histObj.plistUsed.attachToDom(dom, pUsedNode, collectedHist);
+          histNode.appendChild(pUsedNode);
+        end
+        % Add methodInvars
+        histNode.setAttribute('methodInvars', utils.xml.cellstr2str(histObj.methodInvars));
+        % Add proctime
+        histNode.setAttribute('proctime', num2str(histObj.proctime));
+        % Add UUID
+        histNode.setAttribute('UUID', histObj.UUID);
+        % Add objectClass
+        histNode.setAttribute('objectClass', utils.xml.prepareString(histObj.objectClass));
+        % Add creator
+        % Special behavior for the creator of a PLIST because
+        % provenance/attachToDom adds a extra node and this is not what we
+        % want. Store the creator information direct to the plist node as an
+        % attribute.
+        if isa(histObj.creator, 'provenance')
+          SEPARATOR = ' § ';
+          creatorInfo = histObj.creator(1).getEncodedString();
+          for cc = 2:numel(histObj.creator)
+            creatorInfo = [creatorInfo, SEPARATOR, histObj.creator(cc).getEncodedString()];
+          end
+        else
+          creatorInfo = '';
+        end
+        histNode.setAttribute('creator', creatorInfo);
+        % Add inhists
+        if ~isempty(histObj.inhists)
+          inhistsNode = dom.createElement('inhists');
+          attrHistId = addgraph(histObj.inhists);
+          inhistsNode.setAttribute('UUID', strtrim(attrHistId));
+          histNode.appendChild(inhistsNode);
+        end
+        collectedHist = [collectedHist histNode];
+      end
+      % Add the object UUID to the output.
+      histId = [histId, ' ', histObj.UUID];
+    end
+  end
+  for hh = 1:numel(collectedHist)
+    historyRoot.appendChild(collectedHist(hh));
+  end
+function res = objectInArray(objects, obj)
+  res = false;
+  for kk=1:numel(objects)
+    if strcmp(utils.xml.mchar(objects(kk).getAttribute('UUID')), obj.UUID)
+      res = true;
+      break;
+    end
+  end