diff m-toolbox/classes/@ltpda_uo/fromRepository.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
children 69e3d49b4b0c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@ltpda_uo/fromRepository.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+% Retrieve a ltpda_uo from a repository
+% FUNCTION:    fromRepository
+% DESCRIPTION: Retrieve a ltpda_uo from a repository
+% CALL:        obj = fromRepository(pl)
+% PARAMETER:   pl: Parameter list object
+% VERSION:     $Id: fromRepository.m,v 1.4 2010/03/16 19:16:20 ingo Exp $
+function [objs, plhout, ii] = fromRepository(obj, pli, ii)
+  VERSION = 'ltpda_uo: $Id: fromRepository.m,v 1.4 2010/03/16 19:16:20 ingo Exp $';
+  requested_class = class(obj);
+  % Set the method version string in the minfo object
+  ii.setMversion([VERSION '-->' ii.mversion]);
+  % Check if the user supplied a DB connection
+  conn = find(pli, 'conn');
+  % Add default values if necessary
+  if isempty(conn)
+    pl = combine(pli, ii.plists.pset('HOSTNAME', ''));
+  else
+    pl = pli;
+  end
+  % Get parameters
+  hostname = find(pl, 'hostname');
+  database = find(pl, 'database');
+  user     = find(pl, 'username');
+  passwd   = find(pl, 'password');
+  ids      = find(pl, 'id');
+  cids     = find(pl, 'cid');
+  bin      = find(pl, 'binary');
+  % Make sure that 'ids' or 'cids' are empty arrays if they are empty.
+  % It might be that the GUI return an empty string.
+  if isempty(ids)
+    ids = [];
+  end
+  if isempty(cids)
+    cids = [];
+  end
+  % Check if some ID is defined
+  if isempty(ids) && isempty(cids)
+    error('### Please define at least one object ID or connection ID');
+  end
+  %%% check if using binary or not: 'yes'/'no' or true/false or
+  %%% 'true'/'false'
+  bin = utils.prog.yes2true(bin);
+  % do we have a connection?
+  closeConn = 0;
+  if isempty(conn)
+    closeConn = 1;
+    % Connect to repository
+    conn = utils.jmysql.connect(hostname, database, user, passwd);
+  end
+  if ~isa(conn, 'database') && ~isa(conn, 'mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection')
+    error('### connection to the database failed.');
+  end
+  if ~isempty(cids)
+    for kk=1:numel(cids)
+      cid = cids(kk);
+      if isa(conn, 'database')
+        % get the ids from the cid
+        ids = [ids utils.mysql.getObjIds(conn,cid)];
+      else
+        c_ids = double(mpipeline.repository.MySQLUtils.getObjectIDsFromCollectionID(conn, cid));
+        ids = [ids c_ids.'];
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  % Get each ID
+  Nids = length(ids);
+  objs = [];
+  plhout = [];
+  for kk=1:Nids
+    %---- copy the input plist because each object should get an other plist
+    plh = copy(pl, 1);
+    %---- This id
+    id = ids(kk);
+    utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.OPROC2, 'retrieving ID %d', id);
+    %---- call database constructor
+    if bin
+      try
+        obj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', id);
+      catch
+        if ~conn.isConnected()
+          error('### There is something wrong with the connection.')
+        end
+        warning('!!! Unable to do binary retrieval for object %d; trying to retrieve XML instead.', id);
+        obj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, id);
+      end
+    else
+      obj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, id);
+    end
+    if ~strcmp(class(obj), requested_class)
+      error('### You have used the constructor ''%s'' but the object with id=%d is of class ''%s''', requested_class, id, class(obj));
+    end
+    %  - remove connection object from plist first
+    if isempty(hostname) || isempty(database)
+      if isa(conn, 'database')
+        txt = textscan(conn.URL, '%s', 'Delimiter', '/', 'CollectOutput', 1);
+        plc = plist('hostname', txt{1}{3}, 'database', txt{1}{4});
+      else
+        plc = plist('hostname', char(conn.getHostname), 'database', char(conn.getDatabase));
+      end
+      plh = combine(pli, plc);
+    end
+    %---- remove the connection from the history plist
+    if plh.isparam('conn')
+      plh.remove('conn');
+    end
+    %---- Set only the ID of the current object to the plist
+    plh.pset('ID', id);
+    %---- Add history-plist to output array
+    plhout = [plhout plh];
+    %---- Add to output array
+    objs = [objs obj];
+  end
+  % close connection
+  if closeConn
+    if isa(conn, 'database')
+      close(conn);
+    else
+      conn.closeConnection;
+    end
+  end