diff m-toolbox/classes/@ltpda_uo/submit.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
children d58813ab1b92
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@ltpda_uo/submit.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+% SUBMIT Submits the given objects to an LTPDA repository
+% DESCRIPTION: Submits the given objects to an LTPDA repository. If multiple
+% objects are submitted together a corresponding collection entry will be made.
+% If not explicitly disabled the user will be prompt for entering submission
+% metadata and for chosing the database where to submit the objects.
+% CALL:        [IDS, CIDS] = submit(O1, PL)
+%              [IDS, CIDS] = submit(O1, O2, PL)
+% INPUTS:      O1, O2, ... - objects to be submitted
+%              PL          - plist whih submission and repository informations
+% OUTPUTS:     IDS         - IDs assigned to the submitted objects
+%              CID         - ID of the collection entry
+% <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ltpda_uo', 'submit')">Parameters Description</a>
+%   'experiment title'       - title for the submission (required >4 characters)
+%   'experiment description' - description of this submission (required >10 characters)
+%   'analysis description'   - description of the analysis performed (required >10 characters)
+%   'quantity'               - the physical quantity represented by the data
+%   'keywords'               - comma-delimited list of keywords
+%   'reference ids'          - comma-delimited list object IDs
+%   'additional comments'    - additional comments
+%   'additional authors'     - additional author names
+% VERSION:     $Id: submit.m,v 1.91 2011/11/18 08:08:26 mauro Exp $
+% Notes on submission
+% We can check ask the database for a list of allowed modules. This needs a
+% new table in the database. Then this list is passed to validate so that
+% if the 'validate' plist option (which needs to be added) is set to true,
+% then we call validate on the object before submitting. If validate is
+% true, then we set the validated flag in the database after submission if
+% it passes.
+function varargout = submit(varargin)
+  % check if this is a call for parameters
+  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+    return
+  end
+  import utils.const.*
+  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+  % collect all AOs
+  [pls,   invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist');
+  [sinfo, invars, objs] = utils.helper.collect_objects(rest(:),    'struct');
+  % identify plists which are only used for the submission process
+  mask = false(numel(pls), 1);
+  for ii = 1:numel(pls)
+    if ~utils.helper.isSubmissionPlist(pls(ii))
+      mask(ii) = true;
+    end
+  end
+  % add all plist that do not look to contain parameters for the
+  % submission to the list of objects submitted to the repository
+  if sum(mask)
+    objs = [objs, {pls(mask)}];
+  end
+  % keep all the other as parameters plist
+  if sum(~mask)
+    pls = combine(pls(~mask));
+  end
+  % rearrange nested objects lists into a single cell array
+  objs = flatten(objs);
+  if isempty(objs)
+    error('### input at least one object to submit to the repository');
+  end
+  % combine user plist with default
+  pls = fixPlist(pls);
+  dpl = getDefaultPlist();
+  pls = combine(pls, dpl.pset('HOSTNAME', ''));
+  % for backwards compatibility convert any user supplied sinfo-structure into a plist
+  pls = ltpda_uo.convertSinfo2Plist(pls, sinfo);
+  % read XML submission informations file
+  filename = pls.find('sinfo filename');
+  if ~isempty(filename)
+    try
+      pl = fixPlist(utils.xml.read_sinfo_xml(filename));
+      pls = combine(pl, pls);
+    catch err
+      error('### unable to read specified file: %s', filename);
+    end
+  end
+  % collect additional informations
+  sinfo = ltpda_uo.submitDialog(pls);
+  if isempty(sinfo)
+    [varargout{1}, varargout{2}] = userCanceled();
+    return
+  end
+  % check completeness of user supplied informations
+  sinfo = checkSinfo(sinfo);
+  % user supplied connection
+  conn = find(pls, 'conn');
+  % obtain a connection from the connection manager
+  rm = LTPDARepositoryManager();
+  if isempty(conn)
+    connections = rm.findConnections(pls);
+    if isempty(connections)
+      % no connection found. create a new one
+      conn = rm.newConnection(pls);
+      if isempty(conn)
+        [varargout{1}, varargout{2}] = userCanceled();
+        return
+      end
+    elseif numel(connections) == 1 && ~utils.prog.yes2true(pls.find('use selector'))
+      % found only one connection and we are not forcing the use of the selector
+      conn = connections(1);
+    else
+      % make the user select the desired database connection
+      conn = rm.manager.selectConnection([]);
+      if isempty(conn)
+        [varargout{1}, varargout{2}] = userCanceled();
+        return
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  % avoid to ask for a password if one was specified in the plist
+  if isjava(conn) && ~conn.isConnected()
+    passwd = pls.find('password');
+    if ~isempty(passwd)
+      conn.setPassword(passwd);
+    end
+  end
+  % connect to the database
+  if isempty(conn.openConnection())
+    error('### unable to connect to the database')
+  end
+  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'submitting %d objects to repository', numel(objs));
+  try
+    % lock connection to avoid expire during processing
+    conn.setLocked(true);
+    % reload connection table if we have a GUI
+    if ~isempty(rm.gui)
+      rm.gui.reloadConnectionTable();
+    end
+    % look-up user id
+    userid   = utils.jmysql.getUserID(conn);
+    username = conn.getUsername();
+    utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'got user id %d for user: %s', userid, char(username));
+    if userid < 1 || isnan(userid)  || strcmp(userid, 'No Data') || ischar(userid)
+      error('### Unknown username.');
+    end
+    % author of the data: let's take the username
+    author = username;
+    % date for the transaction.transdata and objmeta.submitted columns as UTC time string
+    t     = time();
+    tdate = format(t, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS', 'UTC');
+    % machine details
+    prov = provenance();
+    utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, 'submitting to %s@%s:%s', ...
+      char(conn.getUsername), char(conn.getHostname), char(conn.getDatabase));
+    % obtain the underlying connection
+    c = conn.getConn();
+    % start a transaction. either we submitt all objects or we roll back all changes
+    c.setAutoCommit(false);
+    % process each object and collect id numbers
+    ids = zeros(numel(objs), 1); cid = [];
+    for kk = 1:numel(objs)
+      % this object
+      obj = objs{kk};
+      utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'submitting object: %s / %s', class(obj), obj.name);
+      % format object creation time as UTC time string
+      if isa(obj, 'plist')
+        % plist-objects stores creatins time as milli secs since the epoch
+        created = time().format('yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS', 'UTC');
+      else
+        created = obj.created.format('yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS', 'UTC');
+      end
+      % Set the UUID if it is empty. This should only happen for PLIST
+      % objects.
+      if isempty(obj.UUID)
+        obj.UUID = char(java.util.UUID.randomUUID);
+      end
+      % create an XML representaion of the object
+      if utils.prog.yes2true(pls.find('binary'));
+        utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC2, 'binary submit');
+        otxt = ['binary submit ' datestr(now)];
+      else
+        utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC2, 'xml submit');
+        otxt = utils.prog.obj2xml(obj);
+      end
+      % create an MD5 hash of the xml representation
+      md5hash = utils.prog.hash(otxt, 'MD5');
+      % create a binary representaion of the object
+      bobj = utils.prog.obj2binary(obj);
+      if isempty(bobj)
+        error('### failed to obtain a binary representation');
+      end
+      % submit object to objs table
+      stmt = c.prepareStatement(...
+        'INSERT INTO objs (xml, hash, uuid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
+      stmt.setObject(1, otxt);
+      stmt.setObject(2, char(md5hash));
+      stmt.setObject(3, obj.UUID);
+      stmt.executeUpdate();
+      % obtain object id
+      rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
+      if rs.next()
+        objid = rs.getInt(1);
+      else
+        objid = [];
+      end
+      rs.close();
+      stmt.close();
+      % insert binary representation
+      stmt = c.prepareStatement(...
+        'INSERT INTO bobjs (obj_id, mat) VALUES (?,?)');
+      stmt.setObject(1, objid);
+      stmt.setObject(2, bobj);
+      stmt.execute();
+      stmt.close();
+      % reference IDs are stored in a CSV string
+      if ischar(sinfo.reference_ids)
+        refids = sinfo.reference_ids;
+      else
+        refids = utils.prog.csv(sinfo.reference_ids);
+      end
+      % insert object meta data
+      stmt = c.prepareStatement(...
+        [ 'INSERT INTO objmeta (obj_id, obj_type, name, created, version, ' ...
+        'ip, hostname, os, submitted, experiment_title, experiment_desc, ' ...
+        'reference_ids, additional_comments, additional_authors, keywords, ' ...
+        'quantity, analysis_desc, author) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' ]);
+      stmt.setObject( 1, objid);
+      stmt.setObject( 2, java.lang.String(class(obj)));
+      stmt.setObject( 3, java.lang.String(obj.name));
+      stmt.setObject( 4, java.lang.String(created));
+      stmt.setObject( 5, java.lang.String(getappdata(0, 'ltpda_version')));
+      stmt.setObject( 6, java.lang.String(prov.ip));
+      stmt.setObject( 7, java.lang.String(prov.hostname));
+      stmt.setObject( 8, java.lang.String(prov.os));
+      stmt.setObject( 9, java.lang.String(tdate));
+      stmt.setObject(10, java.lang.String(sinfo.experiment_title));
+      stmt.setObject(11, java.lang.String(sinfo.experiment_description));
+      stmt.setObject(12, java.lang.String(refids));
+      stmt.setObject(13, java.lang.String(sinfo.additional_comments));
+      stmt.setObject(14, java.lang.String(sinfo.additional_authors));
+      stmt.setObject(15, java.lang.String(sinfo.keywords));
+      stmt.setObject(16, java.lang.String(sinfo.quantity));
+      stmt.setObject(17, java.lang.String(sinfo.analysis_description));
+      stmt.setObject(18, java.lang.String(author));
+      stmt.execute();
+      stmt.close();
+      % update other meta-data tables
+      cols = utils.jmysql.execute(c, 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM tsdata');
+      if utils.helper.ismember('obj_id',  cols(:,1))
+        % the tsdata table contains an obj id column. use the new database schema
+        utils.jmysql.insertObjMetadata(c, obj, objid);
+      else
+        % otherwise use the old one
+        utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC2, 'using back-compatibility code');
+        utils.jmysql.insertObjMetadataV1(c, obj, objid);
+      end
+      % update transactions table
+      stmt = c.prepareStatement(...
+        'INSERT INTO transactions (obj_id, user_id, transdate, direction) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)');
+      stmt.setObject(1, objid);
+      stmt.setObject(2, userid);
+      stmt.setObject(3, java.lang.String(tdate));
+      stmt.setObject(4, java.lang.String('in'));
+      stmt.execute();
+      stmt.close();
+      % collect the id of the submitted object
+      ids(kk) = objid;
+    end
+    % make collection entry
+    if numel(objs) > 1
+      % insert record into collections table
+      stmt = c.prepareStatement(...
+        'INSERT INTO collections (nobjs, obj_ids) VALUES (?, ?)');
+      stmt.setObject(1, length(ids));
+      stmt.setObject(2, java.lang.String(utils.prog.csv(ids)));
+      stmt.executeUpdate();
+      % obtain collection id
+      rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
+      if rs.next()
+        cid = rs.getInt(1);
+      else
+        cid = [];
+      end
+      rs.close();
+      stmt.close();
+    end
+  catch ex
+    utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, 'submission error. no object submitted')
+    c.close()
+    conn.setLocked(false);
+    rethrow(ex)
+  end
+  % commit the transaction
+  c.commit();
+  % report IDs of the inserted objects
+  for kk = 1:numel(objs)
+    utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, 'submitted %s object with ID: %d, UUID: %s, name: %s', ...
+      class(objs{kk}), ids(kk), objs{kk}.UUID, objs{kk}.name);
+  end
+  if ~isempty(cid)
+    utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, 'made collection entry with ID: %d', cid);
+  end
+  % unlock connection expire
+  conn.setLocked(false);
+  % reset timer
+  LTPDARepositoryManager.resetTimer(rm.timerClearPass, conn);
+  LTPDARepositoryManager.resetTimer(rm.timerDisconnect, conn);
+  % pass back outputs
+  if nargout > 0
+    varargout{1} = ids;
+  end
+  if nargout > 1
+    varargout{2} = cid;
+  end
+function varargout = userCanceled()
+  % signal that the user cancelled the submission
+  import utils.const.*
+  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'user cancelled');
+  varargout{1} = [];
+  varargout{2} = [];
+function sinfo = checkSinfo(sinfo)
+  % check sinfo structure
+  import utils.const.*
+  % fieldnames
+  mainfields = {'experiment_title', 'experiment_description', 'analysis_description'};
+  extrafields = {'quantity', 'keywords', 'reference_ids', 'additional_comments', 'author', 'additional_authors'};
+  % fieldnames of the input structure
+  fnames = fieldnames(sinfo);
+  % check mandatory fields
+  for jj = 1:length(mainfields)
+    if ~ismember(fnames, mainfields{jj})
+      error('### the sinfo structure should contain a ''%s'' field', mainfields{jj});
+    end
+  end
+  % check extra fields
+  for jj = 1:length(extrafields)
+    if ~ismember(fnames, extrafields{jj})
+      utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC2, 'setting default for field %s', extrafields{jj});
+      sinfo.(extrafields{jj}) = '';
+    end
+  end
+  % additional checks
+  if length(sinfo.experiment_title) < 5
+    error('### ''experiment title'' should be at least 5 characters long');
+  end
+  if length(sinfo.experiment_description) < 10
+    error('### ''experiment description'' should be at least 10 characters long');
+  end
+  if length(sinfo.analysis_description) < 10
+    error('### ''analysis description'' should be at least 10 characters long');
+  end
+function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+    sets = {};
+    pl   = [];
+  else
+    sets = {'Default'};
+    pl   = getDefaultPlist();
+  end
+  % Build info object
+  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'ltpda_uo', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.internal, '$Id: submit.m,v 1.91 2011/11/18 08:08:26 mauro Exp $', sets, pl);
+  ii.setModifier(false);
+function plout = getDefaultPlist()
+  persistent pl;
+  if ~exist('pl', 'var') || isempty(pl)
+    pl = buildplist();
+  end
+  plout = pl;
+function plo = buildplist()
+  plo = plist.TO_REPOSITORY_PLIST;
+  p = param({'sinfo filename', 'Path to an XML file containing submission metadata'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
+  plo.append(p);
+  p = param({'binary', 'Submit only binary version of the objects'}, paramValue.FALSE_TRUE);
+  plo.append(p);
+function pl = fixPlist(pl)
+  % accept parameters where words are separated either by spaces or underscore
+  if ~isempty(pl)
+    for ii = 1:pl.nparams
+      pl.params(ii).setKey(strrep(pl.params(ii).key, '_', ' '));
+    end
+  end
+function flat = flatten(objs)
+  % flatten nested lists into a single cell array
+  flat = {};
+  while iscell(objs) && numel(objs) == 1
+    objs = objs{1};
+  end
+  if numel(objs) == 1
+    flat = {objs};
+    return;
+  end
+  for jj = 1:numel(objs)
+    obj = flatten(objs(jj));
+    for kk = 1:numel(obj)
+      flat = [ flat obj(kk) ];
+    end
+  end