diff m-toolbox/classes/@modelViewer/buildMainfig.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@modelViewer/buildMainfig.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+% BUILDMAINFIG build the main modelViewer window
+% M Hewitson 18-10-08
+% $Id: buildMainfig.m,v 1.2 2008/11/30 16:16:24 hewitson Exp $
+function mainfig = buildMainfig(mainfig, varargin)
+%   %% Check if I exist already
+%   id = findobj('Tag', 'SIGBUILDERmainfig');
+%   if ~isempty(id)
+%     figure(id)
+%     return
+%   end
+  %% Some initial setup
+  Screen = get(0,'screensize');
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gcol     = [255 255 255]/255;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Screen   = Screen;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gwidth   = 0.3;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gheight  = 0.5;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gborder  = 10;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize = 12;
+  l = (0.5-mainfig.Gproperties.Gwidth/2);
+  b = (0.5-mainfig.Gproperties.Gheight/2);
+  w = mainfig.Gproperties.Gwidth;
+  h = mainfig.Gproperties.Gheight;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gposition = [l b w h];
+  if ~isempty(varargin) && ishandle(varargin{1})
+    mainfig.handle = varargin{1};
+    set(mainfig.handle, 'Tag', 'MODELVIEWERmainfig');
+    set(mainfig.handle, 'Units', 'normalized');
+  else
+    %  Initialize and hide the GUI as it is being constructed.
+    mainfig.handle = figure('Name', 'LTPDA Model Viewer',...
+      'NumberTitle', 'off',...
+      'Visible','off',...
+      'Units','normalized',...
+      'Position',mainfig.Gproperties.Gposition,...
+      'Toolbar', 'none',...
+      'MenuBar', 'none',...
+      'Color', mainfig.Gproperties.Gcol,...
+      'Resize', 'on',...
+      'Tag', 'MODELVIEWERmainfig');
+  end
+  % Set mainfig callbacks
+  set(mainfig.handle, 'CloseRequestFcn', {'modelViewer.cb_mainfigClose', mainfig});  
+  %------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %- General properties
+  %------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  hmarg = 0.01;
+  vmarg = 0.02;
+  commHeight = 0.2;
+  % l b w h
+  % make settings panel
+  w = 1-2*hmarg;
+  h = 0.25-2*vmarg;
+  l = hmarg;
+  b = 1-h-vmarg;
+  span = uipanel(mainfig.handle,...
+    'Title', 'Select model ', ...
+    'FontSize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'BackgroundColor', [0.9 0.9 0.9], ...
+    'Position', [l b w h], ...
+    'BorderType', 'line', ...
+    'BorderWidth', 1, ...
+    'Tag', 'SettingsPanel', ...
+    'HighlightColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5]);
+%     'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1], ...
+  % make parameter panel
+  w = 1-2*hmarg;
+  h = 0.55-2*vmarg;
+  l = hmarg;
+  b = 0.2+vmarg;
+  ppan = uipanel(mainfig.handle,...
+    'Title', 'Parameters ', ...
+    'FontSize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'BackgroundColor', [200 220 240]/255, ...
+    'Position', [l b w h], ...
+    'BorderType', 'line', ...
+    'BorderWidth', 1, ...
+    'Tag', 'MODELVIEWERparamspanel', ...
+    'HighlightColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5]);
+  % make parameter panel
+  w = 1-2*hmarg;
+  h = 0.2-2*vmarg;
+  l = hmarg;
+  b = vmarg;
+  cpan = uipanel(mainfig.handle,...
+    'Title', 'Controls ', ...
+    'FontSize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'BackgroundColor', [200 220 240]/255, ...
+    'Position', [l b w h], ...
+    'BorderType', 'line', ...
+    'BorderWidth', 1, ...
+    'Tag', 'MODELVIEWERcontrolpanel', ...
+    'HighlightColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5]);
+  %------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Model type
+  % label
+  l = hmarg;
+  h = commHeight;
+  b = 1-h-3*hmarg;
+  w = 0.15;
+  sth = uicontrol(span, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'model type ',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'right',...
+    'BackgroundColor', [0.9 0.9 0.9], ...
+    'Fontsize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'Position',[l b w h]);
+  % menu box
+  l = l + w + hmarg;
+  w = 0.2;
+  mtsh = uicontrol(span, ...
+    'Style', 'popupmenu', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'Fontsize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'String', {'ao', 'ssm'}, ...
+    'Position', [l b w h],...
+    'Tag', 'ModelTypeSelect', ...
+    'Callback', {'modelViewer.cb_selectModelType', mainfig});
+  % Model 
+  % label
+  l = l + w + hmarg;
+  h = commHeight;
+  w = 0.15;
+  sth = uicontrol(span, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'model ',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'right',...
+    'BackgroundColor', [0.9 0.9 0.9], ...
+    'Fontsize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'Position',[l b w h]);
+  % menu box
+  l = l + w + hmarg;
+  w = 0.4;
+  clsh = uicontrol(span, ...
+    'Style', 'popupmenu', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'Fontsize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'String', ' ', ...
+    'Position', [l b w h],...
+    'Tag', 'ModelSelect', ...
+    'Callback', {'modelViewer.cb_selectModel', mainfig});
+  % Description field  
+  l = hmarg;
+  h = 2.5*commHeight;
+  w = 1-2*hmarg;
+  b = 4*vmarg;
+  sth = uicontrol(span, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', '  ',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
+    'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1], ...
+    'Max', 1000, ...
+    'Fontsize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'Enable', 'on', ...
+    'Tag', 'MODELVIEWERmodeldescription', ...
+    'Position',[l b w h]);
+  % Fire callbacks
+  modelViewer.cb_selectModelType(mtsh, mainfig);
+  modelViewer.cb_selectModel(clsh, mainfig);
+  % Build button
+  h = 1.5*commHeight;
+  w = 0.2;
+  l = 1-w-hmarg;
+  b = 4*vmarg;
+  pbh = uicontrol(cpan,'Style','pushbutton',...
+    'String','build',...
+    'Callback', {'modelViewer.cb_buildModel', mainfig}, ...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'Fontsize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'Position',[l b w h]);
+  % Type button
+  h = 1.5*commHeight;
+  w = 0.2;
+  l = l-w-vmarg;
+  b = 4*vmarg;
+  pbh = uicontrol(cpan,'Style','pushbutton',...
+    'String','type',...
+    'Callback', {'modelViewer.cb_typeModel', mainfig}, ...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'Fontsize', mainfig.Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'Position',[l b w h]);