diff m-toolbox/classes/@paramValue/paramValue.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@paramValue/paramValue.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+% PARAMVALUE object class constructor.
+% DESCRIPTION: Parameter value object class constructor.
+%              Create a parameter value object.
+% SUPERCLASSES: ltpda_nuo < ltpda_obj
+%       p = paramValue();             - creates an empty parameter value
+%       p = paramVAlue(pl)            - creates a parameter value from a
+%                                       parameter list with the keys:
+%                                       'valIndex', 'options' and 'selection'
+%       p = paramValue(valIdx,  ...
+%                      options)       - creates a parameter value from
+%                                       value index and the options
+%       p = paramValue(valIdx,  ...
+%                      options, ...
+%                      selectionMode) - creates a parameter value from
+%                                       value index, options and
+%                                       selection mode.
+% VERSION:  $Id: paramValue.m,v 1.29 2011/04/07 11:01:28 ingo Exp $
+% SEE ALSO: ltpda_obj, ltpda_nuo, param, plist
+classdef (Sealed = true, Hidden = true) paramValue < ltpda_nuo
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                            Property definition                            %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %---------- Public (read/write) Properties  ----------
+  properties
+  end
+  %---------- Protected read-only Properties ----------
+  properties (SetAccess = protected)
+    valIndex = -1; % Index to the value inside 'options'
+    options = {}; % Possible values for 'val' if they exist
+    selection = 0; % Selection mode for the 'options'
+    property = struct([]); % A list which contains all additional infromation about the value like: min, max, ...
+  end
+  %---------- Protected Properties ----------
+  properties (SetAccess = protected)
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                          Check property setting                           %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  methods
+    function set.valIndex(obj, val)
+      if isnumeric(val)
+        obj.valIndex = val;
+      else
+        error('### The value for the property ''valIndex'' must be a index (Interger) to the options. The value is from the class %s', class(val));
+      end
+    end
+    function set.options(obj, val)
+      if iscell(val)
+        obj.options = val;
+      else
+        error('### The value for the property ''options'' must be a cell with all possible values. The value is from the class %s', class(val));
+      end
+    end
+    function set.selection(obj, val)
+      if isnumeric(val)
+        obj.selection = val;
+      else
+        error('### The value for the property ''selection'' must be a Interger. The value is from the class %s', class(val));
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                                Constructor                                %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  methods
+    function obj = paramValue(varargin)
+      switch nargin
+        case 0
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   no input   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          % Do nothing
+        case 1
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   one input   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          if isa(varargin{1}, 'paramValue')
+            %%%%%%%%%%  obj = paramValue(paramValue)   %%%%%%%%%%
+            obj = copy(varargin{1}, 1);
+          elseif isa(varargin{1}, 'plist')
+            %%%%%%%%%%  obj = paramValue(plist)   %%%%%%%%%%
+            if nparams(varargin{1}) == 0
+              %%%%%%%%%%  obj = paramValue(plist())   %%%%%%%%%%
+              %%% is the plist is empty then return an empty paramValue object
+            else
+              %%%%%%%%%%  pl  = plist('valIndex', 1, 'OPTIONS', {'a', 'b'}, 'SELECTION', 0) %%%%%%%%%%
+              %%%%%%%%%%  obj = paramValue(pl)                                              %%%%%%%%%%
+              pl = varargin{1};
+              pl_valIndex  = pl.find('valIndex');
+              pl_options   = pl.find('options');
+              pl_selection = pl.find('selection');
+              % Set the value index to 1 if there is only one option.
+              if isempty(pl_valIndex) && numel(pl_options) == 1
+                pl_valIndex = 1;
+              end
+              if isempty(pl_valIndex)
+                error('### building a parameter from a plist requires one value index in the plist is called ''valIndex''');
+              end
+              if isempty(pl_options)
+                error('### building a parameter from a plist requires at least one option in the plist is calles ''options''');
+              end
+              obj.valIndex = pl_valIndex;
+              obj.options  = pl_options;
+              if ~isempty(pl_selection)
+                obj.selection = pl_selection;
+              end
+            end
+          elseif isstruct(varargin{1})
+            %%%%%%%%%%  obj = paramValue(struct)   %%%%%%%%%%
+            obj = fromStruct(obj, varargin{1});
+          else
+            error('### Unknown single input paramValue constructor');
+          end
+        case 2
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   two inputs   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%  obj = paramValue(valIndex, {options})   %%%%%%%%%%
+          obj.valIndex = varargin{1};
+          obj.options  = varargin{2};
+        case 3;
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   three inputs   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+          %%%%%%%%  obj = paramValue(valIndex, {options}, selection)   %%%%%%%%
+          obj.valIndex  = varargin{1};
+          obj.options   = varargin{2};
+          if varargin{3} ~= obj.selection
+            obj.selection = varargin{3};
+          end
+        otherwise
+          error('### Unknown number of arguments.');
+      end
+      % Plausibility check.
+      if ~(obj.valIndex <= numel(obj.options))
+        error('### The valIndex must point to one element inside the ''options''. But valIndex is %d and the length of ''options'' is %d', obj.valIndex, numel(obj.options));
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                              Methods (public)                             %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  methods
+    %%% Define Abstract methods
+    varargout = char(varargin)
+    varargout = copy(varargin)
+    varargout = display(varargin)
+    varargout = getVal(varargin)
+    varargout = getOptions(varargin)
+    varargout = setValIndex(varargin)
+    varargout = setValIndexAndOptions(varargin)
+    varargout = setOptions(varargin)
+    varargout = setSelection(varargin)
+    varargout = setProperty(varargin)
+    varargout = getProperty(varargin)
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                              Methods (protected)                          %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  methods (Access = protected)
+    varargout = fromStruct(varargin)
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                              Methods (private)                            %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  methods (Access = private)
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                          Methods (Static, Public)                         %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  methods (Static = true)
+    % Param Value types
+    function out = EMPTY_STRING
+      out = '';
+    end
+    function out = EMPTY_DOUBLE
+      out = [];
+    end
+    function out = EMPTY_CELL
+      out = {};
+    end
+    function out = YES_NO
+      out = {1, {'yes', 'no'}, paramValue.SINGLE};
+    end
+    function out = NO_YES
+      out = {1, {'no', 'yes'}, paramValue.SINGLE};
+    end
+    function out = DATA_TYPES
+      out = {4,{'tsdata', 'fsdata', 'xydata', 'cdata'}, paramValue.SINGLE};
+    end
+    function out = WINDOW
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+      dwin = find(strcmpi(char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow), specwin.getTypes));
+      out = {dwin, specwin.getTypes, paramValue.SINGLE};
+    end
+    function out = STRING_VALUE(s)
+      out = {1, {s}, paramValue.OPTIONAL};
+    end
+    function out = DOUBLE_VALUE(v)
+      out = {1, {v}, paramValue.OPTIONAL};
+    end
+    function out = DETREND_ORDER
+      out = {1, {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, paramValue.SINGLE};
+    end
+    function out = TRUE_FALSE
+      out = {1, {true, false}, paramValue.SINGLE};
+    end
+    function out = FALSE_TRUE
+      out = {1, {false, true}, paramValue.SINGLE};
+    end
+    function out = TIMEFORMAT
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+      tf = {...
+        'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS', ...
+        'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS', ...
+        'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF', ...
+        'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', ...
+        'HH:MM:SS dd-mm-yyyy', ...
+        'HH:MM:SS yyyy-mm-dd', ...
+        'HH:MM:SS.FFF dd-mm-yyyy', ...
+        'HH:MM:SS.FFF yyyy-mm-dd', ...
+        'dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM:SS', ...
+        'yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:SS', ...
+        'dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF', ...
+        'yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', ...
+        'HH:MM:SS dd.mm.yyyy', ...
+        'HH:MM:SS yyyy.mm.dd', ...
+        'HH:MM:SS.FFF dd.mm.yyyy', ...
+        'HH:MM:SS.FFF yyyy.mm.dd', ...
+        'MM:SS', ...
+        'MM:SS.FFF'};
+      idx = find(strcmp(char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat), tf));
+      if isempty(idx)
+        tf = [{char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat)} tf];
+        idx = 1;
+      end
+      out = {idx, tf, paramValue.OPTIONAL};
+    end
+    function out = TIMEZONE
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+      tz = utils.timetools.getTimezone;
+      idx = find(strcmp(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone(), tz));
+      out = {idx, tz, paramValue.SINGLE};
+    end
+    function res = OPTIONAL(); res = 0; end
+    function res = SINGLE();   res = 1; end
+    function res = MULTI();    res = 2; end
+    function str = getSelectionMode(val)
+      switch val
+        case 0
+          str = 'OPTIONAL';
+        case 1
+          str = 'SINGLE';
+        case 2
+          str = 'MULTI';
+        otherwise
+          str = '''selection'' is not valid!';
+      end
+    end
+    varargout = update_struct(varargin);
+    function out = VEROUT()
+      out = '$Id: paramValue.m,v 1.29 2011/04/07 11:01:28 ingo Exp $';
+    end
+    function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+      ii = utils.helper.generic_getInfo(varargin{:}, 'paramValue');
+    end
+    function out = SETS()
+      out = {'Default'};
+    end
+    function out = getDefaultPlist(set)
+      switch lower(set)
+        case 'default'
+          out = plist();
+        otherwise
+          error('### Unknown set [%s]', set');
+      end
+    end
+    function obj = initObjectWithSize(n,m)
+      obj = paramValue.newarray([n m]);
+    end
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                          Methods (Static, Private)                        %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  methods (Static = true, Access = private)
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %                         Methods (static, hidden)                          %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  methods (Static = true, Hidden = true)
+    varargout = loadobj(varargin)
+  end