diff m-toolbox/classes/@repogui/buildSubmitPanel.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@repogui/buildSubmitPanel.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+% BUILDSUBMITPANEL build the submit panel.
+% M Hewitson 22-09-08
+% $Id: buildSubmitPanel.m,v 1.7 2011/04/08 08:56:25 hewitson Exp $
+function buildSubmitPanel(mainfig)
+  import utils.const.*
+  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'building Submit Panel');
+  htab = mainfig.panels(2);
+  Gproperties = mainfig.Gproperties;
+  pmarg = 0.025;
+  CommonHeight = 0.06;
+  % header
+  bw = 0.3;
+  bl = pmarg;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = 1-2*pmarg-bh-0.6;
+  uicontrol(htab, 'Style','pushbutton',...
+     'String', 'Refresh',...
+     'Units', 'normalized', ...
+     'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+2, ...
+     'Position',[bl bb .14 bh], ...
+     'Callback',@refreshBtnCallback);
+  uicontrol(htab, 'Style','pushbutton',...
+     'String', 'Select',...
+     'Units', 'normalized', ...
+     'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+2, ...
+     'Position',[pmarg+.16 bb .14 bh], ...
+     'Callback',@okBtnCallback);
+  % list box objects to submit
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - bh - .02;
+  uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Objects to submit:',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'k', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Userdata',[], ...
+    'Tag', 'treeHandle', ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bh = 0.18;
+  bb = bb - bh;
+  uicontrol(htab,'Style','edit',...
+    'String',{' '},...
+    'Min',1,...
+    'Max',10,...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w',...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize,...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh],...
+    'TooltipString','Here you can also type in the name of the variables to submit',...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiObjs2SubmitList');
+  % Submission details
+  EditWidth = 0.42;
+  % Experiment title
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  BL = bl;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = 1-2*pmarg-bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Experiment Title',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'r', ...
+    'FontWeight','Bold',...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  bw = EditWidth;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiExperimentTitleEdit');
+  % Experiment description
+  bl = BL;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  bh = 3*CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Experiment Description',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'r', ...
+    'FontWeight','Bold',...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  bw = EditWidth;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Max', 1000, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiExperimentDescriptionEdit');
+  % Analysis description
+  bl = BL;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  bh = 2*CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Analysis Description',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'r', ...
+    'FontWeight','Bold',...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  bw = EditWidth;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Max', 1000, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiAnalysisDescriptionEdit');
+  % Quantity
+  bl = BL;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Quantity',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'k', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  bw = EditWidth;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Max', 1000, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiQuantityEdit');
+  % Keywords
+  bl = BL;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Keywords',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'k', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  bw = EditWidth;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Max', 1000, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiKeywordsEdit');
+  % Reference IDs
+  bl = BL;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Reference IDs',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'k', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  bw = EditWidth;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Max', 1000, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiReferenceIDsEdit');
+  % Additional comments
+  bl = BL;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Additional Comments',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'k', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  bw = EditWidth;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Max', 1000, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiAdditonalCommentsEdit');
+  % Additional authors
+  bl = BL;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Additional Authors',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'ForegroundColor', 'k', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+1, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  bw = EditWidth;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Max', 1000, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiAdditionalAuthorsEdit');
+  % Submit button
+%   bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  bb = .02;
+  bl = bl + bw - 0.2;
+  bw = 0.2;
+  pbh = uicontrol(htab,'Style','pushbutton',...
+    'String','Submit',...
+    'Callback', {'repogui.cb_submit', mainfig}, ...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh], ...
+    'Tag','repoguiSubmitButton');
+function okBtnCallback(varargin)
+   tree = get(findobj(gcf,'Tag','treeHandle'),'UserData');
+   objNames = {};
+   xx = get(tree,'SelectedNodes');
+   for j=1:numel(xx)
+      yy{j} = getPath(xx(j));
+      cName = '';
+      for i = 2:numel(yy{j})
+         cName = [cName '.' char(getName(yy{j}(i)))];
+      end;
+      if ~isempty(cName)
+         cName(1) = [];
+         objNames = [objNames cName];
+      end
+   end
+   objNames = objNames';
+   set(findobj('Tag','RepoguiObjs2SubmitList'),'String',objNames);
+function refreshBtnCallback(varargin)
+   tree = get(findobj(gcf,'Tag','treeHandle'),'UserData');
+   delete(tree)
+   tree = repogui.cb_treegui();
+   set(findobj(gcf,'Tag','treeHandle'),'UserData',tree);