diff m-toolbox/classes/@repogui/cb_saveBtn.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@repogui/cb_saveBtn.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+% Callback executed when the user clicks on the save button.
+% M Hewitson
+% $Id: cb_saveBtn.m,v 1.4 2009/09/11 18:23:37 ingo Exp $
+function cb_saveBtn(varargin)
+  myh = varargin{1};
+  mainfig  = varargin{end};
+  % Get connection
+  % mainfig  = findobj('Tag', 'LTPDARepomainfig');
+  conn     = mainfig.connection;
+  if isempty(conn) || ~isa(conn, 'database')
+    utils.helper.errorDlg('Please connect to a database first', 'No connection found');
+    return
+  end
+  % Get variable name specs
+  h = findobj(mainfig.handle, 'Tag', 'objPrefixTxt');
+  prefix = get(h, 'String');
+  if isempty(prefix)
+    prefix = 'obj';
+    warning('! Using default prefix (obj)');
+  end
+  h = findobj(mainfig.handle, 'Tag', 'appendObjTypeChk');
+  appendObj = get(h, 'Value');
+  h = findobj(mainfig.handle, 'Tag', 'retrieveBinaryChk');
+  retrieveBinary = get(h, 'Value');
+  % Get IDs from text box
+  [ids, cids] = getIds(mainfig);
+  %---------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Retrieve these ids
+  objs = [];
+  for j=1:length(ids)
+    disp(sprintf('+ retrieving object %d', ids(j)));
+    % determine object type
+    tt = utils.mysql.getObjType(conn, ids(j));
+    objname = sprintf('%s%03d', prefix, ids(j));
+    if ~isempty(tt) && ~strcmp(tt, 'No Data')
+      if appendObj
+        objname = [objname '_' tt];
+      end
+    else
+      error('!!! Object type is unknown. Does this object really exist?');
+    end
+    % add file extension
+    objname = [objname '.xml'];
+    % Retrieve object
+    a = regexp(conn.URL, '//(\S+)/', 'tokens');
+    db = regexp(conn.URL, '/', 'split');
+    db = db{end};
+    % add history
+    pl = plist('hostname', a{1}, 'database', db, 'ID', ids(j), 'conn', conn);
+    if retrieveBinary
+      pl.append('Binary', 'yes');
+      disp(sprintf('*** performing binary retrieval.'));
+    end
+    obj = eval(sprintf('%s(pl);', tt));
+    % write to disk
+    save(obj, objname)
+    %   assignin('base', objname, obj);
+    disp(sprintf('** Retrieve object %d to disk [%s]', ids(j), objname));
+    if j==1
+      objs = {obj};
+    else
+      objs = [objs {obj}];
+    end
+  end
+  disp(sprintf('** Retrieved %d objects.', length(ids)));
+  %---------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Retrieve these Collections
+  for k=1:length(cids)
+    % get Ids from Cid
+    ids = mysql_getObjIds(conn, cids(k));
+    if isempty(ids)
+      error('### This collection doesn''t seem to exist.');
+    end
+    for j=1:length(ids)
+      disp(sprintf('+ retrieving collection %d : %d', cids(k), ids(j)));
+      tt = utils.mysql.getObjType(conn, ids(j));
+      objname = sprintf('%sC%03d_%03d', prefix, cids(k), ids(j));
+      if appendObj
+        objname = [objname '_' tt];
+      end
+      % Retrieve object
+      ipbits = regexp(conn.URL, '([0-9]+)', 'match');
+      ip = [ipbits{1} '.' ipbits{2} '.' ipbits{3} '.' ipbits{4}];
+      db = regexp(conn.URL, '/', 'split');
+      db = db{end};
+      % add history
+      pl = plist('hostname', ip, 'database', db, 'ID', ids(j), 'conn', conn);
+      obj = eval(sprintf('%s(pl);', tt));
+      assignin('base', objname, obj);
+      disp(sprintf('** Retrieve object %d to workspace [%s]', ids(j), objname));
+      if j==1
+        objs = {obj};
+      else
+        objs = [objs {obj}];
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  disp(sprintf('** Retrieved %d objects.', length(ids)));
+function [ids, cids] = getIds(mainfig)
+  ids  = [];
+  cids = [];
+  th = findobj(mainfig.handle, 'Tag', 'retrieveIDsTxt');
+  idStr = get(th, 'String');
+  cs = cellstr(idStr);
+  for j=1:length(cs)
+    disp('---------')
+    ls = cs{j};
+    [s,r] = strtok(ls);
+    if ~isempty(s)
+      if s(1) == 'c'
+        s = s(2:end);
+        cids = [cids round(str2num(s))];
+      else
+        ids = [ids round(str2num(s))];
+      end
+    end
+    while ~isempty(r)
+      [s,r] = strtok(r);
+      if ~isempty(s)
+        if s(1) == 'c'
+          s = s(2:end);
+          cids = [cids round(str2num(s))];
+        else
+          ids = [ids round(str2num(s))];
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end  