diff m-toolbox/classes/@repogui2/buildConnectPanel.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@repogui2/buildConnectPanel.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+% BUILDCONNECTPANEL build the connection panel
+% M Hewitson 22-09-08
+% $Id: buildConnectPanel.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:36 hewitson Exp $
+function buildConnectPanel( mainfig)
+  import utils.const.*
+  prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'building Connect Panel');
+  htab = mainfig.panels(1);
+  Gproperties = mainfig.Gproperties;
+  pmarg = 0.025;
+  % Get list of default servers set by ltpda_startup
+  servers = prefs.repository.servers;
+  CommonHeight = 0.06;
+  UseWidth     = 0.8;
+  % text description field
+  bw = UseWidth;
+  bl = 0.5-bw/2;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = 1-2*pmarg-bh;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Select Repository',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+2, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  % Add hostname drop-down box  
+  bw = 0.5-bl-pmarg;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  clsh = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'popupmenu', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'String', servers, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiServerList', ...
+    'Callback', {'repogui2.cb_select_repo', mainfig});
+  % Hostname edit box
+  bl = bl + bw + 2*pmarg;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiServerEdit');
+  % text description field
+  bw = UseWidth;
+  bl = 0.5-bw/2;
+  bb = bb - 6*pmarg;
+  sth = uicontrol(htab, 'Style','text',...
+    'String', 'Select Database',...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize+2, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  % db drop-down box
+  bw = (UseWidth-2*pmarg)/3;
+  bh = CommonHeight;
+  bb = bb - pmarg - bh;
+  clsh = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'popupmenu', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'String', {'ltpda_test'}, ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiDatabaseList', ...
+    'Callback', {'repogui2.cb_select_db', mainfig});
+  % get DBs button
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;  
+  pbh = uicontrol(htab,'Style','pushbutton',...
+    'String','Get DBs',...
+    'Callback', {'repogui2.cb_get_dbs', mainfig}, ...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
+  % db edit field
+  bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
+  th = uicontrol(htab, ...
+    'Style', 'edit', ...
+    'Units', 'normalized',...
+    'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'String', '', ...
+    'Position', [bl bb bw bh],...
+    'Tag', 'RepoguiDatabaseEdit');
+  % Connect button
+  bb = bb - 10*pmarg;
+  bl = 0.5-UseWidth/2;
+  bw = UseWidth;
+  pbh = uicontrol(htab,'Style','pushbutton',...
+    'String','Connect',...
+    'Callback', {'repogui2.cb_connect', mainfig}, ...
+    'Units', 'normalized', ...
+    'Fontsize', Gproperties.fontsize, ...
+    'Position',[bl bb bw 2*bh]);