diff m-toolbox/classes/@smodel/elementOp.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@smodel/elementOp.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+% ELEMENTOP applies the given operator to the input smodels.
+% DESCRIPTION: ELEMENTOP applies the given operator to the input smodels.
+% CALL:        a = elementOp(callerIsMethod, op, opname, opsym, infoObj, pl, fcnArgIn, varNames)
+% PARAMETERS:  op       - MATLAB operation name
+%              opname   - Name for displaying
+%              opsym    - Operation symbol
+%              infoObj  - minfo object
+%              pl       - default plist
+%              fcnArgIn - Input argument list of the calling fcn.
+%              varNames - Variable names of the input
+% VERSION:     $Id: elementOp.m,v 1.14 2011/05/10 20:43:09 mauro Exp $
+function varargout = elementOp(varargin)
+  import utils.const.*
+  % Settings
+  callerIsMethod = varargin{1};
+  op     = varargin{2};
+  opname = varargin{3};
+  opsym  = varargin{4};
+  infoObj = varargin{5};
+  pl      = varargin{6};
+  fcnArgIn = varargin{7};
+  varNames = varargin{8};
+  if numel(fcnArgIn) ~= 2 && numel(fcnArgIn) ~= 3
+    error('### ');
+  end
+  mdl1 = fcnArgIn{1};
+  mdl2 = fcnArgIn{2};
+  %%%%%%%%%%   Convert numbers into a symbolic model object   %%%%%%%%%%
+  if isnumeric(mdl1) || ischar(mdl1)
+    expr = mdl1;
+    varNames{1} = num2str(expr);
+    % Create an array with the same size of the second input
+    mdl1 = smodel.newarray(size(mdl2));
+    % Copy the object and replace the expression
+    for ii = 1:numel(mdl2)
+      mdl1(ii) = copy(mdl2(ii), true);
+      mdl1(ii).yunits = '';
+      mdl1(ii).expr = msym(expr);
+      % Do not duplicate yunits in case of product/division
+      if ~strcmpi(op, 'times') && ~strcmpi(op, 'rdivide')
+        mdl1(ii).yunits = mdl2(ii).yunits;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if isnumeric(mdl2) || ischar(mdl2)
+    expr = mdl2;
+    varNames{2} = num2str(expr);
+    % Create an array with the same size of the first input
+    mdl2 = smodel.newarray(size(mdl1));
+    % Copy the object and replace the expression
+    for ii = 1:numel(mdl1)
+      mdl2(ii) = copy(mdl1(ii), true);
+      mdl2(ii).yunits = '';
+      mdl2(ii).expr = msym(expr);
+      % Do not duplicate yunits in case of product/division
+      if ~strcmpi(op, 'times') && ~strcmpi(op, 'rdivide')
+        mdl2(ii).yunits = mdl1(ii).yunits;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  % Convert cdata aos into a smodel object
+  if isa(mdl2, 'ao')
+    if isa(mdl2.data, 'cdata') && numel(mdl2.data.y) == 1
+      expr = mdl2.y;
+      % Create an array with the same size of the first input
+      mdl2 = smodel.newarray(size(mdl1));
+      % Copy the object and replace the expression
+      for ii = 1:numel(mdl1)
+        mdl2(ii) = copy(mdl1(ii), true);
+        mdl2(ii).expr = msym(expr);
+      end
+    else
+      error('### It is not possible to apply %s to the two objects!', opname);
+    end
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%   If the first or second input is only one object then   %%%%%%%%%%
+  %%%%%%%%%%   resize the input to the size of the other object.      %%%%%%%%%%
+  if numel(mdl1) == 1 && numel(mdl1) ~= numel(mdl2)
+    mdl1(1:numel(mdl2)) = mdl1;
+    mdl1 = reshape(mdl1, size(mdl2));
+  end
+  if numel(mdl2) == 1 && numel(mdl2) ~= numel(mdl1)
+    mdl2(1:numel(mdl1)) = mdl2;
+    mdl2 = reshape(mdl2, size(mdl1));
+  end
+  if ~all(size(mdl1) == size(mdl2))
+    error('### The Input objects must have the same size. Size of model1 [%d %d], model2 [%d %d]', size(mdl1,1),  size(mdl1,2), size(mdl2,1), size(mdl2,2));
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%   Add each element inside the array   %%%%%%%%%%
+  mdl = smodel.newarray(size(mdl1));
+  for kk = 1:numel(mdl1)
+    switch opsym
+      case {'.*', '*'} 
+        if any(strcmp(mdl1(kk).expr.s, {'0','(0)'})) || any(strcmp(mdl2(kk).expr.s, {'0','(0)'}))
+          % 0*something = 0
+          mdl(kk).expr = msym(['0']);
+        else
+          mdl(kk).expr = msym(['(' mdl1(kk).expr.s ')' opsym '(' mdl2(kk).expr.s ')']);
+        end
+      case {'./', '/'}
+        if any(strcmp(mdl1(kk).expr.s, {'0','(0)'}))
+          % 0/something = 0
+          mdl(kk).expr = msym(['0']);
+        else
+          mdl(kk).expr = msym(['(' mdl1(kk).expr.s ')' opsym '(' mdl2(kk).expr.s ')']);
+        end
+      case '+'
+        if any(strcmp(mdl1(kk).expr.s, {'0','(0)'}))
+          % 0 + something = something
+          mdl(kk).expr = msym([mdl2(kk).expr.s]);
+        elseif any(strcmp(mdl2(kk).expr.s, {'0','(0)'}))
+          % something + 0 = something
+          mdl(kk).expr = msym([mdl1(kk).expr.s]);
+        else
+          mdl(kk).expr = msym(['(' mdl1(kk).expr.s ')' opsym '(' mdl2(kk).expr.s ')']);
+        end        
+      otherwise
+        mdl(kk).expr = msym(['(' mdl1(kk).expr.s ')' opsym '(' mdl2(kk).expr.s ')']);
+    end
+    mdl(kk).name = ['(' mdl1(kk).name ')' opsym '(' mdl2(kk).name ')'];
+    % Merge parameters, alias, xvar, tran fields
+    smodel.mergeFields(mdl1(kk), mdl2(kk), mdl(kk), 'params', 'values');
+    smodel.mergeFields(mdl1(kk), mdl2(kk), mdl(kk), 'aliasNames', 'aliasValues');
+    smodel.mergeFields(mdl1(kk), mdl2(kk), mdl(kk), 'xvar', 'xvals');
+    smodel.mergeFields(mdl1(kk), mdl2(kk), mdl(kk), 'xvar', 'xunits');
+    smodel.mergeFields(mdl1(kk), mdl2(kk), mdl(kk), 'xvar', 'trans');
+    % Take care of units
+    if strcmpi(op,'times')
+      mdl(kk).yunits = simplify(unit(unit(mdl1(kk).yunits).*unit(mdl2(kk).yunits)));
+    elseif strcmpi(op,'rdivide')
+      mdl(kk).yunits = simplify(unit(unit(mdl1(kk).yunits)./unit(mdl2(kk).yunits)));
+    else
+      mdl(kk).yunits = mdl1(kk).yunits;
+      if mdl1(kk).yunits ~= mdl2(kk).yunits
+        error('### Y units should be equal for %s', opname);
+      end
+    end
+    % Add history
+    if ~callerIsMethod
+      inname1 = varNames{1};
+      inname2 = varNames{2};
+      if numel(fcnArgIn{1}) > 1
+        [ii, jj] = ind2sub(size(fcnArgIn{1}), kk);
+        inname1 = sprintf('%s(%d,%d)', inname1, ii, jj);
+      end
+      if numel(fcnArgIn{2}) > 1
+        [ii, jj] = ind2sub(size(fcnArgIn{2}), kk);
+        inname2 = sprintf('%s(%d,%d)', inname2, ii, jj);
+      end
+      mdl(kk).addHistory(infoObj, pl, {inname1, inname2}, [mdl1(kk).hist mdl2(kk).hist]);
+    end
+  end
+  varargout{1} = mdl;