diff m-toolbox/classes/@smodel/eval.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@smodel/eval.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+% EVAL evaluates the symbolic model and returns an AO containing the numeric data.
+% DESCRIPTION: EVAL evaluates the symbolic model and returns an AO
+%              containing the numeric data.
+% CALL:        mdl = eval(mdl)
+% <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('smodel', 'eval')">Parameters Description</a>
+% VERSION:     $Id: eval.m,v 1.28 2011/07/11 05:17:37 mauro Exp $
+function varargout = eval(varargin)
+  % Check if this is a call for parameters
+  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+    return
+  end
+  % Collect input variable names
+  in_names = cell(size(varargin));
+  for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
+  % Collect all SMODELs
+  [mdl, mdl_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'smodel', in_names);  
+  if numel(mdl) ~= 1
+    error('### eval can only evaluate one model at a time.');
+  end
+  % Apply defaults to plist
+  pl = applyDefaults(getDefaultPlist(), varargin{:});  
+  % Put together the plist to build the AO
+  pl_ao = plist();
+  % get the output Y values
+  yout = mdl.double();
+  % get the output X values
+  xout = find(pl, 'output x');
+  % Check the X axis properties (values, type, units)
+  switch class(xout)
+    case 'ao'
+      % In this case, we just copy the object and change the values of the y field
+      bs = copy(xout, true);
+      % Set y values
+      bs.setY(yout);
+      % Clear the errors
+      bs.setDy([]);
+      % Set y units
+      bs.setYunits(mdl.yunits);
+    case 'double'
+      if ~isempty(xout)
+        % set the X values
+        if numel(xout) ~= numel(yout)
+          error('LTPDA:err:SizeMismatch', 'The ''y'' field of the destination object has different size than the input ''x'' values');
+        end
+        pl_ao.pset('xvals', xout);
+        % set the output X units
+        pl_ao.pset('xunits', find(pl, 'output xunits'));
+        % output object data type
+        data_type = find(pl, 'output type');
+        if isempty(data_type)
+          data_type = 'cdata';
+        end
+        pl_ao.pset('type', data_type);
+        switch data_type
+          case 'tsdata'
+            % set T0
+            pl_ao.pset('t0', find(pl, 't0'));
+          case {'fsdata', 'xydata'}
+            % nothing to do
+          case 'cdata'
+            % inconsistency
+            error('LTPDA:err:InfoMismatch', 'You set the [output x] property, but also specified class ''%s'' for the [output data] property', data_type);
+          otherwise
+            error('LTPDA:err:UnsupportedClass', 'Unsupported class ''%s'' for the [output data] property', data_type);
+        end
+        % set the Y values
+        pl_ao.pset('yvals', yout);
+      else
+        % No more info available on the object. Go for a cdata AO
+        % set the Y values
+        pl_ao.pset('vals', yout);
+      end
+      % Set Y units
+      pl_ao.pset('yunits', mdl.yunits);
+      % Build the AO
+      bs = ao(pl_ao);
+    otherwise
+      error('LTPDA:err:UnsupportedClass', 'Unsupported class ''%s'' for the [output x] property', class(xout));
+  end
+  % Set name
+  bs.setName(sprintf('eval(%s)', mdl.name));
+  % Add history
+  bs.addHistory(getInfo('None'), pl, mdl_invars, mdl.hist);
+  % Set output
+  varargout{1} = bs;
+% Get Info Object
+function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+    sets = {};
+    pl   = [];
+  else
+    sets = {'Default'};
+    pl   = getDefaultPlist();
+  end
+  % Build info object
+  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'smodel', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.helper, '$Id: eval.m,v 1.28 2011/07/11 05:17:37 mauro Exp $', sets, pl);
+  ii.setModifier(false);
+% Get Default Plist
+function plout = getDefaultPlist()
+  persistent pl;  
+  if ~exist('pl', 'var') || isempty(pl)
+    pl = buildplist();
+  end
+  plout = pl;  
+function pl = buildplist()
+  pl = plist();
+  % output type
+  pv = paramValue.DATA_TYPES;
+  % Add an 'empty' at the end of the list
+  pv{2} = [pv{2} {''}];
+  p = param({'output type',['Choose the output data type.<br>']}, pv);
+  p.val.setValIndex(1);
+  pl.append(p);
+  % output x
+  p = param({'output x', ['The X values for the output data ao. This can be:<ul>'...
+    '<li>a double vector </li>' ...
+    '<li>an ao, in this case the output is a copy of this object BUT the ''y'' field is calculated from the model</li></ul>' ...
+    ]}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+  pl.append(p);
+  % output Xunits
+  p = param({'output xunits','The X units for the output data ao'},  paramValue.STRING_VALUE(''));
+  pl.append(p);
+  % T0
+  p = param({'T0', ['The UTC time of the first sample. <br>' ...
+    'Note this applies only to the case where you specify ''output type'' to be ''tsdata''']}, {1, {'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
+  pl.append(p);