diff m-toolbox/classes/@ssm/doBode.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@ssm/doBode.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+% DOBODE makes a bode computation from the given inputs to outputs.
+% DESCRIPTION: makes a bode computation from all the inputs to all outputs.
+% CALL:    varargout = doBode(a, b, c, d, w, Ts)
+%         'sys' - ssm object
+%         'inputnames, statenames, outputnames'  - 3 cellstr
+%        'as' - array of output TFs containing the requested responses.
+function varargout = doBode(a, b, c, d, w, Ts)
+    f = w/(2*pi);
+    %% dealing with timestep
+    if(Ts ~= 0)
+        % Compute discrete freq:
+        f_disc = f*Ts;
+        % Compute z = e^jw (with w discrete)
+        z = exp(1i*2*pi*f_disc);
+    end
+    %% getting matrices properly ordered
+    %% stop warnings
+    s = warning;
+    warning('off','MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix'); % turn all warnings off
+    %% looping over SISO systems
+    Ni = size(b,2);
+    No = size(c,1);
+    G = zeros(No,Ni,length(f));
+    G2 = zeros(No,Ni,length(f));
+    %% compute responses
+    % To conserve accuracy, the system is transformed to Hessenberg form [1]
+    % Laub, A.J., "Efficient Multivariable Frequency Response Computations",
+    % IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-26 (1981), pp. 407-408
+    % This transformation leads to a faster resolution and at the
+    % same time to a more accurate and precise answer of C*(jw - A)^-1 *B + D
+    reduce_a = a;
+    reduce_c = c;
+    %% loop on inputs
+    if (Ts == 0)
+        for ii=1:Ni
+            reduce_b = b(:,ii);
+            reduce_d = d(:,ii);
+            [num,den] = ss2tf(reduce_a,reduce_b,reduce_c,reduce_d);
+            denr = polyval(den, 2*pi*1i*f);
+            for jj = 1:No
+                numr = polyval(num(jj,:), 2*pi*1i*f);
+                G(jj,ii,:) = numr./denr;
+            end
+        end
+    else
+        [T,H]=hess(reduce_a);
+        % Step 1:
+        P = reduce_c*T;
+        reduce_b = b(:,1:Ni);
+        reduce_d = d(1:No,1:Ni);
+        Q = T'*reduce_b;
+        I = eye(size(reduce_a));
+        %% time discrete
+        for ff = 1:length(f)
+            G(1:No,1:Ni,ff) = (P/(z(ff)*I - H))*(Q) + reduce_d;
+        end
+    end
+    %% execute warnings
+    [msg, msgid] = lastwarn;
+    if(strcmp(msgid,'MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix') == 1)
+        %warning('This frequency response may be unaccurate because the system matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.') %#ok<WNTAG>
+    end
+    warning(s)  % restore the warning state
+    %% output
+    varargout = {G};