diff m-toolbox/classes/@ssm/ssm.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
children a71a40911c27 bc767aaa99a8
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@ssm/ssm.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+% SSM statespace model class constructor.
+% DESCRIPTION: SSM statespace model class constructor.
+%       s = ssm()            - creates an empty statespace model
+%       s = ssm('a1.xml')    - creates a new statespace model by loading the
+%                              object from disk.
+%       s = ssm('a1.mat')    - creates a new statespace model by loading the
+%                              object from disk.
+%       a = ssm(plist)       - creates a statespace model from the description
+%                              given in the parameter list
+%       a = ssm(struct)      - creates a statespace model from the
+%                              structure returned by struct(ssm).
+% 1) Construct an SSM object by description:
+%                 name = 'sys';
+%                 statenames = {'ss1' 'ss2' 'ss3'};
+%                 inputnames = {'input1' 'input2' 'input3'};
+%                 outputnames = {'output1' 'output2' 'output3'};
+%                 timestep = 0;
+%                 params = plist({'omega', 'system frequency'}, 2);
+%                 amats = cell(3,3);
+%                 bmats = cell(3,3);
+%                 cmats = cell(3,3);
+%                 dmats = cell(3,3);
+%                 amats{1,1} = -(sym('omega'));
+%                 amats{2,2} = -2;
+%                 amats{3,3} = -3*eye(2);
+%                 amats{3,1} = [-1;-3];
+%                 bmats{1,1} = 1;
+%                 bmats{2,2} = 2;
+%                 bmats{3,3} = 3*eye(2);
+%                 cmats{1,1} = 1;
+%                 cmats{2,2} = 1;
+%                 cmats{3,3} = eye(2);
+%                 dmats{1,3} = [6 6];
+%                 dmats{2,1} = 6;
+%                 dmats{3,2} = [6;6];
+%                 sys = ssm(plist( ...
+%                   'amats',amats, 'bmats',bmats, 'cmats',cmats, 'dmats',dmats, ...
+%                   'timestep',timestep, 'name',name, 'params',params, ...
+%                   'statenames',statenames, 'inputnames',inputnames, 'outputnames',outputnames ));
+%     A shortcut (incomplete) syntax is : 
+%                sys = ssm( amats, bmats, cmats, dmats, timestep, name, params, ...
+%                           statenames, inputnames, outputnames )
+%     Also : 
+%                sys = ssm(miirObject);
+%                sys = ssm(rationalObject);
+%                sys = ssm(parfracObject);
+%     More complete call
+%                % here computation of the system's matrices, declaration
+%                % of parameters, some symbolic may be stored in the user
+%                % plist
+%                sys = struct
+%                SMD_W= 0.2;  SMD_C=0.5; SMD_S1=0; SMD_S2=0; SMD_B=1; SMD_D1=0;
+%                sys.params = plist;
+%                sys.amats    = {[0 1 ; -SMD_W*SMD_W -2*SMD_C*SMD_W]};
+%                sys.cmats    = {[1+SMD_S1 SMD_S2]};
+%                sys.bmats    = {[0;SMD_B] [0 0; 1 0]};
+%                sys.dmats    = {SMD_D1 [0 1]};
+%                sys.timestep = 0;
+%                sys.name = 'SRPINGMASSDAMPER';
+%                sys.description = 'standard spring-mass-damper test system';
+%                inputnames    = {'CMD' 'DIST_SMD'};
+%                inputdescription = {'force noise' 'observation noise'};
+%                inputvarnames = {{'F'} {'F' 'S'}};
+%                inputvarunits = {unit('kg m s^-2') [unit('kg m s^-2') unit('m')]};
+%                inputvardescription = [];
+%                ssnames    = {'SMD'};
+%                ssdescription = {'TM position and speed'};
+%                ssvarnames = {{'x' 'xdot'}};
+%                ssvarunits={[unit('m') unit('m s^-1')]};
+%                ssvardescription = [];
+%                outputnames    = {'SMD'};
+%                outputdescription = {'observed position'};
+%                outputvarnames ={{'OBS'}};
+%                outputvarunits={unit('m')};
+%                outputvardescription = [];
+%                %% Build ssmblocks
+%                sys.inputs = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithData(inputnames, inputdescription, inputvarnames, inputvarunits, inputvardescription);
+%                sys.outputs = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithData(outputnames, outputdescription, outputvarnames, outputvarunits, outputvardescription);
+%                sys.states =  ssmblock.makeBlocksWithData(ssnames, ssdescription, ssvarnames, ssvarunits, ssvardescription);
+%                %% plist constructors
+%                sys = ssm(plist( ...
+%                  'amats',sys.amats, 'bmats',sys.bmats, 'cmats',sys.cmats, 'dmats',sys.dmats, ...
+%                  'timestep',0, 'name','sys.name', 'inputs',sys.inputs, ...
+%                  'states', sys.states, 'outputs', sys.outputs));
+% <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ssm', 'ssm')">Parameters Description</a>
+% VERSION: $Id: ssm.m,v 1.199 2011/05/13 15:14:39 ingo Exp $
+classdef ssm < ltpda_uoh
+  %% -------- Public (read/write) Properties  -------
+  properties
+  end % End (read/write) Properties
+  %% -------- Private read-only Properties --------
+  properties (SetAccess = protected)
+    amats          = {}; % A matrix representing a difference/differential term in the state equation, block stored in a cell array
+    bmats          = {}; % B matrix representing an input coefficient matrix in the state equation, block stored in a cell array
+    cmats          = {}; % C matrix representing the state projection in the observation equation, block stored in a cell array
+    dmats          = {}; % D matrix representing the direct feed through term in the observation equation, block stored in a cell array
+    timestep       = 0; % Timestep of the difference equation. Zero means the representation is time continuous and A defines a differential equation.
+    inputs         = ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0); % ssmblock for input blocks
+    states         = ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0); % ssmblock  describing state blocks
+    outputs        = ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0); % ssmblock  describing the output blocks
+    numparams      = plist.initObjectWithSize(1,1); % nested plist describing the numeric (substituted) parameters
+    params         = plist.initObjectWithSize(1,1); % nested plist describing the symbolic parameters
+  end % End read only properties
+  %% -------- Dependant Properties ---------
+  properties (Dependent)
+    Ninputs  % Number of input-blocks, it is a double
+    inputsizes   % Size corresponding to each input-block in the B/D matrices. It is a double vector
+    Noutputs % Number of output-blocks, it is a double
+    outputsizes   % Size corresponding to each output-block in the C/D matrices. It is a double vector
+    Nstates  % Number of state-blocks, it is a double
+    statesizes   % Size corresponding to each state-block in the A/B/C matrices. It is a double vector
+    Nnumparams % number of parameters, a double;
+    Nparams  % number of parameters, a double;
+    isnumerical   % This binary tells whether the system has numerical content only, or symbolic as well
+  end
+  %% -------- Dependant Properties ---------
+  properties (Dependent, Hidden)
+    Nss  % Number of state-blocks, it is a double
+    sssizes % Size corresponding to each state-block in the A/B/C matrices. It is a double vector
+    inputnames % Cell array with input blocks names
+    inputvarnames % Embedded cell array with input ports names
+    ssnames % Cell array with states blocks names
+    ssvarnames % Embedded cell array with states ports names
+    statenames % Cell array with states blocks names
+    statevarnames % Embedded cell array with states ports names
+    outputnames % Cell array with output blocks names
+    outputvarnames % Embedded cell array with output ports names
+    paramnames % Cell array with input parameter names
+    paramvalues % Double array with input parameter values - may not work with new paramvalue class
+    numparamnames % Cell array with input parameter names
+    numparamvalues % Double array with input parameter values - may not work with new paramvalue class
+  end  %-------- Protected Properties ---------
+  %% -------- Dependant Properties Methods ------
+  methods
+    function value = get.Ninputs(obj)
+      value = size(obj.bmats,2);
+    end
+    function value = get.inputsizes(obj)
+      Ninputs = obj.Ninputs;
+      Nstates = obj.Nstates;
+      Noutputs = obj.Noutputs;
+      if Nstates==0 && Ninputs~=0 && Noutputs==0
+        error('This ssm has matrix sizes that make it impossible to determine the property inputsizes (0 states, 1+ inputs and 0 output)')
+      end
+      value = zeros(1, Ninputs);      
+      for k=1:Ninputs
+        % b matrix vertically
+        for p=1:Nstates
+          value(k) = size(obj.bmats{p,k} ,2);
+          if value(k)>0
+            break
+          end
+        end
+        % d matrix vertically
+        if value(k)==0
+          for p=1:Noutputs
+            value(k) = size(obj.dmats{p,k} ,2);
+            if value(k)>0
+              break
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    function value = get.Noutputs(obj)
+      value = size(obj.cmats,1);
+    end
+    function value = get.outputsizes(obj)
+      Ninputs = obj.Ninputs;
+      Nstates = obj.Nstates;
+      Noutputs = obj.Noutputs;
+      if Nstates==0 && Ninputs==0 && Noutputs~=0 
+        error('This ssm has matrix sizes that make it impossible to determine the property outputsizes (0 states, 0 input and 1+ outputs)')
+      end
+      value = zeros(1, Noutputs);
+      for k=1:Noutputs
+        % c matrix horizontally
+        for p=1:Nstates
+          value(k) = size(obj.cmats{k,p} ,1);
+          if value(k)>0
+            break
+          end
+        end
+        % d matrix horizontally
+        if value(k)==0
+          for p=1:Ninputs
+            value(k) = size(obj.dmats{k,p} ,1);
+            if value(k)>0
+              break
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    function value = get.Nstates(obj)
+      value = size(obj.amats,1);
+    end
+    function value = get.statesizes(obj)
+      Ninputs = obj.Ninputs;
+      Nstates = obj.Nstates;
+      Noutputs = obj.Noutputs;
+      value = zeros(1, Nstates);
+      for k=1:Nstates
+        % b matrix horizontally 
+        for p=1:Ninputs
+          value(k) = size(obj.bmats{k,p}, 1);
+          if value(k)>0
+            break
+          end
+        end
+        % a matrix horizontally
+        if value(k)==0
+          for p=1:Nstates
+            value(k) = size(obj.amats{k,p}, 1);
+            if value(k)>0
+              break
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        % a matrix vertically
+        if value(k)==0
+          for p=1:Nstates
+            value(k) = size(obj.amats{p,k}, 2);
+            if value(k)>0
+              break
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        % c matrix vertically
+        if value(k)==0
+          for p=1:Noutputs
+            value(k) = size(obj.cmats{p,k}, 2);
+            if value(k)>0
+              break
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    function value = get.Nss(obj)
+      value = obj.Nstates;
+    end
+    function value = get.sssizes(obj)
+      value = obj.statesizes;
+    end
+    function value = get.Nparams(obj)
+      value = obj.params.nparams;
+    end
+    function value = get.Nnumparams(obj)
+      value = obj.numparams.nparams;
+    end
+    function value = get.isnumerical(obj)
+      value = true;
+      for i=1:numel(obj.amats)
+        if ~isa(obj.amats{i}, 'double'),
+          value = false; return;
+        end
+      end
+      for i=1:numel(obj.bmats)
+        if ~isa(obj.bmats{i}, 'double')
+          value = false; return;
+        end
+      end
+      for i=1:numel(obj.cmats)
+        if ~isa(obj.cmats{i}, 'double')
+          value = false; return;
+        end
+      end
+      for i=1:numel(obj.dmats)
+        if ~isa(obj.dmats{i}, 'double')
+          value = false; return;
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    function names = get.inputnames(obj)
+      names = obj.inputs.blockNames;
+    end
+    function names = get.inputvarnames(obj)
+      names = obj.inputs.portNames;
+    end
+    function names = get.ssnames(obj)
+      names = obj.statenames;
+    end
+    function names = get.ssvarnames(obj)
+      names = obj.statevarnames;
+    end
+    function names = get.statenames(obj)
+      names = obj.states.blockNames;
+    end
+    function names = get.statevarnames(obj)
+      names = obj.states.portNames;
+    end
+    function names = get.outputnames(obj)
+      names = obj.outputs.blockNames;
+    end
+    function names = get.outputvarnames(obj)
+      names = obj.outputs.portNames;
+    end
+    function names = get.paramnames(obj)
+      Nparams = obj.params.nparams;
+      names = cell(1, Nparams);
+      for i=1:Nparams
+        names{i} = obj.params.params(i).key;
+      end
+    end
+    function values = get.paramvalues(obj)
+      Nparams = obj.params.nparams;
+      values = zeros(1, Nparams);
+      for i=1:Nparams
+        values(i) = obj.params.params(i).getVal;
+      end
+    end
+    function names = get.numparamnames(obj)
+      Nnumparams = obj.numparams.nparams;
+      names = cell(1, Nnumparams);
+      for i=1:Nnumparams
+        names{i} = obj.numparams.params(i).key;
+      end
+    end
+    function values = get.numparamvalues(obj)
+      Nnumparams = obj.numparams.nparams;
+      values = zeros(1, Nnumparams);
+      for i=1:Nnumparams
+        values(i) = obj.numparams.params(i).getVal;
+      end
+    end
+    function set.inputnames(obj, inputnames)
+      if ~obj.Ninputs == numel(inputnames)
+        error('### error : Input size is wrong')
+      end
+      if obj.Ninputs == numel(obj.inputs)
+        obj.inputs.setBlockNames(inputnames);
+      else
+        obj.inputs = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithSize(obj.inputsizes, inputnames);
+      end
+      % history to be added ?
+    end
+    function set.statenames(obj, statenames)
+      if ~obj.Nstates == numel(statenames)
+        error('### error : Input size is wrong')
+      end
+      if (obj.Nstates == numel(obj.states))
+        obj.states.setBlockNames(statenames);
+      else
+        obj.states = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithSize(obj.statesizes, statenames);
+      end
+      % history to be added ?
+    end
+    function set.outputnames(obj, outputnames)
+      if ~obj.Noutputs == numel(outputnames)
+        error('### error : Input size is wrong')
+      end
+      if obj.Noutputs == numel(obj.outputs)
+        obj.outputs.setBlockNames(outputnames);
+      else
+        obj.outputs = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithSize(obj.outputsizes, outputnames);
+      end
+      % history to be added ?
+    end
+    function set.ssnames(obj, ssnames)
+      obj.statenames = ssnames;
+    end
+  end
+  %% -------- constructor ------
+  methods(Access = public)
+    function s = ssm(varargin)
+      import utils.const.*
+      utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+      % Check the supported version
+      utils.helper.checkMatlabVersion;
+      % Initialize the properties to make sure that the pointer points to a
+      % new object.
+      s.numparams = plist();
+      s.numparams.setName('numparams');
+      s.params    = plist();
+      s.params.setName('params');
+      % empty constructor
+      if nargin == 0
+        %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm()   %%%%%%%%%%
+        s.addHistory(ssm.getInfo('ssm', 'None'), plist(), [], []);
+        return
+      end
+      % copy constructor
+      % Collect all ssm objects to check for copy constructor
+      sss = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ssm');
+      if ~isempty(sss)
+        %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(<ssm objects>)   %%%%%%%%%%
+        utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'copy constructor');
+        s = copy(sss, 1);
+        for kk=1:numel(s)
+          s(kk).addHistory(ssm.getInfo('ssm', 'None'), [], [], s(kk).hist);
+        end
+        return
+      end
+      % one input constructor
+      if (nargin == 1)
+        % constructor with one object
+        vin = varargin{1};
+        if any( strcmp(class(vin), {'pzmodel', 'rational', 'parfrac', 'struct', 'miir', 'ss' } ))
+          %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(<model object>)   %%%%%%%%%%
+          s = ssm(vin, plist);
+          return
+        end
+        % constructor from a plist with no object inside
+        %
+        % the object may only be validated in the constructor
+        % the history may only be added in the constructor
+        if isa(vin, 'plist')
+          %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(<empty plist>)   %%%%%%%%%%
+          if vin.nparams == 0              % empty constructor with a plist
+            utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'empty constructor %s', varargin{1}.name);
+            s.addHistory(ssm.getInfo('ssm', 'None'), vin, [], []);
+            return
+            %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(<plist with no model object inside>)   %%%%%%%%%%
+          elseif isparam(vin,'amats')      % construct from a plist description
+            utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructor from a description %s', varargin{1}.name);
+            s = ssm.ssmFromDescription(vin);
+            s.addHistory(ssm.getInfo('ssm', 'None'), vin, [], []);
+            return
+          elseif isparam(vin,'Built-in')   % Construct from built-in models
+            utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from Built-in model %s', varargin{1}.name);
+            vin.pset('Built-in', vin.find('Built-in'));
+            if isparam(vin, 'withparams')
+              error('The WITHPARAMS key has been changed to SYMBOLIC PARAMS. Please check your plist');
+            end
+            s = fromModel(s,vin);
+            s.validate; % validate when a new object is built            
+            return
+          elseif isparam(vin,'Hostname')   % Retrieve from repository
+            utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from repository %s', varargin{1}.name);
+            s = s.fromRepository(vin);
+            return
+          elseif isparam(vin,'Filename')   % filename constructor
+            utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from filename %s', varargin{1}.name);
+            s = s.fromFile(vin);
+            return
+            % constructor from a plist with an object inside
+            %
+            % the object is retrieved out of the plist and removed from the
+            % plist to make it lighter. The input is parsed to the ssm
+            % constructor with two inputs. History and validation are done in
+            % there.
+            % There is no message since it is displayed in the call to ssm
+            % later on
+            %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(<plist with model-object inside>)   %%%%%%%%%%
+          elseif isparam(vin,'pzmodel')
+            obj = find(vin, 'pzmodel');
+            vin.remove('pzmodel')
+          elseif isparam(vin,'rational')
+            obj = find(vin, 'rational');
+            vin.remove('rational')
+          elseif isparam(vin,'parfrac')
+            obj = find(vin, 'parfrac');
+            vin.remove('parfrac')
+          elseif isparam(vin,'struct')
+            obj = find(vin, 'struct');
+            vin.remove('struct')
+          elseif isparam(vin,'miir')
+            obj = find(vin, 'miir');
+            vin.remove('miir')
+          elseif isparam(vin,'ss')
+            obj = find(vin, 'ss');
+            vin.remove('ss')
+          else
+            display('###   Unknown ssm constructor could not find a valid parameter key  ###')
+            display('###   these are : ''Filename'' ''Built-in'' ''pzmodel'' ''miir'' ''amats''    ###')
+            display('###               ''Hostname'' ''rational'' ''struct'' ''ss''               ###')
+            error('');
+          end
+          s = ssm(obj, vin);
+          return
+        end
+        % constructor with an input string
+        if isa(vin, 'char')
+          %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(filename)   %%%%%%%%%%
+          s = ssm(plist('Filename', vin));
+          return
+        end
+        % in the worst case, try with the same input and a plist !? Not
+        % Yet (TBD)
+        display('###   Unknown ssm one-object constructor,  allowed object classes are:  ###')
+        display('###   ''plist'' ''pzmodel'' ''rational'' ''parfrac'' ''struct'' ''miir'' ''ss''        ###')
+        error('');
+      end
+      % two inputs constructors
+      switch nargin
+        case 2
+          obj = varargin{1};
+          pl = varargin{2};
+          if isa(pl, 'plist')
+            if isstruct(obj)
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(struct, plist)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'contructing from a structure');
+              s = fromStruct(s, obj);
+              doValidate = true;
+            elseif isa(obj, 'pzmodel')
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(pzmodel, plist)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from pzmodel %s', varargin{1}.name);
+              s = ssm.ssmFromPzmodel( obj, pl);
+              doValidate = true;
+            elseif isa(obj, 'miir')
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(miir, plist)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from miir %s', varargin{1}.name);
+              s = ssm.ssmFromMiir(obj, pl);
+              doValidate = true;
+            elseif isa(obj, 'ss')
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(ss, plist)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from ss %s', varargin{1}.name);
+              s = ssm.ssmFromss(obj, pl);
+              doValidate = true;
+            elseif isa(obj,'char') && pl.isparam('filename')
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(filename, plist)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from filename %s', varargin{1}.name);
+              filename = varargin{1};
+              s = s.fromFile(filename);
+              doValidate = false;
+            elseif isa(obj, 'rational')
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(rational, plist)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from rational %s', varargin{1}.name);
+              s = ssm.ssmFromRational(obj,pl);
+              doValidate = true;
+            elseif isa(obj, 'parfrac')
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(parFrac)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              s = ssm.ssmFromParfrac(obj, pl);
+              doValidate = true;
+            elseif isa(obj, 'ssm') && pl.nparams == 0
+              s = ssm(obj);
+            elseif isa(obj, 'plist')
+              % if for some reason we have two input plists, combine them.
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(plist, plist)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              s = ssm(obj.combine(plist));
+              return;
+            else
+              error(['### Error: ssm constructor cannot accept input of type : ',class(obj)]);
+            end
+            % Now validate this object
+            if doValidate
+              s.validate();
+            end
+          elseif (isa(varargin{1}, 'database') || isa(varargin{1}, 'mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection')) && isnumeric(varargin{2})
+            %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(<database-object>, [IDs])   %%%%%%%%%%
+            utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'retrieve from repository');
+            s = s.fromRepository(plist('conn', varargin{1}, 'id', varargin{2}));
+          elseif ischar(varargin{1})
+            %%%%%%%%%  s = ssm('str1', param1)   %%%%%%%%%%
+            s = ssm(plist(varargin{1},varargin{2}));
+            s.validate();
+          elseif isa(varargin{1}, 'org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredElementImpl') && ...
+                 isa(varargin{2}, 'history')
+            %%%%%%%%%%   obj = ssm(DOM node, history-objects)   %%%%%%%%%%
+            s = fromDom(s, varargin{1}, varargin{2});
+          else
+            error('### Unknown two parameter constructor.');
+          end
+          % contructor with more than 2 inputs, which cannot be the copy
+          % constructor (done at the beggining)
+        otherwise
+          if ischar(varargin{1})
+            %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm('str1', param1, 'str2', param2 ...)   %%%%%%%%%%
+            try
+              vin = plist(varargin{:});
+            catch
+              error('### Unknown constructor - ssm tried to make a plist with the constructor inputs, but it did not work.');
+            end
+            s = ssm(vin);
+          else % Try shortcut call with a description
+            try
+              %%%%%%%%%%  s = ssm(amats, bmats, cmats,...)   %%%%%%%%%%
+              utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'attempting building a description');
+              keynames = {'amats', 'bmats', 'cmats', 'dmats', 'timestep', 'name', 'params'...
+                'statenames', 'inputnames', 'outputnames' };
+              pli = plist;
+              for i=1:numel(keynames)
+                if i<=nargin
+                  pli.append( plist(keynames{i},varargin{i}) );
+                end
+              end
+              s = ssm(pli);
+            catch ME
+              error(ME.identifier, '### Unknown constructor with more than 2 arguments.');
+            end
+          end
+      end
+    end
+  end  % -------- constructor ------
+  %% -------- Declaration of hidden methods --------
+  methods (Hidden = true)
+    varargout = setA(varargin);
+    varargout = setB(varargin);
+    varargout = setC(varargin);
+    varargout = setD(varargin);
+    function clearNumParams(sys)
+      sys.numparams = plist;
+    end
+    function clearAllUnits(sys)
+      sys.inputs.clearAllUnits;
+      sys.states.clearAllUnits;
+      sys.outputs.clearAllUnits;
+    end
+    % completion and error check
+    varargout = validate(varargin)
+    % copying one ssm
+    varargout = copy(varargin)
+    % process system simplification
+    varargout = doSimplify(varargin)
+    % process parameter setting
+    varargout = doSetParameters(varargin)
+    % process parameter substitution
+    varargout = doSubsParameters(varargin)
+    % re-arrangement of ssm
+    sys = reshuffle(sys, inputs1, inputs2, inputs3,  states, outputs, outputStates)
+    % necessary for saving XML files
+    varargout = attachToDom(varargin)
+  end
+  %% -------- Declaration of Public Static methods --------
+  methods (Static=true, Access=public)
+    function mdls = getBuiltInModels(varargin)
+      mdls = ltpda_uo.getBuiltInModels('ssm');
+    end
+    function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+      ii = utils.helper.generic_getInfo(varargin{:}, 'ssm');
+    end
+    function out = VEROUT()
+      out = '$Id: ssm.m,v 1.199 2011/05/13 15:14:39 ingo Exp $';
+    end
+    function out = SETS()
+      out = [SETS@ltpda_uoh,  ...
+        {'From Description'}, ...
+        {'From Pzmodel'},     ...
+        {'From Miir'},        ...
+        {'From Rational'}];
+    end
+    function plout = getDefaultPlist(set)
+      persistent pl;
+      persistent lastset;
+      if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl) || ~strcmp(lastset, set)
+        pl = ssm.buildplist(set);
+        lastset = set;
+      end
+      plout = pl;
+    end
+    function pl = buildplist(set)
+      if ~utils.helper.ismember(lower(ssm.SETS), lower(set))
+        error('### Unknown set [%s]', set);
+      end
+      pl = plist();
+      pl = ssm.addGlobalKeys(pl);
+      pl = buildplist@ltpda_uoh(pl, set);
+      switch lower(set) % Select parameter set
+        case 'default'
+          % overide the default plist
+          pl = ssm.getDefaultPlist('From Description');
+        case 'from built-in model'
+          % Built-in
+          % This is inherited
+          pl = plist.FROM_BUILT_IN;
+          % withParams --> withparams changed to 'symbolic params'
+          p = param({'symbolic params',['Give a cell-array of parameter names to keep in the expression.<br>',...
+            'By default this is empty and the model will be returned fully numeric.',...
+            'You can also specify ''ALL'' to keep all parameters. Some models don''t support this',...
+            'option; see the specific help of the models for details.']}, {});
+          pl.append(p);
+          % SETNAMES --> setnames changed to 'param names'
+          p = param({'param names',['Cell-array of parameter names for user defined values.<br>',...
+            'This way, parameter values can be modified even if they are never used symbolically.']},{});
+          pl.append(p);
+          % SETVALUES --> setvalues changed to 'param values'
+          p = param({'param values','Array of parameter values for numerical substitutions.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+          pl.append(p);
+        case 'from description'
+          % States
+          p = param({'states','State space blocks.'}, ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0));
+          pl.append(p);
+          % Outputs
+          p = param({'outputs','Output blocks.'}, ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0));
+          pl.append(p);
+          % Inputs
+          p = param({'inputs','Input blocks.'}, ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0));
+          pl.append(p);
+          % Timestep
+          p = param({'timestep',['Timestep of the difference equation. Zero means '...
+            'the representation is time continuous' ]}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(0));
+          pl.append(p);
+          % AMATS
+          p = param({'amats',['A matrix representing a difference/differential term in the state equation.',...
+            'Specify as a cell-array of matrices.']},   cell(0,0));
+          pl.append(p);
+          % BMATS
+          p = param({'bmats',['B matrix representing an input coefficient matrix in the state equation.',...
+            'Specify as a cell-array of matrices.']},   cell(0,0));
+          pl.append(p);
+          % CMATS
+          p = param({'cmats',['C matrix representing the state projection in the observation equation.',...
+            'Specify as a cell-array of matrices.']},   cell(0,0));
+          pl.append(p);
+          % DMATS
+          p = param({'dmats',['D matrix representing the direct feed through term in the observation equation.',...
+            'Specify as a cell-array of matrices.']},   cell(0,0));
+          pl.append(p);
+          % Params
+          p = param({'params','Parameter data arrays.'}, {1, {plist}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
+          pl.append(p);
+        case 'from pzmodel'
+          p = param({'pzmodel','A pole/zero model object.'}, {1, {pzmodel}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
+          pl.append(p);
+        case 'from miir'
+          p = param({'miir','An IIR filter object (MIIR).'}, {1, {miir}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
+          pl.append(p);
+        case 'from rational'
+          p = param({'rational','A rational (transfer function) model object.'}, {1, {rational}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
+          pl.append(p);
+      end
+    end
+    function obj = initObjectWithSize(n,m)
+      obj = ssm.newarray([n m]);
+    end
+  end % End public static methods
+  %% -------- Declaration of public methods --------
+  methods
+    varargout = getParams(varargin)
+    varargout = setParams(varargin)
+    varargout = setBlockProperties(varargin)
+    varargout = setBlockNames(varargin)
+    varargout = setBlockDescriptions(varargin)
+    varargout = setPortProperties(varargin)
+    varargout = setPortNames(varargin)
+    varargout = setPortUnits(varargin)
+    varargout = setPortDescriptions(varargin)
+    % change timestep
+    varargout = modifyTimeStep(varargin)
+    % add, change and subsitute parameters
+    varargout = addParameters(varargin)
+    varargout = subsParameters(varargin)
+    varargout = setParameters(varargin)
+    varargout = keepParameters(varargin)
+    varargout = getParameters(varargin)
+    % copy one input block
+    varargout = duplicateInput(varargin)
+    % assemble systems
+    varargout = assemble(varargin)
+    % append systems
+    varargout = append(varargin)
+    % transform into a iir
+    varargout = ssm2miir(varargin)
+    % transform into a pzmodel
+    varargout = ssm2pzmodel(varargin)
+    % transform into ABCD doubles/symb
+    varargout = double(varargin)
+    % returns aos with impulse or step response
+    varargout = resp(varargin)
+    % returns aos with impulse or step response (uses control toolbox)
+    varargout = respcst(varargin)
+    % transform into a matlab ss object
+    varargout = ssm2ss(varargin)
+    % simulation
+    varargout = simulate(varargin)
+    % kalman filter
+    varargout = kalman(varargin)
+    % model simplification (variables)
+    varargout = simplify(varargin)
+    % char
+    varargout = char(varargin)
+    % display
+    varargout = display(varargin)
+    % give minimal realization
+    varargout = MinReal(varargin)
+    % give minimal systematic realization 
+    varargout = sMinReal(varargin)
+    % tells if ssm is stable
+    varargout = isStable(varargin)
+    % returns a value for steady state
+    varargout = steadyState(varargin)
+    % returns a value for the system's settling time
+    varargout = settlingTime(varargin)
+    % returns a system with output diferrenciated in regards with parameters
+    varargout = parameterDiff(varargin)
+    % returns the expected output spectrum of the ssm
+    varargout = PSD(varargin)
+    varargout = CPSD(varargin) % takes coupled inputs but does not return individual contributions
+    % fitting ssm parameters
+    varargout = ssmFit(varargin);
+    % reorganize ssm for simulation, PSD, BODE...
+    varargout = reorganize(varargin)
+    % display ports/plists
+    varargout = displayProperties(varargin)
+  end
+  methods (Access = private)
+  end
+  %% -------- Declaration of Hidden Static methods --------
+  methods (Static=true, Hidden=true)
+    % create from miir
+    varargout = ssmFromMiir(varargin)
+    % create from rational
+    varargout = ssmFromRational(varargin)
+    % create from parfrac object
+    varargout = ssmFromParfrac(varargin)
+    % create from ss
+    varargout = ssmFromss(varargin)
+    % create from plist
+    varargout = ssmFromDescription(varargin)
+    % create from pzmodel
+    varargout = ssmFromPzmodel(varargin)
+    % subroutines for block defined matrix calculus
+    a_out = blockMatRecut(a, rowsizes, colsizes)
+    a_out = blockMatFusion(a, rowsizes, colsizes)
+    c = blockMatMult(varargin)
+    a = blockMatAdd(varargin)
+    a = blockMatIndex(amats, blockIndex1, portIndex1, blockIndex2, portIndex2)
+    a = blockMatIndexSym(amats, blockIndex1, portIndex1, blockIndex2, portIndex2)
+    varargout = blockMatPrune(varargin)
+    a = blockMatFillDiag(a, isizes, jsizes)
+    varargout = loadobj(varargin)
+    varargout = update_struct(varargin)
+    % for built-in models
+    varargout = modelHelper_checkParameters(varargin)
+    varargout = modelHelper_processInputPlist(varargin)
+    [params, numParams] = modelHelper_declareParameters(pl, paramNames, paramValues, paramDescriptions, paramUnits)
+    modelHelper_introScript
+    varargout = buildParamPlist(names, value, description, units, pl);
+    % indexing in a matrix and I/o block arrays, with selection and
+    % permuation matrices
+    varargout = getMatrixSelection(blockMat, colSizes, oldColumns, newColumns, rowSizes, oldRows, newRows)
+    % Chi2 fitting computation
+    varargout = computeChiFit(varargin)
+    % simulation computation
+   [x, y, lastX] = doSimulate(varargin)
+   % bode computation
+    varargout = doBode(a, b, c, d, w, Ts)
+  end
+  methods (Access = protected)
+    varargout = fromStruct(varargin)
+    varargout = fromDom(varargin)
+  end
+end % End classdef