diff m-toolbox/html_help/help/ug/ltpda_training_topic_5_1.html @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
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+++ b/m-toolbox/html_help/help/ug/ltpda_training_topic_5_1.html	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
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+  <title>System identification in z-domain (LTPDA Toolbox)</title>
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+  <h1 class="title"><a name="f3-12899" id="f3-12899"></a>System identification in z-domain</h1>
+  <hr>
+  <p>
+	<p>
+  System identification in Z-domain is performed with the function <tt>ao/zDomainFit</tt>.
+  It is based on a modified version of the vector fitting algorithm that was
+  adapted to fit in the Z-domain. Details of the agorithm can be found in the
+  <a href="zdomainfit.html">Z-domain fit documentation page</a></li>.
+<h2> System identification in Z-domain </h2>
+  During this exercise we will:
+  <ol>
+    <li> Generate white noise
+    <li> Filter white noise with a <tt>miir</tt> filter generated by a <tt> pzmodel</tt>
+    <li> Extract the transfer function from data
+    <li> Fit the transfer function with <tt>ao/zDomainFit</tt>
+    <li> Check results
+  </ol>
+  Let's start by generating some white noise.
+<div class="fragment"><pre>
+    a = ao(plist(<span class="string">'tsfcn'</span>, <span class="string">'randn(size(t))'</span>, <span class="string">'fs'</span>, 1, <span class="string">'nsecs'</span>, 10000,<span class="string">'yunits'</span>,<span class="string">'m'</span>));
+  This command generates a time series of gaussian distributed random noise
+  with a sampling frequency (<span class="string">'fs'</span>) of 1 Hz,
+  10000 seconds long (<span class="string">'nsecs'</span>) and with
+  <span class="string">'yunits'</span> set to meters (<span class="string">'m'</span>).
+  Now we are ready to move on the second step where we will:
+  <ul>
+    <li> Build a pole-zero model (<tt>pzmodel</tt>)
+    <li> Construct a <tt>miir</tt> filter from the <tt>pzmodel</tt>
+    <li> filter white noise data with the <tt>miir</tt> filter in order to obtain a
+    colored noise time series.
+  </ul>
+<div class="fragment"><pre>
+    pzm = pzmodel(1, [0.005 2], [0.05 4]);
+    filt   = miir(pzm, plist(<span class="string">'fs'</span>, 1, <span class="string">'name'</span>, <span class="string">'None'</span>));
+    filt.setIunits(<span class="string">'m'</span>);
+    filt.setOunits(<span class="string">'V'</span>);
+    <span class="comment">% Filter the data</span>
+    ac = filter(a,filt);
+    ac.simplifyYunits;
+  We can calculate the PSD of the data streams in order to check the difference between the coloured noise and the
+  white noise. Let's choose the log-scale estimation method.
+<div class="fragment"><pre>
+    axx  = lpsd(a);
+    acxx = lpsd(ac);
+    iplot(axx,acxx)
+  You should obtain a plot similar to this:
+  <div align="center">
+    <IMG src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic5/ltpda_training_5_1_1.png"  align="center" border="0">
+  </div>
+  Let us move to the third step. We will generate the transfer function from the data
+  and split it in order to remove the first 3 bins. The last operation is useful
+  for the fitting process.
+<div class="fragment"><pre>
+    tf = ltfe(a,ac);
+    tfsp = split(tf,plist(<span class="string">'frequencies'</span>, [5e-4 5e-1]));
+    iplot(tf,tfsp)
+  The plot should look like the following:
+  <div align="center">
+    <IMG src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic5/ltpda_training_5_1_2.png"  align="center" border="0">
+  </div>
+  It is now the moment to start fitting with <tt>zDomainFit</tt>. As reported in the
+  function help page we can run an automatic search loop to identify proper model order.
+  In such a case we have to define a set of conditions to check fit accuracy and to exit the fitting loop.<br/>
+  We can start checking Mean Squared Error and variation (CONDTYPE = 'MSE').
+  It checks if the normalized mean squared error is lower than the value specified in the parameter FITTOL
+  and if the relative variation of the mean squared error is lower than the value specified in the parameter MSEVARTOL.
+  <p><!-- Table of the set: Default -->
+    <a name="1"/>
+    <table cellspacing="0" class="body" cellpadding="4" summary="" width="100%" border="2">
+      <colgroup>
+        <col width="15%"/>
+        <col width="20%"/>
+        <col width="20%"/>
+        <col width="45%"/>
+      </colgroup>
+      <thead>
+        <tr valign="top">
+          <th bgcolor="#B9C6DD" colspan="4"><h3>Default</h3></th>
+        </tr>
+        <tr valign="top">
+          <th bgcolor="#D7D7D7">Key</th>
+          <th bgcolor="#D7D7D7">Default Value</th>
+          <th bgcolor="#D7D7D7">Options</th>
+          <th bgcolor="#D7D7D7">Description</th>
+        </tr>
+      </thead>
+      <tbody>
+        <tr valign="top">
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">CONDTYPE</td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">'MSE'</td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
+            <ul>
+              <li><font color="#1111FF">'MSE'</font></li>
+              <li><font color="#1111FF">'RLD'</font></li>
+              <li><font color="#1111FF">'RSF'</font></li>
+            </ul>
+          </td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">Fit conditioning type. Admitted values are:
+            <ul>
+              <li>'MSE' Mean Squared Error and variation</li>
+              <li>'RLD' Log residuals difference and mean squared error variation</li>
+              <li>'RSF' Residuals spectral flatness and mean squared error variation</li>
+            </ul>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr valign="top">
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">FITTOL</td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">0.001</td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2"><i>none</i></td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">Fit tolerance.</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr valign="top">
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">MSEVARTOL</td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">0.01</td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2"><i>none</i></td>
+          <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">Mean Squared Error Variation - Check if the<br/>relative variation of the mean squared error is<br/>smaller than the value specified. This<br/>option is useful for finding the minimum of the Chi-squared.</td>
+        </tr>
+      </tbody>
+    </table>
+  </p>
+  <p>You will find a list of all Parameters of zDomainFit here: <a href="matlab:web(ao.getInfo('zDomainFit').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameter of zDomainFit</a></p>
+  Now let's run the fit:
+<div class="fragment"><pre>
+    <span class="comment">% Set up the parameters</span>
+    plfit = plist(<span class="string">'fs'</span>,1,...      <span class="comment">% Sampling frequency for the model filters</span>
+      <span class="string">'AutoSearch'</span>,<span class="string">'on'</span>,...       <span class="comment">% Automatically search for a good model</span>
+      <span class="string">'StartPolesOpt'</span>,<span class="string">'clog'</span>,...  <span class="comment">% Define the properties of the starting poles - complex distributed in the unitary circle</span>
+      <span class="string">'maxiter'</span>,50,...            <span class="comment">% Maximum number of iteration per model order</span>
+      <span class="string">'minorder'</span>,2,...            <span class="comment">% Minimum model order</span>
+      <span class="string">'maxorder'</span>,9,...            <span class="comment">% Maximum model order</span>
+      <span class="string">'weightparam'</span>,<span class="string">'abs'</span>,...     <span class="comment">% Assign weights as 1./abs(data)</span>
+      <span class="string">'condtype'</span>,<span class="string">'MSE'</span>,...        <span class="comment">% Mean Squared Error and variation</span>
+      <span class="string">'fittol'</span>,1e-2,...           <span class="comment">% Fit tolerance</span>
+      <span class="string">'msevartol'</span>,1e-1,...        <span class="comment">% Mean Squared Error Variation tolerance</span>
+      <span class="string">'Plot'</span>,<span class="string">'on'</span>,...             <span class="comment">% Set the plot on or off</span>
+      <span class="string">'ForceStability'</span>,<span class="string">'on'</span>,...   <span class="comment">% Force to output a stable poles model</span>
+      <span class="string">'CheckProgress'</span>,<span class="string">'off'</span>);     <span class="comment">% Display fitting progress on the command window</span>
+    <span class="comment">% Do the fit</span>
+    fobj = zDomainFit(tfsp,plfit);
+    <span class="comment">% Set the input and output units for fitted model</span>
+    fobj.setIunits(<span class="string">'m'</span>);
+    fobj.setOunits(<span class="string">'V'</span>);
+  When <span class="string">'Plot'</span> parameter is set to <span class="string">'on'</span>
+  the function plots the fit progress.
+  <div align="center">
+    <IMG src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic5/ltpda_training_5_1_3.png"  align="center" border="0">
+  </div>
+  <p>
+    We can now check the result of our fitting procedures.
+    We calculate the frequency response of the fitted models (filters) and compare them
+    with the starting IIR filter response, then we will plot the percentage error on the filters magnitudes.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    Note that the result of the fitting procedure is a <tt>matrix</tt> object containing a <tt>filterbank</tt> object,
+  which itself contains a parallel bank of 3 IIR filters.
+    <p>
+    Note that at the moment we need to access the individual filter objects inside the <tt>matrix</tt> object that was the result of the fitting procedure.</p>
+<div class="fragment"><pre>
+    <span class="comment">% set plist for filter response</span>
+    plrsp = plist(<span class="string">'bank'</span>,<span class="string">'parallel'</span>,<span class="string">'f1'</span>,1e-5,<span class="string">'f2'</span>,0.5,<span class="string">'nf'</span>,100,<span class="string">'scale'</span>,<span class="string">'log'</span>);
+    <span class="comment">% compute the response of the original noise-shape filter</span>
+    rfilt = resp(filt,plrsp);
+    rfilt.setName;
+    <span class="comment">% compute the response of our fitted filter bank</span>
+    rfobj = resp(fobj.filters,plrsp);
+    rfobj.setName;
+    <span class="comment">% compare the responses</span>
+    iplot(rfilt,rfobj)
+    <span class="comment">% and the percentage error on the magnitude</span>
+    pdiff = 100.*abs((rfobj-rfilt)./rfilt);
+    pdiff.simplifyYunits;
+    iplot(pdiff,plist(<span class="string">'YRanges'</span>,[1e-2 100]))
+  The first plot shows the response of the original filter and the fitted filter bank,
+  whereas the second plot reports the percentage difference between fitted model and target filter magnitude. <br/>
+  As can be seen, the difference between filters magnitude is at most 10%.
+  <div align="center">
+    <IMG src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic5/ltpda_training_5_1_4.png" align="center" border="0">
+  </div>
+  <div align="center">
+    <IMG src="images/ltpda_training_1/topic5/ltpda_training_5_1_5.png" align="center" border="0">
+  </div>
+  </p>
+  <br>
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+      <td align="right">Generation of noise with given PSD</td>
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