diff m-toolbox/m/MakeContents.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/MakeContents.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+function MakeContents(toolbox_name, version_str)
+% MAKECONTENTS makes Contents file in current working directory and subdirectories
+% DESCRIPTION: MAKECONTENTS makes Contents file in current working directory and
+%              subdirectories. MakeContents creates a standard "Contents.m" file
+%              in the current directory by assembling the first comment (H1)
+%              line in each function found in the current working directory. The
+%              Contents file in the mean directory will also contain the H1
+%              comments from the files in the subdirectories.
+%              MakeContents create also Contents files in the subdirectories with
+%              the H1 comments of the files in this subdirectories.
+% CALL:        MakeContents('toolbox_name', 'Version xxx dd-mmm-yyyy');
+%              MakeContents('ltpda', '0.2 (R2007a) 21-May-2007');
+% H1 COMMENT   Function name in upper case letter (optional) plus the description
+% DEFINITION:  e.g.: FUNCTION_NAME (optional) description
+% VERSION:     $Id: MakeContents.m,v 1.10 2008/07/31 18:41:53 ingo Exp $
+% HISTORY: 05-06-2007 Diepholz
+%             Creation
+%% set default variables
+if nargin < 1
+  toolbox_name = 'no toolbox name';
+if nargin < 2
+  flags       = '';
+  version_str = 'no version number';
+contents_file = 'Contents.m';
+percent_line(1:80) = '%';
+header        = ['% Toolbox        ' toolbox_name];
+version       = ['% Version        ' version_str];
+contents_path = ['% Contents path  ' pwd];
+fcontents_main = fopen(contents_file,'w');
+fprintf(fcontents_main, '%% %s Toolbox\n', toolbox_name);
+fprintf(fcontents_main, '%% Version %s\n', version_str);
+fprintf(fcontents_main, '%s\n%%\n', percent_line);
+fprintf(fcontents_main, '%s\n%%\n', header);
+fprintf(fcontents_main, '%s\n%%\n',version);
+fprintf(fcontents_main, '%s\n%%\n%%\n',contents_path);
+do_list('.', fcontents_main);
+fclose (fcontents_main);
+%% Subfunction
+function do_list(path_in, fcontents_main)
+% DESCRIPTION: DO_LIST go recursive through the directories and create the
+%              standart Contents "Contents.m" file.
+% CALL:        do_list('starting_directory',  file_identifier);
+%              do_list('.', fcontents_main);
+% H1 COMMENT   Function name in upper case letter (optional) plus the description
+% DEFINITION:  FUNCTION_NAME (optional) description
+% VERSION:     $Id: MakeContents.m,v 1.10 2008/07/31 18:41:53 ingo Exp $
+% HISTORY: 05-06-2007 Diepholz
+%             Creation
+%% Define directory list and m-file list
+dirlist  = dir(path_in);
+dir_i    = [dirlist.isdir];
+dirnames = {dirlist(dir_i).name};
+% remove . and .. from directory list
+dirnames = dirnames(~(strcmp('.', dirnames) | strcmp('..', dirnames)));
+filenames = {dirlist(~dir_i).name};
+mfiles = {};
+% Find .m files, excluding Contents file
+for f = 1:length(filenames)
+  fname = filenames{f};
+  [pathstr,name,ext] = fileparts(fname);
+  if length(fname) > 2              && ...
+     strcmp(ext, '.m')              && ...
+     ~strcmpi('contents.m', fname)
+    mfiles = [mfiles {fname}];
+  end
+%% Define the print directory
+if strcmp(path_in, '.')
+  print_dir = '';
+  % Remove the './' from the path_in
+  print_dir = [path_in(3:end) filesep];
+%% Create Contents.m files in the current search path
+fcontents     = [];
+contents_file = 'Contents.m';
+if ~strcmp(path_in, '.') && ~isempty(mfiles)
+  fcontents = fopen([path_in filesep contents_file], 'w');
+% Remove 'classes/@' from print_dir
+% hint: Matlab have a problem to display a class path by using a relative path
+if length (print_dir) > 8 && strcmp(print_dir(1:9), 'classes/@')
+  print_dir = print_dir(10:end);
+  header = ['%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   class: ' ...
+             print_dir(1:end-1)              ...
+            '   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'];
+  header = ['%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   path: ' ...
+             print_dir(1:end-1)              ...
+            '   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'];
+if ~isempty(mfiles)
+  fprintf (fcontents_main, '%s\n%%\n', header);
+  if ~isempty(fcontents)
+    fprintf (fcontents     , '%s\n%%\n', header);
+  end
+maxlen = size(char(mfiles),2) + length(print_dir);
+%% Each m-file in the directory
+for i = 1:length(mfiles)
+  %% Open the mfile to get the H1 line
+  mfile = mfiles{i};
+  fid=fopen(fullfile(path_in, mfile),'r');
+  if fid == -1
+     error(['Could not open file: ' fullfile(path_in, mfile)]);
+  end
+%   line = '';
+%   while(isempty(line))
+%     line = fgetl(fid);
+%   end
+%   % Remove leading and trailing white spaces
+%   line = strtrim(line);
+%   if length(line) > 7  && strcmp(line(1:8),'function') == 1,
+    found = 0;
+    while found < 1 && feof(fid)==0;
+      line = fgetl(fid);
+      %% End of file is reached
+      if feof(fid)==1
+        fn = [print_dir strtok(mfile,'.')];
+        n  = maxlen - length(fn) - 1;
+        line = ['%   ' fn blanks(n) '- (No help available)'];
+        fprintf(fcontents_main,'%s\n',line);
+        if ~isempty(fcontents)
+          fprintf(fcontents     ,'%s\n',line);
+        end
+      elseif ~isempty(line)
+        if ~isempty(findstr(line,'%'))
+          found = found + 1;
+          rr=line(2:length(line));
+          % Remove leading and trailing white spaces
+          rr = strtrim(rr);
+          % get first word
+          [tt,rr2]=strtok(line(2:length(line)));
+          % Is first word equal to the m-file then remove it
+          if findstr (lower(mfile), lower(tt))
+            rr = rr2;
+          end
+          if isempty(rr)
+            rr = '(No help available)';
+          end
+          fn = [print_dir strtok(mfile,'.')];
+          asd = ['<a href="matlab:help ' fn '">' fn '</a>'];
+          n = maxlen - length(fn) - 1;
+          line = ['%   ' asd blanks(n) '- ' rr];
+          fprintf(fcontents_main,'%s\n',line);
+          if ~isempty(fcontents)
+            fprintf(fcontents     ,'%s\n',line);
+          end
+        end % if ~isempty
+      end % if length
+    end % while
+%   end % if strcmp
+  fclose(fid);
+end % for
+if ~isempty(mfiles)
+  fprintf(fcontents_main,'%%\n%%\n');
+if ~isempty(fcontents)
+  fclose (fcontents);
+%% recurse down directory tree
+for d = 1:length(dirnames)
+  do_list(fullfile(path_in, dirnames{d}), fcontents_main);