diff m-toolbox/m/etc/ltpda_startup.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
children ce4df2e95a55
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/etc/ltpda_startup.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+% This is the startup file for ltpda. It should be run once in the MATLAB
+% session before using any features of ltpda. The best way to ensure this
+% is to create a file called startup.m and put this somewhere in your
+% MATLAB path. In this file you should have the command 'ltpda_startup'.
+% M Hewitson 16-03-07
+% $Id: ltpda_startup.m,v 1.94 2011/07/05 06:25:21 mauro Exp $
+function ltpda_startup
+  % For the case that the user calls 'ltpda_startup' in his current MATLAB
+  % session again it is necessary to destroy ALL java objects.
+  setappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences', []);
+  % Remove the repository manager
+  rm = getappdata(0, 'LTPDARepositoryManager');
+  if ~isempty(rm)
+    delete(rm);
+  end
+  setappdata(0, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', []);
+  clear java
+  clear classes
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % If the mex files of LTPDA are not working on your system, you can
+  % recompile them by setting this flag to 1 then run ltpda_startup. After
+  % compilation, set it back to 0.
+  %
+  % This is often required on Linux machines due to the difficulties of
+  % distributing mex files on Linux.
+  %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Decide if using or not the LTPDA print and plot settings
+  USE_LTPDA_PLOT = false;
+  USE_LTPDA_PRINT = false;
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  v = ver('LTPDA');
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % format of numbers on MATLAB terminal
+  format long g
+  % ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % MySQL LTPDA Repository Server Settings
+  %
+  DBDRIVER = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver';   % Set LTPDA Repository database driver
+  %------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % JAVA extensions
+  % Add all jar files in 'ltpda_toolbox/ltpda/jar' to path
+  jardir = fullfile(fileparts(which('ltpda_startup')), '..', '..', 'jar');
+  jars = dir(jardir);
+  for c = 1:numel(jars)
+    s = jars(c);
+    [path, name, ext] = fileparts(s.name);
+    if strcmp(ext, '.jar')
+      javaaddpath(fullfile(jardir, s.name));
+    end
+  end
+  % Add all jar files in 'ltpda_toolbox/ltpda/jar/lib' to path
+  jardir = fullfile(fileparts(which('ltpda_startup')), '..', '..', 'jar', 'lib');
+  jars = dir(jardir);
+  for c = 1:numel(jars)
+    s = jars(c);
+    [path, name, ext] = fileparts(s.name);
+    if strcmp(ext, '.jar')
+      javaaddpath(fullfile(jardir, s.name));
+    end
+  end
+  % Add all jar files in extension modules to path
+  installExtensionJarFiles;
+  % ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % General Variables
+  setappdata(0, 'xmlsetsize', 50000); % Max size of an xml data set <Set></Set>
+  setappdata(0, 'ltpda_default_plot_colors', { ...
+    [0 0 1],     ...  % 'b'
+    [1 0 0],     ...  % 'r'
+    [0 1 0],     ...  % 'g'
+    [0 0 0],     ...  % 'k'
+    [0 1 1],     ...  % 'c'
+    [1 0 1],     ...  % 'm'
+    [0.565 0.247 0.667],     ...  % pink
+    [0.722 0.420 0.274],     ...   % siena
+    [0.659 0.541 0.000],     ...   % ocra
+    [1 0.604 0.208],     ...   % orange
+    [0.502 0.502 0.502],     ...   % dark grey
+    [0.733 0.824 0.082],     ...   % ill green
+    [0.318 0.557 0.675],     ...   % cobalto
+    [0.8 0.2 0.2],     ...
+    [0.2 0.2 0.8],     ...
+    [0.2 0.9 0.2],     ...
+    [0.37 0.9 0.83],   ...
+    [0.888 0.163 0.9], ...
+    [0 0 0],           ...
+    [0 207 255]/255,   ...
+    [255 128 0]/255,   ...
+    [143 0 0]/255,     ...
+    [255 207 0]/255,   ...
+    [0.9 0.266 0.593]});
+  % ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Version Variables
+  NOT_INSTALLED = 'Not installed';
+  matlab_version = NOT_INSTALLED;
+  sigproc_version = NOT_INSTALLED;
+  symbolic_math_version = NOT_INSTALLED;
+  optimization_version = NOT_INSTALLED;
+  database_version = NOT_INSTALLED;
+  control_version = NOT_INSTALLED;
+  statistics_version = NOT_INSTALLED;
+  ltpda_version = NOT_INSTALLED;
+  vs = ver;
+  for jj = 1:length(vs)
+    v = vs(jj);
+    switch v.Name
+      case 'MATLAB'
+        matlab_version = [v.Version ' ' v.Release];
+      case 'Signal Processing Toolbox'
+        sigproc_version = [v.Version ' ' v.Release];
+      case 'Symbolic Math Toolbox'
+        symbolic_math_version = [v.Version ' ' v.Release];
+      case 'Optimization Toolbox'
+        optimization_version = [v.Version ' ' v.Release];
+      case 'Database Toolbox'
+        database_version = [v.Version ' ' v.Release];
+      case 'Control System Toolbox'
+        control_version = [v.Version ' ' v.Release];
+      case 'Statistics Toolbox'
+        statistics_version = [v.Version ' ' v.Release];
+      case 'LTPDA Toolbox'
+        ltpda_version = [v.Version ' ' v.Release];
+    end
+  end
+  setappdata(0, 'matlab_version', matlab_version);
+  setappdata(0, 'sigproc_version', sigproc_version);
+  setappdata(0, 'symbolic_math_version', symbolic_math_version);
+  setappdata(0, 'optimization_version', optimization_version);
+  setappdata(0, 'database_version', database_version);
+  setappdata(0, 'control_version', control_version);
+  setappdata(0, 'statistics_version', statistics_version);
+  setappdata(0, 'ltpda_version', ltpda_version);
+  setappdata(0, 'ltpda_required_matlab_version', '7.6');
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % do we need to compile mex files?
+    currdir = pwd;
+    [path, name, ext, vers] = fileparts(which('ltpda_startup'));
+    parts = regexp(path, 'ltpda/',  'split');
+    cd(fullfile(parts{1}, 'ltpda', 'src'));
+    compileAll;
+    cd(currdir);
+  end
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Start matlab pool if parallel toolbox is installed
+  if exist('parfor', 'builtin')==5 && exist('matlabpool','file')==2
+    %     try
+    %       matlabpool open 2
+    %     end
+  end
+  % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %  import some things
+  import utils.const.*
+  % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  %  Launch some things
+  %   ltpdalauncher;
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Check and load user parameters
+  %
+  loadPrefs;
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % set page properties for printing
+    set(0, 'DefaultFigurePaperOrientation','landscape');
+    set(0, 'DefaultFigurePaperType','A4');
+    set(0, 'DefaultFigurePaperUnits', 'centimeters');
+    set(0, 'DefaultFigurePaperPositionMode', 'manual');
+    set(0, 'DefaultFigurePaperPosition', [3.56 2.03 22.56 16.92]);
+  end
+  % ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Backup MATLAB's plot settings
+  utils.plottools.backupDefaultPlotSettings();
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Plot settings
+    set(0, 'DefaultAxesXColor', [0 0 0]);
+    set(0, 'DefaultAxesYColor', [0 0 0]);
+    set(0, 'defaultfigurenumbertitle', 'on');
+    set(0, 'DefaultFigureColor', 'w');
+    set(0, 'DefaultFigurePosition', [0 0 1200 700]);
+    set(0, 'DefaultAxesPosition', [0.13 0.15 0.775 0.75]);
+  end
+  % Add user model paths
+  prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+  searchPaths = prefs.getModelsPrefs.getSearchPaths;
+  for jj = 1:searchPaths.size()
+    addpath(genpath(char(searchPaths.get(jj-1))));
+  end
+  % Install extensions
+  utils.helper.installExtensions;
+  %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  % Activate correct helptoc.xml file (depending on MATLAB version)
+  % Define MATLAB helptoc version
+  matlabRelease = version('-release');
+  switch matlabRelease
+    case {'2008a', '2008b', '2009a'}
+      matlabRelease = 'R2009a';
+    case '2009b'
+      matlabRelease = 'R2009b';
+    case '2010a'
+      matlabRelease = 'R2010a';
+    otherwise
+      matlabRelease = 'R2010a';
+  end
+  % Get info.xml path
+  infoPath = which('info.xml');
+  [infoLocation, infoName, infoExt] = fileparts(infoPath);
+  % read info.xml file in order to get the helptoc.xml path
+  infoXML = xmlread('info.xml');
+  tbNameNode = infoXML.getElementsByTagName('name');
+  tbName = tbNameNode.item(0).getFirstChild.getData;
+  if strcmp(tbName, 'LTPDA')
+    helpLocationNodes = infoXML.getElementsByTagName('help_location');
+    helpLocation = char(helpLocationNodes.item(0).getFirstChild.getTextContent);
+  else % Otherwise error out
+    error('Can not find info.xml file for My Toolbox');
+  end
+  helptocLocation = fullfile(infoLocation, helpLocation);
+  helptocSource = fullfile(helptocLocation, strcat('helptoc', matlabRelease, '.xml'));
+  helptocDest   = fullfile(helptocLocation, 'helptoc.xml');
+  copyfile(helptocSource, helptocDest);
+  % Set LTPDA Root dir
+  ltpdaroot = strrep(which('ao'), fullfile('ltpda', 'classes', '@ao', 'ao.m'), '');
+  setappdata(0, 'LTPDAROOT', ltpdaroot);
+  % Show logo
+  showLogo();
+  % Now we need to clear in order to register the newly install class
+  % methods coming from the extensions
+  mc;
+  % ---- Start Repository Manager
+  LTPDARepositoryManager;
+function installExtensionJarFiles
+  % We'll need to get all the users extension modules to look for jar
+  % files.
+  v = ver('LTPDA');
+  nv = utils.helper.ver2num(v(1).Version);
+  prefs = mpipeline.ltpdapreferences.LTPDAPreferences.loadFromDisk(LTPDAprefs.preffile, nv);
+  jextPaths = prefs.getExtensionsPrefs.getSearchPaths;
+  setappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences', []);
+  clear prefs;    
+  extPaths = [];
+  for kk=0:jextPaths.size-1
+    extPaths = [extPaths {char(jextPaths.get(kk))}];
+  end
+  clear jextPaths;
+  for kk=1:numel(extPaths)
+    p = extPaths{kk};
+    files = dir(fullfile(p, 'jar'));
+    for ff=1:numel(files)
+      f = files(ff);
+      [path, name, ext] = fileparts(f.name);
+      if strcmp(ext, '.jar')
+        javaaddpath(fullfile(p, 'jar', f.name));
+      end
+    end
+  end  
+function loadPrefs
+  if exist(LTPDAprefs.preffile, 'file') == 2
+    % we just go ahead
+    LTPDAprefs.loadPrefs;
+  else
+    % Check for old prefs file
+    if exist(LTPDAprefs.oldpreffile, 'file') == 2
+      % load it
+      pl = plist(LTPDAprefs.oldpreffile);
+      % Now make a new preferences file
+      LTPDAprefs.loadPrefs;
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+      prefs = LTPDAprefs.upgradeFromPlist(prefs, pl);
+      prefs.writeToDisk;
+    else
+      % Copy the default preferences file to MATLAB's preference directory.
+      defPrefsFile = fullfile(fileparts(which('ltpda_startup')), 'ltpda_prefs2.xml');
+      copyfile(defPrefsFile, prefdir() );
+      % Build the default prefs
+      LTPDAprefs.loadPrefs;
+      % Show a GUI to allow the user to edit the prefs for the first time
+      LTPDAprefs;
+    end
+  end
+function showLogo()
+  v = ver('LTPDA');
+  logo = {...
+    '                                        ',...
+    '                  ****                  ',...
+    '                   **                   ',...
+    '              -------------             ',...
+    '          ////       /     \\\\         ',...
+    '       ///          /          \\\      ',...
+    '      |            /              |     ',...
+    '  ** |    +----+  /      +----+    | ** ',...
+    '  ***|    |    |//-------|    |    |*** ',...
+    '  ** |    +----+        /+----+    | ** ',...
+    '      |                /          |     ',...
+    '       \\\            /        ///      ',...
+    '          \\\\      //     ////         ',...
+    '              -------------             ',...
+    '                   **                   ',...
+    '                  ****                  ',...
+    };
+  l1 = '+----------------------------------------------------+';
+  ll = length(l1);
+  disp(l1);
+  disp('|                                                    |')
+  for jj = 1:length(logo)
+    disp([utils.prog.strpad(sprintf('|      %s  ', char(logo{jj})), ll-1) '|']);
+  end
+  disp([utils.prog.strpad('|', ll-1) '|'])
+  disp([utils.prog.strpad(sprintf('|          Welcome to the %s', v.Name), ll-1) '|'])
+  disp([utils.prog.strpad('|', ll-1) '|'])
+  disp([utils.prog.strpad(sprintf('|                 Version: %s', v.Version), ll-1) '|'])
+  disp([utils.prog.strpad(sprintf('|                 Release: %s', v.Release), ll-1) '|'])
+  disp([utils.prog.strpad(sprintf('|                    Date: %s', v.Date), ll-1) '|'])
+  disp([utils.prog.strpad('|', ll-1) '|'])
+  disp(l1);
+% END