diff m-toolbox/m/gui/constructor_helper/ltpda_constructor_helper.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/gui/constructor_helper/ltpda_constructor_helper.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+function varargout = ltpda_constructor_helper(varargin)
+% LTPDA_CONSTRUCTOR_HELPER allows the user to explore object constructors.
+% DESCRIPTION: LTPDA_CONSTRUCTOR_HELPER allows the user to explore object constructors.
+% CALL:        ltpda_constructor_helper
+% VERSION:     $Id: ltpda_constructor_helper.m,v 1.4 2008/06/20 10:51:55 hewitson Exp $
+% HISTORY: 07-03-08 M Hewitson
+%             Creation
+%% Check if I exist already
+id = findobj('Tag', 'LTPDAconstructor_helper');
+if ~isempty(id)
+  figure(id)
+  return
+%% Some initial setup
+Gproperties.Gcol    = [240 240 240]/255;
+Gproperties.Gwidth  = 500;
+Gproperties.Gheight = 300;
+Gproperties.Gborder = 10;
+fontsize = getappdata(0, 'ltpda_repo_gui_fontsize');
+Gproperties.Screen   = get(0,'screensize');
+Gproperties.Gposition = [150 ...
+  150 ...
+  Gproperties.Gwidth...
+  Gproperties.Gheight];
+%  Initialize and hide the GUI as it is being constructed.
+mainfig = figure('Name', 'LTPDA Constructor Helper',...
+  'NumberTitle', 'off',...
+  'Visible','off',...
+  'Position',Gproperties.Gposition,...
+  'Color', Gproperties.Gcol,...
+  'Resize', 'off',...
+  'ToolBar',      'none',           ...
+  'NextPlot',     'new',            ...
+  'MenuBar', 'none',...
+  'Tag', 'LTPDAconstructor_helper');
+% Set mainfig callbacks
+set(mainfig, 'CloseRequestFcn', {@ltpda_constructor_helper_close, mainfig});
+% Set Application data
+setappdata(mainfig, 'Gproperties', Gproperties);
+%% GUI parts
+%--- Class selection
+% text field
+sth = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','text',...
+  'String','Class',...
+  'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+  'BackgroundColor', Gproperties.Gcol, ...
+  'Position',[10 Gproperties.Gheight-40 50 25]);
+% pop-up dialog
+pmh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','popupmenu',...
+  'String', utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses,...
+  'Value', 1, ...
+  'BackgroundColor', Gproperties.Gcol, ...
+  'Tag', 'LTPDA_constructor_helper_class', ...
+  'Callback', {'ltpda_constructor_helper_class', mainfig}, ...
+  'Position',[90 Gproperties.Gheight-40 120 25]);
+%--- Constructor set list
+% text field
+sth = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','text',...
+  'String','Sets',...
+  'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+  'BackgroundColor', Gproperties.Gcol, ...
+  'Position',[10 Gproperties.Gheight-80 50 25]);
+% Set list
+lbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','listbox',...
+                'String', '',...
+                'Value', 1, ...
+                'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+                'Tag', 'LTPDA_constructor_helper_sets', ...
+                'Callback', {'ltpda_constructor_helper_sets', mainfig}, ...
+                'Position',[10 Gproperties.Gheight-270 200 200]);
+% Constructor view
+eth = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','edit',...
+                'String','',...
+                'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+                'Max', 100, ...
+                'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+                'FontSize', 14, ...
+                'Tag', 'LTPDA_constructor_helper_constructor', ...
+                'Position',[240 Gproperties.Gheight-210 250 200]);
+% Variable name
+sth = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','text',...
+  'String','Variable',...
+  'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+  'BackgroundColor', Gproperties.Gcol, ...
+  'Position',[240 Gproperties.Gheight-260 50 25]);
+eth = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','edit',...
+                'String','obj',...
+                'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+                'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
+                'Tag', 'LTPDA_constructor_helper_var', ...
+                'Position',[300 Gproperties.Gheight-260 50 25]);
+%  Build btn
+pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Build',...
+  'Position',[360  Gproperties.Gheight-260 60 25],...
+  'Tag', 'LTPDA_constructor_helper_buildBtn');
+set(pbh, 'Callback', {'ltpda_constructor_helper_build'});
+%% Start the GUI
+% Make the GUI visible.
+%% Callbacks
+  %--- Close
+  function ltpda_constructor_helper_close(varargin)
+    disp('* Goodbye from the LTPDA Constructor Helper *')
+    delete(varargin{end})
+  end