diff m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/g_AnnotationUpdate.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/g_AnnotationUpdate.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+function g_AnnotationUpdate(paramlist,varargin)
+   % Update the block annotation (the text below the block) with all the
+   % current parameters
+   global selBlocks paramEnabled
+   annotation = '';
+   numparams  = nparams(paramlist);
+   firstpar   = 1;
+   if strcmpi(get_param(gcbh,'Tag'),'arithmetic')
+      eq = get(findobj('Tag','equationField'),'String');
+      if ~isempty(eq)
+         if numel(eq)>40, eq(1:end-25) = []; eq = ['...',eq]; end
+         for nn=1:length(selBlocks)
+            set_param(selBlocks(nn),'AttributesFormatString',eq);
+         end
+      end
+      return
+   end
+   for kk=1:numparams
+      if paramEnabled(kk)
+         paramkey = paramlist.params(kk).key;
+         try %#ok<ALIGN>
+            if strcmpi(paramkey(1:7),'addPar_'), paramkey(1:7)=[]; end
+         catch, end
+         paramval = paramlist.params(kk).val;
+         switch class(paramval)
+            case 'specwin'
+               windowName = paramval.type;
+               windowlength = size(paramval.win,2);
+               if firstpar==1 % it's the first parameter
+                  annotation = ['(specwin) ',windowName,',',num2str(windowlength)];
+                  firstpar=2;
+               else % it's not the first parameter
+                  annotation = [annotation,'\n','(specwin) ',windowName,',',num2str(windowlength)];
+               end
+               if strcmp(windowName,'Kaiser')
+                  windowPsll = paramval.psll;
+                  annotation = [annotation,',',num2str(windowPsll)];
+               end
+            case 'double'
+               paramval = mat2str(paramval);
+               if numel(paramval)>25, paramval=['...',paramval(end-25:end)]; end
+               if firstpar==1, annotation=[lower(paramkey),' ',paramval]; firstpar=2;
+               else annotation = [annotation,'\n',lower(paramkey),' ',num2str(paramval)];
+               end
+            case 'char'
+               if numel(paramval)>25, paramval=['...',paramval(end-25:end)]; end
+               paramval = strrep(paramval,'''''','''');
+               if firstpar==1, annotation=[lower(paramkey),' ',paramval]; firstpar=2;
+               else annotation = [annotation,'\n',lower(paramkey),' ',paramval];
+               end
+            case 'logical'
+               if paramval, paramval = 'true'; else paramval = 'false'; end
+               if firstpar==1, annotation=[lower(paramkey),' ',paramval]; firstpar=2;
+               else annotation = [annotation,'\n',lower(paramkey),' ',paramval];
+               end
+            case 'pzmodel'
+               if firstpar==1, annotation='(pzmodel)'; firstpar=2;
+               else annotation = [annotation,'\n','(pzmodel)'];
+               end
+            case 'cell'
+               if isa(paramval{1},'char') && strcmp(paramval{1},'(-->)'), strParKey = '(-->)';
+               else strParKey = utils.prog.cell2str(paramval);
+               end
+               if firstpar==1
+                  annotation = [lower(paramkey),' ',strParKey]; firstpar=2;
+               else annotation = [annotation,'\n',lower(paramkey),' ',strParKey];
+               end
+            case 'pz'
+               for mm=1:numel(paramval)
+                  poleFreqs(mm,1) = paramval(mm).f;
+                  poleQs(mm,1)    = paramval(mm).q;
+                  if ~isnan(poleQs(mm,1))
+                     poleFQs{mm,1}=strcat(num2str(poleFreqs(mm,1)),',',num2str(poleQs(mm,1)));
+                  else
+                     poleFQs{mm,1}=num2str(poleFreqs(mm,1));
+                  end
+               end
+               poleFQs=char(poleFQs);
+               if firstpar==1
+                  annotation = ['pz ',poleFQs(1,:)]; firstpar=2;
+                  for j=2:size(poleFQs,1), annotation = [annotation,'\n','(pz) ',poleFQs(j,:)]; end
+               else
+                  annotation = [annotation,'\n','pole ',poleFQs(1,:)];
+                  for j=2:size(poleFQs,1), annotation = [annotation,'\n','(pz) ',poleFQs(j,:)]; end
+               end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   % Finally set the block annotation:
+   for nn=1:length(selBlocks), set_param(selBlocks(nn),'AttributesFormatString',annotation); end