diff m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/g_RetrievePlist.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/g_RetrievePlist.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+function paramcommand = g_RetrievePlist(varargin)
+   % Retrieve the name of the function from the block, then asks for
+   % parameters.
+   global params paramEnabled paramSets
+   try functionname = varargin{1};
+   catch
+      childpath = find_system(gcbh,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','M-S-Function');
+      functionname = get_param(childpath,'Tag');
+   end
+   if isempty(functionname)
+      description = get_param(gcbh,'Description');
+      funcname = findstr('functionName=',description);
+      if funcname
+         i = funcname+14;
+         while ~strcmp(description(i),';'), i=i+1; end
+         functionname = description(funcname+14:i-2);
+      end
+   end
+   if isempty(functionname)
+      functionname = g_setmethod();
+   end
+   setappdata(0,'ltpda_currFunctionName',functionname);
+   try
+      switch functionname
+         case 'generic'
+            paramcommand = 'functionName=''generic'';params=plist();paramEnabled=[];';
+            return
+         case 'arithmetic'
+            paramcommand = 'functionName=''arithmetic'';params=plist(''alpha'',''-->'',''beta'',''-->'');';
+            return
+         otherwise
+            [func,currClass] = strtok(get(gcbh,'Tag'));
+            currClass(1)=[];
+            infoObj = eval([currClass,'.getInfo(''',functionname,''')']);
+            if numel(infoObj.sets) > 1
+               paramSets = plist('sets',infoObj.sets,'currSet',1);
+               paramcommand = ['paramSets=',string(paramSets),';','params=plist();'];
+            elseif numel(infoObj.sets) == 1 && nparams(infoObj.plists)
+               paramEnabled = zeros(1,nparams(infoObj.plists));
+               paramcommand = ['params=',string(infoObj.plists),'; paramEnabled=',mat2str(paramEnabled),';'];
+            else
+               paramcommand = 'params=plist();';
+            end
+      end
+   catch ME
+      disp(sprintf('Error: unable to retrieve the parameters required by the function "%s". Maybe it''s not supported yet?',functionname));
+      ErrorFuncNotSupported();
+      rethrow(ME)
+   end
+   %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   function ErrorFuncNotSupported(varargin)
+      % Recalled whenever the parameters call fails
+      % Text: '[...] Maybe it''s not supported yet?'
+      uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[(panelDimens(4)-300)/2 panelDimens(4)-100-100 300 30],'String','Error: unable to retrieve the parameters required by this function. Maybe it''s not supported yet?','Visible','on','Style','text');
+   end
+   %----------------------------------------------------------------------
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