diff m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/g_UpdateInports.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/g_UpdateInports.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+function g_UpdateInports(varargin)
+   % Update the MaskDisplay and the number of inports when the user
+   % changes the params from Simulink.
+   global params
+   paramKey = varargin{1};
+   if numel(paramKey)>7 && strcmpi(paramKey(1:7),'addPar_'), paramKey(1:7)=[]; end
+   % List of parameters coming from Simulink:
+   simKey = {};
+   for i=1:nparams(params)
+      if isa(params.params(i).val,'char') && strcmp(params.params(i).val,'-->')
+         name = params.params(i).key;
+         try if strcmpi(name(1:7),'addPar_'), name(1:7)=[];  end; catch, end
+         simKey{end+1} = name;
+      elseif isa(params.params(i).val,'cell') && isa(params.params(i).val{1},'char') && strcmp(params.params(i).val{1},'-->')
+         name = params.params(i).key;
+         try if strcmpi(name(1:7),'addPar_'), name(1:7)=[];  end; catch, end
+         simKey{end+1} = name;
+      end
+   end
+   % ===================================================================
+   % If varargin{2}==2 no block has been added or subtracted, just
+   % renamed an existing param; the only thing to perform is update the
+   % drawing command.
+   if varargin{2}~=2
+      % Remove ALL inner inport blocks.
+      if varargin{2}==-1, simKey2remove = [simKey,{paramKey}]; else simKey2remove = simKey; end
+      for i=1:numel(simKey2remove)
+         try %#ok<ALIGN>
+            block2delete = utils.prog.find_in_models(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','Name',lower(simKey2remove{i}));
+            if numel(block2delete)>1, block2delete(1)=[]; end
+            blockLines   = get_param(block2delete{1},'LineHandles');
+            if (blockLines.Outport(1)~=-1 && ~isempty(blockLines.Outport(1))),   delete_line(blockLines.Outport(1)); end
+            delete_block(block2delete);
+         catch, end
+      end
+      % Add ALL inner inport blocks anew:
+      for i=1:numel(simKey)
+         newBlock = add_block('simulink/Sources/In1', [gcb,'/Inport1'],'MakeNameUnique','on');
+         nameAlreadyPresent = utils.prog.find_in_models(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','Name',lower(simKey{i}));
+         if ~isempty(nameAlreadyPresent)
+            for j=1:numel(nameAlreadyPresent)
+               if ~strcmp(nameAlreadyPresent{j},gcb),
+                  set_param(nameAlreadyPresent{j},'Name',[lower(simKey{i}),'_fun']);
+               end
+            end
+         end
+         set(newBlock,'Name',lower(simKey{i}))
+      end
+      % Now update the inner structure of lines and mux.
+      muxblock   = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Mux');
+      try %#ok<ALIGN>
+         muxLines = get_param(muxblock{1},'LineHandles');
+         for k=1:numel(muxLines.Inport),  if (muxLines.Inport(k)~=-1 && ~isempty(muxLines.Inport(k))),   delete_line(muxLines.Inport(k)); end
+         end
+         for k=1:numel(muxLines.Outport), if (muxLines.Outport(k)~=-1 && ~isempty(muxLines.Outport(k))), delete_line(muxLines.Outport(k)); end
+         end
+      catch, end
+      delete_block(muxblock);
+      inports  = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Inport');
+      fakeInp  = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Ground');
+      inports  = [fakeInp;inports];
+      if numel(inports)>1
+         muxblock = add_block('built-in/Mux', [gcb,'/Mux']);
+         set(muxblock,'Position',[70 , 10 , 73 , 150])
+         set(muxblock,'Inputs',num2str(numel(inports)))
+      end
+      for k=1:numel(inports)
+         inports{k}=get_param(inports{k},'Handle');
+         blkLines = get(inports{k},'LineHandles');
+         for j=1:numel(blkLines.Outport), if (blkLines.Outport(j)~=-1 && ~isempty(blkLines.Outport(j))), delete_line(blkLines.Outport(j)); end
+         end
+         set(inports{k},'Position',[10 , 10+30*(k-1) , 30 , 30+30*(k-1)])
+         set(inports{k},'Tag',num2str(k))
+         if numel(inports)>1
+            add_line(gcb,[get(inports{k},'Name'),'/1'],[get(muxblock,'Name'),'/',num2str(k)]);
+         end
+      end
+      funcBlock = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','M-S-Function');
+      funcBlock = get_param(funcBlock,'Name');
+      if numel(inports)>1
+         add_line(gcb,[get(muxblock,'Name'),'/1'],[funcBlock{1},'/1']);
+      else
+         add_line(gcb,[get(inports{1},'Name'),'/1'],[funcBlock{1},'/1']);
+      end
+   end
+   % ===================================================================
+   % Updating the drawing command for the block Mask:
+   fakeInp  = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Ground');
+   drawingCom = '';
+   if numel(simKey)>0 % then there are params 'from simulink' added
+      if numel(fakeInp)>0 || strcmp(get_param(gcbh,'Tag'),'arithmetic'), currInp=1; else currInp=str2double(get(findobj('Tag','numbDataInputs'),'String'))+1; end
+      for nn=1:numel(simKey)
+         drawingCom = [drawingCom,'port_label(''input'',',num2str(currInp),',''',lower(simKey{1}),''');'];
+         simKey(1)  = [];
+         currInp    = currInp+1;
+      end
+   else % then the only inport is the regular one
+      funcBlock  = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','M-S-Function');
+      funcName   = get_param(funcBlock{1},'Tag');
+      if numel(funcName)>6 && strcmp(funcName(1:6),'ltpda_'), funcName(1:6)=[]; end
+      drawingCom = strcat('disp(''',lower(funcName),''')');
+   end
+   set(gcbh,'MaskDisplay',drawingCom)