diff m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/uipickfiles.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/uipickfiles.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+function out = uipickfiles(varargin)
+%uipickfiles: GUI program to select file(s) and/or directories.
+% Syntax:
+%   files = uipickfiles('PropertyName',PropertyValue,...)
+% The current directory can be changed by operating in the file navigator:
+% double-clicking on a directory in the list to move further down the tree,
+% using the popup menu to move up the tree, typing a path in the box to
+% move to any directory or right-clicking on the path box to revisit a
+% previously-listed directory.
+% Files can be added to the list by double-clicking or selecting files
+% (non-contiguous selections are possible with the control key) and
+% pressing the Add button.  Files in the list can be removed or re-ordered.
+% When finished, a press of the Done button will return the full paths to
+% the selected files in a cell array, structure array or character array.
+% If the Cancel button is pressed then zero is returned.
+% The following optional property/value pairs can be specified as arguments
+% to control the indicated behavior:
+%   Property    Value
+%   ----------  ----------------------------------------------------------
+%   FilterSpec  String to specify starting directory and/or file filter.
+%               Ex:  'C:\bin' will start up in that directory.  '*.txt'
+%               will list only files ending in '.txt'.  'c:\bin\*.txt' will
+%               do both.  Default is to start up in the current directory
+%               and list all files.  Can be changed with the GUI.
+%   REFilter    String containing a regular expression used to filter the
+%               file list.  Ex: '\.m$|\.mat$' will list files ending in
+%               '.m' and '.mat'.  Default is empty string.  Can be used
+%               with FilterSpec and both filters are applied.  Can be
+%               changed with the GUI.
+%   Prompt      String containing a prompt appearing in the title bar of
+%               the figure.  Default is 'Select files'.
+%   NumFiles    Scalar or vector specifying number of files that must be
+%               selected. A scalar specifies an exact value; a two-element
+%               vector can be used to specify a range, [min max].  The
+%               function will not return unless the specified number of
+%               files have been chosen.  Default is [] which accepts any
+%               number of files.
+%   Output      String specifying the data type of the output: 'cell',
+%               'struct' or 'char'.  Specifying 'cell' produces a cell
+%               array of strings, the strings containing the full paths of
+%               the chosen files.  'Struct' returns a structure array like
+%               the result of the dir function except that the 'name' field
+%               contains a full path instead of just the file name.  'Char'
+%               returns a character array of the full paths.  This is most
+%               useful when you have just one file and want it in a string
+%               instead of a cell array containing just one string.  The
+%               default is 'cell'.
+% All properties and values are case-insensitive and need only be
+% unambiguous.  For example,
+%   files = uipickfiles('num',1,'out','ch')
+% is valid usage.
+% Version: 1.0, 25 April 2006
+% Author:  Douglas M. Schwarz
+% Email:   dmschwarz=ieee*org, dmschwarz=urgrad*rochester*edu
+% Real_email = regexprep(Email,{'=','*'},{'@','.'})
+% $Id: uipickfiles.m,v 1.1 2008/03/01 13:43:20 nicola Exp $
+% Define properties and set default values.
+prop.filterspec = '*';
+prop.refilter = '';
+prop.prompt = 'Select files';
+prop.numfiles = [];
+prop.output = 'cell';
+% Process inputs and set prop fields.
+properties = fieldnames(prop);
+arg_index = 1;
+while arg_index <= nargin
+	arg = varargin{arg_index};
+	if ischar(arg)
+		prop_index = find(strncmpi(arg,properties,length(arg)));
+		if length(prop_index) == 1
+			prop.(properties{prop_index}) = varargin{arg_index + 1};
+		else
+			error('Property ''%s'' does not exist or is ambiguous.',arg)
+		end
+		arg_index = arg_index + 2;
+	elseif isstruct(arg)
+		arg_fn = fieldnames(arg);
+		for i = 1:length(arg_fn)
+			prop_index = find(strncmpi(arg_fn{i},properties,...
+				length(arg_fn{i})));
+			if length(prop_index) == 1
+				prop.(properties{prop_index}) = arg.(arg_fn{i});
+			else
+				error('Property ''%s'' does not exist or is ambiguous.',...
+					arg_fn{i})
+			end
+		end
+		arg_index = arg_index + 1;
+	else
+		error(['Properties must be specified by property/value pairs',...
+			' or structures.'])
+	end
+% Validate FilterSpec property.
+if isempty(prop.filterspec)
+	prop.filterspec = '*';
+if ~ischar(prop.filterspec)
+	error('FilterSpec property must contain a string.')
+% Validate REFilter property.
+if ~ischar(prop.refilter)
+	error('REFilter property must contain a string.')
+% Validate Prompt property.
+if ~ischar(prop.prompt)
+	error('Prompt property must contain a string.')
+% Validate NumFiles property.
+if numel(prop.numfiles) > 2 || any(prop.numfiles < 0)
+	error('NumFiles must be empty, a scalar or two-element vector.')
+prop.numfiles = unique(prop.numfiles);
+if isequal(prop.numfiles,1)
+	numstr = 'Select exactly 1 file.';
+elseif length(prop.numfiles) == 1
+	numstr = sprintf('Select exactly %d files.',prop.numfiles);
+	numstr = sprintf('Select %d to %d files.',prop.numfiles);
+% Validate Output property.
+legal_outputs = {'cell','struct','char'};
+out_idx = find(strncmpi(prop.output,legal_outputs,length(prop.output)));
+if length(out_idx) == 1
+	prop.output = legal_outputs{out_idx};
+	error(['Value of ''Output'' property, ''%s'', is illegal or '...
+		'ambiguous.'],prop.output)
+% Initialize file lists.
+[current_dir,f,e] = fileparts(prop.filterspec);
+filter = [f,e];
+if isempty(current_dir)
+	current_dir = pwd;
+if isempty(filter)
+	filter = '*';
+re_filter = prop.refilter;
+full_filter = fullfile(current_dir,filter);
+path_cell = path2cell(current_dir);
+fdir = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter);
+filenames = {fdir.name}';
+filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,fdir);
+% Initialize some data.
+file_picks = {};
+full_file_picks = {};
+dir_picks = dir(' ');  % Create empty directory structure.
+show_full_path = false;
+nodupes = true;
+history = {current_dir};
+% Create figure.
+gray = get(0,'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor');
+fig = figure('Position',[0 0 740 445],...
+	'Color',gray,...
+	'WindowStyle','modal',...
+	'Resize','off',...
+	'NumberTitle','off',...
+	'Name',prop.prompt,...
+	'IntegerHandle','off',...
+	'CloseRequestFcn',@cancel,...
+	'CreateFcn',{@movegui,'center'});
+% Create uicontrols.
+	'Position',[255 260 110 70])
+	'Position',[275 135 110 100])
+navlist = uicontrol('Style','listbox',...
+	'Position',[10 10 250 320],...
+	'String',filenames,...
+	'Value',[],...
+	'BackgroundColor','w',...
+	'Callback',@clicknav,...
+	'Max',2);
+pickslist = uicontrol('Style','listbox',...
+	'Position',[380 10 350 320],...
+	'String',{},...
+	'BackgroundColor','w',...
+	'Callback',@clickpicks,...
+	'Max',2);
+openbut = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
+	'Position',[270 300 80 20],...
+	'String','Open',...
+	'Enable','off',...
+	'Callback',@open);
+arrow = [2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2;...
+         2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2;...
+	     2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2;...
+		 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;...
+		 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2;...
+		 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2;...
+		 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2];
+arrow(arrow == 2) = NaN;
+arrow_im = NaN*ones(16,76);
+arrow_im(6:12,45:56) = arrow/2;
+im = repmat(arrow_im,[1 1 3]);
+addbut = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
+	'Position',[270 270 80 20],...
+	'String','Add    ',...
+	'Enable','off',...
+	'CData',im,...
+	'Callback',@add);
+removebut = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
+	'Position',[290 205 80 20],...
+	'String','Remove',...
+	'Enable','off',...
+	'Callback',@remove);
+moveupbut = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
+	'Position',[290 175 80 20],...
+	'String','Move Up',...
+	'Enable','off',...
+	'Callback',@moveup);
+movedownbut = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
+	'Position',[290 145 80 20],...
+	'String','Move Down',...
+	'Enable','off',...
+	'Callback',@movedown);
+uicontrol('Position',[10 380 250 16],...
+	'Style','text',...
+	'String','Current Directory',...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','center')
+dir_popup = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu',...
+	'Position',[10 335 250 20],...
+	'BackgroundColor','w',...
+	'String',path_cell(end:-1:1),...
+	'Value',1,...
+	'Callback',@dirpopup);
+hist_cm = uicontextmenu;
+pathbox = uicontrol('Position',[10 360 250 20],...
+	'Style','edit',...
+	'BackgroundColor','w',...
+	'String',current_dir,...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
+	'Callback',@change_path,...
+	'UIContextMenu',hist_cm);
+hist_menus = [];
+hist_cb = @history_cb;
+hist_menus = make_history_cm(hist_cb,hist_cm,hist_menus,history);
+uicontrol('Position',[10 425 80 16],...
+	'Style','text',...
+	'String','File Filter',...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','left')
+uicontrol('Position',[100 425 160 16],...
+	'Style','text',...
+	'String','Reg. Exp. Filter',...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','left')
+showallfiles = uicontrol('Position',[270 405 100 20],...
+	'Style','checkbox',...
+	'String','Show All Files',...
+	'Value',0,...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
+	'Callback',@togglefilter);
+filter_ed = uicontrol('Position',[10 405 80 20],...
+	'Style','edit',...
+	'BackgroundColor','w',...
+	'String',filter,...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
+	'Callback',@setfilspec);
+refilter_ed = uicontrol('Position',[100 405 160 20],...
+	'Style','edit',...
+	'BackgroundColor','w',...
+	'String',re_filter,...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
+	'Callback',@setrefilter);
+viewfullpath = uicontrol('Style','checkbox',...
+	'Position',[380 335 230 20],...
+	'String','Show full paths',...
+	'Value',show_full_path,...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
+	'Callback',@showfullpath);
+remove_dupes = uicontrol('Style','checkbox',...
+	'Position',[380 360 230 20],...
+	'String','Remove duplicates (as per full path)',...
+	'Value',nodupes,...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
+	'Callback',@removedupes);
+uicontrol('Position',[380 405 350 20],...
+	'Style','text',...
+	'String','Selected Files',...
+	'HorizontalAlignment','center')
+uicontrol('Position',[280 80 80 30],'String','Done',...
+	'Callback',@done);
+uicontrol('Position',[280 30 80 30],'String','Cancel',...
+	'Callback',@cancel);
+if ~isempty(prop.numfiles)
+	uicontrol('Position',[380 385 350 16],...
+		'Style','text',...
+		'String',numstr,...
+		'ForegroundColor','r',...
+		'HorizontalAlignment','center')
+% Compute desired output.
+switch prop.output
+	case 'cell'
+		out = full_file_picks;
+	case 'struct'
+		out = dir_picks(:);
+	case 'char'
+		out = char(full_file_picks);
+	case 'cancel'
+		out = 0;
+% -------------------- Callback functions --------------------
+	function add(varargin)
+		values = get(navlist,'Value');
+		for i = 1:length(values)
+			dir_pick = fdir(values(i));
+			pick = dir_pick.name;
+			pick_full = fullfile(current_dir,pick);
+			dir_pick.name = pick_full;
+			if ~nodupes || ~any(strcmp(full_file_picks,pick_full))
+				file_picks{end + 1} = pick;
+				full_file_picks{end + 1} = pick_full;
+				dir_picks(end + 1) = dir_pick;
+			end
+		end
+		if show_full_path
+			set(pickslist,'String',full_file_picks,'Value',[]);
+		else
+			set(pickslist,'String',file_picks,'Value',[]);
+		end
+		set([removebut,moveupbut,movedownbut],'Enable','off');
+	end
+	function remove(varargin)
+		values = get(pickslist,'Value');
+		file_picks(values) = [];
+		full_file_picks(values) = [];
+		dir_picks(values) = [];
+		top = get(pickslist,'ListboxTop');
+		num_above_top = sum(values < top);
+		top = top - num_above_top;
+		num_picks = length(file_picks);
+		new_value = min(min(values) - num_above_top,num_picks);
+		if num_picks == 0
+			new_value = [];
+			set([removebut,moveupbut,movedownbut],'Enable','off')
+		end
+		if show_full_path
+			set(pickslist,'String',full_file_picks,'Value',new_value,...
+				'ListboxTop',top)
+		else
+			set(pickslist,'String',file_picks,'Value',new_value,...
+				'ListboxTop',top)
+		end
+	end
+	function open(varargin)
+		values = get(navlist,'Value');
+		if fdir(values).isdir
+			if strcmp(fdir(values).name,'.')
+				return
+			elseif strcmp(fdir(values).name,'..')
+				set(dir_popup,'Value',min(2,length(path_cell)))
+				dirpopup();
+				return
+			end
+			current_dir = fullfile(current_dir,fdir(values).name);
+			history{end+1} = current_dir;
+			history = unique(history);
+			hist_menus = make_history_cm(hist_cb,hist_cm,hist_menus,...
+				history);
+			full_filter = fullfile(current_dir,filter);
+			path_cell = path2cell(current_dir);
+			fdir = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter);
+			filenames = {fdir.name}';
+			filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,fdir);
+			set(dir_popup,'String',path_cell(end:-1:1),'Value',1)
+			set(pathbox,'String',current_dir)
+			set(navlist,'ListboxTop',1,'Value',[],'String',filenames)
+			set(addbut,'Enable','off')
+			set(openbut,'Enable','off')
+		end
+	end
+	function clicknav(varargin)
+		value = get(navlist,'Value');
+		nval = length(value);
+		dbl_click_fcn = @add;
+		switch nval
+			case 0
+				set([addbut,openbut],'Enable','off')
+			case 1
+				set(addbut,'Enable','on');
+				if fdir(value).isdir
+					set(openbut,'Enable','on')
+					dbl_click_fcn = @open;
+				else
+					set(openbut,'Enable','off')
+				end
+			otherwise
+				set(addbut,'Enable','on')
+				set(openbut,'Enable','off')
+		end
+		if strcmp(get(fig,'SelectionType'),'open')
+			dbl_click_fcn();
+		end
+	end
+	function clickpicks(varargin)
+		value = get(pickslist,'Value');
+		if isempty(value)
+			set([removebut,moveupbut,movedownbut],'Enable','off')
+		else
+			set(removebut,'Enable','on')
+			if min(value) == 1
+				set(moveupbut,'Enable','off')
+			else
+				set(moveupbut,'Enable','on')
+			end
+			if max(value) == length(file_picks)
+				set(movedownbut,'Enable','off')
+			else
+				set(movedownbut,'Enable','on')
+			end
+		end
+		if strcmp(get(fig,'SelectionType'),'open')
+			remove();
+		end
+	end
+	function dirpopup(varargin)
+		value = get(dir_popup,'Value');
+		len = length(path_cell);
+		path_cell = path_cell(1:end-value+1);
+		if ispc && value == len
+			current_dir = '';
+			full_filter = filter;
+			fdir = struct('name',getdrives,'date',datestr(now),...
+				'bytes',0,'isdir',1);
+		else
+			current_dir = cell2path(path_cell);
+			history{end+1} = current_dir;
+			history = unique(history);
+			hist_menus = make_history_cm(hist_cb,hist_cm,hist_menus,...
+				history);
+			full_filter = fullfile(current_dir,filter);
+			fdir = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter);
+		end
+		filenames = {fdir.name}';
+		filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,fdir);
+		set(dir_popup,'String',path_cell(end:-1:1),'Value',1)
+		set(pathbox,'String',current_dir)
+		set(navlist,'String',filenames,'Value',[])
+		set(addbut,'Enable','off')
+	end
+	function change_path(varargin)
+		proposed_path = get(pathbox,'String');
+		% Process any directories named '..'.
+		proposed_path_cell = path2cell(proposed_path);
+		ddots = strcmp(proposed_path_cell,'..');
+		ddots(find(ddots) - 1) = true;
+		proposed_path_cell(ddots) = [];
+		proposed_path = cell2path(proposed_path_cell);
+		% Check for existance of directory.
+		if ~exist(proposed_path,'dir')
+			uiwait(errordlg(['Directory "',proposed_path,...
+				'" does not exist.'],'','modal'))
+			return
+		end
+		current_dir = proposed_path;
+		history{end+1} = current_dir;
+		history = unique(history);
+		hist_menus = make_history_cm(hist_cb,hist_cm,hist_menus,history);
+		full_filter = fullfile(current_dir,filter);
+		path_cell = path2cell(current_dir);
+		fdir = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter);
+		filenames = {fdir.name}';
+		filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,fdir);
+		set(dir_popup,'String',path_cell(end:-1:1),'Value',1)
+		set(pathbox,'String',current_dir)
+		set(navlist,'String',filenames,'Value',[])
+		set(addbut,'Enable','off')
+		set(openbut,'Enable','off')
+	end
+	function showfullpath(varargin)
+		show_full_path = get(viewfullpath,'Value');
+		if show_full_path
+			set(pickslist,'String',full_file_picks)
+		else
+			set(pickslist,'String',file_picks)
+		end
+	end
+	function removedupes(varargin)
+		nodupes = get(remove_dupes,'Value');
+		if nodupes
+			num_picks = length(full_file_picks);
+			[unused,rev_order] = unique(full_file_picks(end:-1:1));
+			order = sort(num_picks + 1 - rev_order);
+			full_file_picks = full_file_picks(order);
+			file_picks = file_picks(order);
+			if show_full_path
+				set(pickslist,'String',full_file_picks,'Value',[])
+			else
+				set(pickslist,'String',file_picks,'Value',[])
+			end
+			set([removebut,moveupbut,movedownbut],'Enable','off')
+		end
+	end
+	function moveup(varargin)
+		value = get(pickslist,'Value');
+		set(removebut,'Enable','on')
+		n = length(file_picks);
+		omega = 1:n;
+		index = zeros(1,n);
+		index(value - 1) = omega(value);
+		index(setdiff(omega,value - 1)) = omega(setdiff(omega,value));
+		file_picks = file_picks(index);
+		full_file_picks = full_file_picks(index);
+		value = value - 1;
+		if show_full_path
+			set(pickslist,'String',full_file_picks,'Value',value)
+		else
+			set(pickslist,'String',file_picks,'Value',value)
+		end
+		if min(value) == 1
+			set(moveupbut,'Enable','off')
+		end
+		set(movedownbut,'Enable','on')
+	end
+	function movedown(varargin)
+		value = get(pickslist,'Value');
+		set(removebut,'Enable','on')
+		n = length(file_picks);
+		omega = 1:n;
+		index = zeros(1,n);
+		index(value + 1) = omega(value);
+		index(setdiff(omega,value + 1)) = omega(setdiff(omega,value));
+		file_picks = file_picks(index);
+		full_file_picks = full_file_picks(index);
+		value = value + 1;
+		if show_full_path
+			set(pickslist,'String',full_file_picks,'Value',value)
+		else
+			set(pickslist,'String',file_picks,'Value',value)
+		end
+		if max(value) == n
+			set(movedownbut,'Enable','off')
+		end
+		set(moveupbut,'Enable','on')
+	end
+	function togglefilter(varargin)
+		value = get(showallfiles,'Value');
+		if value
+			filter = '*';
+			re_filter = '';
+			set([filter_ed,refilter_ed],'Enable','off')
+		else
+			filter = get(filter_ed,'String');
+			re_filter = get(refilter_ed,'String');
+			set([filter_ed,refilter_ed],'Enable','on')
+		end
+		full_filter = fullfile(current_dir,filter);
+		fdir = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter);
+		filenames = {fdir.name}';
+		filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,fdir);
+		set(navlist,'String',filenames,'Value',[])
+		set(addbut,'Enable','off')
+	end
+	function setfilspec(varargin)
+		filter = get(filter_ed,'String');
+		if isempty(filter)
+			filter = '*';
+			set(filter_ed,'String',filter)
+		end
+		% Process file spec if a subdirectory was included.
+		[p,f,e] = fileparts(filter);
+		if ~isempty(p)
+			newpath = fullfile(current_dir,p,'');
+			set(pathbox,'String',newpath)
+			filter = [f,e];
+			if isempty(filter)
+				filter = '*';
+			end
+			set(filter_ed,'String',filter)
+			change_path();
+		end
+		full_filter = fullfile(current_dir,filter);
+		fdir = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter);
+		filenames = {fdir.name}';
+		filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,fdir);
+		set(navlist,'String',filenames,'Value',[])
+		set(addbut,'Enable','off')
+	end
+	function setrefilter(varargin)
+		re_filter = get(refilter_ed,'String');
+		fdir = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter);
+		filenames = {fdir.name}';
+		filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,fdir);
+		set(navlist,'String',filenames,'Value',[])
+		set(addbut,'Enable','off')
+	end
+	function done(varargin)
+		% Optional shortcut: click on a file and press 'Done'.
+% 		if isempty(full_file_picks) && strcmp(get(addbut,'Enable'),'on')
+% 			add();
+% 		end
+		numfiles = length(full_file_picks);
+		if ~isempty(prop.numfiles)
+			if numfiles < prop.numfiles(1)
+				msg = {'Too few files selected.',numstr};
+				uiwait(errordlg(msg,'','modal'))
+				return
+			elseif numfiles > prop.numfiles(end)
+				msg = {'Too many files selected.',numstr};
+				uiwait(errordlg(msg,'','modal'))
+				return
+			end
+		end
+		delete(fig)
+	end
+	function cancel(varargin)
+		prop.output = 'cancel';
+		delete(fig)
+	end
+	function history_cb(varargin)
+		current_dir = history{varargin{3}};
+		full_filter = fullfile(current_dir,filter);
+		path_cell = path2cell(current_dir);
+		fdir = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter);
+		filenames = {fdir.name}';
+		filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,fdir);
+		set(dir_popup,'String',path_cell(end:-1:1),'Value',1)
+		set(pathbox,'String',current_dir)
+		set(navlist,'ListboxTop',1,'Value',[],'String',filenames)
+		set(addbut,'Enable','off')
+		set(openbut,'Enable','off')
+	end
+% -------------------- Subfunctions --------------------
+function c = path2cell(p)
+% Turns a path string into a cell array of path elements.
+c = strread(p,'%s','delimiter','\\/');
+if ispc
+	c = [{'My Computer'};c];
+	c = [{filesep};c(2:end)];
+function p = cell2path(c)
+% Turns a cell array of path elements into a path string.
+if ispc
+	p = fullfile(c{2:end},'');
+	p = fullfile(c{:},'');
+function d = filtered_dir(full_filter,re_filter)
+% Like dir, but applies filters and sorting.
+p = fileparts(full_filter);
+if isempty(p) && full_filter(1) == '/'
+	p = '/';
+if exist(full_filter,'dir')
+	c = cell(0,1);
+	dfiles = struct('name',c,'date',c,'bytes',c,'isdir',c);
+	dfiles = dir(full_filter);
+if ~isempty(dfiles)
+	dfiles([dfiles.isdir]) = [];
+ddir = dir(p);
+ddir = ddir([ddir.isdir]);
+% Additional regular expression filter.
+if nargin > 1 && ~isempty(re_filter)
+	if ispc
+		no_match = cellfun('isempty',regexpi({dfiles.name},re_filter));
+	else
+		no_match = cellfun('isempty',regexp({dfiles.name},re_filter));
+	end
+	dfiles(no_match) = [];
+% Set navigator style:
+%	1 => mix file and directory names
+%	2 => means list all files before all directories
+%	3 => means list all directories before all files
+%	4 => same as 2 except put . and .. directories first
+if isunix
+	style = 4;
+	style = 4;
+switch style
+	case 1
+		d = [dfiles;ddir];
+		[unused,index] = sort({d.name});
+		d = d(index);
+	case 2
+		[unused,index1] = sort({dfiles.name});
+		[unused,index2] = sort({ddir.name});
+		d = [dfiles(index1);ddir(index2)];
+	case 3
+		[unused,index1] = sort({dfiles.name});
+		[unused,index2] = sort({ddir.name});
+		d = [ddir(index2);dfiles(index1)];
+	case 4
+		[unused,index1] = sort({dfiles.name});
+		dot1 = find(strcmp({ddir.name},'.'));
+		dot2 = find(strcmp({ddir.name},'..'));
+		ddot1 = ddir(dot1);
+		ddot2 = ddir(dot2);
+		ddir([dot1,dot2]) = [];
+		[unused,index2] = sort({ddir.name});
+		d = [ddot1;ddot2;dfiles(index1);ddir(index2)];
+function drives = getdrives
+% Returns a cell array of drive names on Windows.
+letters = char('A':'Z');
+num_letters = length(letters);
+drives = cell(1,num_letters);
+for i = 1:num_letters
+	if exist([letters(i),':\'],'dir');
+		drives{i} = [letters(i),':'];
+	end
+drives(cellfun('isempty',drives)) = [];
+function filenames = annotate_file_names(filenames,dir_listing)
+% Adds a trailing filesep character to directory names.
+fs = filesep;
+for i = 1:length(filenames)
+	if dir_listing(i).isdir
+		filenames{i} = [filenames{i},fs];
+	end
+function hist_menus = make_history_cm(cb,hist_cm,hist_menus,history)
+% Make context menu for history.
+if ~isempty(hist_menus)
+	delete(hist_menus)
+num_hist = length(history);
+hist_menus = zeros(1,num_hist);
+for i = 1:num_hist
+	hist_menus(i) = uimenu(hist_cm,'Label',history{i},...
+		'Callback',{cb,i});