diff m-toolbox/m/gui/pzmodel_designer/pzmodel_helper.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/gui/pzmodel_designer/pzmodel_helper.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+function pzmodel_helper(varargin)
+% CALL:        pzmodel_helper()
+% VERSION:     $Id: pzmodel_helper.m,v 1.12 2009/09/07 17:23:07 nicola Exp $
+% HISTORY:     07-09-2009 N Tateo
+%                 Creation
+% This function draws the PZmodel helper main figure.
+  % Some initial setup
+  import utils.const.*
+  prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'building Main Figure');
+  Screen = get(0,'screensize');  
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Screen   = Screen;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gwidth   = 0.6;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gheight  = 0.9;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gborder  = 10;
+  fontSize = (prefs.repository.fontsize+2)*(1440/Screen(3));
+  l = (0.5-mainfig.Gproperties.Gwidth/2);
+  b = (0.5-mainfig.Gproperties.Gheight/2);
+  w = mainfig.Gproperties.Gwidth;
+  h = mainfig.Gproperties.Gheight;
+  mainfig.Gproperties.Gposition = [l b w h];
+  if ~isempty(varargin) && ishandle(varargin{1})
+    mainfig.handle = varargin{1};
+    set(mainfig.handle, 'Tag', 'PZMODELhelpermainfig');
+    set(mainfig.handle, 'Units', 'normalized');
+    set(mainfig.handle, 'Visible', 'on');
+  else
+    %  Initialize and hide the GUI as it is being constructed.
+    mainfig.handle = figure('Name', 'PZModel Helper GUI',...
+      'NumberTitle', 'off',...
+      'Visible','on',...
+      'Units','normalized',...
+      'Position',mainfig.Gproperties.Gposition,...
+      'Toolbar', 'none',...
+      'MenuBar', 'none',...
+      'Color', 'w',...
+      'Resize', 'on',...
+      'Tag', 'PZMODELhelpermainfig');
+  end
+%  handles = struct();
+%  handles.pzEdit = findobj(gcf,'Tag','pzEdit');
+%  handles.phaseAxes = findobj(gcf,'Tag','phaseAxes');
+%  handles.filterStrEdit = findobj(gcf,'Tag','filterStrEdit');
+%  handles.fsEdit = findobj(gcf,'Tag','fsEdit');
+%  handles.nfEdit = findobj(gcf,'Tag','nfEdit');
+%  handles.f2Edit = findobj(gcf,'Tag','f2Edit');
+%  handles.f1Edit = findobj(gcf,'Tag','f1Edit');
+%  handles.gainEdit = findobj(gcf,'Tag','gainEdit');
+%  handles.magAxes = findobj(gcf,'Tag','magAxes');
+%  handles.poleList = findobj(gcf,'Tag','poleList');
+%  handles.zeroList = findobj(gcf,'Tag','zeroList');
+%  handles.main = gcf;
+% %  handles. = findobj(gcf,'Tag','');
+% %  handles. = findobj(gcf,'Tag','');
+% %     'uipanel1'
+% %     'uipanel2'
+% %     'saveAObtn'
+% %     'figureBtn'
+% %     'replotBtn'
+% %     'GainTxt'
+% %     'addZeroBtn'
+% %     'addPoleBtn'
+% %     'deleteZerosBtn'
+% %     'deletePolesBtn'
+% %     'clearBtn'
+% %     'output' 
+  % create empty lists
+  poles = [];
+  zeros = [];
+  setappdata(gcf, 'poles', poles);
+  setappdata(gcf, 'zeros', zeros);
+  setappdata(gcf, 'filt', []);
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DRAW CONTENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  uip1 = uipanel('Title', 'Response',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize-1,...
+             'BackgroundColor','white',...
+             'Tag', 'uipanel1',...
+             'Position',[.35 .15 .64 .84]);
+  uip2 = uipanel('Title', 'Pole/zero entry',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize-1,...
+             'BackgroundColor','white',...
+             'Tag', 'uipanel2',...
+             'Position',[.01 .6 .32 .39]);
+  uip3 = uipanel('Title', 'Plot controls',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize-1,...
+             'BackgroundColor','white',...
+             'Tag', 'uipanel3',...
+             'Position',[.01 .15 .32 .44]);
+  uicontrol('Style','text',...
+             'String', 'MIIR constructor string:',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize+2,...
+             'FontWeight','bold',...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','white',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.02 .115 .3 .03])
+  uicontrol('Style','edit',...
+             'Tag', 'filterStrEdit',...
+             'Max',10,...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize+2,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.94 .94 .94],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.02 .01 .96 .1])
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % First panel contents
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  axes('Parent',uip1,...
+              'Tag','phaseAxes',...
+              'Box','on',...
+              'Units','normalized',...
+              'Position', [.11 .08 .8 .35]);
+  axes('Parent',uip1,...
+              'Tag','magAxes',...
+              'Box','on',...
+              'Units','normalized',...
+              'Position', [.11 .52 .8 .43]);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % Second panel contents
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','edit',...
+             'Tag', 'pzEdit',...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', '1 0',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .85 .35 .1])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','text',...
+             'String', 'Frequency [Hz] (Q)',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.45 .83 .5 .1])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','pushbutton',...
+             'String', 'Add pole',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Callback', @addPoleBtn_Callback,...
+             'Position', [.075 .75 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','pushbutton',...
+             'String', 'Add zero',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Callback', @addZeroBtn_Callback,...
+             'Position', [.525 .75 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','listbox',...
+             'Tag','poleList',...
+             'String', '-',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             ... 'Callback', @poleList_Callback,...
+             'Position', [.075 .25 .4 .45])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','listbox',...
+             'Tag','zeroList',...
+             'String', '-',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             ... 'Callback', @zeroList_Callback,...
+             'Position', [.525 .25 .4 .45])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','pushbutton',...
+             'String', 'Delete',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Callback', @deletePolesBtn_Callback,...
+             'Position', [.075 .15 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','pushbutton',...
+             'String', 'Delete',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Callback', @deleteZerosBtn_Callback,...
+             'Position', [.525 .15 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip2, ...
+             'Style','pushbutton',...
+             'String', 'Clear lists',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Callback', @clearBtn_Callback,...
+             'Position', [.075 .04 .85 .08])
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % Third panel contents
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','edit',...
+             'Tag', 'gainEdit',...
+             'Callback',@valueEdit_Callback, ...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', '1',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .87 .3 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','text',...
+             'String', 'Gain',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.47 .855 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','edit',...
+             'Tag', 'fsEdit',...
+             'Callback',@valueEdit_Callback, ...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', '',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .75 .3 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','text',...
+             'String', 'Sample rate',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.47 .735 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','edit',...
+             'Tag', 'f1Edit',...
+             'Callback',@valueEdit_Callback, ...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', '',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .63 .3 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','text',...
+             'String', 'f1',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.47 .615 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','edit',...
+             'Tag', 'f2Edit',...
+             'Callback',@valueEdit_Callback, ...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', '',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .51 .3 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','text',...
+             'String', 'f2',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.47 .495 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','edit',...
+             'Tag', 'nfEdit',...
+             'Callback',@valueEdit_Callback, ...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', '',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .39 .3 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','text',...
+             'String', 'Nf',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor','w',...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.47 .375 .4 .08])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','pushbutton',...
+             'Tag', 'replotBtn',...
+             'Callback', @replotBtn_Callback, ...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', 'Replot',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .27 .8 .07])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','pushbutton',...
+             'Tag', 'figureBtn',...
+             'Callback', @figureBtn_Callback, ...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', 'Figure',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .16 .8 .07])
+  uicontrol('Parent',uip3, ...
+             'Style','pushbutton',...
+             'Tag', 'saveAObtn',...
+             'Callback', @saveAObtn_Callback, ...
+             'Max',1,...
+             'String', 'Save as',...
+             'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
+             'FontSize', fontSize,...
+             'ForeGroundColor','black',...
+             'backgroundColor',[.92 .92 .92],...
+             'Units','normalized',...
+             'Position', [.1 .05 .8 .07])
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBFUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    % --- Executes on button press in addPoleBtn.
+    function addPoleBtn_Callback(varargin)
+        % hObject    handle to addPoleBtn (see GCBO)
+        % eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+        % get values from pzEdit
+        strVal = get(findobj(gcf,'Tag','pzEdit'), 'String');
+        val    = str2num(strVal);
+        f      = val(1);
+        if length(val) == 2
+            q = val(2);
+            p = pz(f,q);
+        else
+            p = pz(f);
+        end
+        poles = getappdata(gcf, 'poles');
+        poles = [poles p];
+        setappdata(gcf, 'poles', poles);
+        % update list
+        updatePolesList();
+        % update model
+        updateModelResp();
+    end
+    % --- Executes on button press in addZeroBtn.
+    function addZeroBtn_Callback(varargin)
+        % hObject    handle to addZeroBtn (see GCBO)
+        % eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+        % get values from pzEdit
+        strVal = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','pzEdit'), 'String');
+        val    = str2num(strVal);
+        f      = val(1);
+        if length(val) == 2
+            q = val(2);
+            z = pz(f,q);
+        else
+            z = pz(f);
+        end
+        zeros = getappdata(gcf, 'zeros');
+        zeros = [zeros z];
+        setappdata(gcf, 'zeros', zeros);
+        % update list
+        updateZerosList();
+        % update model
+        updateModelResp();
+    end
+    %----------- Update Poles List -----------------------------
+    function updatePolesList(varargin)
+        poles = getappdata(gcf, 'poles');
+        pstr = [];
+        for n=1:length(poles)
+            p = poles(n);
+            f = p.f;
+            q = p.q;
+            if q>0.5
+                pstr = strvcat(pstr, sprintf('%2.2f Hz   Q=%2.2f', f, q));
+            else
+                pstr = strvcat(pstr, sprintf('%2.2f Hz', f));
+            end
+        end
+        if isempty(poles)
+            set(findobj(gcf,'tag','poleList'), 'String', '  ');
+        else
+            set(findobj(gcf,'tag','poleList'), 'String', pstr);
+        end
+        set(findobj(gcf,'tag','poleList'), 'Value', 1);
+    end
+    %----------- Update Zeros List -----------------------------
+    function updateZerosList(varargin)
+        zeros = getappdata(gcf, 'zeros');
+        pstr = [];
+        for n=1:length(zeros)
+            p = zeros(n);
+            f = p.f;
+            q = p.q;
+            if q>0.5
+                pstr = strvcat(pstr, sprintf('%2.2f Hz   Q=%2.2f', f, q));
+            else
+                pstr = strvcat(pstr, sprintf('%2.2f Hz', f));
+            end
+        end
+        if isempty(zeros)
+            set(findobj(gcf,'tag','zeroList'), 'String', '  ');
+        else
+            set(findobj(gcf,'tag','zeroList'), 'String', pstr);
+        end
+        set(findobj(gcf,'tag','zeroList'), 'Value', 1);
+    end
+    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    %----------- Update Model response -----------------------------
+    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    function updateModelResp(varargin)
+        gain = str2double(get(findobj(gcf,'tag','gainEdit'), 'String'));
+        poles = getappdata(gcf, 'poles');
+        zeros = getappdata(gcf, 'zeros');
+        pzm = pzmodel(gain, poles, zeros);
+        f1s = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','f1Edit'), 'String');
+        f2s = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','f2Edit'), 'String');
+        nfs = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','nfEdit'), 'String');
+        fss = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','fsEdit'), 'String');
+        if isempty(f1s)
+            f1 = getlowerFreq(pzm)/10;
+        else
+            f1 = str2double(f1s);
+        end
+        if isempty(f2s)
+            f2 = getupperFreq(pzm)*10;
+        else
+            f2 = str2double(f2s);
+        end
+        if isempty(nfs)
+            nf = 1000;
+        else
+            nf = str2double(nfs);
+        end
+        if ~isempty(pzm.poles) || ~isempty(pzm.zeros)
+            % make model response
+            a  = resp(pzm, f1, f2, nf);
+            d  = a.data;
+            mx = d.x;
+            my = d.y;
+            % make IIR response
+            if isempty(fss)
+                filt     = miir(plist([param('pzmodel', pzm)]));
+            else
+                filt     = miir(plist([param('pzmodel', pzm) param('fs', str2double(fss))]));
+            end
+            setappdata(gcf, 'filt', filt);
+            set(findobj(gcf,'tag','filterStrEdit'), 'String', ['miir(' string(pzm) ')']);
+            filtresp = resp(filt, plist(param('f', mx.')));
+            d        = filtresp.data;
+            fx       = d.x;
+            fy       = d.y;
+            axes(findobj(gcf,'tag','magAxes')); % Select the proper axes
+            loglog(mx,abs(my), fx, abs(fy), 'r--')
+            grid on;
+            axis tight
+            xlabel('');
+            ylabel('Magnitude');
+            legend('Pole/Zero model', 'IIR','Location','SouthWest')
+            set(gca,'tag','magAxes')
+            axes(findobj(gcf,'tag','phaseAxes')); % Select the proper axes
+            semilogx(mx, utils.math.phase(my), fx, utils.math.phase(fy), 'r--')
+            grid on;
+            axis tight
+            xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
+            ylabel('Phase [deg]');
+            set(gca,'tag','phaseAxes')
+        else
+            axes(findobj(gcf,'tag','magAxes')); % Select the proper axes
+            cla
+            axes(findobj(gcf,'tag','phaseAxes')); % Select the proper axes
+            cla
+        end
+    end
+    function valueEdit_Callback(varargin)                
+        updateModelResp()
+    end
+    % --- Executes on button press in replotBtn.
+    function replotBtn_Callback(varargin)
+        updateModelResp()
+    end
+    % --- Executes on button press in figureBtn.
+    function figureBtn_Callback(varargin)
+        gain = str2double(get(findobj(gcf,'tag','gainEdit'), 'String'));
+        poles = getappdata(gcf, 'poles');
+        zeros = getappdata(gcf, 'zeros');
+        pzm = pzmodel(gain, poles, zeros);
+        f1s = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','f1Edit'), 'String');
+        f2s = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','f2Edit'), 'String');
+        nfs = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','nfEdit'), 'String');
+        fss = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','fsEdit'), 'String');
+        if isempty(f1s)
+            f1 = getlowerFreq(pzm)/10;
+        else
+            f1 = str2double(f1s);
+        end
+        if isempty(f2s)
+            f2 = getupperFreq(pzm)*10;
+        else
+            f2 = str2double(f2s);
+        end
+        if isempty(nfs)
+            nf = 1000;
+        else
+            nf = str2double(nfs);
+        end
+        % make model response
+        a  = resp(pzm, f1, f2, nf);
+        a.setName('PZmodel');
+        % make IIR response
+        if isempty(fss)
+            filt     = miir(plist([param('pzmodel', pzm)]));
+        else
+            filt     = miir(plist([param('pzmodel', pzm) param('fs', str2double(fss))]));
+        end
+        filtresp = resp(filt, plist(param('f', a.data.getX)));
+        filtresp.setName('IIR filter');
+        iplot(a, filtresp)
+    end
+    % --- Executes on button press in clearBtn.
+    function clearBtn_Callback(varargin)
+        setappdata(gcf, 'poles', []);
+        setappdata(gcf, 'zeros', []);
+        % update list
+        updateZerosList();
+        updatePolesList();
+        % update model
+        updateModelResp();
+    end
+    % --- Executes on button press in deletePolesBtn.
+    function deletePolesBtn_Callback(varargin)
+        % get selection from list
+        values = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','poleList'), 'Value');
+        % get poles
+        poles = getappdata(gcf, 'poles');
+        po = [];
+        for j=1:length(poles)
+            if j~=values
+                po = [po poles(j)]; %#ok<AGROW>
+            end
+        end
+        setappdata(gcf, 'poles', po);
+        updatePolesList();
+        % update model
+        updateModelResp();
+    end
+    % --- Executes on button press in deleteZerosBtn.
+    function deleteZerosBtn_Callback(varargin)
+        % get selection from list
+        values = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','zeroList'), 'Value');
+        % get zeros
+        zeros = getappdata(gcf, 'zeros');
+        zo = [];
+        for j=1:length(zeros)
+            if j~=values
+                zo = [zo zeros(j)]; %#ok<AGROW>
+            end
+        end
+        setappdata(gcf, 'zeros', zo);
+        updateZerosList();
+        % update model
+        updateModelResp();
+    end
+    % --- Executes on button press in saveAObtn.
+    function saveAObtn_Callback(varargin)
+        % get response
+        gain = str2double(get(findobj(gcf,'tag','gainEdit'), 'String'));
+        poles = getappdata(gcf, 'poles');
+        zeros = getappdata(gcf, 'zeros');
+        pzm = pzmodel(gain, poles, zeros);
+        f1s = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','f1Edit'), 'String');
+        f2s = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','f2Edit'), 'String');
+        nfs = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','nfEdit'), 'String');
+        fss = get(findobj(gcf,'tag','fsEdit'), 'String');
+        if isempty(f1s)
+            f1 = getlowerFreq(pzm)/10;
+        else
+            f1 = str2double(f1s);
+        end
+        if isempty(f2s)
+            f2 = getupperFreq(pzm)*10;
+        else
+            f2 = str2double(f2s);
+        end
+        if isempty(nfs)
+            nf = 1000;
+        else
+            nf = str2double(nfs);
+        end
+        % make model response
+        a  = resp(pzm, f1, f2, nf);
+        % Get filename
+        [filename, pathname] = uiputfile('*.xml', 'LTPDA XML file (*.xml)', 'Save as');
+        if isequal(filename,0) || isequal(pathname,0)
+        else
+            fname = fullfile(pathname, filename);
+            save(a, fname);
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file