diff m-toolbox/m/gui/quicklook/ltpdaquicklook.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/m/gui/quicklook/ltpdaquicklook.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+function varargout = ltpdaquicklook(varargin)
+% LTPDAQUICKLOOK allows the user to quicklook LTPDA objects.
+% DESCRIPTION: LTPDAQUICKLOOK allows the user to quicklook LTPDA objects.
+% CALL:        ltpdaquicklook
+% VERSION:     $Id: ltpdaquicklook.m,v 1.5 2009/01/15 16:09:28 ingo Exp $
+% HISTORY: 07-03-08 M Hewitson
+%             Creation
+%% Check if I exist already
+hs = findall(0);
+found = -1;
+for j=1:length(hs)
+  h = hs(j);
+  if strcmp(get(h, 'Tag'), 'LTPDAquicklook')
+    found = h;
+  end
+if found ~= -1
+  figure(found);
+  return
+% id = findobj('Tag', 'LTPDAquicklook');
+% if ~isempty(id)
+%   figure(id)
+%   return
+% end
+%% Some initial setup
+Gproperties.Gcol    = [240 240 240]/255;
+Gproperties.Gwidth  = 600;
+Gproperties.Gheight = 400;
+Gproperties.Gborder = 10;
+fontsize = 12;
+Gproperties.Screen   = get(0,'screensize');
+Gproperties.Gposition = [150 ...
+  100 ...
+  Gproperties.Gwidth...
+  Gproperties.Gheight];
+%  Initialize and hide the GUI as it is being constructed.
+mainfig = figure('Name', 'LTPDA Quicklook',...
+  'NumberTitle', 'off',...
+  'Visible','off',...
+  'Position',Gproperties.Gposition,...
+  'Color', Gproperties.Gcol,...
+  'Toolbar', 'none',...
+  'MenuBar', 'none',...
+  'Resize', 'off',...
+  'HandleVisibility', 'callback', ...
+  'Tag', 'LTPDAquicklook');
+% Set mainfig callbacks
+set(mainfig, 'CloseRequestFcn', {@ltpda_quicklook_close, mainfig});
+% Set Application data
+setappdata(mainfig, 'Gproperties', Gproperties);
+%% GUI Parts
+% Objects list
+objs = getWorkspaceObjs();
+setappdata(mainfig, 'objs', objs);
+lbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','listbox',...
+  'String',{' '},...
+  'Value',1,...
+  'BackgroundColor', 'w',...
+  'Fontsize', fontsize,...
+  'Max', 1000,...
+  'Position',[10 90 150 300],...
+  'Tag', 'LTPDA_quicklook_objlist');
+% Set callback
+set(lbh, 'Callback', {@objList, mainfig});
+% Refresh button
+pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton',...
+  'String','Refresh',...
+  'Callback', {@refresh, mainfig}, ...
+  'Position',[10 70 60 25]);
+% Object display
+sth = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','text',...
+  'String','',...
+  'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
+  'ForegroundColor', 'b', ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
+  'Tag', 'LTPDA_quicklook_display', ...
+  'Position',[170 90 420 300]);
+% Plot button
+pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton',...
+  'String','iplot',...
+  'Callback', {@call_iplot, mainfig}, ...
+  'Position',[10 10 60 25]);
+% history plot
+pbh = uicontrol(mainfig,'Style','pushbutton',...
+  'String','plot history',...
+  'Callback', {@call_histplot, mainfig}, ...
+  'Position',[80 10 80 25]);
+%% Start the GUI
+% Make the GUI visible.
+%% Callbacks
+%---------------- history plot
+function call_histplot(varargin)
+mainfig = varargin{end};
+objs = getappdata(mainfig, 'objs');
+% get selection
+olh = findobj(mainfig, 'Tag', 'LTPDA_quicklook_objlist');
+idx = get(olh, 'Value');
+cmd = sprintf('obj = evalin(''base'', ''%s'');', objs(idx).name);
+%---------------- iplot
+function call_iplot(varargin)
+mainfig = varargin{end};
+objs = getappdata(mainfig, 'objs');
+% get selection
+olh = findobj(mainfig, 'Tag', 'LTPDA_quicklook_objlist');
+idx = get(olh, 'Value');
+cmd = sprintf('obj = evalin(''base'', ''%s'');', objs(idx).name);
+%---------------- refresh
+function refresh(varargin)
+mainfig = varargin{end};
+objs = getWorkspaceObjs();
+setappdata(mainfig, 'objs', objs);
+%---------------- Close function
+function ltpda_quicklook_close(varargin)
+% Callback executed when the GUI is closed
+disp('* Goodbye from the LTPDA Quicklook GUI *')
+%---------------- Get a list of LTPDA objects in the MATLAB workspace
+function objs = getWorkspaceObjs()
+% get base workspace variables
+ws_vars = evalin('base','whos');
+objs = [];
+for j=1:length(ws_vars)
+  cmd = sprintf('obj = evalin(''base'', ''%s'');', ws_vars(j).name);
+  eval(cmd)
+  if isa(obj, 'ltpda_uo')
+    objs = [objs ws_vars(j)];
+  end
+%---------------- Callback for list selection
+function objList(varargin)
+mainfig = varargin{end};
+objs = getappdata(mainfig, 'objs');
+% get selection
+olh = findobj(mainfig, 'Tag', 'LTPDA_quicklook_objlist');
+idx = get(olh, 'Value');
+cmd = sprintf('obj = evalin(''base'', ''%s'');', objs(idx).name);
+txt = display(obj);
+dh = findobj(mainfig, 'Tag', 'LTPDA_quicklook_display');
+set(dh, 'String', txt);
+%---------------- Fill the workspace object list
+function setWorkspaceObjsList(objs)
+id = findobj('Tag', 'LTPDA_quicklook_objlist');
+objlist = [];
+for j=1:length(objs)
+  obj = objs(j);
+  str = sprintf('%s\t\t(%s)', obj.name, obj.class);
+  objlist = [objlist cellstr(str)];
+set(id, 'Value', 1);
+set(id, 'String', objlist);