diff m-toolbox/sltpda/sltpda.mdl @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/sltpda/sltpda.mdl	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2927 @@
+Library {
+  Name			  "sltpda"
+  Version		  6.6
+  MdlSubVersion		  0
+  SavedCharacterEncoding  "ISO-8859-1"
+  LibraryType		  "BlockLibrary"
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+  ShowViewerIcons	  on
+  SortedOrder		  off
+  ExecutionContextIcon	  off
+  ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
+  ScopeRefreshTime	  0.035000
+  OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
+  DisableAllScopes	  off
+  BlockNameDataTip	  off
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+  BlockDescriptionStringDataTip	off
+  ToolBar		  on
+  StatusBar		  on
+  BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
+  BrowserLookUnderMasks	  off
+  InitFcn		  "disp('Welcome to sLTPDA');"
+  Created		  "Tue Mar 27 08:49:22 2007"
+  Creator		  "hewitson"
+  UpdateHistory		  "UpdateHistoryNever"
+  ModifiedByFormat	  "%<Auto>"
+  LastModifiedBy	  "hewitson"
+  ModifiedDateFormat	  "%<Auto>"
+  LastModifiedDate	  "Wed Jun 13 10:41:44 2007"
+  ModelVersionFormat	  "1.%<AutoIncrement:249>"
+  ConfigurationManager	  "cvs"
+  SimulationMode	  "normal"
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+  CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
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+  ExtModeTrigMode	  "normal"
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+  ExtModeTrigLevel	  0
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+  ExtModeIncDirWhenArm	  off
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+  ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
+  ExtModeArmWhenConnect	  on
+  ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
+  ExtModeLogAll		  on
+  ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock off
+  ProdHWDeviceType	  "32-bit Generic"
+  ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
+  ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
+  BlockDefaults {
+    Orientation		    "right"
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+  }
+  BlockParameterDefaults {
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Demux
+      Outputs		      "4"
+      DisplayOption	      "none"
+      BusSelectionMode	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Inport
+      Port		      "1"
+      UseBusObject	      off
+      BusObject		      "BusObject"
+      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+      PortDimensions	      "-1"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      DataType		      "auto"
+      OutDataType	      "sfix(16)"
+      OutScaling	      "2^0"
+      SignalType	      "auto"
+      SamplingMode	      "auto"
+      LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
+      LatchByCopyingInsideSignal off
+      Interpolate	      on
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Mux
+      Inputs		      "4"
+      DisplayOption	      "none"
+      UseBusObject	      off
+      BusObject		      "BusObject"
+      NonVirtualBus	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Outport
+      Port		      "1"
+      UseBusObject	      off
+      BusObject		      "BusObject"
+      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+      PortDimensions	      "-1"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      DataType		      "auto"
+      OutDataType	      "sfix(16)"
+      OutScaling	      "2^0"
+      SignalType	      "auto"
+      SamplingMode	      "auto"
+      OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
+      InitialOutput	      "[]"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      ShowPortLabels	      "FromPortIcon"
+      Permissions	      "ReadWrite"
+      PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
+      TreatAsAtomicUnit	      off
+      SystemSampleTime	      "-1"
+      RTWFcnNameOpts	      "Auto"
+      RTWFileNameOpts	      "Auto"
+      RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+      SimViewingDevice	      off
+      DataTypeOverride	      "UseLocalSettings"
+      MinMaxOverflowLogging   "UseLocalSettings"
+    }
+  }
+  AnnotationDefaults {
+    HorizontalAlignment	    "center"
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+  LineDefaults {
+    FontName		    "Helvetica"
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+  }
+  System {
+    Name		    "sltpda"
+    Location		    [192, 249, 853, 824]
+    Open		    on
+    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
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+    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
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+    ReportName		    "simulink-default.rpt"
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      Name		      "AO class"
+      Ports		      []
+      Position		      [65, 334, 150, 396]
+      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+      MaskHideContents	      off
+      MaskDisplay	      "image(imread('images/aoclass.jpg'))"
+      MaskIconFrame	      on
+      MaskIconOpaque	      on
+      MaskIconRotate	      "none"
+      MaskIconUnits	      "autoscale"
+      System {
+	Name			"AO class"
+	Location		[1004, 111, 1317, 423]
+	Open			on
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+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "attach model"
+	  Tag			  "attachdmdl"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [135, 185, 195, 225]
+	  AttributesFormatString  "%<Tag>"
+	  OpenFcn		  "1;"
+	  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  MaskHideContents	  off
+	  MaskType		  "attachmdl"
+	  MaskDisplay		  "image(imread('images/attachmodel.jpg'))"
+	  MaskIconFrame		  on
+	  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+	  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+	  MaskIconUnits		  "autoscale"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "attach model"
+	    Location		    [1209, 491, 1349, 557]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
+	    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "In1"
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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+	      MaskIconUnits	      "autoscale"
+	      MaskValueString	      "/Users/hewitson/working/ltp/ltpda/softw"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
+	      Position		      [85, 28, 115, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "convert"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [30, 186, 90, 224]
+	  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  MaskHideContents	  off
+	  MaskType		  "convert"
+	  MaskPromptString	  "convert to"
+	  MaskStyleString	  "popup(ao|string)"
+	  MaskTunableValueString  "on"
+	  MaskEnableString	  "on"
+	  MaskVisibilityString	  "on"
+	  MaskToolTipString	  "on"
+	  MaskVariables		  "fcn=@1;"
+	  MaskDisplay		  "image(imread('images/convert.jpg'))"
+	  MaskIconFrame		  on
+	  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+	  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+	  MaskIconUnits		  "autoscale"
+	  MaskValueString	  "ao"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "convert"
+	    Location		    [878, 453, 1018, 519]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
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+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
+	    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "In1"
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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+	      MaskIconRotate	      "none"
+	      MaskIconUnits	      "autoscale"
+	      MaskValueString	      "/Users/hewitson/working/ltp/ltpda/softw"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
+	      Position		      [85, 28, 115, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "get"
+	  Tag			  "get"
+	  Description		  "Get the propery of an analysis object."
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [30, 88, 75, 122]
+	  AttributesFormatString  "%<Tag>\\n%<param>"
+	  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  MaskHideContents	  off
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+	  MaskPromptString	  "parameter"
+	  MaskStyleString	  "edit"
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+	  MaskVisibilityString	  "on"
+	  MaskToolTipString	  "on"
+	  MaskVariables		  "param=@1;"
+	  MaskDisplay		  "image(imread('images/get.jpg'))"
+	  MaskIconFrame		  on
+	  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+	  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+	  MaskIconUnits		  "autoscale"
+	  MaskValueString	  "hist"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "get"
+	    Location		    [666, 259, 1154, 556]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
+	    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "ao in"
+	      Position		      [40, 28, 70, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "property out"
+	      Position		      [185, 28, 215, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "split"
+	  Tag			  "split"
+	  Description		  "Splits an AO into many sub-AOs."
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [95, 87, 150, 123]
+	  AttributesFormatString  "%<Tag>"
+	  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
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+	  MaskType		  "split"
+	  MaskPromptString	  "splitting method|splits"
+	  MaskStyleString	  "popup(times|frequencies|samples|N),edit"
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+	  MaskVarAliasString	  ","
+	  MaskVariables		  "method=@1;splits=@2;"
+	  MaskDisplay		  "image(imread('images/split.jpg'))"
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+	  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+	  MaskIconUnits		  "autoscale"
+	  MaskValueString	  "times|0"
+	  MaskTabNameString	  ","
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "split"
+	    Location		    [1114, 911, 1249, 982]
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "In1"
+	      Position		      [25, 33, 55, 47]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
+	      Position		      [80, 28, 110, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Annotation {
+	  Name			  "These are blocks that map to functions\nin "
+"the AO class of LTPDA."
+	  Position		  [29, 42]
+	  HorizontalAlignment	  "left"
+	  FontSize		  14
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      Name		      "Parameters"
+      Ports		      []
+      Position		      [205, 337, 270, 393]
+      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
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+      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+      MaskHideContents	      off
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+	Name			"Parameters"
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+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+	    Name		    "iparam"
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+	      MaskValueString	      "/Users/hewitson/working/ltp/ltpda/softw"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
+	      Position		      [85, 28, 115, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "loop"
+	  Ports			  []
+	  Position		  [190, 32, 232, 70]
+	  DropShadow		  on
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+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
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+	  System {
+	    Name		    "loop"
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+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "param"
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+	  Position		  [45, 138, 95, 172]
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+	  System {
+	    Name		    "param"
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "LISO filter"
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+	      Description	      "Filter an AO."
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+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
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+	      MaskDescription	      "Filter using an IIR filter based on a p"
+"ole/zero design. Use pzmodel_helper GUI to create the miir constructor string"
+	      MaskHelp		      "Filter using an IIR filter based on a p"
+"ole/zero design. Use pzmodel_helper GUI to create the miir constructor string"
+	      MaskPromptString	      "filter method|constructor string"
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+"model') param('gain', [1]) param('poles', [ pole(plist([param('f', [1]) param"
+"('q', [0]) ]))]) param('zeros', []) ]))"
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+	      System {
+		Name			"Pole/Zero filter"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "Standard Filter"
+	      Tag		      "filter"
+	      Description	      "Apply a standard filter type to input A"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
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+	      MaskHelp		      "Filters stuff."
+	      MaskPromptString	      "method|filter type|gain|corner frequenc"
+"ie(s) [Hz]|filter order"
+	      MaskStyleString	      "popup(filter|filtfilt),popup(highpass|l"
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+	      MaskValueString	      "filter|highpass|1|0.5|1"
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+	      System {
+		Name			"Standard Filter"
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+		  Position		  [205, 28, 235, 42]
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
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+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Frequency domain"
+	  Ports			  []
+	  Position		  [75, 106, 145, 154]
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+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
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+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Frequency domain"
+	    Location		    [446, 451, 975, 820]
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "ltpda_lpsd"
+	      Tag		      "ltpda_psd"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [155, 27, 225, 73]
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+	      MaskHideContents	      off
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+	      MaskPromptString	      "Desired num averages|Minimum num averag"
+"es|Number of spectral frequencies|Window|PSLL|Overlap"
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+	      MaskValueString	      "100|1|100|Kaiser|100|0"
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+	      System {
+		Name			"ltpda_lpsd"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "Out1"
+		  Position		  [85, 28, 115, 42]
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		  BusOutputAsStruct	  off
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "ltpda_pwelch"
+	      Tag		      "ltpda_pwelch"
+	      Description	      "Makes a spectral density estimate by ca"
+"lling ltpda_pwlech."
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [55, 27, 105, 63]
+	      ForegroundColor	      "blue"
+	      AttributesFormatString  "%<nfft>\\n%<nolap>"
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+	      MaskPromptString	      "Num points in FFT|Overlap (samples)"
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+	      MaskDisplay	      "image(imread('images/psd.jpg'))\nport_l"
+"abel('input', 1, 'AOs')\nport_label('input', 2, 'pl')\n"
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+	      MaskValueString	      "|"
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+	      System {
+		Name			"ltpda_pwelch"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Inport
+		  Name			  "pl"
+		  Position		  [25, 28, 55, 42]
+		  Port			  "2"
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "Out1"
+		  Position		  [90, 63, 120, 77]
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		  BusOutputAsStruct	  off
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "ltpda_tfe"
+	      Tag		      "ltpda_tfe"
+	      Description	      "Calls ltpda_tfe."
+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [70, 148, 160, 202]
+	      ForegroundColor	      "blue"
+	      AttributesFormatString  "%<Tag>\\n%<win>\\n%<nfft>\\n%<nolap>\\n"
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+	      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	      MaskHideContents	      off
+	      MaskType		      "ltpda_tfe"
+	      MaskDescription	      "Computes a transfer function estimate g"
+"iven the input and output of the system. This calls ltpda_tfe() which in turn"
+" calls tfestimate()."
+	      MaskHelp		      "Connect the input and output of a syste"
+"m to this block to compute a transfer function estimate. "
+	      MaskPromptString	      "Window|Nfft|PSLL|Overlap (samples)"
+	      MaskStyleString	      "popup(Hanning|Kaiser),edit,edit,edit"
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+	      MaskDisplay	      "image(imread('images/tfe.jpg'))\nport_l"
+"abel('input', 1, 'sys out')\nport_label('input', 2, 'sys in')\nport_label('in"
+"put', 3, 'pl')\n"
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+	      MaskValueString	      "Hanning|||"
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+	      System {
+		Name			"ltpda_tfe"
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+		Block {
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+		  Name			  "In2"
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+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Inport
+		  Name			  "pl"
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+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "Out1"
+		  Position		  [80, 28, 110, 42]
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		  BusOutputAsStruct	  off
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "ltpda_polydetrend"
+	  Tag			  "ltpda_polydetrend"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [195, 223, 270, 267]
+	  ForegroundColor	  "darkGreen"
+	  AttributesFormatString  "%<Tag>\\n%<degree>"
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+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  MaskHideContents	  off
+	  MaskType		  "ltpda_polydetrend"
+	  MaskPromptString	  "Degree of polynomial"
+	  MaskStyleString	  "edit"
+	  MaskTunableValueString  "on"
+	  MaskEnableString	  "on"
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+	  MaskToolTipString	  "on"
+	  MaskVariables		  "degree=@1;"
+	  MaskDisplay		  "image(imread('images/polydetrend.jpg'))\n"
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+	  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+	  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+	  MaskIconUnits		  "autoscale"
+	  MaskValueString	  "1"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "ltpda_polydetrend"
+	    Location		    [961, 205, 1101, 271]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
+	      Position		      [85, 28, 115, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "ltpda_timedomainfit"
+	  Tag			  "ltpda_timedomainfit"
+	  Description		  "Performs a time-domain fit of the input AOs"
+" using ltpda_timedomainfit."
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [70, 301, 150, 359]
+	  ForegroundColor	  "magenta"
+	  AttributesFormatString  "%<Tag>"
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+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
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+	  MaskDisplay		  "image(imread('images/tdfit.jpg'))\n"
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+	  MaskIconUnits		  "autoscale"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "ltpda_timedomainfit"
+	    Location		    [741, 355, 886, 426]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
+	      Position		      [90, 28, 120, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "resample"
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+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
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+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
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+	  MaskPromptString	  "Output sample rate"
+	  MaskStyleString	  "edit"
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+	  MaskValueString	  "0"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "resample"
+	    Location		    [857, 484, 997, 550]
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+	      MaskIconUnits	      "autoscale"
+	      MaskValueString	      "/Users/hewitson/working/ltp/ltpda/softw"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
+	      Position		      [85, 28, 115, 42]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Annotation {
+	  Name			  "These are signal processing blocks which\na"
+"re supported by sLTPDA. They mask equivalent\nfunctions which are in LTPDA."
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+	  HorizontalAlignment	  "left"
+	  FontSize		  14
+	}
+	Annotation {
+	  Position		  [167, 389]
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      Name		      "Sinks"
+      Ports		      []
+      Position		      [140, 225, 184, 266]
+      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
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+      MaskHideContents	      off
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+      System {
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+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+	      MaskValueString	      "/Users/hewitson/working/ltp/ltpda/softw"
+	    }
+	  }
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+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "plot"
+	  Tag			  "plot"
+	  Description		  "Plot an analysis object."
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [145, 94, 175, 126]
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+" if ~strcmp(fname, '0')\n%   % Pop-up dialog box to choose model file\n%   [f"
+"ilename, pathname] = uiputfile({'*.xml', 'LTPDA XML File';...\n%             "
+"                      '*.txt', 'ASCII File'}, 'Save AO to file')\n% end      "
+"                      \n% \n% if filename ~= 0\n%   infile = fullfile(pathnam"
+"e, filename);\n[path, fname, ext, vers] = fileparts(char(fname));\n%   set_pa"
+"ram(gcb, 'MaskValues', cellstr(infile));\nset(get_param(gcb, 'handle'), 'Name"
+"', fname);\n% end\n"
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+"]))]) param('zeros', []) ]))|0.1|100|1000"
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+	  MaskCallbackString	  "% Get the mask parameter values. This is a "
+"cell\n%   array of strings.\nmaskStr = get_param(gcb,'MaskValues');\n\n% The "
+"pop-up menu is the first mask parameter.\n%   Check the value selected in the"
+" pop-up \nswitch char(maskStr{1})\n\n  case 'sine wave'    \n    set_param(gc"
+"';'off'}),\n  case 'noise'\n    set_param(gcb,'MaskVisibilities',{'on';'off';"
+"'off';'on';'off';'off';'off';'off';'off';'off';'off'}),\n  case 'chirp'\n    "
+";'off';'off';'off'}),\n  case 'Gaussian pulse'\n    set_param(gcb,'MaskVisibi"
+"lities',{'on';'off';'off';'off';'off';'off';'off';'on';'on';'off';'off'}),\n "
+" case 'Square wave'\n    set_param(gcb,'MaskVisibilities',{'on';'on';'off';'o"
+"ff';'off';'off';'off';'off';'off';'on';'off'}),\n  case 'Sawtooth'\n    set_p"
+"ff';'off';'on'}),\n    \nend||||||||||"
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+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+	  MaskCallbackString	  "% Pop-up dialog box to choose model file\n%"
+" [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.txt', 'ASCII File';...\n%              "
+"           '*.xml', 'LTPDA XML File'}, 'Load AO from file');\n% \n%          "
+"             \n% if filename ~= 0\n%   infile = fullfile(pathname, filename);"
+"\n%   [path, fname, ext, vers] = fileparts(infile);\n%   set_param(gcb, 'Mask"
+"Values', cellstr(infile));\n%   set(get_param(gcb, 'handle'), 'Name', fname);"
+"\n% end\n\nfname = get_param(gcb, 'MaskValues')\n[path, fname, ext, vers] = f"
+"ileparts(char(fname));\ntry\n  set(get_param(gcb, 'handle'), 'Name', fname);"
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+	  MaskVariables		  "fname=@1;"
+	  MaskDisplay		  "image(imread('images/ao.jpg'))\n\n"
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+	  Name			  "These are SIMULINK blocks which \nare suppo"
+"rted by the sLTPDA parser."
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+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
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+    Annotation {
+      Name		      "A collection of SIMULINK blocks which can be us"
+"ed to \ndesign an analysis pipeline using LTPDA functions. The sLTPDA \nfunct"
+"ion set can be used to parse and run the model."
+      Position		      [178, 43]
+      HorizontalAlignment     "left"
+      FontSize		      14
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