diff m-toolbox/test/new_plot/miplot.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/test/new_plot/miplot.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1231 @@
+function varargout = miplot(varargin)
+% MIPLOT provides an intelligent plotting tool for LTPDA.
+% DESCRIPTION: MIPLOT provides an intelligent plotting tool for LTPDA.
+% CALL:        h = plot (a,pl)
+% INPUTS:      pl   - a parameter list
+%              a    - input analysis object
+% OUTPUTS:     h - handles to plot objects
+% Plot parameters: 
+%             'type' - one of the data class types
+%                      'tsdata' [default], 'fsdata', 'cdata', 'xydata', 'xyzdata'.
+%             'Arrangement' - select the plot layout:
+%                           'single'   - plots all AOs on individual figures
+%                           'stacked'  - plots all AOs on the same axes [default]
+%                           'subplots' - plots all AOs on subplots
+% Line parameters:
+%        The following properties take cell array values. If the length of 
+%        the cell array is shorter than the number of lines to plot, the 
+%        remaining lines will be plotted with the default options.
+%             'Colors' - a cell array of color definitions which will be
+%                        looped over for each line.
+%             'LineStyles' - a cell array of line styles. 
+%             'Legends' - specify a cell array of strings to be used for
+%                         the plot legends. If a cell contains an empty
+%                         string, the default legend string is built. 
+%                         If a single string 'off' is given instead of a
+%                         cell array, then the legends are all switched
+%                         off.
+%             'XLabels' - Specify the labels to be used on the x-axis. The
+%                         units are added from the data object 'xunits'
+%                         property.
+%             'YLabels' - Specify the labels to be used on the y-axis. The
+%                         units are added from the data object 'yunits'
+%                         property. If the object contains complex data,
+%                         you should specify two y-labels for that object.
+%             'XScales' - Specify the scales to be used on the x-axes.
+%             'YScales' - Specify the scales to the used on the y-axes. If
+%                         an object contains complex data, you should 
+%                         specify two y-labels for that object.
+%             'LineWidths' - an array of line widths. If the length of the
+%                            array is shorter than the number of lines to
+%                            plot, the remaining lines will be plotted with
+%                            the default line width.
+% VERSION:     $Id: miplot.m,v 1.3 2008/02/07 19:51:53 hewitson Exp $
+% The following call returns a parameter list object that contains the
+% default parameter values:
+% >> pl = miplot(ao, 'Params')
+% HISTORY: 22-12-07 M Hewitson
+%             Creation
+% TODO:
+%    1) Add XRange, YRange, ZRange
+%    2) Add/test math functions to all plots
+%% Check if this is a call for parameters
+VERSION = '$Id: miplot.m,v 1.3 2008/02/07 19:51:53 hewitson Exp $';
+bs      = [];
+if nargin == 2
+  if isa(varargin{1}, 'ao') && ischar(varargin{2})
+    in = char(varargin{2});
+    if strcmp(in, 'Params')
+      varargout{1} = getDefaultPL();
+      return
+    elseif strcmp(in, 'Version')
+      varargout{1} = VERSION;
+      return
+    end
+  end
+%% Collect input ao's, plist's and ao variable names
+in_names = {};
+for ii = 1:nargin
+  in_names{end+1} = inputname(ii);
+[as, upl, invars] = collect_inputs(varargin, in_names);
+%% Go through AOs and collect them into similar types
+tsAOs  = [];
+fsAOs  = [];
+xyAOs  = [];
+xyzAOs = [];
+cAOs   = [];
+for j=1:numel(as)
+  switch class(as(j).data)
+    case 'tsdata'
+      tsAOs = [tsAOs as(j)];
+    case 'fsdata'
+      fsAOs = [fsAOs as(j)];
+    case 'xydata'
+      xyAOs = [xyAOs as(j)];
+    case 'xyzdata'
+      xyzAOs = [xyzAOs as(j)];
+    case 'cdata'
+      cAOs = [cAOs as(j)];
+    otherwise
+      warning('!!! Unknown data type %s', class(as(j).data));
+  end
+%% Now plot all the objects on separate figures
+%----------- TSDATA
+% get default plist
+dpl = getDefaultPlist('tsdata');
+% combine the plists
+pl = combine(upl, dpl);
+% Call x-y plot
+[hfig, hax, hli] = xy_plot(tsAOs, pl);
+%----------- XYDATA
+% get default plist
+dpl = getDefaultPlist('xydata');
+% combine the plists
+pl = combine(upl, dpl);
+% Call x-y plot
+[hfig, hax, hli] = xy_plot(xyAOs, pl);
+%----------- XYZDATA
+% get default plist
+dpl = getDefaultPlist('xyzdata');
+% combine the plists
+pl = combine(upl, dpl);
+% Call x-y-z plot
+[hfig, hax, hli] = xyz_plot(xyzAOs, pl);
+%----------- CDATA
+% get default plist
+dpl = getDefaultPlist('cdata');
+% combine the plists
+pl = combine(upl, dpl);
+% Call x-y plot
+[hfig, hax, hli] = y_plot(cAOs, pl);
+%----------- FSDATA
+% get default plist
+dpl = getDefaultPlist('fsdata');
+% combine the plists
+pl = combine(upl, dpl);
+% Call fsdata plot
+[hfig, hax, hli] = fs_plot(fsAOs, pl);
+% Plot fsdata objects
+function varargout = fs_plot(varargin)
+aos = varargin{1};
+pl  = varargin{2};
+% Extract parameters
+arrangement = find(pl, 'Arrangement');
+colors      = find(pl, 'Colors');
+linestyles  = find(pl, 'LineStyles');
+linewidths  = find(pl, 'LineWidths');
+legends     = find(pl, 'Legends');
+ylabels     = find(pl, 'YLabels');
+xlabels     = find(pl, 'XLabels');
+yscales     = find(pl, 'YScales');
+xscales     = find(pl, 'XScales');
+yranges     = find(pl, 'YRanges');
+xranges     = find(pl, 'XRanges');
+xmaths      = find(pl, 'XMaths');
+ymaths      = find(pl, 'YMaths');
+complexPlotType = find(pl, 'complexPlotType');
+% check whether we want legends or not
+if iscell(legends)
+  legendsOn = 1;
+  if strcmpi(legends, 'off')
+    legendsOn = 0;
+  else
+    legendsOn = 1;
+    legends = [];
+  end
+if ~iscell(linestyles), linestyles = {linestyles}; end
+if ~iscell(legends), legends = {legends}; end
+if ~iscell(ylabels), ylabels = {ylabels}; end
+if ~iscell(xlabels), xlabels = {xlabels}; end
+if ~iscell(xmaths), xmaths = {xmaths}; end
+if ~iscell(ymaths), ymaths = {ymaths}; end
+if ~iscell(xscales), xscales = {xscales}; end
+if ~iscell(yscales), yscales = {yscales}; end
+if ~iscell(xranges), xranges = {xranges}; end
+if ~iscell(yranges), yranges = {yranges}; end
+% collect figure handles
+tsfig = [];
+tsax  = [];
+tsli  = [];
+% Legend holder
+legendStr = [];
+if ~isempty(aos)
+  % Now loop over AOs
+  Na = length(aos);
+  % - first to check if any are complex
+  haveComplex = 0;
+  for j=1:Na
+    a = aos(j);
+    y = a.data.y;
+    ymath = '';
+    if j<=length(ymaths)
+      if ~isempty(ymaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymaths{j}));
+        ymath = ymaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    xmath = '';
+    if j<=length(xmaths)
+      if ~isempty(xmaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmaths{j}));
+        xmath = xmaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    if ~isreal(y)
+      haveComplex = 1;
+    end    
+  end
+  % Loop over the AOs now  
+  for j=1:Na
+    % set real and imag subplot handles to empty
+    tsax_r = [];
+    tsax_i = [];
+    % Get this AO
+    a = aos(j);
+    %------- Apply math functions
+    x = a.data.x;
+    y = a.data.y;
+    ymath = '';
+    if j<=length(ymaths)
+      if ~isempty(ymaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymaths{j}));
+        ymath = ymaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    xmath = '';
+    if j<=length(xmaths)
+      if ~isempty(xmaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmaths{j}));
+        xmath = xmaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    % what figures do we need?
+    switch arrangement
+      case 'single'        
+        tsfig = [tsfig figure];
+        col = colors{1};
+        % check if this data set is real or complex
+        if ~isreal(y)
+          % complex means we use two subplots
+          tsax_r = subplot(2,1,1);
+          tsax_i = subplot(2,1,2);
+          tsax   = [tsax tsax_r tsax_i];
+        else
+          % real means we use a single subplot
+          tsax_r = subplot(1, 1, 1);
+          tsax = [tsax tsax_r];
+        end
+      case 'stacked'
+        if j==1, tsfig = figure; end
+        % if at least one of the input fsdata AOs is complex, we need to
+        % allow for subplots
+        if haveComplex
+          tsax_r = subplot(2,1,1);
+          tsax_i = subplot(2,1,2);
+          tsax   = [tsax_r tsax_i];
+        else
+          tsax_r = subplot(1, 1, 1);
+          tsax = tsax_r;
+        end
+        col = colors{mod(j-1,length(colors))+1};
+        hold(tsax_r, 'on');
+        if ishandle(tsax_i)
+          hold(tsax_i, 'on');
+        end      
+      case 'subplots'
+        if j == 1, tsfig = figure; end
+        c = 1+(j-1)*2;
+        sx = Na;
+        sy = 2;
+        % Now we have one or two subplots per input object.
+        if ~isreal(y)
+          tsax_r = subplot(sx, sy,c);
+          tsax_i = subplot(sx, sy,c+1);
+          tsax   = [tsax tsax_r tsax_i];
+        else
+          tsax_r = subplot(sx, sy, c:c+1);
+          tsax   = [tsax tsax_r];
+        end
+        col = colors{1};
+      otherwise
+        error('### Unknown plot arrangement');
+    end
+    %------- Plot the data
+    % plot real or complex data and setup default values for scale and
+    % labels as we go.
+    if isreal(y)
+      tsli = [tsli plot(tsax_r, x, y)];
+      ylabelr = 'amplitude';
+      ylabeli = 'imag';
+      yscaleR = 'log';
+      yscaleI = 'lin';
+      xscaleR = 'log';
+      xscaleI = 'lin';
+    else
+      switch complexPlotType
+        case 'realimag'
+          tsli = [tsli plot(tsax_r, x, real(y))];
+          tsli = [tsli plot(tsax_i, x, imag(y))];
+          ylabelr = 'real';
+          ylabeli = 'imag';
+          yscaleR = 'lin';
+          yscaleI = 'lin';
+          xscaleR = 'lin';
+          xscaleI = 'lin';
+        case 'absdeg'
+          tsli = [tsli plot(tsax_r, x, abs(y))];
+          tsli = [tsli plot(tsax_i, x, phase(y))];
+          ylabelr = 'amplitude';
+          ylabeli = 'Phase [deg]';
+          yscaleR = 'log';
+          yscaleI = 'lin';
+          xscaleR = 'log';
+          xscaleI = 'log';
+        case 'absrad'
+          tsli = [tsli plot(tsax_r, x, abs(y))];
+          tsli = [tsli plot(tsax_i, x, angle(y))];
+          ylabelr = 'amplitude';
+          ylabeli = 'phase [rad]';
+          yscaleR = 'log';
+          yscaleI = 'lin';
+          xscaleR = 'log';
+          xscaleI = 'log';
+        otherwise
+          error('### Unknown plot type for complex data');
+      end
+    end
+    %------- Axis properties
+    % Set ylabel    
+    c = 1+(j-1)*2;
+    if c<=length(ylabels)
+      if ~isempty(ylabels{c})
+        ylstrR =  ylabels{c};
+      else
+        ylstrR = ylabelr; 
+      end
+    else
+      ylstrR = ylabelr;
+    end
+    if c<length(ylabels)
+      if ~isempty(ylabels{c+1})
+        ylstrI =  ylabels{c+1};
+      else
+        ylstrI = ylabeli;
+      end
+    else
+      ylstrI = ylabeli;
+    end    
+    if ~isempty(ymath)
+      ymath = strrep(ymath, 'y', sprintf('%s', a.data.yunits));
+      ylstrR = [ylstrR ' [' ymath ']' ];
+    else
+      ylstrR = [ylstrR ' [' a.data.yunits ']' ];
+    end
+    ylabel(tsax_r, ylstrR);
+    if ishandle(tsax_i)
+      ylabel(tsax_i, ylstrI);
+    end
+    % Set xlabel
+    if j<=length(xlabels) && ~isempty(xlabels{j})
+        xlstr =  xlabels{j};
+    else
+      xlstr = find(pl, 'XLabel');
+    end    
+    if ~isempty(xmath)
+      xmath = strrep(xmath, 'x', sprintf('%s', a.data.xunits));
+      xlstr = [xlstr ' [' xmath ']' ];
+    else
+      xlstr = [xlstr ' [' a.data.xunits ']' ];
+    end
+    xlabel(tsax_r, xlstr);
+    if ishandle(tsax_i)
+      xlabel(tsax_i, xlstr);
+    end    
+    % Set grid on or off
+    grid(tsax_r, 'on');
+    if ishandle(tsax_i)
+      grid(tsax_i, 'on');
+    end
+    % Set Y scale
+    c = 1+(j-1)*2;
+    if c<=length(yscales)
+      if ~isempty(yscales{c})
+        yscaleR =  yscales{c};
+      end
+    end
+    if c<length(yscales)
+      if ~isempty(yscales{c+1})
+        yscaleI =  yscales{c+1};
+      end
+    end        
+    set(tsax_r, 'YScale', yscaleR);
+    if ishandle(tsax_i)
+      set(tsax_i, 'YScale', yscaleI);
+    end
+    % Set X scale
+    c = 1+(j-1)*2;
+    if c<=length(xscales)
+      if ~isempty(xscales{c})
+        xscaleR =  xscales{c};
+      end
+    end
+    if c<length(xscales)
+      if ~isempty(xscales{c+1})
+        xscaleI =  xscales{c+1};
+      end
+    end        
+    set(tsax_r, 'XScale', xscaleR);
+    if ishandle(tsax_i)
+      set(tsax_i, 'XScale', xscaleI);
+    end
+    % Set Y range
+    c = 1+(j-1)*2;
+    if c<=length(yranges)
+      if ~isempty(yranges{c})
+        set(tsax_r, 'YLim', yranges{c});
+      end
+    end
+    if c<length(yranges)
+      if ~isempty(yranges{c+1})
+        if ishandle(tsax_i)
+          set(tsax_i, 'YLim', yranges{c+1});
+        end
+      end
+    end        
+    % Set X range
+    c = 1+(j-1)*2;
+    if c<=length(xranges)
+      if ~isempty(xranges{c})
+        set(tsax_r, 'XLim', xranges{c});
+      end
+    end
+    if c<length(xranges)
+      if ~isempty(xranges{c+1})
+        if ishandle(tsax_i)
+          set(tsax_i, 'XLim', xranges{c+1});
+        end
+      end
+    end        
+    %------- line properties
+    % Set line color
+    if isreal(y)
+      set(tsli(end), 'Color', col);
+    else
+      set(tsli(end-1), 'Color', col);
+      set(tsli(end), 'Color', col);
+    end
+    % Set line style
+    if j<=length(linestyles) && ~isempty(linestyles{j})
+      if isreal(y)
+        set(tsli(end), 'LineStyle', linestyles{j});
+      else
+        set(tsli(end-1), 'LineStyle', linestyles{j});
+        set(tsli(end), 'LineStyle', linestyles{j});
+      end
+    end
+    % Set line widths    
+    if j<=length(linewidths) && ~isempty(linewidths(j))
+      if isreal(y)
+        set(tsli(end), 'LineWidth', linewidths(j));
+      else
+        set(tsli(end-1), 'LineWidth', linewidths(j));
+        set(tsli(end), 'LineWidth', linewidths(j));
+      end
+    end
+    % Set legend string
+    lstr = '';
+    if legendsOn
+      if j<=length(legends) && ~isempty(legends{j})
+        lstr = legends{j};
+      else
+        lstr = ltpda_label(a.name);
+      end
+    end
+    legendStr = [legendStr cellstr(lstr)];
+    % Set the legend now if we can
+    if legendsOn
+      if strcmp(arrangement, 'single') || strcmp(arrangement, 'subplots')
+        legend(tsax_r, legendStr{end});
+      end
+    end
+  end % End loop over AOs
+  % Process legends for stacked plots
+  if legendsOn
+    if strcmp(arrangement, 'stacked')
+      h = legend(tsax_r, legendStr);
+      set(h, 'FontSize', 10)
+    end
+  end
+% Set outputs
+if nargout > 0
+  varargout{1} = tsfig;
+if nargout > 1
+  varargout{2} = tsax;
+if nargout == 3
+  varargout{3} = tsli;
+if nargout > 3
+  error('### Too many output arguments');
+% Plot tsdata and xydata objects
+function varargout = xy_plot(varargin)
+aos = varargin{1};
+pl  = varargin{2};
+% Extract parameters
+arrangement = find(pl, 'Arrangement');
+colors      = find(pl, 'Colors');
+linestyles  = find(pl, 'LineStyles');
+linewidths  = find(pl, 'LineWidths');
+legends     = find(pl, 'Legends');
+ylabels     = find(pl, 'YLabels');
+xlabels     = find(pl, 'XLabels');
+xmaths      = find(pl, 'XMaths');
+ymaths      = find(pl, 'YMaths');
+% check whether we want legends or not
+if iscell(legends)
+  legendsOn = 1;
+  if strcmpi(legends, 'off')
+    legendsOn = 0;
+  else
+    legendsOn = 1;
+    legends = [];
+  end
+if ~iscell(linestyles), linestyles = {linestyles}; end
+if ~iscell(legends), legends = {legends}; end
+if ~iscell(ylabels), ylabels = {ylabels}; end
+if ~iscell(xlabels), xlabels = {xlabels}; end
+if ~iscell(xmaths), xmaths = {xmaths}; end
+if ~iscell(ymaths), ymaths = {ymaths}; end
+% collect figure handles
+tsfig = [];
+tsax  = [];
+tsli  = [];
+% Legend holder
+legendStr = [];
+if ~isempty(aos)
+  % Now loop over AOs
+  Na = length(aos);
+  for j=1:Na
+    % Get this AO
+    a = aos(j);
+    % what figures do we need?
+    switch arrangement
+      case 'single'        
+        tsfig = [tsfig figure];
+        tsax = subplot(1,1,1);
+        col = colors{1};
+      case 'stacked'
+        if j==1, tsfig = figure; end
+        tsax = subplot(1,1,1);
+        col = colors{mod(j-1,length(colors))+1};
+        hold on;
+      case 'subplots'
+        if j == 1, tsfig = figure; end
+        tsax = [tsax subplot(Na, 1, j)];
+        col = colors{1};
+      otherwise
+        error('### Unknown plot arrangement');
+    end
+    %------- Apply math functions
+    x = a.data.x;
+    y = a.data.y;
+    ymath = '';
+    if j<=length(ymaths)
+      if ~isempty(ymaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymaths{j}));
+        ymath = ymaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    xmath = '';
+    if j<=length(xmaths)
+      if ~isempty(xmaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmaths{j}));
+        xmath = xmaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    %------- Plot the data
+    tsli = [tsli plot(tsax(end), x, y)];
+    %------- Axis properties
+    % Set ylabel
+    if j<=length(ylabels) && ~isempty(ylabels{j})
+        ylstr =  ylabels{j};
+    else
+      ylstr = find(pl, 'YLabel');
+    end    
+    if ~isempty(ymath)
+      ymath = strrep(ymath, 'y', sprintf('%s', a.data.yunits));
+      ylstr = [ylstr ' [' ymath ']' ];
+    else
+      ylstr = [ylstr ' [' a.data.yunits ']' ];
+    end
+    ylabel(ylstr);
+    % Set xlabel
+    if j<=length(xlabels) && ~isempty(xlabels{j})
+        xlstr =  xlabels{j};
+    else
+      xlstr = find(pl, 'XLabel');
+    end    
+    if ~isempty(xmath)
+      xmath = strrep(xmath, 'x', sprintf('%s', a.data.xunits));
+      xlstr = [xlstr ' [' xmath ']' ];
+    else
+      xlstr = [xlstr ' [' a.data.xunits ']' ];
+    end
+    xlabel(xlstr);
+    % Set grid on or off
+    grid(tsax(end), 'on');
+    %------- line properties
+    % Set line color
+    set(tsli(end), 'Color', col);
+    % Set line style
+    if j<=length(linestyles) && ~isempty(linestyles{j})
+      set(tsli(end), 'LineStyle', linestyles{j});
+    end
+    % Set line widths    
+    if j<=length(linewidths) && ~isempty(linewidths(j))
+      set(tsli(end), 'LineWidth', linewidths(j));
+    end
+    % Set legend string
+    lstr = '';
+    if legendsOn
+      if j<=length(legends) && ~isempty(legends{j})
+        lstr = legends{j};
+      else
+        lstr = ltpda_label(a.name);
+      end
+    end
+    legendStr = [legendStr cellstr(lstr)];
+    % Set the legend now if we can
+    if legendsOn
+      if strcmp(arrangement, 'single') || strcmp(arrangement, 'subplots')
+        legend(legendStr{end});
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  % Process legends for stacked plots
+  if legendsOn
+    if strcmp(arrangement, 'stacked')
+      h = legend(legendStr);
+      set(h, 'FontSize', 10)
+    end
+  end
+% Set outputs
+if nargout > 0
+  varargout{1} = tsfig;
+if nargout > 1
+  varargout{2} = tsax;
+if nargout == 3
+  varargout{3} = tsli;
+if nargout > 3
+  error('### Too many output arguments');
+% Plot cdata objects
+function varargout = y_plot(varargin)
+aos = varargin{1};
+pl  = varargin{2};
+% Extract parameters
+arrangement = find(pl, 'Arrangement');
+colors      = find(pl, 'Colors');
+linestyles  = find(pl, 'LineStyles');
+linewidths  = find(pl, 'LineWidths');
+legends     = find(pl, 'Legends');
+ylabels     = find(pl, 'YLabels');
+xlabels     = find(pl, 'XLabels');
+xmaths      = find(pl, 'XMaths');
+ymaths      = find(pl, 'YMaths');
+% check whether we want legends or not
+if iscell(legends)
+  legendsOn = 1;
+  if strcmp(legends, 'off')
+    legendsOn = 0;
+  else
+    legendsOn = 1;
+    legends = [];
+  end
+if ~iscell(linestyles), linestyles = {linestyles}; end
+if ~iscell(legends), legends = {legends}; end
+if ~iscell(ylabels), ylabels = {ylabels}; end
+if ~iscell(xlabels), xlabels = {xlabels}; end
+if ~iscell(xmaths), xmaths = {xmaths}; end
+if ~iscell(ymaths), ymaths = {ymaths}; end
+% collect figure handles
+tsfig = [];
+tsax  = [];
+tsli  = [];
+% Legend holder
+legendStr = [];
+if ~isempty(aos)
+  % Now loop over AOs
+  Na = length(aos);
+  for j=1:Na
+    % Get this AO
+    a = aos(j);
+    % what figures do we need?
+    switch arrangement
+      case 'single'        
+        tsfig = [tsfig figure];
+        tsax = subplot(1,1,1);
+        col = colors{1};
+      case 'stacked'
+        if j==1, tsfig = figure; end
+        tsax = subplot(1,1,1);
+        col = colors{mod(j-1,length(colors))+1};
+        hold on;
+      case 'subplots'
+        if j == 1, tsfig = figure; end
+        tsax = [tsax subplot(Na, 1, j)];
+        col = colors{1};
+      otherwise
+        error('### Unknown plot arrangement');
+    end
+    %------- Apply math functions
+    x = 1:length(a.data.y);
+    y = a.data.y;
+    ymath = '';
+    if j<=length(ymaths)
+      if ~isempty(ymaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymaths{j}));
+        ymath = ymaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    xmath = '';
+    if j<=length(xmaths)
+      if ~isempty(xmaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmaths{j}));
+        xmath = xmaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    %------- Plot the data
+    idcs = plot(tsax(end), x, y);
+    tsli = [tsli idcs(1:end).'];
+    %------- Axis properties
+    % Set ylabel
+    if j<=length(ylabels) && ~isempty(ylabels{j})
+        ylstr =  ylabels{j};
+    else
+      ylstr = find(pl, 'YLabel');
+    end    
+    if ~isempty(ymath)
+      ymath = strrep(ymath, 'y', sprintf('%s', a.data.yunits));
+      ylstr = [ylstr ' [' ymath ']' ];
+    else
+      ylstr = [ylstr ' [' a.data.yunits ']' ];
+    end
+    ylabel(ylstr);
+    % Set xlabel
+    if j<=length(xlabels) && ~isempty(xlabels{j})
+        xlstr =  xlabels{j};
+    else
+      xlstr = find(pl, 'XLabel');
+    end    
+    if ~isempty(xmath)
+      xmath = strrep(xmath, 'x', sprintf('%s', a.data.xunits));
+      xlstr = [xlstr ' [' xmath ']' ];
+    else
+      xlstr = [xlstr ' [' a.data.xunits ']' ];
+    end
+    xlabel(xlstr);
+    % Set grid on or off
+    grid(tsax(end), 'on');
+    %------- line properties
+    % Set line color
+    set(tsli(end), 'Color', col);
+    % Set line style
+    if j<=length(linestyles) && ~isempty(linestyles{j})
+      set(tsli(end), 'LineStyle', linestyles{j});
+    end
+    % Set line widths    
+    if j<=length(linewidths)
+      set(tsli(end), 'LineWidth', linewidths(j));
+    end
+    % Set legend string
+    if legendsOn
+      if j<=length(legends) && ~isempty(legends{j})
+        legendStr = [legendStr legends(j)];
+      else
+        lstr = ltpda_label(a.name);
+        legendStr = [legendStr cellstr(lstr)];
+      end
+    end
+    % Set the legend now if we can
+    if legendsOn
+      if strcmp(arrangement, 'single') || strcmp(arrangement, 'subplots')
+        legend(legendStr{end});
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  % Process legends for stacked plots
+  if legendsOn
+    if strcmp(arrangement, 'stacked')
+      h = legend(legendStr);
+      set(h, 'FontSize', 10)
+    end
+  end
+% Set outputs
+if nargout > 0
+  varargout{1} = tsfig;
+if nargout > 1
+  varargout{2} = tsax;
+if nargout == 3
+  varargout{3} = tsli;
+if nargout > 3
+  error('### Too many output arguments');
+% Plot xyzdata objects
+function varargout = xyz_plot(varargin)
+aos = varargin{1};
+pl  = varargin{2};
+% Extract parameters
+arrangement = find(pl, 'Arrangement');
+colors      = find(pl, 'Colors');
+linestyles  = find(pl, 'LineStyles');
+linewidths  = find(pl, 'LineWidths');
+legends     = find(pl, 'Legends');
+zlabels     = find(pl, 'ZLabels');
+ylabels     = find(pl, 'YLabels');
+xlabels     = find(pl, 'XLabels');
+xmaths      = find(pl, 'XMaths');
+ymaths      = find(pl, 'YMaths');
+zmaths      = find(pl, 'ZMaths');
+% check whether we want legends or not
+if iscell(legends)
+  legendsOn = 1;
+  if strcmp(legends, 'off')
+    legendsOn = 0;
+  else
+    legendsOn = 1;
+    legends = [];
+  end
+% collect figure handles
+tsfig = [];
+tsax  = [];
+tsli  = [];
+% Legend holder
+legendStr = [];
+if ~isempty(aos)
+  % Now loop over AOs
+  Na = length(aos);
+  for j=1:Na
+    % Get this AO
+    a = aos(j);
+    % what figures do we need?
+    switch arrangement
+      case 'single'        
+        tsfig = [tsfig figure];
+        tsax = subplot(1,1,1);
+      case 'subplots'
+        if j == 1, tsfig = figure; end
+        tsax = [tsax subplot(Na, 1, j)];
+      otherwise
+        error('### Unknown plot arrangement');
+    end
+    %------- Apply math functions
+    x = a.data.x;
+    y = a.data.y;
+    z = a.data.z;
+    ymath = '';
+    if j<=length(ymaths)
+      if ~isempty(ymaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymaths{j}));
+        ymath = ymaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    xmath = '';
+    if j<=length(xmaths)
+      if ~isempty(xmaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmaths{j}));
+        xmath = xmaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    zmath = '';
+    if j<=length(zmaths)
+      if ~isempty(zmaths{j})
+        eval(sprintf('z = %s;', zmaths{j}));
+        zmath = zmaths{j};
+      end
+    end
+    %------- Plot the data
+    idcs = pcolor(x,y,z);
+    tsli = [tsli idcs(1:end).'];
+    % plot properties
+    set(idcs, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
+    %------- Axis properties
+    % Reverse y-direction for spectrograms
+    set(tsax(end), 'YDir', 'reverse');
+    % Set ylabel
+    if j<=length(ylabels) && ~isempty(ylabels{j})
+        ylstr =  ylabels{j};
+    else
+      ylstr = find(pl, 'YLabel');
+    end    
+    if ~isempty(ymath)
+      ymath = strrep(ymath, 'y', sprintf('%s', a.data.yunits));
+      ylstr = [ylstr ' [' ymath ']' ];
+    else
+      ylstr = [ylstr ' [' a.data.yunits ']' ];
+    end
+    ylabel(ylstr);
+    % Set xlabel
+    if j<=length(xlabels) && ~isempty(xlabels{j})
+        xlstr =  xlabels{j};
+    else
+      xlstr = find(pl, 'XLabel');
+    end    
+    if ~isempty(xmath)
+      xmath = strrep(xmath, 'x', sprintf('%s', a.data.xunits));
+      xlstr = [xlstr ' [' xmath ']' ];
+    else
+      xlstr = [xlstr ' [' a.data.xunits ']' ];
+    end
+    xlabel(xlstr);
+    % Set grid on or off
+    grid(tsax(end), 'on');
+    % Set title string
+    if ~strcmpi(legends, 'off')
+      if j<=length(legends) && ~isempty(legends{j})
+        legendStr = [legendStr legends(j)];
+      else
+        lstr = ltpda_label(a.name);
+        legendStr = [legendStr cellstr(lstr)];
+      end
+    end
+    % Set the legend now if we can
+    tstr = legendStr{end};
+    if legendsOn
+      title(tstr);
+    end
+    % Set colorbars
+    hc = colorbar('peer', tsax(end));
+    if j<=length(zlabels)
+      if ~isempty(zlabels{j})
+        zlstr = zlabels{j};
+      end
+    else
+      zlstr = find(pl, 'Zlabel');
+    end
+    if ~isempty(zmath), zlstr = [zlstr sprintf('\n%s', zmath)]; end    
+    ylh = get(hc, 'YLabel');
+    set(ylh, 'String', zlstr);
+    set(ylh, 'Fontsize', get(tsax(end), 'Fontsize'))
+    set(ylh, 'FontName', get(tsax(end), 'FontName'))
+    set(ylh, 'FontAngle', get(tsax(end), 'FontAngle'))
+    set(ylh, 'FontWeight', get(tsax(end), 'FontWeight'))
+  end
+% Set outputs
+if nargout > 0
+  varargout{1} = tsfig;
+if nargout > 1
+  varargout{2} = tsax;
+if nargout == 3
+  varargout{3} = tsli;
+if nargout > 3
+  error('### Too many output arguments');
+% Default Parameter Lists
+function out = getDefaultPlist(varargin)
+% list of available parameter sets
+sets = {'tsdata', 'fsdata', 'cdata', 'xydata'};
+% Get the LTPDA color set for lines
+colors = getappdata(0,'ltpda_default_plot_colors');
+if nargin == 0
+  out = sets;
+  return
+set = varargin{1};
+out = plist('Colors', colors, ...
+  'Arrangement', 'stacked');
+switch set
+  case 'fsdata'
+    out = append(out, 'type', 'fsdata', ...
+                      'complexPlotType', 'absdeg', ...
+                      'XLabel', 'Frequency');
+  case 'tsdata'
+    out = append(out, 'type', 'tsdata', ...
+                      'Xlabel', 'Time', ...
+                      'Ylabel', 'Amplitude');
+  case 'xydata'
+    out = append(out, 'type', 'xydata', ...
+                      'Xlabel', 'X-data', ...
+                      'Ylabel', 'Y-data', ...
+                      'YMaths', '', ...
+                      'XMaths', '');
+  case 'xyzdata'
+    out = plist('Colors', colors, 'Arrangement', 'single', ...
+                      'type', 'xydata', ...
+                      'Xlabel', 'Time', ...
+                      'Ylabel', 'Frequency',...
+                      'Zlabel', 'Amplitude', ...
+                      'YMaths', '', ...
+                      'ZMaths', '', ...
+                      'XMaths', '');
+  case 'cdata'
+    out = append(out, 'type', 'tsdata', ...
+                      'Xlabel', 'Index', ...
+                      'Ylabel', 'Value');
+  otherwise
+    out = plist();