diff m-toolbox/test/test_iplot_2.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/test/test_iplot_2.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+function test_iplot_2
+  %% When cdata contains a matrix
+  c  = ao(randn(10,10));
+  c1 = ao(randn(10,10));
+  c2 = ao(randn(10,10));
+  iplot(c, plist('Markers', 'o', 'LineStyles', '--'))
+  %% When cdata is complex
+  c = ao(complex(randn(1,100), randn(1,100)));
+  iplot(c, plist('LineStyles', 'none', 'Markers', 'x'))
+  %% Time-series with different start times
+  pl = plist('waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 0.1, 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 20);
+  a1 = ao(pl);
+  a1 = a1.setT0('2008-01-01 12:00:00.5');
+  a2 = ao(pl);
+  a2 = a2.setT0('2008-01-01 12:00:10');
+  iplot(a1,a2, plist('arrangement', 'stacked'))
+  iplot(a1,a2, plist('arrangement', 'subplots'))
+  iplot(a1,a2, plist('arrangement', 'single'))
+  close all
+  %% Set XRange for time-series
+  iplot(a1,a2, plist('arrangement', 'stacked', 'XRanges', [0 12]))
+  iplot(a1,a2, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'XRanges', {[0 12], [15 20]}))
+  %% Set YRanges for time-series
+  iplot(a1,a2, plist('arrangement', 'stacked', 'YRanges', [0 1]))
+  iplot(a1,a2, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', {[-1 1], [-2 2]}))
+  %% Set XRange for cdata
+  iplot(c, plist('arrangement', 'stacked', 'XRanges', [0 12]))
+  iplot(c, c, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'XRanges', {[0 1], [1 2]}))
+  %% Set YRange for cdata
+  iplot(c, plist('arrangement', 'stacked', 'YRanges', [0 1]))
+  iplot(c, c, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', {[-1 1], [-2 2]}))
+  %% Test 'all' line properties for cdata
+  iplot(c1, c1, plist('linecolors', {'ALL', 'c'}))
+  iplot(c1, c2, plist('linewidths', {'all', 4}))
+  iplot(c1, c2, plist('linestyles', {'all', '--'}))
+  iplot(c1, c2, plist('Markers', {'All', 'x'}))
+  %% Test 'all' axes properties for tsdata
+  iplot(c1, c2, plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'}))
+  iplot(abs(c1), abs(c2), plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'Yscales', {'All', 'log'}))
+  iplot(c1, c2, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'Xscales', {'All', 'lin'}))
+  iplot(c1, c2, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', {'All', [-3 10]}))
+  %% Test 'all' line properties for tsdata
+  iplot(a1, a2, plist('linecolors', {'ALL', 'c'}))
+  iplot(a1, a2, plist('linewidths', {'all', 4}))
+  iplot(a1, a2, plist('linestyles', {'all', '--'}))
+  iplot(a1, a2, plist('Markers', {'All', 'x'}))
+  close all
+  %% Test 'all' axes properties for tsdata
+  iplot(a1, a2, plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'}))
+  iplot(abs(a1), abs(a2), plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'Yscales', {'All', 'log'}))
+  iplot(a1, a2, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'Xscales', {'All', 'lin'}))
+  iplot(a1, a2, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', {'All', [-3 10]}))
+  %% Test 'all' line properties for fsdata
+  fsd1 = resp(miir(plist('type','lowpass','fs', 100)), plist('f', logspace(-4, log10(50), 1000)));
+  fsd1 = fsd1.setYunits('m V^-1');
+  fsd2 = psd(a1+a2);
+  fsd3 = fsd2*10;
+  fsd4 = resp(miir(plist('type', 'highpass')));
+  fsd4 = fsd4.setYunits('m V^-1');
+  iplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, plist('linecolors', {'ALL', 'c'}))
+  iplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, plist('linewidths', {'all', 4}))
+  iplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, plist('linestyles', {'all', '--'}))
+  iplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, plist('Markers', {'All', 'x'}))
+  close all
+  %% Test 'all' axes properties for fsdata
+  iplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'}))
+  iplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'Yscales', {'All', 'log'}))
+  iplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'Xscales', {'All', 'lin'}))
+  iplot(fsd1, fsd2, fsd3, fsd4, plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', {'All', [1e-6 100]}))
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