diff m-toolbox/test/test_pest_eval.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/test/test_pest_eval.m	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@
+% TEST_PEST_EVAL tests the eval method of the PEST class.
+% M Hueller 02-03-10
+% $Id: test_pest_eval.m,v 1.3 2010/03/19 11:13:17 mauro Exp $
+function results = test_pest_eval(varargin)
+  %% List of runs
+  if nargin == 1
+    list = varargin{1};
+    if isa(list, 'cell')
+      list = list{:};
+    end
+  else
+    list = [];
+  end
+  if isempty(list)
+    list = [10:17 20:27 30:37 40:47 60:67 80:87];
+  end
+  %% Prepare test data
+  nsecs = 100;
+  fs    = 10;
+  unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+  u1 = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+  u2 = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+  u3 = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+  u4 = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+  pl1 = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, ...
+    'tsfcn', 'polyval([10 1], t) + randn(size(t))', ...
+    'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u1);
+  pl2 = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, ...
+    'tsfcn', 'polyval([-5 0.2], t) + randn(size(t))', ...
+    'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u2);
+  t1 = [0:5:200]';
+  f1 = [1e-3:1e-3:0.1];
+  z1 = [1e-2:1e-2:1];
+  T1 = ao(t1, randn(size(t1)), plist('type', 'tsdata'));T1c = ao(t1);
+  F1 = ao(f1, randn(size(f1)), plist('type', 'fsdata'));F1c = ao(f1);
+  Z1 = ao(z1, randn(size(z1)), plist('type', 'xydata'));Z1c = ao(z1);
+  a1  = ao(pl1);
+  a2  = ao(pl2);
+  a2b = ao(pl2);
+  a3  = ao(plist('yvals', 2, 'yunits', u4))*a2 + ao(plist('yvals', -3, 'yunits', u4))*a2b;
+  % Prepare some pest objects: single x
+  p_1 = linfit(a1, plist());
+  p_2 = linfit(a1, a2, plist());
+  p_t = pest(plist('paramnames', {'a0','a1','a2'}, 'y', [1 2 3], ...
+    'cov', [0.1 0.001 -0.001;0.001 0.1 -0.002;-0.001 -0.002 0.1;], ...
+    'dy', sqrt([0.1 0.1 0.1]), ...
+    'yunits', {u3, u3/unit('s') u3/unit('s^2')}, ...
+    'models', smodel(plist('expression', 'a1.*t + a2.*t.^2 + a0', 'xvar', 't', 'yunits', u3, 'xunits', 'ms'))) ...
+    );
+  p_f = pest(plist('paramnames', {'a0','a1','a2'}, 'y', [1 2 3], ...
+    'cov', [0.1 0.001 -0.001;0.001 0.1 -0.002;-0.001 -0.002 0.1;], ...
+    'dy', sqrt([0.1 0.1 0.1]), ...
+    'yunits', {u3, u3/unit('Hz') u3/unit('Hz^2')}, ...
+    'models', smodel(plist('expression', 'a1.*f + a2.*f.^2 + a0', 'xvar', 'f', 'yunits', u3, 'xunits', 'kHz'))) ...
+    );
+  p_w = pest(plist('paramnames', {'a0','a1','a2'}, 'y', [1 2 3], ...
+    'cov', [0.1 0.001 -0.001;0.001 0.1 -0.002;-0.001 -0.002 0.1;], ...
+    'dy', sqrt([0.1 0.1 0.1]), ...
+    'yunits', {u3, u3/unit('Hz') u3/unit('Hz^2')}, ...
+    'models', smodel(plist('expression', 'a1.*w + a2.*w.^2 + a0', 'xvar', 'w', 'yunits', u3, 'xunits', 'MHz'))) ...
+    );
+  p_z = pest(plist('paramnames', {'a0','a1','a2'}, 'y', [1 2 3], ...
+    'cov', [0.1 0.001 -0.001;0.001 0.1 -0.002;-0.001 -0.002 0.1;], ...
+    'dy', sqrt([0.1 0.1 0.1]), ...
+    'yunits', {u3, u3/unit('') u3/unit('')}, ...
+    'models', smodel(plist('expression', 'a1.*z + a2.*z.^2 + a0', 'xvar', 'z', 'yunits', u3))) ...
+    );
+  % Prepare some pest objects: multiple x
+  p_3 = bilinfit(a2, a2b, a3);
+  p_tt = pest(plist('paramnames', {'a0','a1','a2'}, 'y', [1 2 3], ...
+    'cov', [0.1 0.001 -0.001;0.001 0.1 -0.002;-0.001 -0.002 0.1;], ...
+    'dy', sqrt([0.1 0.1 0.1]), ...
+    'yunits', {u3, u3/unit('s') u3/unit('s^2')}, ...
+    'models', smodel(plist('expression', 'a1.*t1 + a2.*t2.^2 + a0', 'xvar', {'t1', 't2'}, 'yunits', u3, 'xunits', {'ms', 'ms'}))) ...
+    );
+  p_ff = pest(plist('paramnames', {'a0','a1','a2'}, 'y', [1 2 3], ...
+    'cov', [0.1 0.001 -0.001;0.001 0.1 -0.002;-0.001 -0.002 0.1;], ...
+    'dy', sqrt([0.1 0.1 0.1]), ...
+    'yunits', {u3, u3/unit('Hz') u3/unit('Hz^2')}, ...
+    'models', smodel(plist('expression', 'a1.*f1 + a2.*f2.^2 + a0', 'xvar', {'f1', 'f2'}, 'yunits', u3, 'xunits', {'kHz', 'kHz'}))) ...
+    );
+  p_ww = pest(plist('paramnames', {'a0','a1','a2'}, 'y', [1 2 3], ...
+    'cov', [0.1 0.001 -0.001;0.001 0.1 -0.002;-0.001 -0.002 0.1;], ...
+    'dy', sqrt([0.1 0.1 0.1]), ...
+    'yunits', {u3, u3/unit('Hz') u3/unit('Hz^2')}, ...
+    'models', smodel(plist('expression', 'a1.*w1 + a2.*w2.^2 + a0', 'xvar', {'w1', 'w2'}, 'yunits', u3, 'xunits', {'MHz', 'MHz'}))) ...
+    );
+  p_zz = pest(plist('paramnames', {'a0','a1','a2'}, 'y', [1 2 3], ...
+    'cov', [0.1 0.001 -0.001;0.001 0.1 -0.002;-0.001 -0.002 0.1;], ...
+    'dy', sqrt([0.1 0.1 0.1]), ...
+    'yunits', {u3, u3/unit('') u3/unit('')}, ...
+    'models', smodel(plist('expression', 'a1.*z1 + a2.*z2.^2 + a0', 'xvar', {'z1', 'z2'}, 'yunits', u3))) ...
+    );
+  %% Run tests
+  results = [];
+  %% 10) Single Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = x
+  test = 10;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_1.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', t1, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', t1, 'xunits', a1.xunits, 'yunits', a1.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 11) Single Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = t
+  test = 11;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_t.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', t1, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'tsdata', 'x', t1, 'xunits', p_t.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 12) Single Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = f
+  test = 12;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_f.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', f1, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', f1, 'xunits', p_f.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 13) Single Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = w
+  test = 13;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_w.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', f1, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', f1, 'xunits', p_w.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 14) Single Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 14;  
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata';
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', t1, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', t1, 'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 15) Single Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = z, specify data type
+  test = 15;   
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'fsdata'; 
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', z1, ...
+      'type', type ...
+       ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', z1, 'xunits', 'Hz', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 16) Single Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = z, specify data type
+  test = 16;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', z1, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', z1, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 17) Single Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = z, do not specify data type
+  test = 17;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', z1));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', z1, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 20) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = x
+  test = 20;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_1.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', T1, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', a1.xunits, 'yunits', a1.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_1.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', T1c, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', T1c.y, 'xunits', a1.xunits, 'yunits', a1.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 21) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = t
+  test = 21;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_t.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', T1, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'tsdata', 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', p_t.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_t.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', T1c, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'tsdata', 'x', T1c.y, 'xunits', p_t.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 22) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = f
+  test = 22;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_f.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', F1, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', p_f.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_f.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', F1c, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', F1c.y, 'xunits', p_f.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 23) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = w
+  test = 23;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_w.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', F1, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', p_w.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_w.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', F1c, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', F1c.y, 'xunits', p_w.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 24) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 24;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata';
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', T1, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', T1c, ...
+      'type', type));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', T1c.y, 'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 25) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 25;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'fsdata';
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', Z1, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', 'Hz', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', Z1c, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', Z1c.y, 'xunits', 'Hz', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 26) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type
+  test = 26;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', Z1, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', Z1c, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', Z1c.y, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 27) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, do not specify data type
+  test = 27;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', Z1));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_z.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', Z1c));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', Z1c.y, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 30) Multiple Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = x
+  test = 30;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_3.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {t1, t1}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', t1, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', a3.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 31) Multiple Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = t, specify data type
+  test = 31;  
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata';
+    o = p_tt.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {t1 t1}, ...
+      'type',  type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', t1, 'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 32) Multiple Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = f, don't specify data type
+  test = 32;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_ff.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {f1 f1}, ...
+      'type', '' ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', f1, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 33) Multiple Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = w, specify data type
+  test = 33;  
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_ww.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {f1 f1}, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', f1, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 34) Multiple Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 34;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {t1 t1}, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', t1, 'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 35) Multiple Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 35;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'fsdata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {z1 z1}, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', z1, 'xunits', 'Hz', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 36) Multiple Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = z, specify data type
+  test = 36;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {z1 z1}, ...
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', z1, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 37) Multiple Xdata in plist, double, Xvar = z, do not specify data type
+  test = 37;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {z1 z1}));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', z1, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 40) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = x
+  test = 40;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_3.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {T1, T1}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', a3.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_3.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {T1c, T1c}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(... % No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(T1c.data), 'yunits', a3.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 41) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = t, specify data type
+  test = 41;  
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata'; 
+    o = p_tt.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {T1 T1}, ...
+      'type',  type ... % This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_tt.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {T1c, T1c}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(T1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 42) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = f, don't specify data type
+  test = 42;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_ff.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {F1 F1}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(F1.data), 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', F1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_ff.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {F1c, F1c}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(F1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 43) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = w, specify data type
+  test = 43;  
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_ww.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {F1 F1}, ...
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(F1.data), 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', F1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_ff.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {F1c, F1c}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(F1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 44) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 44;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {T1 T1}, ...
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_ff.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {T1c, T1c}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(T1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 45) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 45;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'fsdata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {Z1 Z1}, ...
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(Z1.data), 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_ff.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {Z1c, Z1c}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(Z1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 46) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type
+  test = 46;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {Z1 Z1}, ...
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(Z1.data), 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_ff.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {Z1c, Z1c}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(Z1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 47) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, do not specify data type
+  test = 47;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {Z1 Z1}));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_zz.eval(plist(...
+      'Xdata', {Z1c, Z1c}, ...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(Z1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 50) Single Xdata in input, double, Xvar = x
+  test = 50;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    disp('Syntax not supported')
+  end
+  %% 60) Single Xdata in input, ao, Xvar = x
+  test = 60;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_1.eval(T1, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', a1.xunits, 'yunits', a1.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_1.eval(T1c, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', T1c.y, 'xunits', a1.xunits, 'yunits', a1.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 61) Single Xdata in input, ao, Xvar = t
+  test = 61;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_t.eval(T1, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'tsdata', 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', p_t.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_t.eval(T1c, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'tsdata', 'x', T1c.y, 'xunits', p_t.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 62) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = f
+  test = 62;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_f.eval(F1, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', p_f.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_f.eval(F1c, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', F1c.y, 'xunits', p_f.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 63) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = w
+  test = 63;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_w.eval(F1, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', p_w.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_w.eval(F1c, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'fsdata', 'x', F1c.y, 'xunits', p_w.models.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 64) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 64;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata';
+    o = p_z.eval(T1, plist(...      
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_z.eval(T1c, plist(...      
+      'type', type));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', T1c.y, 'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 65) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 65;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'fsdata';
+    o = p_z.eval(Z1, plist(...      
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', 'Hz', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_z.eval(Z1c, plist(...      
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', Z1c.y, 'xunits', 'Hz', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 66) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type
+  test = 66;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_z.eval(Z1, plist(...      
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_z.eval(Z1c, plist(...      
+      'type', type ...
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', type, 'x', Z1c.y, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 67) Single Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, do not specify data type
+  test = 67;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_z.eval(Z1, plist());
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_z.eval(Z1c, plist());      
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', Z1c.y, 'xunits', '', 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 70) Multiple Xdata in input, double
+  test = 70;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    disp('Syntax not supported')
+  end
+  %% 80) Multiple Xdata in input, ao, Xvar = x
+  test = 80;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_3.eval(T1, T1, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', a3.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_3.eval([T1 T1], plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', a3.yunits, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 81) Multiple Xdata in input, ao, Xvar = t, specify data type
+  test = 81;  
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata'; 
+    o = p_tt.eval(T1, T1, plist(...      
+      'type',  type ... % This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_tt.eval([T1 T1], plist(...      
+      'type',  type ... % This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 82) Multiple Xdata in input, ao, Xvar = f, don't specify data type
+  test = 82;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_ff.eval(F1, F1, plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(F1.data), 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', F1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_ff.eval([F1 F1], plist(...      
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(F1.data), 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', F1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 83) Multiple Xdata in input, ao, Xvar = w, specify data type
+  test = 83;  
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_ww.eval(F1, F1, plist(...      
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(F1.data), 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', F1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_ww.eval([F1 F1], plist(...      
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(F1.data), 'x', F1.x, 'xunits', F1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 84) Multiple Xdata in input, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 84;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'tsdata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(T1, T1, plist(...      
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_zz.eval([T1 T1], plist(...      
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(T1.data), 'x', T1.x, 'xunits', T1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 85) Multiple Xdata in input, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type  
+  test = 85;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'fsdata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(Z1, Z1, plist(...      
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(Z1.data), 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_zz.eval([Z1 Z1], plist(...      
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(Z1.data), 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 86) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, specify data type
+  test = 86;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    type = 'xydata';
+    o = p_zz.eval(Z1, Z1, plist(...      
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(Z1.data), 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_zz.eval([Z1 Z1], plist(...      
+      'type', type ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', class(Z1.data), 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 87) Multiple Xdata in plist, ao, Xvar = z, do not specify data type
+  test = 87;
+  if any(ismember(list, test))
+    o = p_zz.eval(Z1, Z1, plist());
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_zz.eval([Z1 Z1], plist());
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...
+      'type', 'xydata', 'x', Z1.x, 'xunits', Z1.xunits, 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_zz.eval(Z1c, Z1c, plist(...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(Z1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+    o = p_zz.eval([Z1c Z1c], plist(...
+      'type', '' ... %% This should be ignored
+      ));
+    results = [results; test check_correctness(o, plist(...% No need to pass x & xunits in this case
+      'type', class(Z1c.data), 'yunits', u3, 'dy', true))];
+  end
+  %% 90) Cases where we eval the x(s) in the models field (no input x)
+  %% 100) An smodel with no xvar (should give cdata output)
+  %% 110) Cases where we don't calculate dy
+function atest = check_correctness(o, pl)
+  % Exceptions plist for ao/eq
+  ple = plist('Exceptions', ...
+    {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'methodInvars', 'version'});
+  % Start testing
+  atest = true;
+  % Check the output is of the proper type
+  if ~isa (o.data, pl.find('type'))
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Check the output x is the one provided (modulo the size, which is a problem of the "x" method)
+  if ~isa(o.data, 'cdata')
+    if ~isequal(size(o.x), size(pl.find('x')))
+      if ~isequal(size(o.x'), size(pl.find('x')))
+        atest = 0;
+      else
+        if ~isequal(o.x', pl.find('x'))
+          atest = 0;
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(o.x, pl.find('x'))
+        atest = 0;
+      end
+    end
+    % Check xunits
+    if ~eq(o.xunits, unit(pl.find('xunits')))
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  % Check yunits
+  if ~eq(o.yunits, unit(pl.find('yunits')))
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Check uncertainty
+  if isempty(o.dy)
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Check rebuild
+  if ~eq(o.rebuild, o, ple)
+    atest = false;
+  end