diff m-toolbox/user_libraries/mrh/ltpda_library_mrh.mdl @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <nicolodi@science.unitn.it>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m-toolbox/user_libraries/mrh/ltpda_library_mrh.mdl	Wed Nov 23 19:22:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,19510 @@
+Library {
+  Name			  "ltpda_library_mrh"
+  Version		  7.0
+  MdlSubVersion		  0
+  SavedCharacterEncoding  "windows-1252"
+  LibraryType		  "BlockLibrary"
+  SaveDefaultBlockParams  on
+  SampleTimeColors	  off
+  LibraryLinkDisplay	  "none"
+  WideLines		  off
+  ShowLineDimensions	  off
+  ShowPortDataTypes	  off
+  ShowLoopsOnError	  on
+  IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
+  ShowStorageClass	  off
+  ShowTestPointIcons	  on
+  ShowViewerIcons	  on
+  SortedOrder		  off
+  ExecutionContextIcon	  off
+  ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
+  ScopeRefreshTime	  0.035000
+  OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
+  DisableAllScopes	  off
+  BlockNameDataTip	  off
+  BlockParametersDataTip  off
+  BlockDescriptionStringDataTip	off
+  ToolBar		  on
+  StatusBar		  on
+  BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
+  BrowserLookUnderMasks	  off
+  Created		  "Thu Feb 14 14:06:07 2008"
+  Creator		  "Martin Hewitson"
+  UpdateHistory		  "UpdateHistoryNever"
+  ModifiedByFormat	  "%<Auto>"
+  LastModifiedBy	  "Martin Hewitson"
+  ModifiedDateFormat	  "%<Auto>"
+  LastModifiedDate	  "Tue Feb 19 14:31:59 2008"
+  RTWModifiedTimeStamp	  0
+  ModelVersionFormat	  "1.%<AutoIncrement:78>"
+  ConfigurationManager	  "None"
+  SimulationMode	  "normal"
+  LinearizationMsg	  "none"
+  Profile		  off
+  ParamWorkspaceSource	  "MATLABWorkspace"
+  CovSaveName		  "covdata"
+  CovMetricSettings	  "dw"
+  CovNameIncrementing	  off
+  CovHtmlReporting	  on
+  covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on
+  CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
+  CovCumulativeReport	  off
+  CovReportOnPause	  on
+  ExtModeBatchMode	  off
+  ExtModeEnableFloating	  on
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+  ExtModeTrigMode	  "normal"
+  ExtModeTrigPort	  "1"
+  ExtModeTrigElement	  "any"
+  ExtModeTrigDuration	  1000
+  ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"
+  ExtModeTrigHoldOff	  0
+  ExtModeTrigDelay	  0
+  ExtModeTrigDirection	  "rising"
+  ExtModeTrigLevel	  0
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+  ExtModeAutoIncOneShot	  off
+  ExtModeIncDirWhenArm	  off
+  ExtModeAddSuffixToVar	  off
+  ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
+  ExtModeArmWhenConnect	  on
+  ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
+  ExtModeLogAll		  on
+  ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
+  ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
+  ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
+  BlockDefaults {
+    Orientation		    "right"
+    ForegroundColor	    "black"
+    BackgroundColor	    "white"
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+    NamePlacement	    "normal"
+    FontName		    "Arial"
+    FontSize		    10
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+    FontAngle		    "normal"
+    ShowName		    on
+  }
+  BlockParameterDefaults {
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Inport
+      Port		      "1"
+      UseBusObject	      off
+      BusObject		      "BusObject"
+      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+      PortDimensions	      "-1"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      DataType		      "auto"
+      OutDataType	      "fixdt(1,16,0)"
+      OutScaling	      "[]"
+      SignalType	      "auto"
+      SamplingMode	      "auto"
+      LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
+      LatchByCopyingInsideSignal off
+      Interpolate	      on
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      "M-S-Function"
+      FunctionName	      "mlfile"
+      DisplayMFileStacktrace  on
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Mux
+      Inputs		      "4"
+      DisplayOption	      "none"
+      UseBusObject	      off
+      BusObject		      "BusObject"
+      NonVirtualBus	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Outport
+      Port		      "1"
+      UseBusObject	      off
+      BusObject		      "BusObject"
+      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+      PortDimensions	      "-1"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      DataType		      "auto"
+      OutDataType	      "fixdt(1,16,0)"
+      OutScaling	      "[]"
+      SignalType	      "auto"
+      SamplingMode	      "auto"
+      OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
+      InitialOutput	      "[]"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Reference
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      ShowPortLabels	      "FromPortIcon"
+      Permissions	      "ReadWrite"
+      PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
+      TreatAsAtomicUnit	      off
+      SystemSampleTime	      "-1"
+      RTWFcnNameOpts	      "Auto"
+      RTWFileNameOpts	      "Auto"
+      RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+      SimViewingDevice	      off
+      DataTypeOverride	      "UseLocalSettings"
+      MinMaxOverflowLogging   "UseLocalSettings"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Constant
+      Value		      "1"
+      VectorParams1D	      on
+      SamplingMode	      "Sample based"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeMode	      "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
+      OutDataType	      "fixdt(1,16,0)"
+      ConRadixGroup	      "Use specified scaling"
+      OutScaling	      "[]"
+      SampleTime	      "inf"
+      FramePeriod	      "inf"
+    }
+  }
+  AnnotationDefaults {
+    HorizontalAlignment	    "center"
+    VerticalAlignment	    "middle"
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+  }
+  LineDefaults {
+    FontName		    "Arial"
+    FontSize		    9
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+    FontAngle		    "normal"
+  }
+  System {
+    Name		    "ltpda_library_mrh"
+    Location		    [1218, 758, 1754, 1042]
+    Open		    on
+    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+    ScreenColor		    "white"
+    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
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+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      Name		      "MDC1"
+      Ports		      []
+      Position		      [80, 140, 169, 217]
+      ForegroundColor	      "blue"
+      BackgroundColor	      "yellow"
+      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+      System {
+	Name			"MDC1"
+	Location		[1226, 251, 1752, 622]
+	Open			off
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+	ModelBrowserWidth	200
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+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Controllers"
+	  Ports			  []
+	  Position		  [75, 235, 115, 295]
+	  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Controllers"
+	    Location		    [1221, 431, 1696, 839]
+	    Open		    off
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "DF  dynamics"
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+	      Position		      [80, 225, 125, 275]
+	      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+	      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+	      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	      MaskDescription	      "A model for the response of the drag-free loop dynamics."
+	      MaskHelp		      "A model for the response of the drag-free loop dynamics.\n\nThis just computes (s^2 - w_1^2).\n\nInput a vector of frequencies and outputs an AO."
+	      MaskDisplay	      "disp('Sw1')"
+	      MaskIconFrame	      on
+	      MaskIconOpaque	      on
+	      MaskIconRotate	      "none"
+	      MaskIconUnits	      "autoscale"
+	      System {
+		Name			"DF  dynamics"
+		Location		[633, 211, 1717, 692]
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+		  BackgroundColor	  "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		  OutDataType		  "sfix(16)"
+		  OutScaling		  "2^0"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Mux
+		  Name			  "Mux"
+		  Tag			  "mux"
+		  Ports			  [2, 1]
+		  Position		  [655, 160, 660, 235]
+		  BackgroundColor	  "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]"
+		  Inputs		  "2"
+		  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "ao1"
+		  Tag			  "method ao"
+		  Description		  "params=plist('VALS', -1);paramEnabled=[1];paramSets=plist('SETS', { 'From XML file', 'From ASCII file', 'Function', 'Values', 'Time-series Function', 'Frequency-series Function', 'From Window', 'Waveform', 'From Repository', 'From Plist' }, 'CURRSET', 4);"
+		  Ports			  [0, 1]
+		  Position		  [255, 210, 315, 270]
+		  BackgroundColor	  "red"
+		  AttributesFormatString  "VALS -1"
+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Constructor/ao"
+		  OpenFcn		  "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+		  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  AO analysis object class constructor.\n \n "
+		  MaskDisplay		  "disp('ao')"
+		  MaskIconFrame		  on
+		  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+		  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+		  MaskIconUnits		  "pixels"
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "ao1"
+		    Location		    [164, 470, 515, 644]
+		    Open		    off
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+		    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+		    ScreenColor		    "white"
+		    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+		    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Constant
+		    Name		    "Constant"
+		    Position		    [55, 55, 85, 85]
+		    OutDataType		    "sfix(16)"
+		    OutScaling		    "2^0"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    "M-S-Function"
+		    Name		    "ao"
+		    Tag			    "ao"
+		    Ports		    [1, 1]
+		    Position		    [130, 54, 230, 86]
+		    BackgroundColor	    "red"
+		    FunctionName	    "ltpdasim"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "Out1"
+		    Position		    [255, 63, 285, 77]
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    OutDataType		    "sfix(16)"
+		    OutScaling		    "2^0"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    SrcBlock		    "ao"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "Out1"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    SrcBlock		    "Constant"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "ao"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "ao2"
+		  Tag			  "method ao"
+		  Description		  "params=plist('VALS', 6.2831853071795862);paramEnabled=[1];paramSets=plist('SETS', { 'From XML file', 'From ASCII file', 'Function', 'Values', 'Time-series Function', 'Frequency-series Function', 'From Window', 'Waveform', 'From Repository', 'From Plist' }, 'CURRSET', 4);"
+		  Ports			  [0, 1]
+		  Position		  [50, 215, 110, 275]
+		  BackgroundColor	  "red"
+		  AttributesFormatString  "VALS 6.2832"
+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Constructor/ao"
+		  OpenFcn		  "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+		  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  AO analysis object class constructor.\n \n "
+		  MaskDisplay		  "disp('ao')"
+		  MaskIconFrame		  on
+		  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+		  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+		  MaskIconUnits		  "pixels"
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "ao2"
+		    Location		    [164, 470, 515, 644]
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+		    BlockType		    Constant
+		    Name		    "Constant"
+		    Position		    [55, 55, 85, 85]
+		    OutDataType		    "sfix(16)"
+		    OutScaling		    "2^0"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    "M-S-Function"
+		    Name		    "ao"
+		    Tag			    "ao"
+		    Ports		    [1, 1]
+		    Position		    [130, 54, 230, 86]
+		    BackgroundColor	    "red"
+		    FunctionName	    "ltpdasim"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "Out1"
+		    Position		    [255, 63, 285, 77]
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    OutDataType		    "sfix(16)"
+		    OutScaling		    "2^0"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    SrcBlock		    "ao"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "Out1"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    SrcBlock		    "Constant"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "ao"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "cat"
+		  Tag			  "method zero"
+		  Description		  "params=plist();noParamsReq=1;"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [685, 170, 745, 230]
+		  BackgroundColor	  "red"
+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library/Methods/zero/Helper/cat"
+		  OpenFcn		  "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+		  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  CAT concatonate zeros into a vector.\n \n "
+		  MaskDisplay		  "disp('cat')"
+		  MaskIconFrame		  on
+		  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+		  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+		  MaskIconUnits		  "pixels"
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+		    Name		    "cat"
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+		    BlockType		    Inport
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+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    OutDataType		    "sfix(16)"
+		    OutScaling		    "2^0"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    "M-S-Function"
+		    Name		    "cat"
+		    Tag			    "cat"
+		    Ports		    [1, 1]
+		    Position		    [130, 54, 230, 86]
+		    BackgroundColor	    "red"
+		    FunctionName	    "ltpdasim"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "Out1"
+		    Position		    [260, 63, 290, 77]
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
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+		    OutScaling		    "2^0"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    SrcBlock		    "cat"
+		    SrcPort		    1
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+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    SrcBlock		    "In1"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "cat"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "get y1"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [420, 134, 475, 186]
+		  BackgroundColor	  "magenta"
+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library_mrh/helper/get y"
+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+		  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "get y1"
+		    Location		    [603, 157, 903, 295]
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+		    BlockType		    Inport
+		    Name		    "ao"
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+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    SubSystem
+		    Name		    "get"
+		    Tag			    "method ao"
+		    Description		    "params=plist('PROPERTY', 'data');paramEnabled=[1];"
+		    Ports		    [1, 1]
+		    Position		    [80, 25, 140, 85]
+		    BackgroundColor	    "red"
+		    AttributesFormatString  "PROPERTY data"
+		    AncestorBlock	    "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Helper/get"
+		    OpenFcn		    "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		    MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+		    RTWSystemCode	    "Auto"
+		    FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		    MaskDescription	    "  GET get ao properties.\n \n "
+		    MaskDisplay		    "disp('get')"
+		    MaskIconFrame	    on
+		    MaskIconOpaque	    on
+		    MaskIconRotate	    "none"
+		    MaskIconUnits	    "pixels"
+		    System {
+		    Name		    "get"
+		    Location		    [546, 498, 897, 672]
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+		    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
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+		    BlockType		    Inport
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+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    OutDataType		    "sfix(16)"
+		    OutScaling		    "2^0"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    "M-S-Function"
+		    Name		    "get"
+		    Tag			    "get"
+		    Ports		    [1, 1]
+		    Position		    [130, 54, 230, 86]
+		    BackgroundColor	    "red"
+		    FunctionName	    "ltpdasim"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "Out1"
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+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
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+		    OutScaling		    "2^0"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    SrcBlock		    "get"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "Out1"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    SrcBlock		    "In1"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "get"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		    }
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    SubSystem
+		    Name		    "get1"
+		    Tag			    "method ao"
+		    Description		    "params=plist('PROPERTY', 'y');paramEnabled=[1];"
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    SubSystem
+		    Name		    "set"
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+		    Description		    "params=plist('NAME', '\\omega_1', 'HIST', [history('None', '$Id: history.m,v 1.19 2008/02/13 10:13:53 ingo Exp $', plist(), []) ], 'DESCRIPTION', '', 'MFILE', { '' }, 'MFILENAME', '', 'MDLFILE', '', 'MDLFILENAME', '', 'PLIST', '', 'VERSION', '', 'CREATED', [ time(plist('TIMEFORMAT', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'TIMEZONE', 'UTC', 'UTC_EPOCH_MILLI', 1203091305861))], 'FS', [], 'T0', [ time(plist('TIMEFORMAT', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'TIMEZONE', 'UTC', 'UTC_EPOCH_MILLI', 1203091305861))], 'XUNITS', '', 'YUNITS', '');paramEnabled=[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];"
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+		    DstPort		    1
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+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
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+	      MaskDescription	      "A model for the closed-loop response of the Drag-free loop."
+	      MaskHelp		      "A model for the closed-loop response of the Drag-free loop.\n\nInput a vector of frequencies.\nOutputs an AO."
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+		    BlockType		    Reference
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+		    SourceType		    "Unknown"
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+		    SystemSampleTime	    "-1"
+		    FunctionWithSeparateData "off"
+		    RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
+		    RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
+		    RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
+		    RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
+		    RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
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+		    }
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+		    BlockType		    Outport
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+		    FunctionWithSeparateData off
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+		    FunctionWithSeparateData off
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+		    DstPort		    1
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+		  Description		  "params=plist('FSFCN', '-1.61./(1-exp(-0.30943).*(1./exp(1i*2*pi*f*0.1)))', 'F1', 1.0000000000000001e-009, 'F2', 100, 'NF', 1000, 'SCALE', 'log', 'F', '-->');paramEnabled=[1,0,0,0,0,1];paramSets=plist('SETS', { 'From XML file', 'From ASCII file', 'Function', 'Values', 'Time-series Function', 'Frequency-series Function', 'From Window', 'Waveform', 'From Repository', 'From Plist' }, 'CURRSET', 6);"
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+		  Position		  [170, 25, 230, 85]
+		  BackgroundColor	  "red"
+		  AttributesFormatString  "FSFCN ....*(1./exp(1i*2*pi*f*0.1)))\\nF-->"
+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Constructor/ao"
+		  OpenFcn		  "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+		  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  AO analysis object class constructor.\n \n "
+		  MaskDisplay		  "disp('ao')"
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+		    BlockType		    Mux
+		    Name		    "Mux"
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+		    Position		    [70, 19, 75, 161]
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+		    BlockType		    "M-S-Function"
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+		    Position		    [130, 54, 230, 86]
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+		    DstPort		    1
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+		}
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+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+		  Position		  [170, 130, 230, 190]
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+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Constructor/ao"
+		  OpenFcn		  "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+		  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  AO analysis object class constructor.\n \n "
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+		    BlockType		    Mux
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+		    BlockType		    "M-S-Function"
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+		    Position		    [130, 54, 230, 86]
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+		    DstPort		    1
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+		}
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+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Constructor/ao"
+		  OpenFcn		  "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
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+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
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+		    BlockType		    Mux
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+		    Position		    [70, 19, 75, 161]
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+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+		  Description		  "params=plist('FSFCN', '-complex(6.4699,70.435)./(1-exp(complex(-5.5289e-5,-4.8946e-6)).*(1./exp(1i*2*pi*f*0.1)))', 'F1', 1.0000000000000001e-009, 'F2', 100, 'NF', 1000, 'SCALE', 'log', 'F', '-->');paramEnabled=[1,0,0,0,0,1];paramSets=plist('SETS', { 'From XML file', 'From ASCII file', 'Function', 'Values', 'Time-series Function', 'Frequency-series Function', 'From Window', 'Waveform', 'From Repository', 'From Plist' }, 'CURRSET', 6);"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
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+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Constructor/ao"
+		  OpenFcn		  "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+		  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
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+		    BlockType		    Mux
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+		  OpenFcn		  "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
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+		    BlockType		    Mux
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+	      MaskDescription	      "A model for the response of the suspension loop dynamics."
+	      MaskHelp		      "A model for the response of the suspension loop dynamics.\n\nThis just computes (s^2 - w_3^2).\n\nInput a vector of frequencies and outputs an AO."
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "A constant AO that has the value of omega_3 for MDC1."
+		  MaskHelp		  "A constant AO that has the value of omega_3 for MDC1.\n\nNote: this is not omega_3^2\n\nThis is equivalent to the variable omega_2 in Stefano's technical note."
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+		    FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		    MaskDescription	    "  AO analysis object class constructor.\n \n "
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    SubSystem
+		    Name		    "set"
+		    Tag			    "method ao"
+		    Description		    "params=plist('NAME', '\\omega_3', 'HIST', [history('None', '$Id: history.m,v 1.19 2008/02/13 10:13:53 ingo Exp $', plist(), []) ], 'DESCRIPTION', '', 'MFILE', { '' }, 'MFILENAME', '', 'MDLFILE', '', 'MDLFILENAME', '', 'PLIST', '', 'VERSION', '', 'CREATED', [ time(plist('TIMEFORMAT', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'TIMEZONE', 'UTC', 'UTC_EPOCH_MILLI', 1203091305861))], 'FS', [], 'T0', [ time(plist('TIMEFORMAT', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'TIMEZONE', 'UTC', 'UTC_EPOCH_MILLI', 1203091305861))], 'XUNITS', '', 'YUNITS', '');paramEnabled=[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];"
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+		    Position		    [135, 25, 195, 85]
+		    BackgroundColor	    "red"
+		    AttributesFormatString  "\\omega_3"
+		    AncestorBlock	    "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Helper/set"
+		    OpenFcn		    "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+		    MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+		    RTWSystemCode	    "Auto"
+		    FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		    MaskDescription	    "  SET set an analysis object property.\n \n "
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+		  Description		  "params=plist('GAIN', '-->', 'POLES', { 1 }, 'ZEROS', { '-->' }, 'NAME', 'Sus_dynamics');paramEnabled=[1,0,1,1];paramSets=plist('SETS', { 'From Poles/Zeros', 'From LISO file', 'From Repository' }, 'CURRSET', 1);"
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+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  PZMODEL constructor for pzmodel class.\n \n "
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "resp"
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+		  Description		  "params=plist('¶F', '-->', '¶NAME', '[Sw3]');paramEnabled=[1,1];noParamsReq=1;"
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+		  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+		  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  RESP returns the complex response of a pzmodel as an Analysis Object.\n \n "
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+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  RESP returns the complex response of a pzmodel as an Analysis Object.\n \n "
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+		    BlockType		    "M-S-Function"
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+		    DstPort		    1
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+	      MaskHelp		      "A model of the suspension controller response.\n\nThis reads from an external LISO file."
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+		  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+		  MaskDescription	  "  RESP returns the complex response of a pzmodel as an Analysis Object.\n \n "
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+	      MaskDescription	      "A model of the sensing noise at the output of the two IFO channels."
+	      MaskHelp		      "A model of the sensing noise at the output of the two IFO channels.\n\nInput is a vector of frequencies.\nOutput is an AO."
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+	      MaskHelp		      "A model for the force noise on the space craft. \n\nInput is a vector of frequencies. \nOutput is an AO."
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+		  AncestorBlock		  "ltpda_library_mrh/MDC1/Noise models/Space-craft Force noise/poles/unity"
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+	  MaskHelp		  "A constant AO that has the value of omega_3 for MDC1.\n\nNote: this is not omega_3^2\n\nThis is equivalent to the variable omega_2 in Stefano's technical note."
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+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  MaskDescription	  "LTPDA_LCPSD makes cross spectral density estimates \nof the time-series objects in the input analysis objects \non a log frequency axis."
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      "M-S-Function"
+	      Name		      "ltpda_lcpsd"
+	      Tag		      "ltpda_lcpsd"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [80, 29, 135, 61]
+	      BackgroundColor	      "red"
+	      FunctionName	      "ltpdasim"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
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+	      SrcBlock		      "In1"
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+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "lpsd"
+	  Tag			  "function"
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+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  MaskDescription	  "LTPDA_LPSD makes power spectral density estimates \nof the time-series objects in the input analysis objects \non a log frequency axis."
+	  MaskDisplay		  "disp('LPSD')"
+	  MaskIconFrame		  on
+	  MaskIconOpaque	  on
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+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      "M-S-Function"
+	      Name		      "ltpda_lpsd"
+	      Tag		      "ltpda_lpsd"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [80, 29, 135, 61]
+	      BackgroundColor	      "red"
+	      FunctionName	      "ltpdasim"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Out1"
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+	      SrcBlock		      "In1"
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Annotation {
+	  Name			  "Other Signal Processing blocks which are (maybe) not\nin the main library."
+	  Position		  [190, 29]
+	  DropShadow		  on
+	  FontSize		  14
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      Name		      "helper"
+      Ports		      []
+      Position		      [160, 35, 215, 87]
+      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+      System {
+	Name			"helper"
+	Location		[1007, 493, 1541, 882]
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+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "get x"
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+	  Position		  [190, 99, 245, 151]
+	  BackgroundColor	  "magenta"
+	  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  MaskDescription	  "Extract the X vector from an AO."
+	  MaskHelp		  "Extract the X vector from an AO."
+	  MaskDisplay		  "disp('getX')"
+	  MaskIconFrame		  on
+	  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+	  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
+	  MaskIconUnits		  "autoscale"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "get x"
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "ao"
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "get"
+	      Tag		      "method ao"
+	      Description	      "params=plist('PROPERTY', 'data');paramEnabled=[1];"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [80, 25, 140, 85]
+	      BackgroundColor	      "red"
+	      AttributesFormatString  "PROPERTY data"
+	      AncestorBlock	      "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Helper/get"
+	      OpenFcn		      "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+	      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+	      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+	      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	      MaskDescription	      "  GET get ao properties.\n \n "
+	      MaskDisplay	      "disp('get')"
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+	      MaskIconOpaque	      on
+	      MaskIconRotate	      "none"
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+		Name			"get"
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+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  "M-S-Function"
+		  Name			  "get"
+		  Tag			  "get"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [130, 54, 230, 86]
+		  BackgroundColor	  "red"
+		  FunctionName		  "ltpdasim"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "Out1"
+		  Position		  [260, 63, 290, 77]
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+		}
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+		  SrcBlock		  "In1"
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+		  DstPort		  1
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+		  SrcBlock		  "get"
+		  SrcPort		  1
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+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "get1"
+	      Tag		      "method ao"
+	      Description	      "params=plist('PROPERTY', 'x');paramEnabled=[1];"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [160, 25, 220, 85]
+	      BackgroundColor	      "red"
+	      AttributesFormatString  "PROPERTY x"
+	      AncestorBlock	      "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Helper/get"
+	      OpenFcn		      "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+	      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+	      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+	      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	      MaskDescription	      "  GET get ao properties.\n \n "
+	      MaskDisplay	      "disp('get')"
+	      MaskIconFrame	      on
+	      MaskIconOpaque	      on
+	      MaskIconRotate	      "none"
+	      MaskIconUnits	      "pixels"
+	      System {
+		Name			"get1"
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+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  "M-S-Function"
+		  Name			  "get"
+		  Tag			  "get"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [130, 54, 230, 86]
+		  BackgroundColor	  "red"
+		  FunctionName		  "ltpdasim"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "Out1"
+		  Position		  [260, 63, 290, 77]
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+		}
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+		  DstPort		  1
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+		  SrcPort		  1
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+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "x"
+	      Position		      [245, 48, 275, 62]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      SrcBlock		      "get1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      SrcBlock		      "ao"
+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
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+	      SrcBlock		      "get"
+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "get y"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [75, 94, 130, 146]
+	  BackgroundColor	  "magenta"
+	  MinAlgLoopOccurrences	  off
+	  RTWSystemCode		  "Auto"
+	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	  MaskDescription	  "Extract the Y vector from an AO."
+	  MaskHelp		  "Extract the Y vector from an AO."
+	  MaskDisplay		  "disp('getY')"
+	  MaskIconFrame		  on
+	  MaskIconOpaque	  on
+	  MaskIconRotate	  "none"
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+	  System {
+	    Name		    "get y"
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "get"
+	      Tag		      "method ao"
+	      Description	      "params=plist('PROPERTY', 'data');paramEnabled=[1];"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [80, 25, 140, 85]
+	      BackgroundColor	      "red"
+	      AttributesFormatString  "PROPERTY data"
+	      AncestorBlock	      "ltpda_library/Methods/ao/Helper/get"
+	      OpenFcn		      "figure(findobj('Tag','LTPDAGUI'))"
+	      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+	      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+	      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	      MaskDescription	      "  GET get ao properties.\n \n "
+	      MaskDisplay	      "disp('get')"
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+	      MaskIconOpaque	      on
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+		Name			"get"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  "M-S-Function"
+		  Name			  "get"
+		  Tag			  "get"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [130, 54, 230, 86]
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+		  FunctionName		  "ltpdasim"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
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+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "get1"
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+	      Description	      "params=plist('PROPERTY', 'y');paramEnabled=[1];"
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+	      Position		      [160, 25, 220, 85]
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+	      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+	      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+	      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+	      MaskDescription	      "  GET get ao properties.\n \n "
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+		Name			"get1"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  "M-S-Function"
+		  Name			  "get"
+		  Tag			  "get"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [130, 54, 230, 86]
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+		  FunctionName		  "ltpdasim"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "Out1"
+		  Position		  [260, 63, 290, 77]
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+		  DstPort		  1
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+		  DstPort		  1
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "y"
+	      Position		      [245, 48, 275, 62]
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      DstPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
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+	  }
+	}
+	Annotation {
+	  Name			  "More useful high-level helper blocks"
+	  Position		  [224, 21]
+	  DropShadow		  on
+	  FontSize		  14
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      Name		      "operators"
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+	  MaskHelp		  "Square the input AO."
+	  MaskDisplay		  "disp('x^2')"
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+	    Block {
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